
Ahhh I have to have a ROOT CANAL

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Jul 6, 2005
Tomorrow morning i have to have a root canal. my tooth is KILLING me!!!! I really don''t know what to expect in terms of pain and recovery time so if someone knows please let me know.

i''ve never had a cavity and i hate anything to do with teeth, so i''m pretty unhappy about this.
Deanna is having one today, she can tell you more than I can. I had to have one years ago, it wasn''t too bad. The pain you''re having now is worse than the actual root canal. You will feel much better once it''s done. Mine was a 2 part process, but again that was years ago. Good luck!!
Get nixrous oxide.
You won''t mind the root canal at all.

If your dentist or specialist doesn''t have it, find a good one who does.
Nitrious? Do dentists still do that. That is actually what i''m most curious about -- am i going to have local and have to be aware of what the dentist is doing OR do they knock you out???

any insight would go a long way to easing the uneasy
OH how much fun you are going to have! I''m not kidding. Please get the "Funny Gas" using it is like a day at the spa. You will relax and not realize a thing they are doing.

Trust aren''t going to feel it at all. Your dentist will deaden everything surrounding it. I have had at least 8 root canals and wisdom teeth removal as well. I am a pro.

Oh a fun thing to to look over a few catalog pictures of things you love most before you go can concentrate on your holiday decorating...or wardrobe...or shopping list for people...while on the funny stuff. I can think better while getting a root canal than any other conscious time I have. Please dont'' fret over your appointment tomorrow. It is really no biggie. ALl the pain you have suffering up to this point will be just a memory and you will feel nothing but comfort from here on.

I''ll be sending some PS diamond fairy dust wishes in the morning...

Lovely Lu are going to be just fine!


If you have to pick up prescription on way might write down everything you may want to say to the pharmacist...your mouth will be this huge imobile appendage on your face...your hubby (if you have mine...) is going to be sooo happy. Your yakking will cease for half a day. Mine loves RC days!!
Call your dentist and find out if they offer nitrous oxide. If they don''t they will just give you local anethesia. Or you can find a dentist that does offer Nitrous oxide. I had a local and it wasn''t too bad and I''m a chicken sh*t.
They can give you valium as well if you request it ahead of time.
If you plan on taking valium don''t eat before your procedure.

this sounds like it could be fun!
who would have thought

thanks for the reassurances!!
I am my family''s resident expert. I have had lots of fillings and since I grind my teeth SO badly I have impacted fillings so bad that I have caused nerve issues, etc. The reason I had my first one, of several, was I got a cold and it lodged in my gums! It was a mess. I ended up having 6 teeth canalled within about 2 days! It hurts so bad it''s nauseating before you get the canal, but during and much relief and so little pain it is insane. The worst part of a root canal is a toss up between that sweet shot in the jaw for numbing purposes or when they clean out the tooth with a bleachlike solution!

But I am now onto crowns. My mom''s family has crappy teeth, Im thrilled I inherited that.
I hate nitrous oxide because I dislike being out of it. I get lots of novocaine (or lidocaine or whatever) and feel nothing. Afterwards the only problem I ever had (and did not this last time) is soreness where the dentist pressed the gum. I never had the tooth hurt. It's not painful. It's a nothing. One can take motrin if it's needed. In fact, I think my endodontist made me take it for 24 hours to prevent problems. Don't worry!

PS-Before ever having a root canal mysel, I watched one be done because I needed to interpret between French and English for the dentist and my mother-in-law. Root canals have improved a great deal in the past 20 years! They are very high tech now, with computers beeping and microscopes to allow the dentist to look inside the tooth and see if there are any cracks or fractures. (My God, it sounds like examining a diamond!!!)

Ohhh, sweet sweet sweet air! I almost asked for it at my cleaning on monday I was in a state of terror. Terror. I'm going back for 3 fillings and DEMAND sweet air. It's just soooo fabulous! It's always the same for I'm a flat, floating magic carpet...rolling up and flipping LOL And I always have conversations with myself... like "I can see up your nose doctor..oh, I hope I didn't say that out loud" LOL
One other thing: instead of the magazine article trick, I ask my dentist to tell me his or her life story while working so that I won''t get bored. During my recent root canal I heard all about my dentist''s adoption of a little girl from China. Since I have an adopted daughter (from Colombia), I was fascinated. The only frustration was that I wanted to talk, too! We had so many things in common (like the babies in orphanages or foster care having huge holes made in the nipples of their bottles so that they would drink quickly!).

More more more-That is too funny that you TOO wondered just as I did... if I actually spoke the words of my thoughts. ME TOO! I will blink and blink to make sure I am conscious...look around and check everyones reaction...Whew...I didn't actually say that!! Now stop it NOW! Then I do it all over again. Oh, The magic carpet ride is a great description.

Oh LoveyLuLu- the last RC I got the DOC continued to discuss the "microfilm" he embedded into the open cavity...he told his assistant I would never be found out in carring the secrets...unless ofcourse the KGB ran me through their exray system. He asked her If I mentioned any family in Russia...then he would ask if that was the FBI on the phone...and so forth. It was sooo much fun. I left knowing I was aiding the security of my country secrets...and that we all shared this secret! Tooo much fun!

Can I take your place tomorrow?
Let me tell you!! I just went though a horrible experience with my teeth... UGH!!! I actually had a tooth that eventually needed to be PULLED cause it was past the point og root canal recovery. (Long story.. no insurance etc.) However, I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. UGH.... it hurts sooo bad... I used to surl up on the floor and just cry and cry. Went through about 2 years and 100 million vicidon till the rot finally died from all the infection. So I understand. Now.. I am a WIMP!! I hate going to the dentist.. hate it hate it hate it!! I would rather give birth than go to the dentist. But when I do go.... Yummm yummm I get the Nixtious oxcide.. oh yeh.. either they give MINE the nitrous or I will never be able to sit in the chair. When I did have insurance, my dentist knew of my high anxiety though. When I needed a root canal and crown there were pills that they gave me that would make me really groggy.. but still able to respond and then they gave me the N.O. to keep me as calm as possible. Thank the good Lord in heaven.

Afterward I just took my pain meds and I was fine. Didn;t have a problem. AND it felt NOTHING like the pain of an infection and a need for a Root Canal.

Mine what did you mean when you said this "2 years and 100 million vicidon till the rot finally died from all the infection" i have put off this root canal for a while because of no insurance, but i just started working professionally and am finally getting it done, but now i''m freaking out that if i waited to long and the root canal won''t work i will have 2 years of ROT!!!!!

I had one last winter.. and it really didn''t hurt at all.. I actually had to go 4 times though.. they gave me tylenol with codeine after they did the first part.. but after a few days I didn''t need it at all and it actually hurt MUCH less than before I had the root canal done.. I know at one point my novicaine started wearing off.. but as soon as they realized it hurt a little they just shot me up with some more and I was all good.
I''ve had two root canals done, and both times I did not feel a thing using just novocaine. The worst part is just getting the novocaine. Once the novocaine kicked in, the dentist could have done a lot of things, and I would not have felt any pain! And you are talking to the biggest baby out there when it comes to dentists, doctors, and pain. For the first one, I had my fiance drive me there, and I even took the day off from work. Once everything was done, I decided to go shopping! LOL Really, it was fine. I did not need any pain medication, although the dentist said to take Advil if I was a bit sore.

Honestly, I think the worst part was getting crowns for those teeth. That was the time when I thought I was going to pass out...but I''ll save that story for when you are getting ready for the crown
I only needed novacaine.....and it was fine. Didn''t feel a thing; took 2 aleve after the fact and wasn''t the least bit uncomfortable.

It will be a cakewalk compared to your discomfort now.
Novacaine was fine for me. It really depends on your threshold level of pain. Whenever it got too bad, I held up my finger and he stopped and put a local (like ambelsol) on the tooth area. It really wasn''t as bad as I thought.
Date: 11/3/2005 3:36:19 PM
Author: lovelylulu

Mine what did you mean when you said this ''2 years and 100 million vicidon till the rot finally died from all the infection'' i have put off this root canal for a while because of no insurance, but i just started working professionally and am finally getting it done, but now i''m freaking out that if i waited to long and the root canal won''t work i will have 2 years of ROT!!!!!


I''d think your dentist would have told you if it were that bad...dont worry, i''m sure you''ll feel better once it''s over...the worst part to me is the novacaine. After that all I care about is not drooling everywhere haha.
Teeth are gross.

I was at the dentist last week getting 2 old fillings replaced and the dentist has this new digital camera thing where they put this wand in your mouth and it shows real-time as they move it around, on the 17" monitor on the ceiling (where they also can play TV) he was taking pictures of my teeth with it and I could see them on the monitor. NASTY. He kept saying things like 'oh yeah right there'.. and 'that looks great'...

All I could think of the whole time was: teeth are gross and bacteria filled mouths are even worse. I hate having work done in my mouth, it's a total pet peeve. Apparently, I am also a grinder and he was telling me I'd eventually have to have crowns unless I wear the dreaded night-guard (NEVER) and blah blah blah.

He is a new dentist for me (cute too!) so when he walked in and introduced himself I said 'I am not getting a night-guard' (bone of contention with me and previous dentists who can be SO pushy!). He said 'well I will just tell you what I think you should do and you can do what you want'. I said 'you and I will get along just fine'.
And we did!
Date: 11/3/2005 12:45:03 PM
Tomorrow morning i have to have a root canal. my tooth is KILLING me!!!! I really don''t know what to expect in terms of pain and recovery time so if someone knows please let me know.

i''ve never had a cavity and i hate anything to do with teeth, so i''m pretty unhappy about this.
I am joining this late due to my own dental appt. No, root canals are no fun but if you are in pain, take it from me, just get in there and make sure they juice you up good with meds and you''ll be a-ok. I had a root canal about 3 years ago by a different dental office and they sent me to an endodonist--a specialist who is supposed to know better how to do invasive procedures like root canals. Anyways, I didn''t know it at the time, but the post that he put in was too short and was put in incorrectly so it fractured beneath the gum line and bothered me when I ate. I had a new crown put on it just this past July due to a faulty design with the crown the endodonist put in so the dental office pro-rated the cost of a bridge that I now am forced to have. I am steaming mad at the endodonist
and the worse thing is, the previous dental office has closed up so I can''t go get the info I need to get retribution but I am going to talk to my insurance cuz they should have record of the transaction--gosh, I hope and pray they do. I am numb right now, but I am not very happy with my situation. I hope and pray that you will be spared an experience like mine...

Just so you know, I have stitches and a temp bridge right now for 2 weeks. Then they will make a new impression to see if the shape is the same then another 2 weeks then a permanent bridge which is actually crowns for 3 teeth--the one they extracted and the 2 on either side.

If I can go through this, you will be just hunky dorey tomorrow--don''t worry!!!
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