
Advice needed - sapphire for Princess Di style ring

It’s beautiful! I agree.... it’s even nicer. :rolleyes2:
Hi everyone,

Apologies for the long delay - it took some time to complete, but the result was well worth it!
It ended up being the Jeff Davies sapphire posted earlier (, when I saw that stone first I just knew it was the one. Dealing with Jeff was absolutely great in every way, he also helped me design and make the setting. Couldn't be happier! As is the recipient of the ring. :)
Thanks to everyone here for the help and advice!! I would never have dared go the custom route, but now I'm so happy I did.

(apologies for the potato quality photos)
20190331_160429~2.jpg 20190331_160452~2.jpg

That came out soooooo nice. Well done! :kiss2:
I’m so excited you got that one!!! I was dying over it.
Your ring is gorgeous, congrats.

It should be jewel of the week. Go post it in show me the bling.
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I just wanted to add one thing. Your ring is a absolutely gorgeous, but what metal is that? If platinum, I wouldn’t worry too much, but if gold, especially high karat gold, I would probably get double prongs. My experience is that high crowned stones like yours need additional prong support. It would be horrible for you to lose that gorgeous gem.

I’m currently getting double prongs on a three carat stone in 18k. The stone is cut much like yours, and keeps getting lose. I would absolutely die if I lost my stone. A high crowned cushion stone I had also fell out of a setting, but fortunately I found it. My jeweler is excellent, but these types of cuts just need extra prong support. If you look at the Diana ring, she later added prongs all around the gem if you want to copy the exact style.
Gorgeous ring! I'm so happy to see that incredible sapphire surface again, and on your ring! Please post more pictures.
Congratulations! It looks amazing!!:love:

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