
AAA Membership, Yay or Nay?

Here is the really nice thing about AAA. If your car breaks down, at night, in the rain, call AAA. Tell them you want membership. Or to renew your lapsed membership. They take your CC#, and voila! The tow truck is on the way. So, I typically don't keep my AAA membership continuously- I let it lapse if I don't use/need it. Then, if I need it, I call and renew it and it's instantly available. I think it might restrict how far you get towed for 24 hours- like maybe to 10 miles, or something- but it's never been an issue once.

They also are a great discount on glasses at a lot of places, way better than vision insurance coverage. I got several hundred dollars off my glasses with AAA membership.

I once had a tow-truck driver take great care of me when AAA sent him out- it was at at least 10PM, pouring rain, on a tiny 2 lane semi-rural highway. He came to get me, and I couldn't get my husband to pick up his phone. So, I would've had to walk 2 miles in the rain, no jacket, at night, to my apartment from the place the car was dropped off to fix. With my laptop. Instead, he drove me home! I was sooooo grateful. I know it's against the rules, but I was so glad he did it.

So yeah, I usually have AAA but not always.

Oh, I don't know that anyone's mentioned it but AAA tow trucks are subcontracted. So, it's just whomever has a local tow company, AAA hires for you. So whomever comes out to you, is likely the same place you'd call in a phone book or whatnot. I've not had our car damaged by AAA yet- and it's a rear wheel drive car, which is a PITA to tow, easy to screw up.
I originally got AAA because it gave us a 10% discount at a resort we visited once a year which more than covered the yearly fee. We used it for towing a couple of times. I have let it lapse the last year or two because we haven't gone to the place that gave the discount. But I think it is well worth it if you can find something to use the card to get a discount plus have the protection for towing and lock-outs when you need it. Do not get the basic membership, though, because the distance for free towing is too limited.
We pay I think $88 dollars a year. We haven't used it frequently, but when you do it is worth it. One time we got a flat tire (something pierced it) and my husband was going to try to change it but I said I said screw it and called AAA. They came out in 20 minutes, no fuss no muss. My husband actually thanked me. Also a friend borrowed our car and had to have it towed 50+ miles and they did it due to our AAA card.

Every year we debate it though because it's not like we used it every year. I just know if I was on the road and had a flat tire or other car emergency, I like the security of knowing who to call.
I do like the idea of seeing if this is something that can be an add-on to existing car insurance.
I am surprised not more people are offered towing through their car insurance.
I have AAA for peace of mind, all the hotel discounts, free maps, and to appease my husband :)
I have it and it's great!! I use it for friends and family when they lock their keys in the car or their battery dies, etc... I also get discounts at various businesses and restaurants. It's definitely worth it!
So you would only need one card per household? If I was the card holder and my DH got a flat, but I wasn't with him, I could still give him the number to call and they would come out?
We have it for both of us and will probably always have AAA! For us, it's peace of mind if we ever get stranded, or specifically me alone with the kids. We've had to call them a few times over the years and each and every time were impressed with their promptness. When DD starts driving we'll add her to our policy as well!