
Any baby wearing parents here?

Wearing my sweet baby in an Ergo right now! Honestly, diapers, wipes, and an Ergo are my top three baby products. Also loved the wrap and wear when he was younger - just like a Moby but made of muslin so it breathes better.
Here are a couple of photos of me babywearing with my storchenwiege. It's a german wrap thats a great work horse wrap. I have the Inka in 4.6-you can do the same carry as the Moby but it's more versatile for later on in life. You can do back/hip carries although I have yet to do those :)

We also have a mai tei and an ergo we have yet to use.


VL - I have the EXACT SAME fabric, but made into a ring sling (a wrap conversion ring sling!) I wanted it for hip carrying my toddler while shopping, but never really got the hang of it. I felt she outgrew the ergo some time ago. Now I just carry her on my hip w/o the sling and shop with one hand, lol! I think it's so funny we have the same wrap fabric!! And, impressive wrapping, by the way! Does it take long to do?
Loves Vintage|1358383332|3357353 said:
VL - I have the EXACT SAME fabric, but made into a ring sling (a wrap conversion ring sling!) I wanted it for hip carrying my toddler while shopping, but never really got the hang of it. I felt she outgrew the ergo some time ago. Now I just carry her on my hip w/o the sling and shop with one hand, lol! I think it's so funny we have the same wrap fabric!! And, impressive wrapping, by the way! Does it take long to do?

No way S has outgrown the Ergo (unless, of course, you just mean her desire to be in it!). I can easily carry O still. You should see it, toddler on the back while pushing a double stroller :lol:
Kunzite|1358387412|3357435 said:
Loves Vintage|1358383332|3357353 said:
VL - I have the EXACT SAME fabric, but made into a ring sling (a wrap conversion ring sling!) I wanted it for hip carrying my toddler while shopping, but never really got the hang of it. I felt she outgrew the ergo some time ago. Now I just carry her on my hip w/o the sling and shop with one hand, lol! I think it's so funny we have the same wrap fabric!! And, impressive wrapping, by the way! Does it take long to do?

No way S has outgrown the Ergo (unless, of course, you just mean her desire to be in it!). I can easily carry O still. You should see it, toddler on the back while pushing a double stroller :lol:

I meant front carry. I'm afraid to back carry! :rodent: Can you believe it? Should I try again? I think she would like it, but I'm scared!

We need a picture of you out on your walks!! That's awesome!
Thankful for the bump-- trying to decide what carrier/sling/wrap to go with for our kiddo, too.
I plan to get the Baby Ktan (breeze version, since it's fairly warm and humid here a lot). It's gotten some votes on here, and as soon as I looked it up, I knew I'd like it - still a wrap, no structure, but I like the way it works and has a little organization to it, vs. just one long piece of fabric. Plus it still offers all the various positions.

This video makes me giggle with the music, but it was one of the first ones I watched for it -
There are some related ones with instructions for various positions over on the right.

I doubt my husband will wear the baby in the beginning, so no need to buy a different size for him. But I've read a lot of good reviews for Ergos too, so that may be a purchase we make down the road for him to use - I may end up preferring just the wrap, we'll see.
How young can you start carrying?

You can start wearing bubs as newborns, provided you have the right kind of carrier. Ergos need an infant insert, wraps have newborn carries.

Here is a photo of Charlotte and I when she was 3 days old - the day we brought her home from hospital (she had a hot head so I took it out of the wrap and supported her with my hand).


And here at 2 weeks old (I hate that I have the coffee in this pic. I swear it was a cold decaf!):

And just because I am posting babywearing photos, here is my favourite one. DH is wearing her in the manduca and has his jacket half done up over her:

Such a gorgeous little baby girl!! Ah... Made me tear up a little bit. Hormones are gettin me today, I guess.

So if I want to carry from the start, a Moby may be the way to go?
fisherofmengirly said:
So if I want to carry from the start, a Moby may be the way to go?

Yeah, I've heard that the infant insert for the Ergo is pretty hot.
FYI, the Baby Ktan that I mentioned above also can be used for newborns, which I definitely plan to do.
I love my Moby Wrap! It's so comfy, and great for winter because you can easily wrap it before you leave the house and slip baby into it in the car once you reach your destination. I love my mei tai too, but haven't used it out of the house because I don't think I could put B into it in the car.

I started wearing B in the Moby about a week after he was born, I think. I wanted to start sooner, but I didn't want to irritate my C-section incision, so I held off.

ETA: Be prepared to get some looks and inquiries when you wear baby in a wrap in public. People don't wear their babies around here, and we definitely drew a lot of attention walking around the local mall yesterday. People weren't rude, just curious.

I'll try to get better shots in a mirror. Gotta love the no makeup and glasses look.
Mei tai
Moby Wrap (sorry for the bad photo, from my Blackberry.)
Fisher a Moby is a great early wrap! They aren't so good once baby gets really heavy since they stretch so much. We wore DS as soon as we got home. He had a jaundice light, and I could wrap him to me with it on his back. Another great option is a ring sling. We used a moby and an ergo (with insert) last time, and this time I am adding a (wrap conversion) ring sling to the arsenal.

Swimmer is a BWing guru! I'll see if she will chime in but I'm sure she'd help if you have specific Qs :)
Oh and haven that's the same moby we have :) your little guy is so so cute, I can't wait to have teeny tinyness around again!
We have that exact same Moby too! Trying to add a photo. T is about 4 weeks old here.

I think I will try a boba wrap and I definitely need help with knowing what kind of ring sling is safe. I'm remembering a year or so ago when a few slings were taken off the market due to smothering threats.

Also the k'tan looks awesome and easier to use... Ah. I can't decide! :bigsmile:

Love these pics! The main things that appeal to me with baby wearing are the closeness, the ability to soothe while still doing other have-to-get-done chores, and not having the baby out in public for touching. I so dislike strangers touching and oogling babies (though I admittedly do the oogling myself, from afar). Not worried about strange looks- I've gotten them before. :bigsmile:
Fisher your crafty enough you can make your own moby and ring sling. I'd do that since for 20.00 you can get the right moby type fabric and cut it and sew it and end up with 2 wraps. We are friends on FB so I'll add you to a couple of groups.
Now I want a ktan!
I haven't read all the posts so forgive me if this is a repeat but I adore my Kowalli cover. It's basically a fleece pull over that works perfectly with the ergo but I'm guessing most any carrier too. It keeps baby so snugly warm even in the Chicago winter. Love it!!
Fisher, making your own might be nice, my boys were little in the summer and the Moby was too hot for us. I used it a few times but all that material was too much when it was 100 degrees. I think if the boys were born in the winter I would of used it more. I did use my sisters carrier, I forgot the brand.
VintageLover, great pics! Love that fabric/pattern!

Haven, awww, you look great wearing Brienz! He looks so content.

Here's a pic of me from this summer wearing Alex in our light cotton ring sling. There was no way she or I could've tolerated anything heavier. It was 100+ humid degrees here all summer and into fall. Even if I had been as slender as VL after birth I still wouldn't have wanted anything too heavy on me or the baby. I had some extra padding as it were, so a Moby or Ergo was just not a possibility for us at that time, even inside in the a/c.

I look really tired in this picture! LOL I don't remember feeling that exhausted now, but obviously I was. I think the heat sort of wilted me in addition to breastfeeding issues and sleep deprivation. Anyway, you can see I had to leave her head out and support it with my hand while wearing her because even in a light fabric it was still sort of a sweaty experience for us both.

Is the k'tan cooler? I live on the southern east coast... Summers are humid and HOT.

I would LOVE to make my own sling... Need to poke around more to get info on that from the groups. Thank you VL.

These pics of babies snuggled up to their parents melt me!!! :bigsmile:
Awww, Monnie, look at teeny tiny A snuggled up like a kangaroo baby!
The Moby is warm, that's for sure. I strip B down to his diaper when I'm going to wear him in it for any period of time. I saw a Boba wrap at my new moms group yesterday and it looked lighter, but I'm not sure.

Buttons--I love that picture of T all squished up in the Moby. SO cute.

I tied my Moby on at home yesterday before I went to my first meeting of my new moms group. When we arrived I slipped B into the Moby in the car and went in. (I didn't want to have to lug the car seat around, it is SO heavy and my back has been hurting me.) It was awesome, B slept most of the class and only woke up when he was hungry.

I'm wearing him around the house right now during his afternoon nap, so I took some decent pictures. He's been pushing up and almost popping himself out of the top of the wrap in the newborn hug hold, so I decided to try the regular hold with his legs out today, and it is SOOOO much better. I think he's more comfortable, too.
Here we are in all my post-pregnancy glory. I thought I was supposed to lose a ton of weight breastfeeding?!
I wanted some sweet photos of our faces near each other.
I wear Ellie & am quickly becoming addicted to carriers ;)

as a newborn, I mostly used a Petunia Pickle Bottom sling. I like it bc I got it at a great price on zulily and there's nothing to tie/adjust. I just put her in and go. at 8 weeks, she's getting a bit long for the newborn hold but isn't quite ready for the next hold so it's been put on the back burner for now.

We also have an Ergo, which I just started using this week w/the infant insert. Ellie seems to like it, she usually falls asleep, but it's really warm especially w/the insert. This one is easy to get on/off and the biggest pro that I can foresee is its length of use (hopefully).

now I'm wanting a babyhawk mei tai. I'm just net sure if I need it since we have the ergo and tying kind of intimidates me for some reason but I love the pattern color choices. ;) :P our ergo is green (we ordered navy, amazon sent us green & we were too lazy to send it back). does anyone have the mei tai & ergo? and I also want the k'tan.
I have the Mei Tei and the Ergo (and the Wrap and Wear - a Moby made of muslin for warm weather babies - and a sling). They are both great. The Ergo is much more comfortable once they're bigger. My boys are big so I was using the Ergo exclusively by 6 months. The only downside is that they cannot face forward and they love that from like 4-6 months. But when they're older the backpack carry is awesome.

Haven - so cute!!!
Haven|1359328910|3365060 said:
Now I want a ktan!

Haha, success! Do it Haven, do it! :bigsmile:
And I loooooove your latest pictures there - so incredibly sweet!! I cannot wait. ::) And PS - you are b-e-a-utiful!

fisherofmengirly said:
Is the k'tan cooler? I live on the southern east coast... Summers are humid and HOT.

Fisher - One reason I liked the ktan (besides the ease of it) is it comes in a "Breeze" version - it's half mesh, made for "warmer climates". I'm in North Carolina - humidity central in the summer - so I figured I had to at least try. I had heard how hot the moby and others can get. Not sure exactly what measure of effectiveness the mesh has, but I figure it's got to be at least a little better (I hope!). Only thing about the Breeze is you only get it in black or white (not green or the other pretty colors). But I might have gone with black anyway, so no biggie. I'm considering the white, but just not sure if that's a not smart move on my part. Would be cooler in the sun though.
Aww, thanks, LT!

I bought a woven wrap by Chimparoo and I love it! It's really nice and there are a ton of different holds possible. I wore B in it to the mall today and got a lot of looks, I'll admit. OH, and it's easy to nurse in it, too.
I think I've decided on a ring sling (no clue where to get it, though...) and a k'tan breeze. :)
Haven, CUTE!

Does anyone have advice on wearing two at once? The babies were crazy fussy this morning at the same time so I threw one in the BabyHawk, but the other was not happy with anything I did. I thought, geez if I could throw him on my back I'd be set! I nearly redid everything with the Ergo on back and BabyHawk on front, but by then it had been so long it was almost time for them to eat.
I wore both my babies quite a bit when they were little. I loved wearing them and carrier my older son that way almost exclusively until he was 6-8 months, then used a stroller about half the time because he did NOT like to be facing me in the ergo. My second son I did not wear as much past about 4 months because I found it hard to wrangle my crazy 2.5 year old with a baby strapped onto me. Plus my second was huge and heavy!

I had an Ergo which I like a lot. And I wanted to add another recommendation for people who want to carry/wear their older babies.

My sons did not like being carried facing me from about 8 months onwards, and another PSer, Blenheim, recommended a hip carrier to me that I got and LOVED. Its the Scoota baby carrier, and it is super confy and my older son loved it.

Here is the link:

Haven congrats on your baby! And that is really funny about how no one baby wears where you are. Its so regional. Here where I live, EVERYONE baby wears. You are more likely to get looks with a stroller :cheeky: