
after graduating from college...

I made $55K base plus 15% (I think) bonus out of college in 2004 working in marketing for a Fortune 500 corp.

Nowadays, I would expect a range of $45-75k for an entry level position in business (not including banking) depending on location, job, company and prestige of degree.
Working in a specialized field in special education- with a masters- graduating in 2007- $53,000. 4 years later and a few pay increases- until the recent pay freezes :( ....also in this field you can get summer school and extended employment for overtime for about 50 an hour.
Not enough! :cry:
I graduated in 2003 with a Masters in Economics. My first job was $45k plus bonus (I think my first bonus was $6k). This may seem like decent pay, but it was int he SF Bay Area. So really not that much when you consider cost of living. If I still lived in the Bay I would be making around $100k. But I make much less than that living in Nevada.
lbbaber|1314894011|3007468 said:
Dancing Fire|1314851656|3007143 said:
lbbaber|1314841957|3006976 said:
Dancing Fire|1314837139|3006901 said:
how much are you expecting to earn (starting range) annually with your degree?

Aren't you supposed to answer the questions you ask? What is DF expected to make? Hmmmm......

If I had thought about money when I was actually going to college I would have picked a different path. My Elementary Ed degree does not pay well. I made a little bit more using my Psych degree. I taught and ran group therapy in a Child/Adol Psych Hospital before I became a SAHM. Thank God my DH does well. I don't work anymore. It's not worth it now that I have children.
i don't know... :confused: how much should one expected to make after graduating from pool halls and bowling alleys?... :oops:

Quite a bit actually! My ex-husband spent his time in pool halls as I studied. He made a killing swindling people (but he is an EXCELLENT player/bull sh#tter). Sadly, he is also a ladies man and that is why he is my EX.

DF the pool shark. I never knew :bigsmile:
i graduated with a BS degree when i was very young... :lol:
Depending on the specialization, my M.Sc. can bring a starting of 50-75K. I had a fairly good idea of the path I wanted to take and the industry I was targeting while in school, so I was offered the upper end of the range. Also, switching jobs a year in gave me enough experience, so I was able to pull for much more.

Really though, it depends on the economy at the time of graduation - not just within the country, but in the specific field. I graduated at probably the worst time in my industry (pharmaceutical), so sadly many of my friends haven't found suitable employment yet.
I think I started at like 55k when I graduated. Have no idea what that would be today though!
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm a teacher. I graduated in Dec 2010, am making $30k :roll: :roll: :roll: Was at school today from 7:45-5:30. Sigh.