
Advice for vintage ring options

@StephanieLynn , You are truly a sweetheart. Pricescope is lucky to have you.
Oh that's so sweet for you to say @Calliecake, I love to help when I can! Thanks for the compliment :wavey:
It looks like the other ring you bought is still sold, so maybe you are still thinking about keeping it. But just in case here are a few options out of the original box just to keep your imagination flowing! (On Etsy, people haggle. So I was searching closer to 3-4 k)

1) have you considered a halo?

2) looking at emerald cuts too?

3) old european cut? (This one has a lot of tint):

4) Art Deco: (I really like this setting!)

5) French cuts?

6) for under 4K you could own an infinitely upgradable super ideal from HPD in a stock platinum setting.... (Stuller stock solitaires are affordable and elegant!) not antique but timeless... this would be more of an investment and gives you options down the road.

Hey all, I wanted to circle back and update this group. It took me longer than I wanted to find time to come back to share the update -- we ended up getting hit with repeated power outages (we're in the fire zone in CA), and multiple school closures with our kids -- it was just a chaotic & busy period and with me starting a new job at the exact same time, it took me a while to resurface for air.

In the end I decided to keep the ring. I wrote to the vendor, who insisted the ring was properly advertised. At that time, keeping the balls in the air with everything else going on, going back to the drawing board for a piece of jewelry just seemed too much to handle. I have no idea if that was the right decision or not but it was certainly the easiest and that's what I needed at that point.

I had it resized, and happily I am liking it more and more. I do still see the inclusions sometimes -- it's strange, I don't always see them, but then sometimes I see them and they seem huge. Weird inconsistencies! I am going to share some pictures, just in case anyone is interested in how it looks resized. (And also one with both the ring and the watch I gave my husband for the anniversary as well.)

I feel very lucky -- first and foremost that my family is safe and our home is in tact -- but also because I made it to 10 years (the anniversary was a week or so ago!) -- and it is nice also to be able to wear a piece of jewelry that is fancy & pretty, even if it is not flawless. So, in the end, I made piece with what happened, and I think I'm just fine for it.

But I also want to express a ton of appreciation for everyone who took the time to help me, provide advice, guidance etc -- I had no idea what I was doing in this world of jewelr
y, and you were all so kind & generous with your time & knowledge!!

At some point, I'll find the time and energy to see if I can find a matching (not matchy matchy but stylistically compatible) band to serve as a more traditional wedding band. But for now, I'm just trying to enjoy the ring and again, keep all of the balls in the air.

Thanks again!!

Oh my gosh, I also just saw that there was new activity on this thread! What funny coincidence. Thank you all so much for your continued thoughtfulness, generosity, and kindness. I can't say enough how much I appreciate it and how lucky I feel (as I am sure do so many others who feel lost like I did and stumbled into support & knowledge)!
@jazzyringstuff, I am so glad you can back with an update! Not just saying this because you are keeping it but that style of ring is my favorite, I love it and think it has great presence on your finger.

Glad you were able to get through all that chaos, been reading about it in the news and it just sounds terrible going through multiple power outages like that.

Last but not least, happy 10 years and here is to many more!

ETA: That watch is very cool looking, is it made of wood? Never seen one like it before.
Thank you so much StephanieLynn. :) It's my favorite style too, which is maybe why I am happy to live with it even with the flaws :)

Thanks on the watch! Yes, the watch is made of wood. I had wanted to get hubby a watch because he had a sentimental one (sentimental because he got it and wore it when our kids were babies -- so he could tell the time for things like feeding, napping, etc) -- but it was stolen out of our car recently. I had hoped to get him a nice one like from a well-known brand, but he really loves wood and got really into the idea of a wood watch! I think it looks cool too, I am just hoping it lasts and doesn't come apart. The brand (Tense) seems relatively well reviewed although not super widely known so it's still a little bit of a risk. What matters is he loves it though, so that is good! (It's this model here:

I've been following along and I just wanted to say the ring looks beautiful on you! The prongs on the setting are amazing. And the diamond is pretty and sparkly :love: I wish you health and happiness as you wear this lovely ring!
Aww thank you so much Junebug!! Appreciate the kind words so much! The ring has just continued to grow on me which is a happy surprise! :)
So sorry your husband's watch was stolen but this new one is very eye-catching and unique. Between the watch and ring you definitely picked two winners.
It looks great on you and I’m glad you are so happy with it!! Also glad you were able to celebrate your anniversary in a special way despite the chaos going on around you. Stay safe.
Happy Anniversary! I really like the style of the ring you picked and it looks lovely on your hand.
Stephanie, thank you and I think you are right. :)
Kgizo and Stone Hunter, thank you both so much for the kind comments! :)