
Advice needed on a few precious gemstones I'm currently considering....

@westofhere There was never a fiancé and there was no engagement, girlfriend, partner, or relationship. That's my point. It's one thing to enjoy shiny things. We all do here! It's another thing entirely to spend $15,000-20,000 on not just a ring, but an engagement ring, when there's no fiancé.

Okay, so much for me not beating a dead horse. Hahaha. Yeesh. But I can't help myself. After reading THIS message I find myself getting angry all over again.

Yes, there was an ex. we spent almost 4 years together--- including blending our families (I could talk about the particular challenges of said "blending" for hours, but that is neither here nor there.... nor is it any of your business, to be perfectly frank). The relationship was so serious that I purchased a $10,000 super ideal engagement ring, in fact. But said relationship ended--- badly and painfully-- and I wound up putting away said engagement ring in the bottom of my dresser drawer. And it sat there for a good long time. I knew that eventually I would upgrade the diamond, of course (because, duh: nobody is going to give a new woman someone else's old engagement ring, plus it was a painful reminder of my time with the ex). I went months and months and months without looking in that drawer. Just tried to put it out of my head for the most part. But eventually I discovered the old ring was gone. Poof! One of my many ill-advised one night stands apparently absconded with it at some point, and I honestly don't know when or which one( to provide further elaboration-- the kind of elaboration and open, full-disclosure that you certainly haven't earned considering your presumptuousness, unsolicited advice, and staggering rudeness), I haven't been remotely ready for anything truly serious over the past few years. Mostly I've been licking my wounds and spinning my wheels. Beyond a few quasi-relationships that were mostly physical in nature (and the aforementioned complicated relationship with a certain lovely and restless married gal) I have mostly concentrated on my time with my son during my appointed weekends and my hectic work schedule. But, yes: I DO daydream about falling in love again. ultimately, I'm a born romantic. It's hot-wired into my DNA, apparently. Even though I've had my testicles dragged over a thousand miles of broken glass (metaphorically speaking :) ), I still want to believe in the transformative power of romantic love (and I still want to believe in marriage, too, even though the divorce rate is higher than the amount of people who actually stay married). i yearn for that magical alchemy that takes place in a truly committed relationship. I crave that closeness--- the genuine, multi-layered intimacy of two hearts, one soul-- and the indescribable connection of creating something together that is greater than the sum of its parts. And after a long patch of being emotionally guarded I'm finally ready to psychologically prepare myself to get back in the saddle and open myself up to the possibilities of something meaningful.

Anyway, I know I'm kinda all over the place here. Going on and on and on. Haha. Very tired (and also still kind of astonished about several of the presumptuous and ad hominem messages here). But to try to finish what I was saying, once I discovered the old ring had been stolen I filed the claim with my insurance company and replaced it. And during that process all of the old juices that used to get flowing in connection to super ideal cut diamonds kicked in again BIG TIME (as I mentioned, I became completely fascinated with all the particulars during my extensive diamond research when I originally bought the old engagement ring several years ago). And I completely lucked out when I chose wink at high performance diamonds as the jeweler to replace the old stolen ring. he and Melissa were both so awesome! And it was so fun that I upgraded a few times while I was at it just because it was so addictive (remember, the insurance claim paid for the cost of replacing the old ring, so when I did my upgrades with HPD after the initial replacement I only had to add a few hundred dollars here and there out of pocket... and wink had that awesome 80% lifetime buy-back option, AND lifetime upgrades for when I was actually ready to decide on the permanent Stone for a future SO.... so for a while there I was having fun playing around with the new stones with my ideal scopes, etc ;-) ). And THEN I decided to go ahead and buy a pair of "a cut above" earrings from those fine folks, and they were all awesome, too. Such a fun and exciting experience. Great people, and amazing diamonds. I went with smaller lower color options for the earrings, which helped bring down price. And I knew that company had a lifetime upgrade policy as well--- therefore eliminating any risks or problems with exchanging them for whatever diamonds a future SO would be interested in(not to mention the 70% buyback option within the first year, which I actually wound up taking advantage of--- I sold those earrings back to 'em several months ago). It was a fun (and, yes: sort of manic :) ) several months. I got a little carried away. And during all of that I started to get into inexpensive semi-precious colored gemstones. And I stumbled upon THIS site. annnnd I think that pretty much brings us up to the present (where I am dabbling a little bit in researching inexpensive-- and tiny-- precious gemstones).
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Except for one REALLY fugly fugly fugly item (gawd it's an embarrassment I'm kinda ashamed to think about it) I've been ok with everything I've bought. That includes the random Jade binges.

I think it's all part of the process. Who cares that I have a random purple pink spinel I don't need/like that I've handed off to my kid. I was happy at the time I bought it and it was around $100. $100 for momentary joy. I could do much worse!!!

Sorry for going off topic OP! Buy what makes you happy if you can afford it. We could all drop dead tomorrow! You'll likely cure yourself of the addiction in good time but it's all part of the process.

Says me so has bought waaaaay too much Jade!
I apologize, Matt, for being judgmental. I mostly just wanted to make sure you knew the potential downsides of planning expensive purchases for a future GF given that everyone's tastes are different. I know if my DH gave me stuff he bought before he met me it would have rubbed me the wrong way becuase it woudln't have felt personalized. But obviously if this is a hobby--more power to you! And I should have been more sensitive to the fact that it may have started as buying stuff for a future GF and *Evolved* into a hobby. Basically I was being s*itty and I'm sorry.

No apologies necessary, good lady. :) And it is probably my fault for not being clear all along that all of these items are stored away in a big box(with those little anti moisture strips ;-) ), and I had no intention of letting any future SO know they were bought in advance. My plan was to periodically spring these little semi-precious ( and honestly quite inexpensive) colored gemstone trinkets on her. She would have no knowledge that I already had several items in advance. THIS would help to give me a feel for the types of things she likes on a trial and error basis, don'tchaknow, ;-) with plenty of opportunities to tweak settings and switch Stones when needed as I continue to pick up on her likes and dislikes (not to mention being able to get entirely new stuff once I have a full understanding of her taste). This is one of the reasons why I only want to get a few tiny and relatively inexpensive precious colored gemstones, for instance--- I'll only be out a few hundred dollars if it turns out she doesn't like red and blue. And they won't be wasted, because I know my mom would be thrilled to receive either (or BOTH :) ). TOTES win-win, in my opinion. So basically I have just been testing the waters here and trying to gain some knowledge on picking out a few of the best small precious colored gemstones I can on a tight budget. It seemed like a fun little adventure. And I was looking forward to picking all of your brains further--- I have so many questions, and I am literally as green as grass when it comes to THIS particular topic. like, for example, I had no idea about the windows thing being so common with colored stones. The whole concept of windows didn't really apply during my experience with diamonds because I only stuck with super ideal rocks, which are essentially perfectly cut (there is no such thing as a shallow or deep cut super ideal diamond for the most part; hell, even the much lesser quality so-called super ideal diamonds such as the branded ones offered at James Allen are still pretty damn well cut, all things considered... so I had never personally witnessed the windows thing on diamonds either). I love that faceted semi-precious and precious colored gemstones are an entirely different ballgame than diamonds. It's utterly fascinating. I've literally only bought maybe two pieces of faceted jewelry all year--- all the rest are cabs. And cabs are so much easier to evaluate (especially semi-precious cabs). I've had a particular fondness for searching for decent Ethiopian opal, for example.. it's a very fun (and sometimes frustrating) hobby because the quality is all over the place. And so many of the opals are showcased with a black background on the websites, but without said black background they look very dull in person. I had to learn the hard way to request that vendors send me pictures of the actual Ethiopian opals displayed in the palms of their hands instead of resting on top of a piece of black contact paper. Hahaha. And even then it is a challenging endeavor. But fun! I collect small Ethiopian opals from multiple vendors in the same way that I always try the spicy tuna roll whenever I'm in a new city--- a constant process of comparison AND appreciation (and just like with the spicy tuna rolls from city to city and restaurant to restaurant, no two Ethiopian opals are ever exactly alike... and the quality is as unpredictable as it is varied).
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Mean and judgemental comments are unnecessary on our forum.
We all buy loose gems and jewelry, and no one questions our reasons. Why does @matt_k have to justify his purchases?
Matt loves gems just like the rest of us, and the rude commentary and speculation I just read is embarrassing, coming from PSers who should know better.
Matt, I enjoy reading about all your gemstone adventures.
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Mean and judgemental comments are unnecessary on our forum.
We all buy loose gems and jewelry, and no one questions our reasons. Why does @matt_k have to justify his purchases?
Matt loves gems just like the rest of us, and the rude commentary and speculation I just read is embarrassing, coming from PSers who should know better.
Matt, I enjoy reading about all your gemstone adventures.

I'm glad so many people stepped up and agreed that this bullying on this thread will not be tolerated. I've never seen this kind of harassment here on PS. before.
Matt, for what it's worth, I see nothing creepy, weird or even wrong with anything you are doing. I will echo what others have said, it is no different than the gem and jewelry collecting anyone else here has done.

As for finding small nice cut gems to suit your projects have you checked out Yvonne's etsy shop (CecileRaleyDesigns)? She is actually having a sale at present. I have loved everything I have purchased from her and she accepts returns.
I'm glad so many people stepped up and agreed that this bullying on this thread will not be tolerated. I've never seen this kind of harassment here on PS. before.
Matt, for what it's worth, I see nothing creepy, weird or even wrong with anything you are doing. I will echo what others have said, it is no different than the gem and jewelry collecting anyone else here has done.

As for finding small nice cut gems to suit your projects have you checked out Yvonne's etsy shop (CecileRaleyDesigns)? She is actually having a sale at present. I have loved everything I have purchased from her and she accepts returns.

Thanks so much. I appreciate all the kind words and support from everyone. It's very touching. :kiss2:

But I hope everyone realizes I'm a big boy who generally doesn't have much trouble sticking up for himself. Believe me, I am not one to shy away from confrontation. ;-) It's just that I've been very busy, and I just got back from a short vacation. So I honestly had no idea what was being said here until very late last night. If I had read some of the responses sooner I would have shut that shiz down with a quickness, best believe.

But to get back on topic, thanks for the suggestion. I did have a look at her site recently, and her stuff looks great. Still a bit out of my price range, but definitely great. But with the exception of putting together a few ring projects I'm doing on commission for a friend of a friend involving very small 3mm sapphires (basically a somewhat tweaked mother's ring style endeavor--- a five Stone ring for one, and a three-stone ring for the other ;-) ), I have decided to pass on precious stones for now and focus on far more affordable mid-range tourmalines (and perhaps a tiny red spinel if I can find a decent one at a steal of a price--- the more pictures of the red ones I see, the more I love 'em; the deep red ones are almost as visually stunning as really nice rubies, but significantly less expensive ). So personally, I'm going to acquire a few small tourmalines. I'm not looking for perfection--- just decent overall quality and good color. Oh, and definitely NO noticeable windows. I have been absolutely horrified by that particular gemstone pitfall ever since you guys schooled me on it. Hahaha. Yikes! When I go back and look at some of those cheap stones I was considering (and asking your advice on) it looks so obvious now. Especially the big honkin' pink sapphire I was picking everyone's brain on. When I look at that one now I can't see anything but the big hole in the middle. :shock::shock:

I think I'm going to have some decent luck on tourmalines because I don't have to have the really rare ones. Plus I intend to stay with the smaller sizes. Plus from what I've read online you can get a significant price reduction by choosing a stone that is very well saturated in color but a little on the darker side, and if you don't mind slight brownish and grayish undertones. And If I understand correctly, that is especially true of spinel. No matter what, it will be a very engaging and fun challenge trying to find a couple of halfway decent small tourmaline specimens--- and the holy Grail of acquiring a slightly flawed (but mostly solid) cute little red spinel. And I'm also looking forward to asking a bunch more questions in order to increase my gemstone knowledge and pad my chances of landing said stones. :)
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@matt_k I also try spicy tuna rolls everywhere I go :)

Right on, right on! It is hard to beat a good spicy tuna roll. But the flip side of that coin can be a crushing disappointment, as I absolutely detest even mediocre spicy tuna rolls. and I feel something that borders on moral outrage when I encounter the pseudo spicy tuna rolls; I'm sure you know the ones I'm talking about--- basically bland regular tuna rolls with that bright orange moose **edited by moderator, please keep language family friendly** that so many people seem to like on their horrifyingly Americanized--- and often deep fried--- rolls (I'm a firm believer that spicy mayo should be used very sparingly, as it is not even spicy and is essentially orange mayonnaise-- bottom line, bright orange glop doesn't have anything to do with a quality spicy tuna roll ;) ).
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Right on, right on! It is hard to beat a good spicy tuna roll. But the flip side of that coin can be a crushing disappointment, as I absolutely detest even mediocre spicy tuna rolls. and I feel something that borders on moral outrage when I encounter the pseudo spicy tuna rolls; I'm sure you know the ones I'm talking about--- basically bland regular tuna rolls with that bright orange moose **edited by moderator, please keep language family friendly** that so many people seem to like on their horrifyingly Americanized--- and often deep fried--- rolls (I'm a firm believer that spicy mayo should be used very sparingly, as it is not even spicy and is essentially orange mayonnaise-- bottom line, bright orange glop doesn't have anything to do with a quality spicy tuna roll ;-) ).

**projectile vomits**
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Another good source for loose gemstones is Joe Henley. He sells mostly rough for cutters, but his prices on stones tend to be super reasonable. He has a few little sapphire cabs from Burma that are lovely, and often has spinels too.
What about this 3mm pinkish red spinel? $86
Also, I was thinking that even if you don't like wearing rings, you might enjoy cufflinks. They can look great with colored stones, IMO.

That is a really thoughtful suggestion, but I literally never wear button up shirts. Like, EVAH. haha. I'm such a fundamentally casual t-shirt kinda dude. It's almost pathological how squirmy I get with a collar on. :)
Another good source for loose gemstones is Joe Henley. He sells mostly rough for cutters, but his prices on stones tend to be super reasonable. He has a few little sapphire cabs from Burma that are lovely, and often has spinels too.

Thanks! I will have to check him out. Does he do faceted spinels, or only cabs?
What about this 3mm pinkish red spinel? $86

I appreciate the suggestion, but these look more like hot pink/magenta style sapphires to me. And I actually already have a really good source for 3 mm pink sapps in this particular shade.... AND only $17 bucks. :)

I'm looking for more of the blood red variety of red spinel, preferably in the 5x3 mm oval size and in the $200 range. I realize that is a very tall order, and in order to come close to those parameters I would probably have to sacrifice quite a bit in terms of overall darkness and significant Brown and gray undertones. But I'm not in any kind of rush at all. Part of the fun will be looking and looking (and waiting and waiting waiting ;) ) for something fairly decent to land in my lap at a terrific price.

Thanks again, everybody. You guys RAWK.
Oooookay. Wow. Aren't you a peach? ;-)

For now I will ignore your overt hostility (and considerable presumptuousness) and simply say that your facts/deets are a bit scrambled. First off, it was a requirement for insurance purposes for me to purchase the replacement Stone in a setting, which is why I just went with a basic cheap one. I never had any intention whatsoever of using that setting in the future--- give me a little credit, for ****'s sweet sake. And the settings for the earrings were inexpensive as well, and could easily be discarded after I ascertained the personal taste of a future SO as far as setting preferences go (the diamonds themselves were A cut above stones, so in my opinion the quality of the diamonds would make my odds very good that a large portion of the female population would be very pleased with 'em). Also, and this is something most of you don't seem to realize, but I definitely wasn't going to admit to any future SO that I bought jewelry items in advance--- so the risk of rubbing a future lady the wrong way with pre-bought items is pretty much zero. And to continue providing even more details that aren't necessarily anyone's business (ESPECIALLY a rude and presumptuous ass-hat like "pokerface", for instance), most of the top online super ideal diamond sites offer lifetime upgrades, so going with a different style diamond entirely when the time is right-- one that perfectly suits the taste of said future SO--- would be as simple as pie. okey-dokey? :)

FTR: I only have one significantly expensive jewelry item--- the replacement diamond from an engagement ring for a VERY real ex that I spent almost 4 years with, thank you very much. I wasn't looking to start buying expensive sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. I was looking for a relatively inexpensive small Ruby and a decent small blue sapphire. I felt like it would be a low risk gamble to buy these items because the odds that I could eventually use them are decent seeing as how precious stones are kind of a big deal. And like I already mentioned, if it turned out the future SO doesn't like colored stones they will make very nice birthday or Christmas gifts for my mom. To me, it was not a big risk at all. once again, the future SO would never know that I bought these in advance (I'm not nearly as clueless as some of you seem to think; rest assured, no future girlfriend was ever going to be given the information that I had any of these items in advance). And if future SO doesn't like Sapphires or rubies my mom certainly would/will. And, to repeat myself once again, my very unexpected fascination with jewelry came about several years ago during my extensive research for the original engagement ring for my aforementioned (and very real) ex-girlfriend. And the semi-precious colored gemstone hobby (mostly inexpensive cabochons) has been a very recent passion, barely over a year old. As far as precious colored stones go, however, i am a complete newbie.... and i don't have the interest (nor the financial resources) to delve deeply into THIS particular department beyond a few very small decently priced gems. But it has been fun so far (well, it was fun up until I came back to this forum after a week's vacation to discover a shitload of mind-bogglingly presumptuous--- and, yes: outright insulting-- messages, anywhoo ).

I'm not going to beat a dead horse, but I WILL say this: you don't have the foggiest notion of what my "larger problems" might or might not be, pokerface. you have rather ridiculously (AND stalkerishly, frankly) put together some sort of psychological profile for me based off assorted threads on various pricescope forums. AND you have offered oodles of unsolicited advice in addition to being openly hostile and insulting. So, in short: not cool..... not appreciated.... and not necessary.

Anyway, sorry for the back-to-back messages, gang. I was actually trying to edit the earlier post and by the time I finished the amount of time allotted for the editing had expired. So I did a copy and paste and added my edit HERE. :)

@Matt I wouldn’t even feel obligated to explain why you purchased your bling. I was pretty shocked to read some of these posts. You are entitled to buy whatever you want without judgement. You sounded so excited about finding your gems. I feel bad that people felt the need to judge and try to shame you because of what you purchased. Most of the posts were helpful in trying to tell you that spending money on a lot of gems instead of one good gem is helpful…We’ve all done that…I‘ve done that so many times I could have purchased the Hope diamond. If you want to buy a’s your choice…no one else’s. It’s the thrill of the hunt..I hope you stay and don’t leave.
I appreciate the suggestion, but these look more like hot pink/magenta style sapphires to me. And I actually already have a really good source for 3 mm pink sapps in this particular shade.... AND only $17 bucks. :)

I'm looking for more of the blood red variety of red spinel, preferably in the 5x3 mm oval size and in the $200 range. I realize that is a very tall order, and in order to come close to those parameters I would probably have to sacrifice quite a bit in terms of overall darkness and significant Brown and gray undertones. But I'm not in any kind of rush at all. Part of the fun will be looking and looking (and waiting and waiting waiting ;-) ) for something fairly decent to land in my lap at a terrific price.

Thanks again, everybody. You guys RAWK.

Yes, I will agree that much of the fun is in the hunt, of course. It would be almost boring to find it right away. I have not seen any really red spinel (I haven't been hunting that specific color) in that price range, but it does not mean you can't get lucky (especially in a small size). I recently found some gorgeous demantoid garnet priced much lower than I expected and it has horsetail inclusions under the loupe and is you never know what you'll find once you start obsessively seeking. Also, just to note, not sure if treatment means anything to you, but most spinel is never treated to enhance the color, whereas sapphires often are unless indicated. So the price reflects that.
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Seriously, what is wrong with you? I was planning to report your post but I see someone else has beat me to it. But I want to call out that you sound mean and sarcastic and seem to want to think the worst of everyone. Not a very happy person are you?

Ironic that you actually created this thread:

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Another vendor who sells spinel on IG is Gil Yuda. He has worked closely with Joe Henley. And, just my 2 cents, (having purchased from both) I find Joe's cut stones a little pricier than strictly necessary. However, Joe Henley does have an actual website where he lists some of his inventory, so that may add value to you since you wouldn't have to vigilantly check IG to get the deals.

[The requisite I am in no way affiliated with either of these two vendors seems necessary here.]
Oh, one more question! Is oval a requirement for the spinel? I'm wondering because I haven't seen many 5x3 oval spinels---lots of rectangle/cushion shapes, not many actual ovals.

Good luck in your hunt!! It is such fun to look for colored gemstones!

Edited to add: I am not an expert!! Just a purchaser of pretty things. :)
There is only one thing I will add to this thread. Many readers will not know why I say it - but I’m confident the person(s) to whom it’s intended will see it and will take my meaning loud and clear:

When buying gemstones of any sort, do NOT ask specialist vendors to give their professional opinions on other vendors’ inventories unless you’re paying a consulting fee.

To do otherwise is just appallingly rude. And it’s also utterly pointless, as you’ve lost any hope of impartiality... But really, mostly it’s just appallingly rude.

P.S. - I’m going to neither read nor respond to any explanations or justifications that might appear in this thread. I’m simply asking that certain person(s) adjust their behaviour when dealing with tradepeople - many of whom I call personal friends.
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There is only one thing I will add to this thread. Many readers will not know why I say it - but I’m confident the person(s) to whom it’s intended will see it and will take my meaning loud and clear:

When buying gemstones of any sort, do NOT ask specialist vendors to give their professional opinions on other vendors’ inventories unless you’re paying a consulting fee.

To do otherwise is just appallingly rude. And it’s also utterly pointless, as you’ve lost any hope of impartiality... But really, mostly it’s just appallingly rude.

P.S. - I’m going to neither read nor respond to any explanations or justifications that might appear in this thread. I’m simply asking that certain person(s) adjust their behaviour when dealing with tradepeople - many of whom I call personal friends.
Oh, one more question! Is oval a requirement for the spinel? I'm wondering because I haven't seen many 5x3 oval spinels---lots of rectangle/cushion shapes, not many actual ovals.

Good luck in your hunt!! It is such fun to look for colored gemstones!

Edited to add: I am not an expert!! Just a purchaser of pretty things. :)

A little oval would probably be my fave option. But a 4mm round or a teensy cushion would be nifty, too.
Another vendor who sells spinel on IG is Gil Yuda. He has worked closely with Joe Henley. And, just my 2 cents, (having purchased from both) I find Joe's cut stones a little pricier than strictly necessary. However, Joe Henley does have an actual website where he lists some of his inventory, so that may add value to you since you wouldn't have to vigilantly check IG to get the deals.

[The requisite I am in no way affiliated with either of these two vendors seems necessary here.]

Thanks for the info!
One more---hadenfred_gems on IG has been recommended on PS. She is great! I have not purchased anything from her but she would be my first stop for this request. Her prices seem very reasonable & I'm sure she would be able to find the spinel for you.

(Edited because I'm not sure of her name.)

[Again, I am in no way affiliated with this vendor.]

I've now recommended so many IG vendors I must seem like some sort of IG plant! I promise I'm not. Only trying to help. :)
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One more---hadenfred_gems on IG has been recommended on PS. She is great! I have not purchased anything from her but she would be my first stop for this request. Her prices seem very reasonable & I'm sure she would be able to find the spinel for you.

(Edited because I'm not sure of her name.)

[Again, I am in no way affiliated with this vendor.]

I've now recommended so many IG vendors I must seem like some sort of IG plant! I promise I'm not. Only trying to help. :)

No need to apologize at all--- I appreciate the info! :)
No need to apologize at all--- I appreciate the info! :)

Great! I'm excited for you because I love hunting for gemstones & you are on the same, fun journey. I wish I could do it for a living!
Great! I'm excited for you because I love hunting for gemstones & you are on the same, fun journey. I wish I could do it for a living!

THAT would be so awesome, definitely.
I see this thread is still active and it reminds me of the two really really crappy recent colored stone purchases I made.

$400 down the drain. One was so bad I just threw it in the garbage.

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