
Am I about to get murdered: cat visit

Hello Emoji! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Sweet! My most favorite all time cat that belong to our family was all black with a small white spot on his neck. His name was
Wiskers but we called him Ba Ba for some reason. He was a cool cat...friendly but not too needy. He loved me and I loved him
right back...he was 23 when he passed away. ;( I was off at college. Boy, did I love that cat.

Many happy years with your new girl!!!
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

What a pretty girl!

She'll acclimate.

Just take it slow. I'm so happy you got a black cat. No one adopts them. We have two, and your Emoji looks like my Lucy.

Let us know how the assimilation goes!

And congratulations!
Emoji is lovely! (Great name!)
monarch64|1449355831|3958031 said:
Emoji is lovely! (Great name!)

Thanks my husband named her
She is so pretty....those eyes!

Why are black cats not adopted Gypsy?
Superstition is my guess

ETA maybe they're not considered "pretty"? Not as striking as say, a tortoiseshell or a black and white cat w/unique markings?
Calliecake|1449356831|3958040 said:
She is so pretty....those eyes!

Why are black cats not adopted Gypsy?

I think it's both superstition and perception. The woman at the shelter told me people say "I dont want a black cat their suppose to be too temperamental"
packrat|1449357007|3958041 said:
Superstition is my guess

ETA maybe they're not considered "pretty"? Not as striking as say, a tortoiseshell or a black and white cat w/unique markings?

I could see that. I so find it odd though as I find an all over color more attractive than random markings. Sure, a pattern is cool, or one with a noteworthy chaotic marking, but in general I find those less noteworthy
Congrats, she looks lovely!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

Such a pretty kitty, Niel; congrats on finding your new furbaby. Now sparkle up that collar ... some pretty Marquise gems would really complement kitty's eyes. ;)
JoCoJenn|1449358742|3958054 said:
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

Such a pretty kitty, Niel; congrats on finding your new furbaby. Now sparkle up that collar ... some pretty Marquise gems would really complement kitty's eyes. ;)

Ha-ha, I should get her some chrysoberyl to go with those eyes!
Niel|1449358822|3958056 said:
JoCoJenn|1449358742|3958054 said:
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

Such a pretty kitty, Niel; congrats on finding your new furbaby. Now sparkle up that collar ... some pretty Marquise gems would really complement kitty's eyes. ;)

Ha-ha, I should get her some chrysoberyl to go with those eyes!

That would be awesome on a black collar! :appl:
What a little cutie! :love: :love: :love:
What a beauty! Congratulations!
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

She's beautiful! Reminds me of my EQ. I :love: black cats and am so happy you found this beauty!
Niel|1449342988|3957951 said:
Here's one terrible photo

AHAHAHAH your husband got his way! Emoji is the perfect name for this cutie. :)

Glad you have a new family member. Hope she gets on well with the kids and the dog. :bigsmile:
Niel|1449358822|3958056 said:
JoCoJenn|1449358742|3958054 said:
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

Such a pretty kitty, Niel; congrats on finding your new furbaby. Now sparkle up that collar ... some pretty Marquise gems would really complement kitty's eyes. ;)

Ha-ha, I should get her some chrysoberyl to go with those eyes!

mochiko42|1449364028|3958093 said:
Niel|1449358822|3958056 said:
JoCoJenn|1449358742|3958054 said:
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

Such a pretty kitty, Niel; congrats on finding your new furbaby. Now sparkle up that collar ... some pretty Marquise gems would really complement kitty's eyes. ;)

Ha-ha, I should get her some chrysoberyl to go with those eyes!


Ha-ha he got to name it, you'd think its only fair I get a cats eye!

My husband already is quite a fan of this girl. She's already seems really comfortable here, now its just a matter of making her and Morty BFF. I do think it'll happen, they are just new to each other.
Beautiful kitty Niel! I'm sure she'll settle in fine with your family. I love black cats!
Congratulations to your family and sweet Emoji on finding each other! :clap: She's beautiful! I happen to like black cats. :dance: She certainly is a pretty girl! :appl:
Beautiful cat! Sounds like you did the right thing, going with an open mind and seeing which cat is compatible. I have also heard similar stories, of say a friend going to see a dog she was intending to adopt, but then ends up adopting another dog that is much more compatible. I have heard the same thing about black dogs being less adoptable, but I don't know whether that is really true or more of a saying. I think black cats are beautiful, and my all time favorite family dog we had was a black labrador.
Niel|1449353835|3958018 said:
Ok last one because my husband got a much better one

Congratulations! She is a beautiful sweet girl. :appl:

My Francesca is a black kitty and she is smart with the sweetest disposition. Though I admit she is mischievous. We are in love with her and I hope you and your family are in love with your sweet Emoji and enjoy your newest family member. :appl:

I think you will soon discover the secret that black kitties are super wonderful. :love:

She's beautiful. So glad you adopted a black cat - most people shy away from black cats. We have a black 11 year old male with a wonderful personality. Black cats have their own special personalities. Enjoy her. Congrats.
I loooooovvveee black cats! :appl: :appl:

We've had two in our lives so far, and if we ever want another cat, it will be black.

Somehow, they just seem smarter to me. The last one, Jinkies (as in "Jinkies, Thelma, it's a black cat!") got hit by a car in May ;( and we miss him. He understood everything we said, he read our expressions so well, and interacted with us all the time. He was cuddly, and loved DD best (I guess because she picked him out at the humane society). He always pulled off his collar, unless she put it on him, then he would keep it on. Even if it was a hot, weird thing that she knitted for him, he'd wear it. He used to tease one of our dogs, and the other dog couldn't stand him, so they got testy with each other sometimes. Never a fight, just low rumbling on both sides. :) We called him the assassin, because he'd kill the yard rats in weird ways: he'd cut out just the heart and leave the carcass, or he'd decapitate the head and trim the fur off neatly like a little collar around it's neck. Once, he just slit a flap into the side of the rat, and you could see the organs. We'd find them around the yard, except for the head which brought into our bedroom! :shock: He actually looked surprised when I got mad. :D It was sooo gross! :errrr: But he always had extra swagger after he got a rat. He'd come running when you called his name, and would sit or stand for treats. I think he learned that from our dogs. He used to stay only in our yard and seemed to know where the edges were. He liked to watch people go by. Except for the one day he wandered off. I never figured out why he went so far that day. :(( He was an awesome, epic cat. RIP.

I will always have black cats from now on, all the other cats we'd had before just seemed to be so meh, after the black ones.

I think the bad luck thing started back in the old days, maybe medieval times, before electricity. It was hard to see them, and they could cause you to trip. After that, the superstition just seemed to take over. It's said that they're discriminated against.

I do have one caveat; they really all do look the same. Honestly. I saw a commercial once, with a bunch of black cats, and I could have SWORN any one of them was Jinkies. Be happy you have the little mark on him, but suggest you also have him microchipped.
LOL iLander, I don't think all black cats look the same. Maybe if you look just quickly and superficially but really no they don't.
However I do agree if Emoji is not microchipped already it is a good idea to do that. Though I think most animal rescue groups already have their animals microchipped nowadays anyway but just in case she is not it is a good idea.

Any more pics Niel of your new sweetie? How are your children enjoying her?
Emoji is a beauty. She looks so at home already. Congrats on the new addition to the family. :appl:
missy|1449493345|3958503 said:
LOL iLander, I don't think all black cats look the same. Maybe if you look just quickly and superficially but really no they don't.
However I do agree if Emoji is not microchipped already it is a good idea to do that. Though I think most animal rescue groups already have their animals microchipped nowadays anyway but just in case she is not it is a good idea.

Any more pics Niel of your new sweetie? How are your children enjoying her?

My kids love her. They are up with my dog so he doesn't fascinate them like Emoji does. M doesn't really get that she lives here now so every time she doesn't see her she's very concerned about where the cat went. My son is 10mo so he basically just wants to sit by her.

No pictures really, she's very hard to phonograph well.

My dog still doesn't like her. But its been 2 days. They have made there own territory though. He chased her :((
But when he got to the stairs he stopped. So she took claim of the basement.
iLander|1449464178|3958439 said:
I loooooovvveee black cats! :appl: :appl:

We've had two in our lives so far, and if we ever want another cat, it will be black.

Somehow, they just seem smarter to me. The last one, Jinkies (as in "Jinkies, Thelma, it's a black cat!") got hit by a car in May ;( and we miss him. He understood everything we said, he read our expressions so well, and interacted with us all the time. He was cuddly, and loved DD best (I guess because she picked him out at the humane society). He always pulled off his collar, unless she put it on him, then he would keep it on. Even if it was a hot, weird thing that she knitted for him, he'd wear it. He used to tease one of our dogs, and the other dog couldn't stand him, so they got testy with each other sometimes. Never a fight, just low rumbling on both sides. :) We called him the assassin, because he'd kill the yard rats in weird ways: he'd cut out just the heart and leave the carcass, or he'd decapitate the head and trim the fur off neatly like a little collar around it's neck. Once, he just slit a flap into the side of the rat, and you could see the organs. We'd find them around the yard, except for the head which brought into our bedroom! :shock: He actually looked surprised when I got mad. :D It was sooo gross! :errrr: But he always had extra swagger after he got a rat. He'd come running when you called his name, and would sit or stand for treats. I think he learned that from our dogs. He used to stay only in our yard and seemed to know where the edges were. He liked to watch people go by. Except for the one day he wandered off. I never figured out why he went so far that day. :(( He was an awesome, epic cat. RIP.

I will always have black cats from now on, all the other cats we'd had before just seemed to be so meh, after the black ones.

I think the bad luck thing started back in the old days, maybe medieval times, before electricity. It was hard to see them, and they could cause you to trip. After that, the superstition just seemed to take over. It's said that they're discriminated against.

I do have one caveat; they really all do look the same. Honestly. I saw a commercial once, with a bunch of black cats, and I could have SWORN any one of them was Jinkies. Be happy you have the little mark on him, but suggest you also have him microchipped.

Your old kitties sound cute! Lol

She's already microxhipped thank goodness