I posted a few weeks ago about my boyfreind starting to look for engagement rings. Well, he told me around that time that he had put aside some money to do so. Its been about three weeks, and there has been no looking. We planned to look together, but he hasnt initiated anything. Now, he is obsessed with the idea of having a big plasma or lfat screen TV. I asked him where he is getting the money to buy a crazy expensive TV, and he replies "with my savings, but I''m just looking," as though I should already know. So, my feelings are kinda hurt, in that I feel he already committed his savings to get a ring for me, but now he wants a stupid TV?? Now that I vented a little, I am wondering if it would be too pushy for me to confront him about this, to see what he is really up to, or should I just let it go and wait ( for how long??). I just dont want to be walking around all upset because of this. Thanks for your support.