
Any women here?


Apr 30, 2005
As always assigning labels to a whole group is problematic, if not offensive.
I've heard PS has some women, so I'm curious which of these generalizations clash with individuals here.

Do all/most of these ratings reflect your personal feelings?
And if any are a strong mismatch for you personally, which ones?

I gotta add, I must be a really hot guy. Hubba Hubba.
I play guitar very well, piano a bit, sing, cook quite well, paint quite well, not too bad at writing, swim laps, and have been told I ain't too shabby at photography.

Makes sense.
In films I hear this comment from one of two women talking: "All the good ones are gay."
Sorry y'all :cry2:, you can't have me. :lol-2:


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FWIW, I don't even know the meaning of the terms: Cosplay, MTG, Anime, Funko, or Manosphere.

... Off to look them up.
I am not familiar with most of the terms you aren't familiar with either but will rank my interests as a woman :)

1. Cycling by the sea with my DH
2. Hiking in the woods with my DH
3. Listening to music
4. Watching a good movie with my DH and furry babies
5. Reading a good book
6. Writing
7. Taking photos (not photography per se because I am taking them with my phone and have no talent lol)
8. Walking
9. Working out (treadmill, weights)

Least favorite as in I never do...

1. Cooking
2. Sewing/knitting etc
3. Cleaning (OK I do this but not enough and certainly I do not enjoy it lol)

Most of those terms relate to things that objectify women, and keeping women 'less than'.
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Gamer here - Cosplay is where people like to dress up as Movie, video game, anime and various other characters. Anime - Japanese based drawings, animation movies that are exceedingly popular with younger people. MTG - Magic the Gathering.

Funko is a company I think that sells little weird doll things called Pop Vinyls my son has a few I was gifted one some years ago by a gamerboy buddy.

No idea with Manosphere not part of the gaming culture, just a male culture :lol:
I forgot to add jewelry as one of my hobbies LOL. I will add that as #10

I am not familiar with most of the terms you aren't familiar with either but will rank my interests as a woman :)

1. Cycling by the sea with my DH
2. Hiking in the woods with my DH
3. Listening to music
4. Watching a good movie with my DH and furry babies
5. Reading a good book
6. Writing
7. Taking photos (not photography per se because I am taking them with my phone and have no talent lol)
8. Walking
9. Working out (treadmill, weights)
10. Enjoying, browsing, buying, wearing, looking at bling
Least favorite as in I never do...

1. Cooking
2. Sewing/knitting etc
3. Cleaning (OK I do this but not enough and certainly I do not enjoy it lol)
There's a reason 90% + of the participating women found these precise hobbies attractive.

They all demonstrate some skill, some ability, and intelligence.

Surprise, surprise, women (and yes, the generalisation is totally appropriate in this case) find men who are skillful and smart attractive.

Comic books, trading card games (if only MTG was the only one), clubbing and so on, aren't hobbies related to the acquiring of some skill. They're purely self-serving, providing instant gratification without any useful application outside of the personal benefit. The women who would find those attractive are the women who have the same interests and want to share them with their partner. In a way similar to how I would find a man who loves cats far more attractive than a man who doesn't. Just shared interests. So it's no wonder a smaller percentage of women deemed men participating in these hobbies attractive.

In a way, one is more universal. The other depends more on compatibility between two individuals.
My current favourite ways to waste time, in no particular order:

Fine dining
Learning an instrument (clarinet)
Social Media (FB and IG, and message boards such as PS and one that is camping related)
Camping in my van and dog
10-pin bowling
Spending time at home with the pets (a cat and a dog)
Walking the dog
Planning future holidays
Learning a foreign language (French)
Charity work (which sucks up a lot of time nowadays)

Used to sing in 2 choirs, now stopped as I cannot commit to the practices and concert dates.

Used to go to dance classes (tap, ballroom and Latin), stopped due to decline in physical health and could not commit to practices.

And yes, I identify as a female/woman.

Prefer the salutation of "Ms." as "Mrs." or "Miss" do not apply, having never changed my surname when I was married so Mrs. XXX is not correct; and am divorced so can't be a Miss, etc. etc...

DK :))
I don't think I like any of those things. I definitely hate cooking and stopped doing it 20 years ago.

I like listening to audiobooks while doing puzzles or playing solitaire or Mahjong on my ipad. I have a bird. That right there is 12 hours of my time a day! He's extremely well cared for. I have 2 dogs. So pets would be my thing I guess. I'm also into kpop and korean dramas. Lol.
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They all demonstrate some skill, some ability, and intelligence.

I agree completely.
Creative and intelligent men are so much more interesting to me.

Fantasy stuff, Star Wars, hobbit, comics, and all of those things are a real turn-off for me in a man.

And alcohol, sports team obsession and smoking, even if you choose to call them hobbies, is a hard "no" for me too.
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I agree completely.
Creative and intelligent men are so much more interesting to me.

Fantasy stuff, Star Wars, hobbit, and all of those fantasy things is a real turn off for me in a man.

And alcohol, sports team obsession, and smoking, even if you choose to call them hobbies, is a hard "no" for me too.

One of the (many) things I love about Greg. He doesn’t follow sports and never watches games on tv. He was unique in that regard compared to all the other boys I had dated in the past. And yes. He’s an intellectual but so down to earth. I love our thought provoking conversations and love how easy it is to communicate with him. He actually listens and hears me
One of the (many) things I love about Greg. He doesn’t follow sports and never watches games on tv. He was unique in that regard compared to all the other boys I had dated in the past. And yes. He’s an intellectual but so down to earth. I love our thought provoking conversations and love how easy it is to communicate with him. He actually listens and hears me

I used to be married to a sports fanatic, and let me tell you it is no fun playing second fiddle to the Steelers.
MrCarParts says "All men are dogs." kenny, I always suspected you were a Golden Retriever.
If all men are dogs, then all women cats. :lol-2:

I've finally made a post of equal misandry and misogyny. :clap::dance:
Something for everyone! :wavey:
No, I believe men are dogs, women are people (mostly) and cats are the rulers of the universe.
As someone who has made a fair amount of crypto bank gambling on Cosplay ****, I have reason to question their methodology. Actually, I don't know where this came from and it could be a complete fiction. Or they could have asked 11 women in the same sorority. Or coal mine.

Important to point out that this is not even intended to be a ranking of attractiveness (i.e., I probably should not give up blacksmithing to take up archery). Rather, it is an index of universality of general attractiveness -- a favorable opinion of a man's pursuing the hobby. (And, yes, I see where I live with "arguing online.") So political activism may be pretty high but the left or right flavors would never rise out of the murky middle.

Impressed that a significant minority of women do not consider a potential mate's **** or gambling to be unattractive -- lid for every pot and all that. OTOH, who would actually put these on their resume as "these are a few of my favorite things"?
I used to be married to a sports fanatic, and let me tell you it is no fun playing second fiddle to the Steelers.

My DH is a sports fanatic. And while it can be annoying, he is good in other ways---he gives me money. :lol: :bigsmile::saint:
@canuk-gal, You are the best! This comment made me LOL. Can you tell I’m also married to someone who loves sports?
Ahh, yes, blacksmithing. That sexy take-me-on-the-anvil-with-your-forging-hammer man of our dreams. :lol-2:
Well tbh I would rather have my guy's only hobby and interest be me. I mean, since we're talking about what we'd find the most attractive. I know, that's bad. :lol-2:
seaurchin, I don't know if that's bad but it sounds like a stalker. I think men compartmentailze, you are in a safe and sacred place in his heart, so when the screen door slams he's just off to run with the other dogs in his pack. I'm with a car guy and the endess discussions of the Dead Porsche Society add contrast and balance to our relationship.
Maybe I'm just claustrophobic.
No mention of motorcycles! That can draw my attention….