slg47 said:oh yikes!
12) kagordo4
sorry! sometimes I miss one through all of these posts!!! (eta I think it it is because of the large SPACE in between...and scrolling). many apologies to kagordo!
kagordo would you honestly wear your ring in the ocean though?!?!??!? i can understand on the beach but in the ocean...I would be scared to death! do you wear other jewelry swimming?
I know Kenny wears his octavia in the pool but he has gloves to protect it
ETA and a pool is...well...a pool...with a bottom...and you can see things in it
No worries I was just joking.
Would I wear it in the ocean..? Well honestly yes. My mom wears her's all the time and it's.. well it's much larger than what I will be getting. (side note, I really should try to get some pictures for SMTB, it's a beautiful ring). I also don't really go in the water any deeper than my waist, SO is sort of terrified of "dark water." lol. If I were going snorkeling or something I'd weigh my options, but most of the time, yeah I would. My idea of the beach is also like... maybe 10 minutes (or less) in the water on a pretty regular basis. I'm actually beach starved right now; I haven't been since summer courses started. : (