
A watched pot never boils...

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I'm a anxious as a boy forced to toil in the beet field.

Stress, Kaleigh? What stress?
HAHAHAHA, i LOVE the boy in the beet field
Date: 6/8/2005 6:07:12 PM
Author: velouriaL
To answer your questions, Belle:
No, I don''t.
Yes, I did. One revision- that''s a naked woman holding a gignanamous knife and pole dancing on a BEET.
thanks for clearing that up!

i know naked girl needs some leverage to cut the beet, but holding the knife by the blade seems kinda dangerous!
Yeah... naked girl likes to live on the edge... she''ll do anything for a beet salad...

Did I mention that I''m on a pain killer for some wisdom-tooth related problems? That may just explain my kwazy behavior today...
Mmmmmm, happy pills!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I hope your wisdom tooth feels better ASAP!!!! Especially by Saturday so you can have fun at our get-together!
sorry to hear about your tooth
glad you got some meds to ease the pain...even if they make you a lil crazy!
.........what''s my excuse!?
heh... that might be *today''s excuse*, but what have I got when I''m still like this tomorrow?

I''m going home to take a nap!

Ooh! HMG, can I have a Mangorita if I''m on antibiotics?
Theoretically, it''s best to hold off until you''re done with the antibiotics...THEORETICALLY....only for the reason that alcohol doesn''t enhance your body''s ability to fight infection.


I won''t slap your hand away from that mangorita.

(really, it won''t hurt)
Date: 6/8/2005 4:49:50 PM
Author: velouriaL

Trust me, you''ll know when it''s pictures! I''ll start a whole new thread... a new forum... a website entirely devoted to the ring!
Don''t know what I''m more relieved about, that we''ll soon see this magnificent piece, or that you didn''t swallow the stone when you took your avatar pic
ooohhhhh I just cannot wait to see these pictures!!! I BET That it is just going to be scrumptous! Yummy Yummy!
Are we going to get to see them tonight???
Okay I have to admiit I cant stop checking back. I think my comp is going to begin to refuse when I hit refreash. But I am dying to see your ring.
I am so sorry about your tooth. I well remember the pain of having my wisdom teeth removed, OUCH!!! I remember being swollen like a chipmunk.
Sorry guys, no pics yet!

Michael, very honestly and apologetically, let me know that there''d been a delay in the parts he''d ordered to complete my ring. No biggie! I can''t wait, though... :-)

But, yeah, I thought I was just in a silly, wacky mood yesterday, but it turns about that I was having an allergic reaction to either my pain meds or antibiotic! By the time I got home, I was all swollen up, could barely see, was having breathing problems, and mumbling something about how I thought I looked like Britney Spears with my face all puffy (??)! Almost went to the emergency room, but didn''t. I''m okay now, though, more or less, except that my tooth hurts, now that I''m not taking the antibiotic or the pain med (on the advice of my dentist, until further notice)! On top of all this, I had to come to work today because I''m coordinating our 2nd biggest thing-a-ma-gig on Friday! Eeek!

Ha! You thought you were getting pictures with this post! NOPE! Just gory health details! Sorry!
Thanks, btw, to all of you eager to see pictures! You guys are so supportive and great!
Oh! And Michael has seen this thread! Ha! Now even he knows how crazy I am! ;-)
oh my velouria! what a night you had!! ......yikes! i'm glad you are okay. you need to be careful with the meds you take in the i'm sure your doc told you, allergic reactions get progressively worse with exposure. if you swelled up that much and were having breathing problems, the next episode could be dangerously serious. i'm sure glad that you are better today (except for that pain!!) thanks for the update, i will still be looking forward to seeing those yummy pics!!
Oh boy what a time you have had. Allergic reactions can cause breathing problems. I''m glad you''re better now and can''t wait to see the pics!!!!
Ohhh noo! No allergic reactions allowed!!!

What antibiotic were you taking?

And Belle''s right, allergic reactions get progressively worse with each subsequent exposure to the allergen. No more of those drugs for you! Did your dentist seem to think that it was the antibiotic, or the pain pill?
Sorry, all those questions are coming from the nerdy little medical student inside of me.
yeah vel, tell us nerdy medical people what you were taking (if you don't mind!) then we could give our guesses as to what the reaction was to.

or you could just post some more x-rated quilts
Wow! It was nice to wake up from my nappy-nap to see so many responses!

For all you medical types (I''m nerd, too, but more of a literary one!):
I was on zithromax and diflusinal. I''m allergic to PCN. Big time.
Date: 6/9/2005 10:21:39 PM
Author: velouriaL
Wow! It was nice to wake up from my nappy-nap to see so many responses!

For all you medical types (I''m nerd, too, but more of a literary one!):
I was on zithromax and diflusinal. I''m allergic to PCN. Big time.
ahhhh, then my *guess* is it was the zithromax.
if you have a pcn allergy, there is still a 15-20%(ish) chance of cross-sensitivity. bummer dude. try not to get really sick in the future

hope you had a very nice and restful nap!!

still looking forward to seeing that ring
OKay...I am simply dying to see pictures of your ring. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Yep, I''m voting zithromax too. I second what Belle said. If you''re very allergic to PCN, then I''m not so surprised about the reaction. Feel better SOOOOON!!!!!!!!
Remember, HMG, how I said when I first found PS that I''d never post anything *too* personal? Well, I guess we can forget about that...

After my Jewish-mother-the-nuse (what a combination!) freaked me out about getting a brain infection if I didn''t get my tooth under control, I went on a trip it to the the ER last night (I had a really quick, positive experience with St. Luke''s Minor Emergency Care Center at Kelsey Seybold, BTW), and I am now on clindamycin and vicodin and, needless to say, am feeling *much* better now...

On the ring front... Sorry guys, not yet! Michael E. is really making sure he gets everything right, and conferring with me accordingly. The project seem to be a *little* behind timewise, but that''s really no big deal to me.

Trust me, you''ll be (among) the first to know when I get pictures!
I am so glad it''s under control. You had us worried. We''ll see the pics once they''re ready. In the meantime feel better soon.
V, I''m so glad you got it under control!!! MMM, vicodin is gooood stuff. :) Take it easy and feel better!!!!
glad you''re feeling better velouria

I just started searching your threads to see if you''d posted pics of your beautiful ring & I''d somehow missed them!

I''m so sorry to hear about your tooth & related allergic reaction to meds! Yikes!
Hopefully you had a restful weekend & are feeling better now.

I''m sure your ring will be well worth the wait...for all of us!
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