
Am I on the right track?

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Apr 14, 2009

I am trying to lose about 10 lbs before me wedding (its in 11 months). I don''t want to do anything too drastic. I am watching what I eat but i think I am eating too many carbs!!!

For e.g. this is my meal plan for today,
Breakfast: One slice of Wholemeal toast with peanut butter + green tea
Snack: Two bits of dark chocolate and a kiwi fruit
Lunch: Wholemeal sandwich with chicken breast + green tea
Snack: Probably some tea w skim milk
Dinner: Rice/ Potatoes with lean meat and salad/vegetables +green tea

Do you think I am eating too much carbs?

To help me lose weight I have also taken up Yoga (Bikram and Vinyasa) two times a week. I don''t have the time to get a third session in because my remaining free day is Sunday and I usually do chores around the house.

That doesn''t look like a lot of carbs to me.

The most important thing is for you to look at how you were eating and moving before versus how you are eating and moving now. You''ll only lose weight if you''ve changed your eating and exercising habits. As for the specific amount of carbs you should eat, everyone is different so I''d pay close attention to your body.

How do you like the Bikram yoga? I''ve been thinking about trying it for a while now, but the heat scares me. I''m unable to tolerate a hot tub at all (it feels like my chest is caving in) so I worry that I''d have the same reaction to Bikram yoga. I really want to try it, though.
Thanks Haven!

I think i have changed my eating habits quite a bit. If i do takeaway, i usually stick with tuna/chicken sandwich or a salad wrap. Before I start taking care of my body, I would just get whatever I was craving at the time, like pie or chinese takeaway (the worst!!). I still go get cravings for potato chips but i put a small portion in a bowl instead of eating out of the bag.

Bikram Yoga is not that bad. True, I start sweating from the very FIRST pose (where you just breathe in and out LOL) but no one will push you to do more than you are comfortable. I think I do about 70% of the class. The instructor says that as long as you come in with a positive attitude, you will be able to finish the class. As long as you do more than you THINK you are capable of, you will gain benefits. I''ve only been twice and each time, i felt really good afterwards
I hope you do try it!
I think I''ll definitely try the Bikram yoga, I hear nothing but great things about it.

It sounds like you will *definitely* be able to meet your goal to lose 10 lbs in the next 11 months, especially if you''re changing your eating habits. I know people who have lost a lot of weight doing yoga, so that will probably help, too.

If you''re ever looking for healthy recipes we post some in the BFL thread. They''re mostly from the Eating for Life cookbook, and they all have a balance of protein and carbs, so it sounds like they''d fit into your new diet plan.

Good luck! I bet you''ll pass your goal!
Thanks for the encouraging words Haven!

Gosh I do hope so. I want to look the best for my wedding.

I will definitely check out the Eating for Life cookbook. Sounds like something that I need to keep my new eating plan interesting.
Try changing it to a heavier breakfast and lighter dinner.
Your body needs a minimum of 1200 calories a day, so I would be cautious that you are getting enough especially since you are working out.

I''ve used with great success. You enter your age, height, weight and your goal plus any exercise you do, and it will tell you the range you should eat within. Then you can enter in your foods and track your calories and nutrients.
Date: 9/14/2009 2:19:29 PM
Author: Barcelona
Your body needs a minimum of 1200 calories a day, so I would be cautious that you are getting enough especially since you are working out.

I''ve used with great success. You enter your age, height, weight and your goal plus any exercise you do, and it will tell you the range you should eat within. Then you can enter in your foods and track your calories and nutrients.
Hehe i don''t think I can eat any less. Don''t worry i always try to listen to my body. If i''m hungry i will have a bit more.

I had ice cream last night, but thankfully dinner was pretty healthy... i think!

I had chicken pasta bake with a sundried tomato and garlic sauce n side of blanched broccoli and left over green beans
Date: 9/14/2009 11:23:45 AM
Author: Stone-cold11
Try changing it to a heavier breakfast and lighter dinner.
Thanks stone-cold =)

I had an extra toast for bfast and probably will limit carbs at night and just add more vegies or something!

You guys are so helpful!
Your diet looks fine. Just one tip, try to eat a larger breakfast and do not eat 2 hours before bed.

Your situation is unique because 10 pounds in 11 weeks is very healthy and very doable. There are two different ways to go about it.

Loose 10 pounds in 3-4 months and then try to maintain, OR

loose about 1 pound a month for 11 months.... This would be very hard with the new pace and habits you have. (They are really good habits though! lol i just think you are going to lose more than 1 pound a month if you are strict)

Since you have added yoga (physical activity) and started eliminating unhealthy choices, i believe you will lose the 10 pounds in about 3-4. This is the route i would recommend because it is the easiest to track and change.

So for the next 3-4 months your goal would be to lose just under 1 pound a week.

1 pound of fat = 3500 calories

So lets say your 2x a week yoga session burns about 500 calories. That means your are still looking to subtract 3000 calories a week (compared to what you were consuming)/ or about 430 calories a day.

430 calories, is like removing that daily pastry bun... or switching from a latte to just the green tea you like :)

Any other questions, and i''d be glad to help!

Date: 9/14/2009 11:49:21 PM
Author: tap02150
Your diet looks fine. Just one tip, try to eat a larger breakfast and do not eat 2 hours before bed.

Your situation is unique because 10 pounds in 11 weeks is very healthy and very doable. There are two different ways to go about it.

Loose 10 pounds in 3-4 months and then try to maintain, OR

loose about 1 pound a month for 11 months.... This would be very hard with the new pace and habits you have. (They are really good habits though! lol i just think you are going to lose more than 1 pound a month if you are strict)

Since you have added yoga (physical activity) and started eliminating unhealthy choices, i believe you will lose the 10 pounds in about 3-4. This is the route i would recommend because it is the easiest to track and change.

So for the next 3-4 months your goal would be to lose just under 1 pound a week.

1 pound of fat = 3500 calories

So lets say your 2x a week yoga session burns about 500 calories. That means your are still looking to subtract 3000 calories a week (compared to what you were consuming)/ or about 430 calories a day.

430 calories, is like removing that daily pastry bun... or switching from a latte to just the green tea you like :)

Any other questions, and i''d be glad to help!

YAY Ted!!! Thanks for the tips!!

No, I am not really strict. I still eat desserts but only occasionally.

I think my biggest problem right now is that i get REALLY hungry at about 3.30 pm! That makes me eat quite a lot of carbs at dinner.

Btw, is pasta ok is moderate portions? My mum reads this book that basically tell you about what you can and can''t eat based on your blood type. She says I shouldn''t eat pasta or potatoes because it would make me gain weight.

Thanks for your help!
I would deff. recommend eating another snack around 3 or 3:30. Something healthy, something filling. 100-150 calories. Fruit would be best, but a little granola or some carbs isnt bad at all either.

As for pasta, white pasta has been proven to increase weight if you eat it a lot. They say to try and switch to whole wheat pasta.

I am Italian, and it took a lot of effort to switch from white pasta to wheat. I started with 50/50... and now i love the taste of wheat better! Just took a little bit to grow into.

They also make a "healthier" pasta that is made with wheat and has 0mega-3. I can''t remember the actual name, but if you eat a lot of pasta, i would recommend switching to wheat or this type.

*Deserts are fine, as long as they are in moderation. Try not to break the calorie bank with them lol (keep it under 200 calories). A scoop of that low fat ice cream is a perfect situation. and come on, who doesnt like ice cream ;)

PS, for dinner ideas... look at chicken, pork, and fish. I would say red meat is ok at least once a week. Remember that a portion of meat is suppose to be the size of your fist.. i also think that a little bit more is worth it so you don''t get hungry. Also, break out the grill when you can if its still nice enough to use.. this is one of the healthiest ways to cook food.

IF you get the chance a few days, keep track of your calories.. add them all up, let me know approx. how many calories you are consuming a day.. i can help you better with that info.

i''m also a sparkie! i use it to check that I''m having a proper balance of fat/protein/carbs. I work out A LOT, and I need to make sure not to neglect any components of nutrition. It is really helpful, and has a great support network, if you''re interested... (and is free)
Cindy - sounds like a good meal plan to me! The vast majority of our diets should be complex carbs with fruits and veggies and grains, and then lean meats and what not in smaller amounts.

I so want to try Bikram yoga
Date: 9/15/2009 5:13:02 PM
Author: dragonfly411
Cindy - sounds like a good meal plan to me! The vast majority of our diets should be complex carbs with fruits and veggies and grains, and then lean meats and what not in smaller amounts.

I so want to try Bikram yoga
dragonfly, you should have a go!

It''s quite daunting, but once you finish, you feel great! Don''t get me wrong, the instructor told me that he was scared of me cos I kept shooting him dirty looks for making me work out
Soooo... it is hard work, but worth it IMO.

The pasta I use is durum wheat pasta. Is that what you meant by wheat pasta? I buy whatever is cheap when I go grocery shopping, and this type of pasta is marked down in price quite often.
yah, i usually go with barilla, but whole wheat is whole wheat lol

Good luck, remember.. keep your goals in mind always! this will help you stay on track!
Sounds good, but I would swap the peanut butter for an egg on multigrain toast (great source of protein, will keep you fuller for longer and much less fat) and swap your carbs for the multigrain version.

Good luck sweetie and remember that you can do it!!!!
Thanks honey!!

I WILL do it!
I wanted to add, I use whole wheat/whole grain pasta and I love it, so does SO. I like to add yogurt in too.
I lost 2 pounds =)

Btw, Ted, my caloric intake daily is approximately 1400-1500 cals. I have an office job so on the weekdays I do minimal physical activity.

I am 5'6" (actually thought i was 5'5" for the longest time) and weight 141.6 lbs as of this morning!!! =)

I have a medium build, and in high school, my weight was 127 lbs and everyone said I was too thin and gaunt

My goal weight is 133 lbs. Do you think that is a good goal?

ETA: I will NOT give up my twice weekly ice-cream
Congratulations on losing 2 pounds. I eat low fat ice cream every day; it sure helps me know I can end the day with a tasty treat.
Thanks marcy

I''m very happy with my progress. I want to make sure the weight comes off the healthy way.

I eat treats but all of them i bake myself and i know exactly what goes in them. Except ice cream of course, I have an ice cream machine, but its not the same as store bought ice cream LOL
It has been two weeks since i posted.

I am now 140.2 lbs =)


P.S: I still eat chips occasionally as an after dinner snack
LOL I can''t give them up!! Sooo good :P

Oh well, by my count I am way ahead, i still have 9 months to lose 7-8 pounds....
Keep it up, better to be ahead then to fall short. :)
Thanks SC... i feel beter overall. I sleep better, eat better and feel more energetic.

I also bought Wii Fit and its so hard!!! Apparently i have zero balance LOL
Its been a while since I posted (2-3 weeks?) and i lost another 2 pounds since then

I now weigh 138 pounds, just 5 pounds away from my goal weight! I am almost there!!

Well, not really, but it feels so good to see results
yap, almost there, much faster than plan... :P
Thanks stone-cold!! you''re very supportive

lost another pound... four to go

I like that I am losing weight slowly. There is no pressure to overdo it with the exercising hehehe
congrats! It''s so exciting to see that the things you are doing are paying off. I know when I was trying to trim down, I kept a journal of the things I would eat. I didn''t calorie count, but having to write things down helped me be accountable for what I''m eating. I had to stop and think about it and it definitely helped me to cut down on the random snacking. Now I eat several light meals throughout the day and I feel like I have steady energy throughout the day.

Another thing for me is that its not the weight that mattered, but the way my body looked. I could tell when my muscles started losing tone, but my weight would stay the same. So just a heads up, you may make your goal weight, but there are still things you can do to ''trim'' while staying at that weight. weird I know. Yoga did wonders for me as far as toning goes (as well as a little weight training)- I''ll have to try the Bikram style, if I can find a place that is.

good luck on reaching your goal weight- you go girl!!
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