
Anti wrinkle cream suggestions ?

Sleep, water, yoga and estee lauder. I'm 50+ and the estee lauder line (night repair plus advanced time zone) have been good to me. Sadly its all catching up now but I find sleep, water and yoga are helping me feel better, which in a small way helps me look less wragged. lol.
I also am overweight which helps the face. A friend told me over 50 you have to choose your body or your face. My face has been very good to me.
Updating my daily routine since I have been out of it since vacation in October: exfoliate with manuka honey exfoliant from Whole Foods, glycolic peel serum at home 1x week, Olaf henriksen vit c serum Sephora, hyaluronic moisture boost from traders, Olay whipped moisturizer.
Night time: Walgreens miscellanies facial wipes, retin A from the derm, more Olay.
wow , impressive routine .
for myself I really want one cream that does everything .
I'm just going to put this out there. It helps if you have chipmunk cheeks like I've had my entire life. I am not petite. My husband said the other day that I definitely don't look like other woman my age, and I told him "It's because I'm fat." Sorry, but it helps. I have to avoid the sun completely because of medication I'm on that leads to increased sun sensitivity, and I am pale as can be anyway. So no sun whatsoever. Even with SPF, I will burn.

A plump face helps! I’m not heavy but have always had really big cheeks. But the extra face fat really helps! And that’s just genes. I also avoid the sun and have my whole life (I’m 45) I have never smoked and have probably had the equivalent of three alcoholic beverages in my entire life. I think drinking ages people a lot.

When I was younger, people thought I was younger than I was - like 10+ years - and I owe it all to my cheeks. Now I get 6-7 years shaved off. But - I’m proud to be 45 and happily tell people how old I am. Why hide it?

I do have lots of wrinkles by my eyes but so do my brothers so I think that’s genes, too. So much of so much is genetics. No crimes have helped the eye lines so I gave up. I’ll also only use Cruelty-Free, non-toxic products that are affordable so my options are severely limited! It’s a limitation I put on myself so I have to deal with it.

I am really glad now that I’m middle aged that I avoided the sun. Many of my friends and colleagues who are about my age are covered in age spots. That being said, though, embrace what you have!
wow , impressive routine .
for myself I really want one cream that does everything .
I guess my grandmother instilled skin care into me at an early age and it stuck. I passed it on to my daughter. She is 31 and works at a college where everyone thinks she is 20.
I'm just going to put this out there. It helps if you have chipmunk cheeks like I've had my entire life. I am not petite. My husband said the other day that I definitely don't look like other woman my age, and I told him "It's because I'm fat." Sorry, but it helps. I have to avoid the sun completely because of medication I'm on that leads to increased sun sensitivity, and I am pale as can be anyway. So no sun whatsoever. Even with SPF, I will burn.

There's the old adage: "After 50, face or figure. Pick one." :D

But I'll bet the loveliness of your face has just as much to do with sun avoidance as chipmunk cheeks!

edited to add: I didn't see that @AprilBaby already referenced the ol' adage!
Lol @Maria D, I've never heard that saying. I choose face, since I've been unable to do anything about my figure for years. I feel like my body wants to be this exact size. I'm a 14-16, and have been about the same size for literally decades. I wish I could stop feeling so self-conscious about it. :eek2:
I wish I was thinner too but my mom died at 33 so I’m just glad to still be alive! She would choose plump over death I’m sure!
Lol @Maria D, I've never heard that saying. I choose face, since I've been unable to do anything about my figure for years. I feel like my body wants to be this exact size. I'm a 14-16, and have been about the same size for literally decades. I wish I could stop feeling so self-conscious about it. :eek2:
14-16 is a great size - enough to be curvy, enough to give you something to burn through if you have a terrible flu you can't eat through, and nice to cuddle up to in bed ;) :))

As a male I don't understand this size zero obsession - women are supposed to be curvy and soft, not a bag of bones! - so I'm all for everyone enjoying their food and just enjoying life, rather than spending every day stressing about gaining a pound here and there.

As long as we keep active and eat healthily, no reason one can't be 'heavier' than some idealized 'standard' (that is not at all realistic) but still fit!
14-16 is a great size - enough to be curvy, enough to give you something to burn through if you have a terrible flu you can't eat through, and nice to cuddle up to in bed ;-) :))

As a male I don't understand this size zero obsession - women are supposed to be curvy and soft, not a bag of bones! - so I'm all for everyone enjoying their food and just enjoying life, rather than spending every day stressing about gaining a pound here and there.

As long as we keep active and eat healthily, no reason one can't be 'heavier' than some idealized 'standard' (that is not at all realistic) but still fit!
It is my feeling that women are supposed to be whatever size that they are. It is just as wrong to criticize them for being a “bag of bones” as it is to criticize them for having extra weight on their body.
It is my feeling that women are supposed to be whatever size that they are. It is just as wrong to criticize them for being a “bag of bones” as it is to criticize them for having extra weight on their body.
You make a very good point and my choice of wording was poor, so please accept my apologies for that.

What I was trying to reference was those women who seem to starve themselves to a gaunt, ill-looking size in the name of 'fashion' (or whatever) rather than being the size they are naturally when eating healthily (skinny, apple, pear, whatever!) and telling 'society' or 'fashion' to get a grip and accept people are different shapes and sizes rather than promoting one as being better than the other! :)
Having excessively oily skin also helps. I'm over the hill:lol: No bags or sags or lines. No, I really don't look my age because my skin has been ridiculously oily. But as I age the oils are decreasing. I do use moisturizers though (have since my late 30's)

My current go to is CeraVe HA serum. I stopped using Keihl's for now because its making my skin VERY oily and active. It worked until the last few weeks so... gonna leave it alone until maybe October/November.

When I was younger I did not use moisturizers at ALL. It looked like someone threw vats of grease on my face, no lie...

And I do use retin A. I have not much choice.

Anyway yes, genetics plays a huge role. I take more after my father in this regard. Last time my dad visited, an acquaintance asked who the handsome guy that I came in with. I was like. "OMG , Dude, thats my DAD!! And he's married, my mom will cut you". :lol-2: She thought dad was 40's....
Having excessively oily skin also helps. I'm over the hill:lol: No bags or sags or lines. No, I really don't look my age because my skin has been ridiculously oily. But as I age the oils are decreasing. I do use moisturizers though (have since my late 30's)

My current go to is CeraVe HA serum. I stopped using Keihl's for now because its making my skin VERY oily and active. It worked until the last few weeks so... gonna leave it alone until maybe October/November.

When I was younger I did not use moisturizers at ALL. It looked like someone threw vats of grease on my face, no lie...

And I do use retin A. I have not much choice.

Anyway yes, genetics plays a huge role. I take more after my father in this regard. Last time my dad visited, an acquaintance asked who the handsome guy that I came in with. I was like. "OMG , Dude, thats my DAD!! And he's married, my mom will cut you". :lol-2: She thought dad was 40's....
I'm glad I'm not alone with this - after the hour between leaving and arriving for work, I can use one of those blue paper towel things you get in public toilets to 'mop' my brow (and everything else...) and it looks like I've just dabbed-off a glazed ham :|

I appreciate it can help one look younger but OMG it is so annoying looking greasy the whole time. If I was ever on TV, they'd have to put so much foundation on to cover it and stop it coming through that it would look like it was applied with a trowel!!

(And yes, I know I am a male of the species and historic societal norms suggest I should walk out the house after washing with soap and water only and pay zero attention to my appearance in order to be 'manly'! lol. I am pleased those times have passed!!)
This works for me.

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Just need 2 hole cut-outs so that you can see where you're going. @kenny
Always use sublocker, most important!
I use SkinCeutical products for a while now - quite expensive but I like it. It works for my irritated skin.
If you don’t go for Botox and such, it helps to just be confident and love and accept your wrinkles. I had to learn that after many years of always looking younger, people now think I’m older than I am. Reason: Quite some women around me use Botox and look younger, which makes me look older. But since using Botox would be reason for DH to divorce me, as he states, I now appreciate my wrinkles :-). They were hard work actually ;-)!
I will add (since this thread has been bumped up) that women who maintain a healthy weight (not too thin) generally look younger ie less wrinkles than those who are very thin. A little more weight on the body and face helps the face look more youthful. IMO.

And of course not smoking, wearing sunscreen and eating healthy. Less refined sugar and a more balanced diet of complex carbs, healthy fats and protein.

And I love this quote.

Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 6.30.37 AM.png

I enjoy each age I am and feel each one is the best one while I am living it.

And this is the ultimate quote about getting older.

I’m 47 and just got carded on two separate occasions at a casino this past week. Lmao. But this is in stark contrast to the one time last year when I was asked if I wanted a senior discount! Ha! Ok. So what changed?
COVID 13! Ha! I gained 13 pounds. And I started using a new product—RoC brightening serum! I sought this out bc I have melasma on my upper lip! Yuck! Looks like a mustache from a distance. This product hasn’t helped with that but I’ve been told that my skin is glowing lately so I would highly recommend. I spend a lot of time in the sun but do have chipmunk cheeks and have been wearing sunscreen and big sunglasses since I was 25. I don’t think I can credit my genes with this bc my siblings are all over the place when it comes to this. I will say I am the darkest out of all of them—so there’s that!
I use Mary kay products for my face, but more for the acne control. I have the oily skin curse. But they do have a wrinkle cream line. I started developing acne when I turnEd forty. Never had the problem before. But Mary Kay saved me. Now I’m two Years shy of 50 and people think I’m in my late 20s. Shucks, my Grannie now 101, is the youngest 101 person I seen. She still is Sassy and classy. She was interviewed this year by a couple local news channels (fox 2, etc) my peers couldnt believe her age they were amazed at how good she lookEd.
I’m 47 and just got carded on two separate occasions at a casino this past week. Lmao. But this is in stark contrast to the one time last year when I was asked if I wanted a senior discount! Ha! Ok. So what changed?
COVID 13! Ha! I gained 13 pounds. And I started using a new product—RoC brightening serum! I sought this out bc I have melasma on my upper lip! Yuck! Looks like a mustache from a distance. This product hasn’t helped with that but I’ve been told that my skin is glowing lately so I would highly recommend. I spend a lot of time in the sun but do have chipmunk cheeks and have been wearing sunscreen and big sunglasses since I was 25. I don’t think I can credit my genes with this bc my siblings are all over the place when it comes to this. I will say I am the darkest out of all of them—so there’s that!

After seeing multiple people lose weight in their 50’s for health reasons, I noticed their faces looked saggy because of lost volume and skin elasticity. So I vowed to stay as thin as possible and slowly start gaining weight in my 50’s to plump up my face! Lol. Unfortunately, I also gained Covid weight and I have my son’s wedding in 3 weeks so I’m running and cut out the cocktails.