Gorgeous green tourmaline cut by Richard Wise, a 1/2 ct OEC, and some yellowy-peachy thing
They are all lovely, but this one makes my heart pitter patter. Did you find this or have it made?
Hi @kgizo -
I had it made. See the cut on that peachy thing? It's a colored gem OEC. Just sublime. I wish I knew what it was! It's definitely a mined gemstone - I just don't know what type.
@Catmom - did you catch this on Instagram?
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Not mine and I just shared in @Catmom 's thread. Swoon! @Catmom these should be yours. Just saying.
Also calling @canuk-gal because she is a big fan of T&Co
All Tiffany and Co.
And I believe 18K gold.
GAH, you're killing me here. I do need these but I just emptied the coffers on my other two pieces. WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who wants to buy these for me?????
Not mine and I just shared in @Catmom 's thread. Swoon! @Catmom these should be yours. Just saying.
Also calling @canuk-gal because she is a big fan of T&Co
All Tiffany and Co.
And I believe 18K gold.
Look at those Dollie's!! Me luvs!
And HOW did you know I was looking at vintage Tiffany brooches yesterday???![]()
Kust plain old Stirling silver
$100 including postage as its a delated line - also no fancy packingbrooch Queens - how do i wear this ?
Will it be like my high school uniform kilt pin that left a big hole in my school kilt ) and leave a hole in my chosen garment?
This is a NZ fashion designer Karen Walker
probably one of the few things she makes that would fit (even her rings are so small)
I think the run away girl is her signature symbol
This used to come looking like a miltary medal with a heavy fabric medal
i really wanted that one but its long been deleted, i liked the idea of it going on my long winter black wool coat (i don't wear), im sure the medal version had a nornal brooch attachment thingy
But i dont want to put a hole in my coat
Kust plain old Stirling silver
$100 including postage as its a delated line - also no fancy packingbrooch Queens - how do i wear this ?
Will it be like my high school uniform kilt pin that left a big hole in my school kilt ) and leave a hole in my chosen garment?
This is a NZ fashion designer Karen Walker
probably one of the few things she makes that would fit (even her rings are so small)
I think the run away girl is her signature symbol
This used to come looking like a miltary medal with a heavy fabric medal
i really wanted that one but its long been deleted, i liked the idea of it going on my long winter black wool coat (i don't wear), im sure the medal version had a nornal brooch attachment thingy
But i dont want to put a hole in my coat
Very pretty!
I wear brooches and stick pins and I find that if I put them on slightly looser woven fabrics, sweaters for example, (I think you guys call them jumpers) I don't have any problem with holes. The holes close up after removing the pin. I wouldn't put stickpins/brooches on super delicate, tightly woven fabrics like silk. I've personally never had any problem with cottons, linens and wools. But if you are worried, try it out on an inconspicuous area of the clothing item first.
Edit: I should note that while I haven't had any problems with holes, I have occasionally had tarnish on an older/antique pin transfer to a white shirt. So I'd definitely keep your pin free of tarnish when wearing with a light colored fabric.
Do you have a loosely woven scarf you could put it on?
Are costume pieces allowed please, TIA?