
Anyone adopt a kitten from the shelter?

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May 16, 2004
We took the kids to the animal shelter over the weekend and adopted two kittens. I had two wonderful cats that I got from a former employer that I loved for 15 years. The last one passed away two years ago and with my kids being really small I haven''t been ready for another pet until now. (They''ve also been bugging the crap outta us about getting a pet)

The kitties are really cute and I''ll post some pictures later. We paid a $50 deposit for each cat and we were told that we couldn''t take them home until this Saturday as they do all of the spaying and neutering on Fridays by vet students. . No problem, that gives me some time to get all of my supplies. I got a call this morning saying that I could come pick up my kitties today as they were both sick and therefore wouldn''t be getting spayed and neutered on Friday (I was told that I could bring them back in two months for the surgery). WTH?! I''m kind of nervous about bringing home two sick cats. One of them has diarrhea and one has a respiratory infection. Both illnesses are very common I was told. I said that I wanted them to keep them until Saturday anyway as I didn''t want the kitties to infect each other once we got them home. Not to mention that I would prefer not to have to try to acclamate a kitten with diarrhea to a new litter box. The shelter worker said that both of the illnesses may be chronic but that they would keep them until Saturday anyway. I was told that many times shelter kitties harbor a herpes type virus that may re-occur much as they do in humans and cause the respiratory illness. As far as the diarrhea, they were going to watch him and see if it was just tempory but I''m thinking it''s also viral.

Has anyone here adopted a kitty with these problems? My other cats came right from their mother and were very healthy until they got old. I''m kind of nervous about these kitties now--especially the one with the diarrhea. Are these problems really just temporary from being shelter kitties and former strays? Do these cats usually grow up nice and healthy?

I really don''t want to back out of the adoption or choose two more kitties, these are so cute and my children are so excited about these two kitties, both are very sweet and playful, good tempered, but I''m really nervous.

Any advice?
Hmmm. I adopted all three of my babies from the shelter...but they weren't babies...two were between 8 mo - 1 year and the other was about 3. They ALL had something. One had a slight worm issue, they all had to be treated, they all had respitory infections. They can't not I think LOL. They came from a place wth over 200 cats. that's no biggie. Same with the poop I bet. They get the sniffles every now and then and might need some meds. Very common because there are just so many animals coming in and out and it speads so quickly. But if a worker is telling you it might be chronic....that might also make me nervous. Why don't you wait until they are feeling better...maybe speak to another individual at the shelter and get a little more info? Maybe call a vet? Sorry I"m not more helpful....I bet that they just picked something up at the shelter. But also, I read that a lot of cats can carry the virus...but it only flares up in times of stress...They say almost all kitten have been exposed to herpes too...I've yet to have my babies come out of there 100% healthy...
When I adopted Freddy, he got the kennel cough a week after he came home... it was tough but he got better. This can happen with animals from the shelter--there are so many germs and they are just babies. If you can, please try to stick it out with them. It might cost a few dollars but take them to your vet and I am sure he will give them a thorough once over and clear up any issues. this is what I did with both my dogs... The rescue/shelter vets are good and they do their best, but I always trust my own vet most.
Hey Pear,

Well my friend adopted a Kitty from a shelter and it died a few months later (I'm not sure why, but she said it was very, very ill from the very beginning). I have a new kitten right now, and he had liquid poop for the first two days. When I took him to the vet he said that it was just nerves over a new home and that it would go away. It did, and he was very healthy.

I'm sure that the shelter wouldn't let you adopt a Kitty that was seriously ill. It could be a combination of the Kitty being malnourished and under crowded conditions. I'm sure they will be better once they have a good home, and ample food. Good luck!
Thanks MMM. I just called the shelter again and spoke to the volunteer who had accompanied the vet on her rounds. He also said that it''s rare NOT to get a cat with respiratory virus and that the illness may never flare up again or just flare up during stress. As far as the diarrhea goes, that cat was just brought in on the 23rd and was de-wormed that day. His diarrhea could be due to the de-worming treatment and may subside soon. The vet was of the opinion that the cats would do better here at home to get better and not be exposed to any more potential illnesses. Sooooo, I''m off to Petsmart for a Litter Maid (have one? worth the money?), food, toys, scratching posts etc. My kids are jumping up and down and screaming with delight, they were thinking they would have to wait until Saturday. Pictures later.
Hello! I suggest that you take the kittens to your own vet to have them checked out now and also to get them spayed later. Animal shelters are getting a reputation for adopting out very sick animals because they have so many new animals coming in every day, they don''t have room to keep any of them for too long-so- they adopt them out regardless of whether they''re sick or not. I wouldn''t trust any vet students to do surgery. I realize that they have to learn somehow/somewhere, they''re not going to practice on my adoptees!!
All my cats have been adopted. I tend to gravitate towards the sickly ones...the last time I looked for a kitten was like 4 years ago and the one I wanted they actually wouldnt let me adopt until he became healthy. They didnt ask for any money though, they just said they''d contact me when he got better. In the mean time I ended up getting a kitten from a friends barn cat litter. But there are lots of sick animals in the shelters, its really hard as there are so many germs and its so easy to pass a virus along in close cages. The problems your kittens have sound pretty normal to me, but if you''re worried, I''d call the vet you used with your other cats, explain the situation, and they''ll give you the best advice.

Good luck with the new kitties though! So exciting, I''m sure your kids are really happy! When you do find ones to take home, take LOTS of pictures!!
Never used Litter Maid....we have quite a few litter boxes and replace them about every 6 mos so I dont really spend a lot of money on tha the thing that cleans it for you??

I''m glad you get to take your kittens home, I think they will do much better with people that are going to love and give them attention and they''ll turn out just fine & healthy

I'm so happy for you and so proud that you are adopting! I'm a huge fan. And those critters really know they are lucky I think. There are so many responsible shelters out there. They can't always predict...but the vast majorityof them really want people to adopt the healthy kitties b/c they don't want to deal with taking them back, a sick kitty going to a home where people won't know or want to deal, or where the pet will not be cared for properly. It sounds like you're dealing with good people!

The most amazing thing that I noticed was their coats. They were SO rough and scratchy. After a few months of the right food, they were like silk! And mine are so very healthy except for Scotty who only has slight eye infections every couple of months...might be allergies...but other than that, he's my boy!

I don't have the littler maid...just regular ol boxes...but whatever works for you!
My guys LOVE LOVE LOVE the feather toy and those litle fur mice. I'm also lucky enough to have them like the scratching post. The trick is to put it in a prominant part of the room and rub some kat nip on it! They're all over that like white on rice...

Our kitty Gandalf is a rescue from a shelter and he had a respiratory illness when we got him, but it got better. However, no one thought to check his teeth before we got him, so the next week at the vet I found out he had to have all of his teeth removed from seriously rotting and infected gums.

The shelter refused to help us out because we had signed a contract when we got him. I''m glad we didn''t just bring him back, though, because I love him to bits and pieces now, but an off-the-bat $700 is a lot to spend on a shelter cat. So that''s my advice to anyone who''s adopting a cat: check its teeth and gums before you commit!
ooops, editing my post. . .I see you've already made your decision. Hope all goes well with your new little furry babies
We''ve adopted 2 kittens from the shelter 4 years apart. The first was our Satan child. He had a respiratory infection when we first got him that didn''t show symptoms until about 1 or 2 weeks after we got him. He was also a feral kitty who wasn''t weaned properly (I think mamma was killed and left the litter behind), so he was a violent little booger to boot. He must''ve been meant for us because we went through the ringer with him for a year before we finally found the solution to calm him down!!

He still has allergies, but we can recognize the difference...we kept thinking he was sick once a year, because he sneezes constantly for a few days. But his behavior, demeanor, eating and sleeping patterns are normal, so we now know this to be his allergies and we don''t panic anymore.

The second cat has never had any problems (other than shedding!
)...she got her first "kitty cold" last month, which we don''t know how possibly as they are both strictly indoor cats....oh well...
Bringing them to your local vet for a check up/shots sounds like good advice.

I got my kitty from a shelter 12 years ago and she's still going strong. She's not a fancy breed, just a big loveable tabby...I think that breed is pretty tough in general.

I wouldn't worry too much! Your kids must be thrilled!
My Cricket & his brother Troubadour were shelter kitties that had respiratory infections and diarrhea. I was given antibiotics by the shelter but when both of them didn''t improve by the first week I took them to my own vet, got different medicine. The sad thing is that Trouby never rebounded, he was a skinny, tired little thing and I was devistated when one night I got up and he was comatose
. Although he was eating & drinking that day, I guess he became dehydrated after a bad bout of diarrhea that night and died in my arms on the way to vet..... Cricket, on the other hand, thrived and was a very healthy & active cat until his death from brain cancer at age 6. I have always felt very guilty that I didn''t know enough about how fast a 2 month old kitten can dehydrate- that maybe I could have saved him. All of my cats have been rescues, but I haven''t been back to that shelter since- I think illness in kittens can go either way and once they start to deteriorate it happens very fast. I''m not trying to discourage you from adopting those shelter kitties- just keep in mind that constant vet care may be a necessity until they rebound. Good liuck!
Oh fountain...that's horrible. I'm so sorry. You know, I have guilt too. Our first cat was a stray off of the streets. He was part kitten and part DEVIL so we had to put him on meds which may or may have not helped him into kidney failure. He may have also been diabetic. He started peeing on odd places, he coat was greasy, he always drank, his breath smelled like booze. On our first wedding anniversary, we found him near death. Two days later he was gone. And to think I made him take a bath the night before b/c he smelled. It was ketosis (sp?) from dehydration. I missed ALL the signs too. Stupid stupid stupid. But I forgave myself and you should too. Sometimes we just don't think in those terms. You never really know what you're going to get...cats are like a box of chocolates LOL... Even if you went to a breeder. I'm sure you were and are a very good fur baby mommy!

p.s. denver- i forgot to mention that my scotty has horribly red gums too. they don't seem to bother him but he may be allergic to his own teeth
They will stay until he/s in pain...but how did your guy do without his choppers?
Well, we''re back from the shelter with our new babies. I had an opportunity to speak with the vet at the shelter and he felt confident that our new babies would be just fine. He did give me some medicine for both of them and their respective ailments. I questioned him about the spaying and neutering by vet students and he assured me that they were well qualified and supervised during the operation. I can appreciate that being that once upon a time I depended on the general public to be my guinea pigs as I was completing dental hygiene school many moons ago. So, in a couple of months I''ll get them neutered, rabies vaccines (they''re not old enough yet) and chipped. The kids had a blast at Petsmart picking out all of the new kitty things and everyone is getting aquainted. Kitties seem pooped by three kids and fur mice dangling from fishing wire. The orange tabby is a male and we''ve decided to call him Max. The torti female will be called Monet due to her watercolor fur markings.

Here is little Miss Monet.

Beautiful kitties!

And is it just me, but doesn't it look like Max is *actually* smiling in that picture? Actually, they both do
I love smiling kitties. My previous cat Elvis looked a lot like the black cat in your avatar. He was solid black with the most beautiful sea green eyes. He was such a wonderful kitty. When I would pat or stroke his head he''d close his eyes and curl his lips up in a great big smile and show me his fangs. His fur was shiny like satin. What a beautiful creature he was and I was just devastated when he got sick and died at age 12. His sister lived another 3 years after him but they''ve both been gone for a few years now. I really missed those cold nights curled up on the sofa with a purring furbaby in my lap. I hope these guys will be with us and healthy for a long time.
Pearcrazy, your new kittens are so cute!
PC, I''m so glad you went ahead! That''s two kitties saved from who knows what. Good for you!

The new furbaby I have still has the sniffles, but aside from some very violent (well, kitty violence
) sneezing, she''s OK. There are some worm issues, but I have an appt for Thursday to have her checked, give shots, worm meds, etc. I think it''s normal for them not to feel 100%, but by you taking them home, I think they are already on their way to healing. Congratulations on a great decision. I hope you enjoy your new kitties for years to come.
Congratulations!! They are so adorable!!

Once they get adjusted and well-rested, I want some more pics!!
What sweeties!!! They''re darling and look like they''re enjoying their new home!!! Keep us posted!!
Came back for another look at the new furbabies.
Miss Monet's name is very befitting of her.

My older cat Missy came from the shelter. Till this day, she's by far the best cat I've ever owned. Shelter animals are awesome. They have a gratitude about them that make them the lovingest pets ever.
Both my cats came from the shelter. They were older kittens (probably about 4 months or so) when we got each. They both had ear mites when we got them, and had to take medication for that. We did keep the second one isolated in a bathroom for several weeks when we got her, as we didn''t want to infect the first one, if the second one did have anything.

Yours are so cute! I just love kitties!
Pearcrazy, they are darling!

All of my cats (5 since childhood) have been from the Humane Society. I don''t recall the particulars of the ones from childhood, but my current cat also had diarrhea and a respiratory infection when I adopted him. He is now 12 years old, he seems to get more hale and hearty every year!
Aw, they are so cute! I think Max looks like he''s smiling
Glad the kids are excited about their new friends.
Cute, Cute and TOO Cute! All of ours have come from some sort of rescue situation. One of ours was very sick when we got her - distemper I think. Anyway, after rounds of antibiotics & a close watch of our vet, she lived to be 17 or 18 years.

One of our rainbow bridge kitties (she was also about 17 or 18), was colored like Monet. I''ve been told that only females have that fur color and pattern.

Good luck & have some fun. Our "Monet" cat fetched.
Oh, pearcrazy, they're so adorable! I'm really glad you saved these 2 angels from the shelter. I hope they're feeling better & adjusting well to their new home.

Re: the Littermaid, I have one and love it. I only have 1 cat (Bella from my avatar--I rescued her from a shelter when she was 1 year old) & the Littermaid works great for her. I only have to empty the pan/add litter once or twice a week. If you have more than one cat, you'd have to do it more frequently.

One thing I have heard about the Littermaids is that they're not great if one of your cats frequently has loose stool. So I'd give your babies some time & see if the diarrhea turns out to be a problem. If not, give the Littermaid a try.

Have fun w/ your new babies!

ETA: F&I---my Bella fetches too!
They are beautiful! I am very happy for you and know it will all work out!
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