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AGBF|1425644183|3842708 said:I saw this article on the Internet and immediately remembered this thread. I wanted to bring it to the attention of others, because I thought it was worth knowing about, but didn't know where to post it until I remembered missy had raised the topic. Good old missy!!!
This is an example of anti-semitism at work today in the United States, not much attention paid to it since-as the author said-we expect targets of discrimination to be other groups, not Jews. Things worked out for the young woman who was scrutinized for being Jewish...but the fact that she was shows that prejudice was at work.
Link to article...http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/06/us/debate-on-a-jewish-student-at-ucla.html?action=click&contentCollection=Opinion&module=MostEmailed&version=Full®ion=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article
Dear Deb, thank you for sharing this and I just read it now thanks to your link. Wow, but it sadly does not surprise me. I agree 100% with this:
“I am not one who sees anti-Semites lurking under every bed,” he wrote in his blog. “I am not a fear-monger. I do not believe that all criticism of Jews or the state of Israel is necessarily anti-Semitic.”
“Yet,” he said, “our inability to use the term anti-Semitism when it concerns Jews, when we don’t have a problem calling other forms of ethnic and religious bigotry what it is, raises disturbing questions about prevalent attitudes towards Jews, Judaism, Zionism, and the state of Israel.”
So true. Being raised and still living in NYC I am sheltered for the most part from this type of behavior but I do see it occurring. It seems as if it is one of the last acceptable form of bigotry in a way. I say in a way because of course as we all know racism/bigotry/discrimination against many people just because they are not like (the proverbial) "you" still exists everywhere. Though thankfully to a somewhat lesser degree than in the past. For the most part one of the reasons people don't think it happens to the Jewish people is because they have the opportunity to be and are successful so many do not think of Jews as discriminated against. Yes, it still happens and one wonders if it is happening with a bit more frequency these days than the recent past or if we are just becoming more aware.
I wrote about this before that in some ways, today, discrimination can be more dangerous because when it does exist it is often more insidious and often well cloaked, so much so that people experiencing it might not be sure it is happening. No one wants to see discrimination existing and for that reason sometimes we convince ourselves no it cannot be that. I have been guilty of that as well. Trying to excuse away what is clearly prejudice because it is difficult to believe people can be so ignorant and hateful and no one wants to believe in this day and age it is still happening.
As always awareness is the first step in making this a better world for all. If one denies something exists one cannot take the steps necessary to correct the wrong(s). I think there will always be discrimination against people who are (perceived as) different no matter what but I hope that with time it will be less so and people will more judge someone on who they are as an individual and not what they are if that makes sense. Martin Luther King Jr said it best:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. August 28, 1963