
Am I Really Just Crazy and Selfish?

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Jul 20, 2008
I think I''m going crazy. About a year and a half ago, SO told me that he wanted to get engaged in 2 years. At the time, it wasn''t really a huge deal to me, but as time went on, I became more and more interested in getting engaged. I''ve wanted to get engaged for about a year, and a few months ago, I started to feel VERY ready. Recently, he told me that he wouldn''t be ready at the original 2 year mark (April/May of next year), but he promised that it would happen before our anniversary (September of next year). Lately I''ve been feeling extremely anxious, and I was really starting to feel like I would burst into a million pieces before the proposal ever came. I had a feeling that he wouldn''t be ready by then. I didn''t understand what difference a few months could make. However, he had made a promise, and I assumed that he wouldn''t make a promise like that unless he had thought it over and really meant it.

Last night he told me that he plans on waiting an extra year. He now plans on proposing in December of 2010. At the time, it didn''t really hit me, and I remained very calm and understanding. I felt like everything was fine, but when I woke up this morning, and things had had a chance to sink in, I completely freaked out. I was already having trouble waiting a year, and now he wants to wait another. He PROMISED me that it would happen before next October. You can''t make a promise like that and then just take it back. He was mad that I was upset. He just kept explaining that he thought we would be ready, but after he''s given it more thought, he realizes that he won''t be ready next year. Then he got agitated because he feels that I''m not supposed to know when the proposal is coming, anyway.

I feel so stupid. I''ve made so many sacrifices, and I made them because I believed that he would be proposing next spring. I''ve already been waiting a year, and I feel like I''m about to explode. I can''t even imagine how I''ll feel after another 2 years. Of course, that''s not REALLY why I''m angry. I''m angry because he made a promise, and now it''s broken. I''m angry because he keeps changing his mind about getting engaged. I''m angry because I don''t feel like I can trust him. At this point, I''m starting to believe that he doesn''t ever have any plans to propose.

He swears that this is the last time he''ll change his mind. He says he knows this time that he''ll be ready in another 2 years. He says he''s really thought about where he wants us to be, and he knows we''ll be there. I don''t know how I''m supposed to believe him. This is actually the FIFTH time he''s changed his mind about getting engaged. Obviously, he was never ready to talk about getting engaged. I never asked for a time frame. He knew I wanted to marry him, but he volunteered the original time frame all on his own. I have no idea why.

I''m hurt, stunned, and disappointed. My friends and family think I''m being crazy and selfish. They think I''m trying to force him to propose. I don''t want him to propose if he''s not ready, but I can''t handle the way he changes his mind. Now I''m afraid that next year he''ll just say the same thing, and it''ll just continue on and on. He swears that he means it, but how can I know? His reasons for wanting to wait the extra year are very logical and valid, but how could he not have thought through all that before he opened his mouth about it?

The worst part is that when he told me had changed his mind and wanted to wait until around September, that was actually the 4th time he had changed his mind. I told myself that 4 times was all I could handle, and that if he didn''t come through on his promise to propose before October, that would be the end of us.

I understand that he''s young, and compared to many relationships, we haven''t been together that long, but I do think he''s old enough to know better than to mess around with something so important. He knows what a big deal getting engaged and getting married is to me, and if he wasn''t ready to talk about it, he should have said so. It breaks my heart that after giving me 4 different time frames, he''s just now actually sat down and thought out where he would like to be when he gets engaged.

I don''t even know what to do, anymore. I just needed to vent. I''m sure everything will settle down and go back to normal. I''m sure that we''ll be fine and get past this. I''m almost sure that a proposal is coming eventually. Right now, I just need to be upset.
Do you mind telling me how old you two are? And how long you''ve been together?

Forgive me if you''ve already given this info in previous posts, there are so many LIW''s here that it''s hard to keep everyone straight sometimes! hehe
Are you living together? If so, move out. Just date. Maybe consider whether you want to date other people. Be honest with yourself about how long you''ll "wait". You already told yourself four times was "it". Why isn''t it "it"?
How old are the two of you? And where are you both career-wise?
Okay... on Deco''s note - My mom and dad had been off and on all through Jr High and HS and well after. My mom literally told him to "sh*t or get off the pot, I''ve got things to do...". They are still VERY happily married 36 years later - and still very much in love.

And - IMO - if you love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him you will stay with him with or without a ring or a wedding. WAIT! I know how that sounds, cuz I''m losing my mind waiting as well - but step back from the proposal/ring/wedding business and honestly assess how you want to spend the rest of your life. Something I try to remind myself about the whole wedding business is that once the proposal happens, it''s a fun, fast ride to the wedding day, and then you are still the couple you were before - so focus on that couple and not the roller coaster ahead of you.

And remember (I don''t know who said it, but I can''t take credit):
You can''t change the past, but you can ruin a perfectly good present by worrying about the future.

I hope it all works itself out sooner than you think!
TNMB, I am sorry that you are going through this. Anytime that only one member of the relationship is ready for that next step is very difficult. I know that there are many couples that date for 5, 6, 10 years and don''t get married and maybe that works for some people. But the truth is that it doesn''t work for everyone. It sounds like this isn''t something that is working for you.

I have never been the type of woman that dates with no commitment for years at a time. SO knew this as soon as we got serious. I expressed my desire to be married (TO HIM). I also told him that if he didn''t see that in our future, we shouldn''t continue to date as it was only fair that I be able to date and be serious with someone who was serious about marriage to me, too. He agreed. We''ve been dating for a little under a year and a half and I know that I am not waiting another 6 months for a proposal. Either he knows he wants to marry me or I am moving on. He knows this, I have explained to him very clearly that my goal is not to date him for years much less to be engaged for years.

I am so sorry that you feel alone and I absolutely agree that it is very unfair of him to switch timelines on you. I agree with the other poster who said that if you two are living together, you should move out and date as it appears that this is what he wants to do. This seems like an ultimatum of some sort, but you have been patient and he keeps breaking his word to you. There really are no justifiable excuses. And any excuse that seems logical just screams that YOU are not his first priority (and you SHOULD be!). If he needs money to buy (insert whatever) instead of your ring, why is your ring less important that (insert whatever)? If he needs more time to finish school, why can''t you be married (since it''s important to you) in a simple ceremony and he continue school after your wedding? If he wants to spend more time with his friends, why can''t he do it while married to you? See where I am going with this?

I wish you the best, but it sounds like you have a lot of thinking to do as well. Good Luck to you and that is what we are all here for!
Date: 11/2/2008 6:06:31 PM
Author: decodelighted
Are you living together? If so, move out. Just date. Maybe consider whether you want to date other people. Be honest with yourself about how long you'll 'wait'. You already told yourself four times was 'it'. Why isn't it 'it'?

I've got to agree with this. A deadline doesn't work if he knows you are willing to move it and wait around. 4 times seems a bit much for me, it sounds like he's making excuses....

And how can he arbitrarily decide that he'll be "ready" in December of 2010? Sounds like he's just stalling to me.
Well, to answer everyone''s questions...We''re 20 and 21, and we''ve been together 2 years. This year we''re both full-time students, and he''ll be attending full-time for about 2 more years. After this year I''ll be on the waiting list for my program, and then I''ll have to go back in 2 years, most likely part-time. We don''t live together-I already planned on waiting until we were married, or extremely close to it.
Date: 11/2/2008 6:21:24 PM
Author: neatfreak

And how can he arbitrarily decide that he''ll be ''ready'' in December of 2010? Sounds like he''s just stalling to me.
I have to agree. Someone very wisely observed in another thread, "You have already proposed to him by making it clear you want to get married." Isn''t it clear, based on his actions, what his answer is? (Note: I wasn''t able to find who said this, so I apologize for not giving proper credit.)
I read some of your other threads .. he''s 21 & you''re his first serious girlfriend. Honestly, I wouldn''t count on him being able to know what he wants in 2010 right now ... or at all. This is the same guy who told you he "almost proposed this weekend" a month or so ago right? He''s treating it like a toy, like a game that he''s excited about but not sure what it really means. He knows you want to hear it but when it occurs to him how his life would chance then he gets scared & comes up with new, far off in the future dates & "life stages" he wants to get to first.

You''re right not to trust him. Not because he''s a bad person or mean or doesn''t love you. But because he''s YOUNG and flaky and this is all new to him & he doesn''t have the maturity or life experience to be able to predict his future wants & his future actions.

IMHO -- what he''s in effect saying to you is "I don''t want to break up today". Because, seriously, if he said he didn''t know what he wants or if he admitted fears about engagement -- you''d be so peeved at this point that you WOULD want to break up, right? I''m just guessing ...

But if I were you I''d try to stop myself from all the hoping & counting on the future ... stop sacrificing if I''m only doing so if I''m planning to be engaged ... and start thinking about how you''d feel if you did wait another two years & not get engaged after all. Is the time with someone you love enough? Or would you feel like it was a waste of time? Just something to think about ... you have time to decide how you feel about stuff. It''s not just HIM in the drivers seat.
Ahhh...Deco, you''re so wise. You said all of that in a way I never could.

And ditto to KittyBean (I need to find that thread!)

Everyone has pretty much already said what I would have said but I wanted to offer another suggestion.

Log off of this site for a while. At 20, you still have a lifetime in front of you to think about marriage. But I know that being on this site with other young women and talking about engagements, weddings, and diamonds can make anyone feel even more anxious. He’s asking to wait 2 more years which may seem like a lifetime away but by then you’ll only be 22 and he’ll be 23. It isn’t selfish of him to ask to wait until he’s a bit older. I can’t imagine any 21 year old man that what…just graduated college or is about to…being all that ready to get married. And even if he was emotionally ready, wouldn’t it be better to wait until you are both a little more financially stable? Marriage brings on a lot more responsibility than just being a wife/husband so take some time to enjoy being young and dating.

Again, I think some time away from this site or at least the LIW section will put some things in perspective. It''s not that we don''t love ya but it just makes things feel even more anxious, you know?
oh, TNMB... i don''t think you''re being selfish, and i wouldn''t say ''crazy'' either.. but i do think you''re too young to be worried about time lines. you need to get through undergrad and let him do the same, because once you have that ring on your finger you only have a year or two to become completely financially stable, and these days a college degree guarantees you NOTHING of the kind. don''t worry about that yet, get your proverbial ducks in a row before you start panicking over engagement.

you and your SO are going to change so so much over the next few years! give yourself some time, you may be surprised how wise a wait will be!!

hang in there, kiddo.
TNMB sweetie you are not being selfish or crazy. He''s changed his mind 5 times now I''d be a little anxious too. You need to remind yourself that you are very lucky that at his age he''s even thinking about marraige....seriously. MY SO is ten years his senior and he just came around to the whole marraige idea about a year ago. It just takes guys longer sometimes.

You said he had very reasonable reasons for waiting until 2010 (I''m guessing they have something to do with you both being in school) so he really has put some thought into it and he wants it to be perfect FOR YOU. Try to remember that. It sounds to me like you just want some reassurance that he really is going to be ready in 2 years...have you though about what if anything would make you content with this new plan? I think you need to think about that and talk to him about it. If this anxious feeling doesn''t go away in few days it will need to be addressed before any resentment has time to grow. Take a deep breath relax and think about how great your relationship is and keep the communication lines open.
I certainly don''t think you are selfish or crazy. I DO think you are worrying about this a bit to early. I''m 22 and SO is just turning 21. I know for a fact we aren''t financially stable enough yet and I don''t want him spending that money yet. I also know that we both need more time to grow. We certainly KNOW we aren''t going anywhere, but I know I don''t want to be married with no money, haven''t finished school and struggling to survive. Enjoy the here and now.
Without bringing your age into the picture (I generally think that factor is irrelevant) you're both still in transitory periods of your life. There's technically no reason to rush. You're in college and still have a few years to go, so even if you do get married soon it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get to settle down and do the nesting thing for awhile. I genuinely don't think he's ready to get engaged yet (I went back and read your past threads) so I hate seeing him dangle this in front of you. His timeline does not match yours and that isn't fair to either of you.

Sit down with him somewhere quiet and private, and ask for his complete honesty knowing that it might sting. You're not being obsessive at all, you're hurt. Tell him how much this process is hurting you and explain that you don't understand why he has gone back on his word so many times. Ask him to give you a general year that he wants to get married, because you'll then at least know how long you have until an engagement.

You brought up promise rings in the past, and I'm one of those freaks who owns one :P It actually has been really useful and nice to have, because it's a plain silver band ($15) and it says the same thing as an engagement ring without all the bells and whistles of announcing an engagement. It has definitely quieted my LIW craziness a bit to not have guys constantly hitting on me while I sit in anger about not being engaged yet. ;)

Lots and lots and LOTS of hugs for you girl. I definitely know how you feel.
Now that you've mentioned your ages, I can better understand his hesitation in getting engaged within a year. Both of you are pretty young, and you're both in school to boot. I think it is a bit young to be getting too stressed about this. As for your BF- you didn't mention what his reasons for waiting are - but I'm sure he'd probably prefer to finish school and settle into a good job, perhaps put some money towards his some school loans (?) before getting engaged. Engagement usually means thinking about rings and wedding plans - and that can be stressful, especially financially. And maybe he wants to just enjoy life a little before thinking about a wedding/marriage. It doesn't mean he doesn't want to marry you - just that at his stage of life, it's understandable that he may not yet have that seriously on his mind.

About the broken promises - maybe he felt pressured on some level and so that's why he gave you an earlier timeline before... But perhaps after thinking about it more he realized he wasn't ready?

Anyway, I think both of you should just continue to enjoy each other and the relationship until you're both out of school. I know the waiting is hard...
, but really, I don't think it's worth it to stress so much about engagement/marriage at your age.
You can''t fault yourself for feeling hurt, they are your feelings and therefore can''t really be wrong. I know it is hard to wait. I had this feeling when my SO and I first got together (I was 20 he was 24) that I just wanted to marry him straight away...but then real life creeped in and I realized that we just weren''t ready. It is hard sometimes when you feel like you have might the one for you to sit back and wait...and wait..and wait... But, I have a friend who did not wait, and they had a rough first few years of marriage. They love each other very much, but had a tough time finishing school, starting careers, saving money, paying off the wedding etc. and it really impacted their relationship. It stinks that money, careers and other details come in the way of romance, but I hear getting married and being married can be tough sometimes, maybe it is better to wait until you have more of your other ducks in a row till the big event. I just want to assure you that you aren''t crazy though...I felt that way when we first met, almost 4 years later we are both waiting until the time is right for us...and I think it will be next year, but if not, I love him he loves me and we would rather wait things out than are not alone LIW''s unite!
I have to be honest, how does he know he will be ready in Dec of that particular year. He either wants to get married or not. It sounds like he is pushing the limeline back as he just isn''t sure of marriage, whatever?

I just don''t understand men who say I will propose on x date - to me, if they are sure they want to get married and that you are the one, I don''t see why they can''t propose then and there. Fair enough they may need time to plan a proposal, ring, etc, but I hear warning bells when I man decides that he will be ready in 2 years time. How can be possibly know that. It''s just not fair to you.

I would be sitting him down and having a good talk about your entire relationship and where you both see it going in the future. He may need a little shock to make him realise the effect this is having on you. On the other hand, it may not be a happy ending, but I guess it''s better to know these things now, and not have to wait until Dec 2010 to find out he doesn''t want to get married.
Date: 11/3/2008 4:26:10 PM
Author: honey22
I have to be honest, how does he know he will be ready in Dec of that particular year. He either wants to get married or not. It sounds like he is pushing the limeline back as he just isn''t sure of marriage, whatever?
That''s a great point that honey brings up and I think its worth paying attention to.

Given your ages, I still dont think its wrong of him to not be ready to get married now but I agree that to say I''ll be ready december 2010 seems silly.
Wow thanks so much for all your advice! I definitely agree that I could use a break from PS! Ever since I got the Blackberry, I''ve been on here ALL the time!

It''s interesting that you bring up promise rings. My "promise ring" (I don''t actually have one) has actually turned into it''s own problem. He gave me one in May, but he put absolutely no effort or thought into it whatsoever, and I didn''t accept it. He promised to replace it and do it right, but I still have no ring. I''ve brought it up several times, and he tells me that he''s serious, and he is going to replace it, but he still has yet to do so. He tries to tell me that it means a lot to him, and that it''s his way of showing me that he''s serious about marrying me, but I think it''s obvious that he''s not serious, or he would have replaced the ring ages ago. He knows how much it hurts me that he still hasn''t followed through on his word, but I guess it doesn''t matter. The only reason we actually went looking at rings last week was because I completely lost my patience and freaked out. It''s a really bad situation, because I want the ring just so he can fulfill his promise to me, but after the way he''s dragged his feet about it, it really wouldn''t mean anything-it would just be another piece of jewelry. He apologizes for waiting so long, but I don''t think he really gets it. I was never too keen on promise rings in the first place-I really do see them as a cop out-but now the issue is just adding to the grief and upset.
I agree with the others in that I don''t think that you''re selfish or crazy, however as much as I know it''s probably annoying to hear people say not to get so serious so young, just try and date each other without having the engagement pressure on top of the relationship, especially when you''re both in college. Have fun at this stage. I can totally understand him not being ready at that age. I was with D since I was 17 and there was no way I would have been ready at 20/21. I was still in college and couldn''t support myself. You''ll probably feel a lot happier with yourself too if there wasn''t that pressure on the relationship.
Personally I see promise rings as a cop out as well. I was in a relationship where I had a promise ring and he kept assuring me for 3 years that an e-ring would be coming soon. Little did I know
the relationship was just convenient and comfortable for him and a promise ring was a good way to string me along. I worry the same thing may happen to you in that respect? I think some men just think "I already gave her a ring, isn''t that good enough no matter what it''s called?". Also this is a major point in your life where you will be changing. I''m 24 and I''m a completely different person than I was almost 4 years ago (for the better i hope haha). I really think you two may just need more time to grow individually. Real life is completely different than college life, I promise you that.
i think everyone here has excellent advice, but i am not sure this has been said yet.

yes, you are being selfish.

guess what? ITS PERFECTLY OKAY. its not like you''re stealing the last donut. Its about your future and its OKAY to be concerned, scared and selfish about it.
of course there are things within a relationship that need to be selfless acts. but right now you are in a position that you need to think about your future, and what you want.

I hope everything works out okay - and that you and your guy figure out where you both stand.
Me and my boyfriend are both undergrads as well. We got engaged at the year and a half mark and the stress hit us hard. We actually broke up for a month and half before getting back together and taking it slow.

Our situation is a bit different in that we are living together and know it works fine but at this stage (same as you) we just need to take it slow. He is only 21, which is younger than my BF was, and you both have a lot of living left. Just have fun and enjoy having a man in your life that you see a future with!

Plus, imagine how being financially stable will help when the wedding planning actually does come!
Date: 11/2/2008 6:26:48 PM
Author: TheNextMrsB
Well, to answer everyone''s questions...We''re 20 and 21, and we''ve been together 2 years. This year we''re both full-time students, and he''ll be attending full-time for about 2 more years. After this year I''ll be on the waiting list for my program, and then I''ll have to go back in 2 years, most likely part-time. We don''t live together-I already planned on waiting until we were married, or extremely close to it.
Why the hurry? I know you''ve been together 2 years; that isn''t long enough really when you are so young. He''s in school, you''re in school, and you''ve got a lot of college ahead; why would you throw a wedding in the mix?

If you love him, and are certain he loves you, then wait. You''ve got time. If you feel you''re wasting your time, and he really doesn''t want ''forever'' with you, move on. But don''t make your decision based upon a desire to get married sooner rather than later; that''s not a valid reason.
Big ditto to Holly.

If this is the fifth time he''s changed his mind, I''d be taking a step back rather than trying to push forward. There is nothing worse than trying to impose your will on another individual, especially when it is to get someone to enter into a marriage. It definitely sounds like he''s not ready, which isn''t abnormal for a young man of 21.

Also, what incentive does he really have to propose? You already live together, and you''ve made it clear by sticking around through four previous disappointments that you will stay with him regardless of whether he proposes. I''m not saying you should move out, all I''m saying is that by sticking around you are sending a clear message that you''ll stay with him either way. If this isn''t the message you really want to send, then perhaps you should rethink your choice to remain living with him.

Good luck!
Getting married is a huge deal. And its nothing that should be rushed, or pushed.

2 years is a long time, but it can be either really good for you and your boyfriend...or it can be a time spent missing what you don''t yet have...

I suggest just enjoying him, and your relationship...everything comes in time.
I don't blame you for feeling this way, and I think your BF is handling the situation very badly. Bottom line is, he is not ready. It looks like he isn't going to be ready anytime soon, so if you really want to get married soon, I think you should ask yourself if you are alright with that fact.
My suggestion is to focus on both of your education first, and enjoy your college life
Date: 11/4/2008 12:08:10 AM
Author: choro72
I don''t blame you for feeling this way, and I think your BF is handling the situation very badly. Bottom line is, he is not ready. It looks like he isn''t going to be ready anytime soon, so if you really want to get married soon, I think you should ask yourself if you are alright with that fact.
My suggestion is to focus on both of your education first, and enjoy your college life
I just typed a very similar response. He is not handling this well, but you need to listen to what he is tellling you. In spite of the fact that he "almost proposed", HE IS NOT READY!

You need to relax, and as Fieryred suggested, log off of PS for a while. You are not crazy or selfish, however you ARE obsessing. I have read through your other threads, and they are FILLED with anxiety. You need to take the pressure off of both you and your boyfriend.

"His reasons for wanting to wait the extra year are very logical and valid, but how could he not have thought through all that before he opened his mouth about it?
It breaks my heart that after giving me 4 different time frames, he''s just now actually sat down and thought out where he would like to be when he gets engaged."

I agree with both of these statements, but I''m guessing he just got caught up in the excitement of the relationship, without thinking everything through. He is only 21, I can understand that he hasn''t thought about all of the logistics involved. You admit that his reasons for the extra year are logical and valid, so you need to accept that.

You need to do a couple of things. First, you need to remind yourself that, (in your own words),"His reasons for wanting to wait the extra year are very logical and valid". Second, I think that the two of you should stop discussing marriage for a while. I think that in another year,you might both have a better perspective on everything. Third you need to live life today. You are so focused on a proposal and marriage that you are not enjoying what you have now.

As Choro points out, you need to decide if you are alright with not being married anytime soon. I don''t think that you just want to be married, I think you just want to be married to HIM! I honestly don''t think that his wavering on the engagement date is a lack of commitment, I think it is just an indication of his age. There is nothing wrong with that.

I wish you the best. Enjoy being in love, everything else will fall into place.
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