
Anxiety Attacks

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Date: 3/3/2009 9:24:31 AM
Author: sba771
Hi Soocool,

I have been following your story and am glad that your daughter seems to be doing better and you are finding a doctor that is a good fit. I just wanted to let you know what worked for me and I know everyone is different, but just some food for thought. So recently I had some major depression and anxiety (I am not that much older than your daughter) and I saw some doctors and they put me on various anti-anxiety medicines. They did help at first, but they also had some unpleasant side effects. I worked through them, but after a while I could tell they were not working and part of my problem (I know this would not happen to your daughter) was that I was not being monitored while on them, I stopped seeing a therapist so that was bad. I was being irresponsible and I know it. Anyway, I really wanted to go off them but was nervous and I read about animals as a form of therapy. My FI agreed that a dog might help and as we weaned me off the meds as we got me a puppy. The change in me has been amazing. People (who didn''t know I had even been on meds) noticed a HUGE change as did I. Anytime I start to feel anxious or weird, my puppy calms me. I know it sounds silly, but maybe a pet could help her relax and feel more at ease?
- I am also not saying don''t try medicine if that is what the doctors suggest, I think they can work wonders if used properly. I just didn''t use them properly and as a result was causing myself more harm than good. But under the right care I know and have seen that they can be beyond helpful and life changing in so many good ways.
Thanks for the advice about the meds and making sure she is monitored if she does takes them. We have a dog (mini schnauzer) and she loves him, plus assorted other pets, guinea pig and 2 rabbits and she plays with them and cuddles with them often. I am sure they are the reason why she feels so comfortable at home.
I have HORRIBLE arachnophobia that stems from when I was 6 years old, I had an incident at my grandmother''s house. -Shudder-.. I didn''t start having panic attacks until I was 9, and they got progressively worse over the years. It got so bad at one point I didn''t leave my house for 3 months. My mom did all my errands and things for me. I stopped riding my horse because I would NOT go into spider territory (the barn.)

If it comes down to where your daughter, or you, feel like medication is necessary, Seroquel literally saved my life. But I would suggest trying the therapist first and medication as a last resort because Seroquel, like many other anxiety meds, also knock you out and you can become dependent on them to fall asleep. That is the only side effect I have had with Seroquel and I have taken it daily since I was 14.
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