
A New Deposit of Gems

Upgradable said:
Pink Tower said:
tourmaline_lover said:
Although it's difficult to tell from a photo, the cabochon gem at the top does look classic Brazilian to me, in color and clarity. It's definitely not top gem, or world class, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a pretty stone. Brazilian emeralds are not in the same league as Columbian.
I am missing something. You posted the lab report showing origin. Now, the origin has changed?
And Pink, it was TL who was comparing the quality of brazilian to colombian emeralds. The OP suggests his/her rough came from east Africa, not South America.

Yes, on the AGL report, if I remember correctly, they stated the origin was Brazil.
dmgulaid said:

I thought you guys would be of assistance, I'm clearly wrong. Thank you for your time and postings

I wish I had some info to give you!! I'm a collector, not a tradesperson. I followed your story from the beginning. I think the best advice you were given was to look for some trade forums instead of a consumer forum.

If you decide to look elsewhere for help, please come back and update us on your progress. I, for one, am very interested on how this evolves for you!! :mrgreen:
dmgulaid said:

I thought you guys would be of assistance, I'm clearly wrong. Thank you for your time and postings

You are telling a fantastic story, which, unfortunately, is very close to what is said in many of the scams. You have shown no evidence of it (and, honestly, it wouldn't hel you much to show us, either). It is natural that we become suspicious. You will get this reaction from pretty much anyone you tell this story to. If your story is real, you should get used to it and develop a strategy for dealing with it. If you are curious, you might find the history of the Batalha mine interesting.

Whether you are for real or not, I am giving you the best advice I can: educate yourself and research this market. Saying a version of "goodbye, cruel forum" is neither effective nor professional.
The Emeralds are from a fairly new deposit in the Ethiopia - Somalia border area. We have had the opportunity to purchase and cut a couple of stones from this material. It is very pretty and some of it has a slight blue secondary hue.

It's not a very nice place to mine or even live these days though.
hmmmm.......... Corroboration? Who is ASA?
Oops sorry about that. Michael - Gem Line inc.
ASA said:
The Emeralds are from a fairly new deposit in the Ethiopia - Somalia border area. We have had the opportunity to purchase and cut a couple of stones from this material. It is very pretty and some of it has a slight blue secondary hue.

It's not a very nice place to mine or even live these days though.

I understand your firm is located in Minnesota, if you don't mind sharing from who did you guys purchase from ??
From my experience, disclosing your supplier is a big no-no in the trade jsyn.
RockHugger said:
From my experience, disclosing your supplier is a big no-no in the trade jsyn.

I don't want to know detailed info, just if it was a local of the area or a trader.
Still a nono. If you are getting into mining and trading overseas, I really hope you do your research and learn about it. Over in africa, you can get yourself killed 'asking questions' you shouldn't ask.

Go into any bm store and ask who they get their goods from, they will either change the subject or just say no. It's bad manners in the biz, and like asking a stranger about their medical history.
ASA said:
Oops sorry about that. Michael - Gem Line inc.

Hi Michael! How nice of you to join us!
Gailey said:
tourmaline_lover said:
Gailey said:
Lady_Disdain said:
Gailey said:
Oh Wait until Amguy sees this!

I thought of him too. Unfortunately, he is having to take care of some problems and hasn't been online much.

Nothing too serious I hope. I do like our caped crusader.

He has some personal family sickness issues with his parents. If people want to do him a favor, they can bid on his ebay listings to help pay for medical bills. It's going to a good cause. I will keep him in my thoughts in the meantime.

That's such a shame. TL, what is the name of Jason's e-bay shop?
You know, I was silent because of my negativity in the previous thread. I just wanted to post a link to a totally different thread. RH, I am with you. Sometimes things that you see are spectacular...
Fly Girl said:
Jim Rentfrow said:
Miners are usually not dumb. They know if they find something shiny and people are willing to pay them money for it so they will raise their prices fast. I do not know how many emails I get like this each month from someone who just found a new deposit or tells me how ignorgant the miners are and how low their prices are, but they all go into my deleted box now. Not one of them has panned out into quality rough, and none provide any social impact on the region.
Your comment reminds me of all those e-mails I get from Africa, imploring me to help them move millions of $$$ into the US. All I need to do is provide them with my bank account information in exchange for a percentage. :wink2:

PS is sooooo entertaining. :bigsmile:

Funny, I just got one of those Nigerian emails today!!!! :angryfire:

While there are some 419 elements to this story, remember this. The origin report says Brazil, but... origin for a new source is not going to match anything (by definition, it will be unknown compared to anything known). Therefore it would match a close known material. Origin reports are not always exact science.
Interesting story...

And hello Michael! :wavey:

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