
Any women here?

Nine of 'em, not counting the ones he bought for his two kids.
Good way to get killed, hon.
As someone who has made a fair amount of crypto bank gambling on Cosplay ****, I have reason to question their methodology.

Appreciate the redacting but it sure didn't help my joke any :cool2:
Is it what women find attractive in men?
Reading is no 1? Is that so they are sitting quietly in the corner behaving themselves ha ha?
Foreign languages no2 ? Must be so you have proper excuse for not listening to them?
Blacksmithing is an interesting one. Not sure how many blacksmiths Ive come across in my life to rate it as an attractive hobby, oh, that’s right none! In theory I’m presuming it’s the fire, sweat and leather protective wear.
But what happened to humour? Humour didn’t even make the list? Surely women find a man who can make them laugh or are just laughable attractive, no?
Least attractive activities, and gambling is only 6.4%? Ladies listen hear (pun intended) those $ wasted on Neddies or slots or what have you could be bling for you. Elevate that unattractiveness level to where it belongs at 99%.
Sheesh, whoever did this poll must be a man.
I have nothing much to contribute to this but have to say “ thank you” Kenny for starting this thread. You guys are so darned funny.
IDK why I’m now fantasizing about a guy who can cook, do woodworking and knows how to handle an anvil. Shame on me!
One of the (many) things I love about Greg. He doesn’t follow sports and never watches games on tv. He was unique in that regard compared to all the other boys I had dated in the past. And yes. He’s an intellectual but so down to earth. I love our thought provoking conversations and love how easy it is to communicate with him. He actually listens and hears me

i wish Gary was into sports, i love cricket, but his mum and dad were obsseesed and would always have sport on the telly, (even horse racing) his siblings also hate sport because of this
I think these aren't necessarily traits women find attractive in men, but just hobbies that people find attractive in general?

The manosphere and incel culture is getting a bit more prominent with TikTok and short formed content, where people are Andrew Tate use scientific sounding information to object and discriminate women as a way of garnering attention. These people use those radical opinions to prey on the men who believe his dogma and make money out of it. Calling people "low-value" and selling courses on becoming an "alpha-male" and treat women like possessions. Gee, I wonder why women don't like them? :confused:
oh BTW im a lady, not a woman

Ok…please clue me in here. Is there something wrong with being a woman? Are the terms “woman” and “ lady” mutually exclusive these days?
Huh, well my DH has a comic book collection, is a gamer (although less than he used to be) and has played MTG in the past. While I don’t share in these hobbies, they don’t bother me at all and obviously were not dealbreakers, I didn’t find him less attractive because of these things.

However p*rn use is a complete turnoff and dealbreaker for me, no judgement if others choose to consume but it’s not something I would want to deal with.
I’m open to a wide range of hobbies. It’s addictions and obsessions I’d be watching out for. Any of the hobbies on the “positives” list could hard to live with if taken to an obsessive level.

Except maybe cooking? I might be able to live with an obsessive cook. As long as he’s a good obsessive cook… and he cleans up after himself….