Do any of you ever think that diamonds are a total waste of money? I mean, Debeers and the diamond industry has convinced us, and marketed to us the fact that we need to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on diamonds, which are, in reality, NOT rare, and we spend our HARD-EARNED money on the best cut, highest color and clarity diamond we can possibly afford. I understand that it is an art to cut a diamond, believe me, I have educated myself greatly about all the different characteristics, hell, I even bought my fiance and eightstar, the king of high end stones, and I appreciate the beauty of a well cut stone... but my point is this... Don''t you think that diamonds are very overpriced, and therefore a luxury item best purchased by those with money to burn, rather than the everage joe, who works hard for his money, and is sold into the whole diamonds are forever thing, and ends up either spending his savings or going into great debt just because the industry, and society tell him he has to do so in order to prove he loves his significant other? Think about what you are paying for...a tiny prizm that sits on your betrothed ones finger... and here we are doing all we can to pay for this. You only live once, and isn''t this money better spent on a house, or a vacation to europe, or something that gives you avalue in life that you can experience more deeply than a little stone on the finger? I know you are probably thinking..."this guy doesn''t have a clue"...but trust me, I do, and I am wondering if anyone else shares this opinion...?