You guys are all so wonderful!! what a lovely way to wake up to! thank you soo much! I am soo happy with the result, DH can see the tint in it, I''m sorry my photos are so terrible, you can''t make out the color too well.
Judah did set it as well, its a stock setting on their site "tiffany bezet inspired" is what it is called and just for fun, here is my small collection thus far, I''m missing few on the finger, but its a "work in progress for the next year
Glitterata- I thought you''d like it
I''ve been so inspired by yours that I had to put it in WG, although my little guy doesn''t compare to yours
Judah did set it as well, its a stock setting on their site "tiffany bezet inspired" is what it is called and just for fun, here is my small collection thus far, I''m missing few on the finger, but its a "work in progress for the next year
Glitterata- I thought you''d like it