
A Ringdant by David Klass

Missy, you are too kind, thank you so much. :D

Peter, it takes my breath away in a good way. It's gorgeous. May you both enjoy it in health and happiness.:appl:
Congratulations, @prs, on this magnificent design!

And that's one glorious center stone!
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Wow! What a true master craftsman DK is! I am blown away! Just a stunning piece of art! I bet when people see it on you, they are just mesmerized by it!
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AMAZING setting, perfect for the stone. The conversion is just wonderful! Congrats on creating two stunning items in one setting.
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I keep coming back to sneak a peak!

This Ring is so awesome. I'm so glad its a tourmaline. I didnt know they could be so glorious! Its so BIG and tumblr_nilmq3xDoY1si194ao1_250.gif beautiful!
Ok I just picked myself off the floor. The gem, the color, the design, and the craftsmanship are tops. But I what really knocked me out was the hand shot. It looks even better than the glamour pics and it’s enormous!

I am stunned. Almost too much awesomeness

This an iconic pricescope piece.

everything about it.!
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Holy mother of all things incredible!!!!!! Wow! This is spectacular!
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Has it only been just over a year since this piece of artistry and gorgeousness was made?

Just dropping a note to say it looks even more stunning, than ever :)
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Thank you so much everyone for all your kind words!

Sorry for the delay in posting photos, DW has been super busy the last couple of days, but better late than never:

2 Hot Pink Ringdant 1.jpg 2 Hot Pink Ringdant 2.jpg 2 Hot Pink Ringdant 3.jpg

It’s going to take me quite awhile to pick myself off the floor.
It’s sooooo gorgeous on you.
And the versatility of the piece just takes it over the top.
Please don’t get me started on that vivid pink hunk...
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Has it only been just over a year since this piece of artistry and gorgeousness was made?

Just dropping a note to say it looks even more stunning, than ever :)

Doesn't time fly when you are having fun! =)2 Although one has to try a lot harder to have fun these days. :eek-2:

Thank you for resurrecting this thread, but it was your gorgeous lavender jade ringdant that brought back the memories.
It’s going to take me quite awhile to pick myself off the floor.
It’s sooooo gorgeous on you.
And the versatility of the piece just takes it over the top.
Please don’t get me started on that vivid pink hunk...

Thank you so much! My wife does appreciate the versatility, I think she tends to wear it more often as a pendant than as a ring.

2 Hot Pink Ringdant 11.jpg
Thank you so much! My wife does appreciate the versatility, I think she tends to wear it more often as a pendant than as a ring.

2 Hot Pink Ringdant 11.jpg

The lady and the pendant both look fab :)

We all need more beauty, appreciation and colour in our lives now. More so than ever!
Beyond fabulous!!
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Some time ago DW acquired a hot pink pear:

1Pink Tourmaline 2.jpg
We already had pieces with conventional diamond halos and this time DW said she wanted something different and unusual, but worthy of the stone. Different and unusual is definitely beyond my scope, so I started a thread asking for suggestions. The wonderful PSers on the Colored Gemstones forum responded with all sorts of fantastic ideas, and DW was having trouble deciding what to choose until @icy_jade suggested:

2Ringdant Inspiration 1.png

When she saw this DW just said Wow Wow Wow, that's it!!! Then @suzann2 posted "Can you imagine this as a ring AND a pendant??? It would be glorious." Twice as much bling for the one stone; how could that not be a good idea??? We previously worked with Amy Phillips at DKJ and had great success, so we went to visit with stone and inspiration in hand. Yes DKJ had made ring/pendant convertibles before, and yes Amy would be delighted to work on our project. Our ringdant was off and running!

In the process of the design we found the intertwining halos, and the shape of our stone presented some unique aesthetic and engineering challenges. However Amy and her extraordinarily talented team of CAD designers and jewelers sailed thru every challenge with flying colors! Without further ado, here's a video of the finished ringdant:

That is ingenious and amazing all at the same time! I've never seen anything like it! WOW!
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