
Any baby wearing parents here?

And here is the other woven I'm splitting with a mom and having turned into a RS :) The other side is opposite this side (light and dark blues switched). I'm done with wraps lol!

Wow! Your carrier is beautiful!

Any tips for mei tai wearing? Baby is too big to be in carrier with froggy legs but too small to pull his legs through the side.
Thanks pup I love it. I can only afford to do it once and had to get it right the first time but I know I can sell it for at least what I've got into it if something were to happen. Carriers-especially wovens and conversions are better than $ in some circles. As far as the MT goes since it's soft structured you should be able to (if there's a slight taper in the body) roll up the bottom until it's narrow enough for the legs to come out. DS was a big baby but couldn't do the legs out yet and someone recommended that and it worked for our carrier. Thankfully he was able to do it shortly there after so I didn't worry about it much either.

Do you have a RS? If not there are no sew DIY ones that you can make cheaply and use that are great for hip carries if the rolling doesn't work on your MT.
I finally have action shots with me wearing him! He's really low in the MT since I was feeding him but usually he's up higher. I LOVE it and it's SO comfy!


wrap conversion ring sling arrived and a back shot of the wrap conversion MT. I only have one more carrier which is a water ring sling and I'm all done :)

Anybody else have any new photos to share or any carriers? I'd love to see them!


VL, I LOOOOVE that wrap conversion! Drool!

I'm just starting to get into wovens, but am afraid I'll like them too much... we're on a bit of a strict budget because I'm going down to working half-time, so non-essentials like $200 wovens are a no-go. ;(

Baby-wearing has been so great for us. I didn't wear Eloise a ton in the early days- maybe I'd try it once or twice a week- but now I wear her all the time. My carriers include:

-Baby Hawk Mei Tai. My favorite for back-carries. So easy to put on.
-Ergo. Not a huge fan, but it's the only one DH will wear, so we're keepin' it.
-Sakura Bloom Ring Sling. Perfect for short walks or when I'm doing things around the house. Have only used it for hip carries so far.
-Boba Wrap. Still love my Boba. Comfy, comfy... but as E grows, it's less supportive. She can no longer sleep in this wrap.
-Dolcino woven in Sumatra- Still workin' on the learning curve with this one.

I love them all for different reasons. My hubby likes to tell everyone that I have five wraps (insert eye roll), and because most people I know don't wear their babies, they just don't get why it's worth it to have them, and why I "need" five.

I'll have to post pictures soon!
PilsnPinkysMom|1368247564|3444741 said:
VL, I LOOOOVE that wrap conversion! Drool!

I'm just starting to get into wovens, but am afraid I'll like them too much... we're on a bit of a strict budget because I'm going down to working half-time, so non-essentials like $200 wovens are a no-go. ;(

Baby-wearing has been so great for us. I didn't wear Eloise a ton in the early days- maybe I'd try it once or twice a week- but now I wear her all the time. My carriers include:

-Baby Hawk Mei Tai. My favorite for back-carries. So easy to put on.
-Ergo. Not a huge fan, but it's the only one DH will wear, so we're keepin' it.
-Sakura Bloom Ring Sling. Perfect for short walks or when I'm doing things around the house. Have only used it for hip carries so far.
-Boba Wrap. Still love my Boba. Comfy, comfy... but as E grows, it's less supportive. She can no longer sleep in this wrap.
-Dolcino woven in Sumatra- Still workin' on the learning curve with this one.

I love them all for different reasons. My hubby likes to tell everyone that I have five wraps (insert eye roll), and because most people I know don't wear their babies, they just don't get why it's worth it to have them, and why I "need" five.

I'll have to post pictures soon!

Yes wovens aren't free are they? I returned the ergo we got as a gift-so the 160.00 was used to buy my wrap and the conversion was my birthday gift. But I did get my turtles (split with another mama) for 55.00 and then it was 20.00 for the conversion-so that wasn't to bad. I love my MT too and am trying to get better at woven back carriers but I'm still not very good at them. I have my first MT I think I'll trade for an original ergo if my son likes it now (he didn't like the performance at 4 months) for my husband although he will wear the MT.

RS-I agree with you there-good for quick ups and downs but terrible on my neck/back. Which could totally be me since I might not be putting it on right and I have only used it for hip carries as well.

My husband said the SAME thing but like you-I said each one is different. He can see it now that I'm using them at different times but still thinks I'm slightly batty lol.

If you want a longer woven you can get a 40% off hobby lobby coupon and get some osenburg (sp) and then hem the edges and dye it whatever color you want. You can easily get what you need for under 50.00 (probably even under 20.00 with a coupon-full price is 3.99 per yard and a longer wrap is usually 5.2 meters/yards-ish).

I need pictures!!
Show me your babywearing photos :)

We just got back from a trip and took a lot of really nice pictures. I am planning on adding some soon :)

I have a few new wraps but not sure I should show them as they are going out the door for a trade. After it's all done I will though!

How are my babywearing mama's doing?!
Any new mamas have any questions about different kinds of carriers? My gf has a toddler tula (soft structured carrier for bigger kids) and I just got my newest woven. My other pretty was stolen :( Not sure how but it and the very sentimental bag are both gone!

I have a handwoven from woven rainbows.

I'll post photos of my trip to show how useful my carriers have been and one of my son wearing his money with my woven scarf :)




Most of these are from our camping trip and we did the UP of Michigan. Highly recommend the area-it was beautiful!




Lovely pics LV!

I'm looking forward to babywearing round 2. This time I'm getting a gauze wrap as the very hot and dry summer will hit when #2 (all being well) hits 2-3 months. We're hanging on to the Pikkolo as it's so versatile and is a great fit for both me and DH. I didn't use wraps last time as I didn't know much about them until later - and the Ergo and Pikk were great for us. We've passed the Ergo on as I much prefer the Pikk, and I'll decide on whether we get a thicker woven wrap after we've given the gauze a test run.
What fun pics! I like the idea of baby wearing. How heavy do you think a baby can get before it becomes impractical?
pancake|1391124663|3604510 said:
Lovely pics LV!

I'm looking forward to babywearing round 2. This time I'm getting a gauze wrap as the very hot and dry summer will hit when #2 (all being well) hits 2-3 months. We're hanging on to the Pikkolo as it's so versatile and is a great fit for both me and DH. I didn't use wraps last time as I didn't know much about them until later - and the Ergo and Pikk were great for us. We've passed the Ergo on as I much prefer the Pikk, and I'll decide on whether we get a thicker woven wrap after we've given the gauze a test run.

Gauze will be good until about 15lbs and will only be good for front carries (just sharing info for everyone lol) and moby wraps (which are similar but all cotton) can easily be made for around 10.00 and are no sew-so for those who are thinking of getting into it check out DIY options first :)

I love my wrap conversion mai tie and had just a regular MT for a while until I could afford my conversion. I tried the ergo and my son hated it. Wovens seem very intimidating (esp the first few goes of it) but once you get used to having that much fabric (mine that I use are 4.6 meters in length) it's really not bad at all.

amc80 said:
What fun pics! I like the idea of baby wearing. How heavy do you think a baby can get before it becomes impractical?

There is no weight limit amc. Certain carriers will be more/less comfortable depending on the weight of the baby and the material. For example-the moby (all cotton) and the gauze wraps are good to about 15lbs and both are only good for front carries-so new born to the small baby phase.

For me it was worth it to invest in a woven right away since I knew I'd be wearing longer and you can do the same carries with a woven as you can with the above carriers-but for longer periods of time (and weight) and they are more comfortable. You can always get linen if your in a warmer climate (a linen blend) but they will take time to break in and be more soft.

I've carried a 5 yr old in my woven wraps before as well as my wrap conversion MT (wcmt). The ergo is good as long as you find it comfortable but I find that lots of ppl don't like it at round 25-30lbs. A toddler tula is another great option and is a soft structured carrier (ssc) for quick ups/downs/for dads. IMO it's better than the ergo since you can use it longer.

If it was me and I was just getting into it again I'd do a DIY moby (or gauze wrap) get a wrap conversion ring sling (loved this for the store) a toddler tula (which I have yet to get since I wrap) and one woven wrap. You can do hip carries with a woven wrap-I have yet to try it but it doesn't look too difficult-then you could get rid of the ring sling but they are fairly affordable.

You can get a decent woven wrap used for 100.00 or less.

The baby wearer is a forum that is like PS but has a buy/sell site and a ton of friendly mamas willing to help you. Also on FB there are tons of groups-just type in babywearing and a ton of results will follow.

I'm happy to answer any specific questions that one may have too.




Thanks for the info! We got a Baby Bjorn with B (I know they are frowned upon) and I found it to be pretty uncomfortable by the the time is was 6 months old (22ish lbs). I know when we have #2 it will be more practical to be hands free so I am exploring options.
amc80 said:
Thanks for the info! We got a Baby Bjorn with B (I know they are frowned upon) and I found it to be pretty uncomfortable by the the time is was 6 months old (22ish lbs). I know when we have #2 it will be more practical to be hands free so I am exploring options.

There's conflicting opinions regarding the bjorns. The main issues with wearing are those slings that close the babies air ways. The main thing is that your wearing your baby-it's SUCH an important thing for their development-both emotionally and physically. And it's great for the parents too-hands free!

I know lots of people who didn't have comfortable carriers (such as the bjorn) and didn't realize just how many styles that there are and how there are SO many that you can try out and figure out which one(s) are right for your family. I can hike for hours with my son on bc I have the carriers that work for that. It's still comfortable-so many don't try a different carrier and say "well I tried it and it wasn't for us" well that's like driving a stick shift car and when you can't drive it saying you're not going to try another car bc it didn't work for you. There are other models/styles/materials that will be comfortable. And it takes practise for some of them-and some people are a bit intimidated with learning new things/fear of failure (to top it off with a baby involved and some times there is crying/etc) emotions run high.

Where are you located? I bet you there is a local baby wearing group near you and many of them have lending libraries for parents to try different styles out to help them decide which ones are best for them before they invest.

In all honesty I've used my bumbleride Indie stroller a handful a times. I got it used for 325.00-as a shower gift.

Most of my carriers have been gifts as well but I have LOT more in my carriers (my WCMT I have 280.00 into but I've seen other wrap conversions sell for 150.00 and you can make them for a lot less if you use a different material. If you know anyone going to south america or the like have them pick up a woven material and that can be used as a wrap as long as its supportive enough).

If you have any specific questions please don't hesitate to ask. I'll help in any way I can. I love sharing the BW love!

I just spent more on my handwoven than I have on jewelery in the last few years if that tells you how bad I got it lol!
LV, purpose of the gauze wrap is specifically to get us through the very hot (>104F heatwaves) summer here - I wouldn't use a back carry until well into the second half of the first year, in fact last time didn't really start back-carrying until almost 12 months. As for SSCs, my pick now would definitely be the Beco Gemini, Pikkolo or Manduca - purely because they don't require anything extra for a newborn, and are longer through the body for older tots. We had the Ergo insert with #1 but even heading into our winter (which is pretty mild compared to the northern hemisphere) it was just too hot. Both hubby and I really love the Pikk and are very glad that we bought it. That said, we don't use any sort of carrier any more - it's the height of summer here again, and our almost-2yo wants to be able to run around everywhere, so she either walks, or sits in her umbrella stroller and gets in and out as she pleases.

amc80 - we had a BB that we borrowed from friends before we got our Ergo but it KILLED my back - so painful! For that reason alone I would recommend that next time you get something that redistributes the load onto your hips. Whether that's a SSC, mei tai, or wrap is obviously a matter of personal preference.
pancake|1391228032|3605559 said:
LV, purpose of the gauze wrap is specifically to get us through the very hot (>104F heatwaves) summer here - I wouldn't use a back carry until well into the second half of the first year, in fact last time didn't really start back-carrying until almost 12 months. As for SSCs, my pick now would definitely be the Beco Gemini, Pikkolo or Manduca - purely because they don't require anything extra for a newborn, and are longer through the body for older tots. We had the Ergo insert with #1 but even heading into our winter (which is pretty mild compared to the northern hemisphere) it was just too hot. Both hubby and I really love the Pikk and are very glad that we bought it. That said, we don't use any sort of carrier any more - it's the height of summer here again, and our almost-2yo wants to be able to run around everywhere, so she either walks, or sits in her umbrella stroller and gets in and out as she pleases.

amc80 - we had a BB that we borrowed from friends before we got our Ergo but it KILLED my back - so painful! For that reason alone I would recommend that next time you get something that redistributes the load onto your hips. Whether that's a SSC, mei tai, or wrap is obviously a matter of personal preference.

The gauze is great for heat-if you need more support though check out cotton and linen blends (or cottolin) that will give you more support for bigger babies/toddlers but still light weight for heat waves.

My son does walk around a lot of places but I do still wear him often. Not as much at home but more when we are out and about places.

I got some decent shots of my new wrap so more pictures to spam. Hope no one minds!



pancake|1391228032|3605559 said:
amc80 - we had a BB that we borrowed from friends before we got our Ergo but it KILLED my back - so painful! For that reason alone I would recommend that next time you get something that redistributes the load onto your hips. Whether that's a SSC, mei tai, or wrap is obviously a matter of personal preference.

Thanks pancake! There are very few things we need for baby #2, so I don't mind spending a bit on a good carrier.
Hi! Any recommendations for backpack-style carriers for toddlers? I'd love to find something easy to use, comfortable, and not too bulky. I loved baby wearing when my son was an infant, but need a new carrier now that he's a year old and 20+ lbs. Thanks!
I would recommend Boba or Tula. Both are AMAZING.
Bella_mezzo|1394133970|3628777 said:
I would recommend Boba or Tula. Both are AMAZING.

I second that-I hear great things about both although more seem to like the tula :)
We have a Boba, I think it is a 2g from when our older son was a toddler. I wore him all the time in it including full-day trips around NYC when he was 3 and I think even right after he turned 4 I would still bring it if he got tired. I LOVE my Boba.

Tulas are supposed to be amazing, but they are a lot more expensive than the Boba...
Hi, all! I'm a fellow baby wearer who's never posted on this thread, but I have a question:

What is the best solution for hands-free nursing?

I bought a Moby within a week of having our second because I quickly realized I couldn't leisurely nurse on the sofa when my 2 year old was running around. I've been using the Moby with some success for the past 2 weeks, but feel like I'm going to need more practice with it. But is there a better solution for nursing? Maybe a sling? My second is almost 4 weeks, so still a newborn.

My go to for non-nursing is the Ergo--I know it's cumbersome for newborns, but I like how secure it is and both of my kids are winter babies, so overheating hasn't been an issue. With both the Ergo has been a life saver as it's guaranteed to keep my kids fuss-free.
NEL: I find RS are the best for nursing but my son never let me sit down while being worn so I can't say that it would work well while sitting. You should be able to do it in the ergo if you adjust the shoulder straps to lower the body/head to the boob level (or pancake your boob up lol).

**Edited by moderator. A reminder ladies that we don't allow selling on PS except jewelry in Preloved**



NEL-I got a linen ring sling from Sleeping Baby Productions and use it all the time. I haven't tried to nurse in it as E is a vigorous nurser and I have oversupply so nursing is an "active" endeavor right now...but I think ring slings are supposed to be the easiest carrier to nurse in.

He loves the ring sling (and hates the Moby) so it's been great for us.

I can't wait until he's big enough to fit in my Boba though as he's rapidly gaining weight...
Thanks, ladies! This week I've been pumping so my husband can give C a bottle when I'm busy with K, but thanks for the RS recommendation! They look more user friendly than the Moby.
Bella_mezzo|1394633433|3632422 said:
NEL-I got a linen ring sling from Sleeping Baby Productions and use it all the time. I haven't tried to nurse in it as E is a vigorous nurser and I have oversupply so nursing is an "active" endeavor right now...but I think ring slings are supposed to be the easiest carrier to nurse in.

He loves the ring sling (and hates the Moby) so it's been great for us.

I can't wait until he's big enough to fit in my Boba though as he's rapidly gaining weight...

SBP is the go to for RS on the babywearing boards. The mydas turtle ring sling I had converted by her and the hummingbird ring sling that I'm also sadly parting with has her same style pleated shoulder.

RS are my go to for store runs-great for the newborn and early stage-and quick up and downs and great for nursing.

When I put him on my back I usually use my wrap or my WCMT (wrap conversion mai tie).

I've had a chance to try out almost every wrap/carrier style out there and there really is something for everyone. So if something doesn't work for you please please PLEASE try something else. So many mamas I know got a carrier for a shower gift and it didn't work for them and gave up. But there are really just as many carriers as their styles of ring settings. :D

So if anyone is looking for a particular carrier and is on a budget look on FB for a BW group near you-most have rental programs that you can try them out and meetings where they will show you how to use all the different carriers so you can try them before you buy one that is right for you and your LO.
Figured I'd bump the thread and add a new updated picture since I know there are lots of BW mamas on here.

I have sold my first ring sling as well as my wrap conversion MT since I find wrapping more supportive once I got the hang of it. It's VERY important to tighten those rails to distribute the weight so your back doesn't hurt after just a short period of time. I got a new ring sling quite some time ago-so now I have 2 handwoven wraps and one non-handwoven that I've lent out to a friend. I've kept the hummingbird RS only to sell it in the future or gift it to someone who needs a carrier.

I wore him for a while at the Toronto zoo (720 acres of stuff to cover) and he fell asleep for his nap. He'll be 2 in Oct and I still wear him a lot even though he's 27 lbs. I want to invest in a tula for my husband since now that I sold the MT he's limited to the RS or learning to wrap. Which I'll get him to do but just not right now :)

Any baby wearing updates from anyone else?


Wow, your handwovens are gorgeous!

I have fallen hard into the land of wrapping and now have a growing collection which I am trying to streamline, but I love them all and wrapping is an awesome way to reconnect with E in the morning when I get home from work each day:-) B has now entered a hard-core regression phase, so I am also wrapping a 50 lb 5 1/2 year old on the regular :lol:

Ellevill Gaia Rainbow-6
Ellevill Jade Ming-6 with tapers chopped to be more like a 5 overall
Didymos Natural Hemp India-5
Didymos Petrol Pfau dyed turquoise-7
Storchenwiege Leo-7 (on the way)
Ellevill Karma-4 (on the way)
I am looking for a size 7 Zara Blue as well
SBP Mahogany tablecloth ring sling
Our old Boba which I am not using right now b/c E and I like wrapping more, but I used it for so long with B that it has a lot of sentimental value, plus it is a great SSC.
E and me in our first double hammock
