
Anyone adopt a kitten from the shelter?

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My son lost his beloved 18 year old cat last summer. He was heartbroken. He was away for the weekend and when he left, the cat looked perfectly healthy. He got a call from the cat sitter two days later stating that the cat was dying. He drove home and could not believe this was the same cat. The cat died on the way to the vet. His kidneys had failed. He had gotten this cat from someone who was abusing it and the cat lived a long, healthy life.

He wanted another cat immediately so he went to a shelter in a pet store. They assured him that this cat had been checked by a vet and had all his shots a few weeks before. He took the cat home and the next day the cat refused to eat. He called the shelter and they told him how to force him to drink water with a dropper. They said he was probably upset by the new environment. A few hours later, the cat seemed sicker so they told him to bring him back and they would have their vet check him in a day or two..

My son took the cat to his vet and was told that the cat had distemper. If the cat had ever received the distemper shot at all, he had gotten it after he contracted the disease. Upon further questioning, one of the volunteers at the shelter told my son that they had only had the cat for a few days and the person who brought him in for adoption told them he had all his shots. The poor cat was dead in two days.

Distemper is highly contagious. My son had to have his whole house disinfected and wait several weeks before bringing in a new cat. Fortunately the vet had an adorable cat that no one wanted to adopt because it had suffered damage ti its cerebella at birth. But she assured him that the cat was otherwise healthy.and that the condition would not worsen. He has a twitch and walks like he is drunk. But he seems healthy. Possibly because of his condition, he is very co-dependent. He even tried to pry the keys off the keyboard on my son''s computer because my son spends a lot of time working on it.

Often vets have cats up for adoption and this is usually a good source. Also no matter what the shelter people tell you,unless you get your cat from a vet , it is a good idea to arrange to take the cat to your own vet before bringing it home and bonding to it.

Illnesses spread rapidly in shelters particularly when a sick cat is handled and then another cat is picked up.
That is very sad. That must have been really really hard for him
And it is amazing how quickly it all happens when the kidney's fail. That happened to my Mel...

Anyhoo....that shelter is not a responsible shelter. That's a real shame. The shelter I go to absolutely gives the cats their own set of shots and each cat sees an outside vet. In fact, vet visits and medical bills up to one year after adoption are free. Shelters like the one your son went to give them a bad name...and you are absolutely correct! Get them checked out again when you get's amazing how quickly stuff spreads at the shelters...

And how wonderful is it that your son took the "drunk" kitty....
What a sad story but it is good Solange that you emphasize the importance of vaccination - it can save so much suffering and heartbreak. I hope your son enjoys many years of happiness with his new kitty.
I don''t really know much about cats but I cannot say enough good things about adopting from a rescue or a vet. Sure, one takes chances but all of my dogs since 1990 have been from a breed rescue.

Again, I do not know about cats but my dogs have all seemed to appreciate the fact that they were rescued. I mean - it''s like they could really tell.

Short Prayer - "Lord, help me to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am."
My ex adopted 2 from a shelter and had one who was great, a slightly older female. The other, a brand new male, seemed like in the extremely short time it was with whoever delivered them to the shelter/whoever reared it at the shelter, it was just horribly abused. There were some serious problems and if you raised your hand, like trying to reach for the remote if the kitty was under your coffee table, it freaked out like you were going to beat the snot out of it. It took my ex two years to really get the cat calmed down and trusting of him. The other cat seemed like it actually helped the situation. It appeared to take a motherly role with the baby.

My family doesn''t get cats, we are all too allergic. I can''t even stay at my In-Laws houses for more than a few hours, I lock up and can''t breathe. We have adopted several puppies, and the dog we have now is a direct blood descendent of our first dog.
That's cool that your new puppy is related to your first!

Same thing with my Scotty. Took him about a year to chill. You'd get up off the couch, go to grab something, go to pet him...he freaked out and would hide. He was definitely abused...but now, he's a cuddle bug. He still gets nervous at times, but he's a lover!

It's funny- I think a lot of cat people "get" dogs...but a lot of dog people don't "get" cats. (not you ame,just people in general...) They think cat's aren't loyal and loveable and always like to be left alone....Geez, if only I could be left alone. As I typed this, I made the mistake of making eye contact...gotta go...viny wants to have me to himself LOL and it's too hot for this....
I think cats are cute, though you can''t "Train" and "command" them like you can a dog. They don''t seem as interactive as dogs, that is why I particularly prefer dogs.

Yea I love that this dog is related to our first, my folks were glad too. We were all really attached to the first Ginger. My brother, ever so creative, named this dog the same name.
If I told my cats to "roll over", "beg" the cat would suck my breath out while I slept LOL..they are like F U lady LOL...But they do fetch. It's really funny. I have a feather on a plastic stick and I throw it and he gets it and carries it back in his mouth. The other one drags a long string around in her mouth. Drops it and meows to be played with...I have three shadows...I need a bed big enough for us all plus hubby I guess LOL...ALthough vinny is usually on my belly or chest. Ouch. One wakes us up for food...then they escort me to the kitchen and beg for treats. When I blow dry in the am, one comes and watches's his routine...But the good thing is that sometimes, they want to be alone and leave you alone and don't require any maintenance. I do love dogs too though. Don't get me wrong. But I love the cat attitude and the low maintenance...maybe one day when I'm out of the city....I'd love a doberman or a rottie or a german shepard...or a pug..I think they are so cute...oh yeah, and a grey hound...and a cavalier king charles...and a... LOL
Yea that''s the truth, very low maintenance. My dog only wants to be left alone when she is ready for bed. And how dare you have a conversation in ear shot if it''s 945pm and she is in her cage in "her" room. She''s very demanding for attention the rest of the time and will actually give you a "scoff" if you stop petting her. It''s kind of funny.

She''s just as much an airhead as my mom and sister and I. Its like it rubbed off.

Our dog(s) are(were) shepherd labs. So mild mannered, unless the kids are fighting (by kids I mean myself, sister and brother) she is really tame. She gets so mad at us, biting and jumping on us to pull us apart. Yes, we are all in or very near our 20s and we fight. Just like always.

Well, we''ve had Max and Monet for two weeks now. I''ve found that I don''t need a Littermaid just yet. My 5 year old daughter Olivia has taken on the task of scooping out the litter box twice a day --with pride I might add.
She likes having a chore to do and my oldest son has the job of making sure that the water bowl is filled with fresh water 2x a day and that the bowl of crunchies doesn''t get empty. My youngest son is content to just provide love but no maintenence.
They are both very tolerent of being carried around the house by three kids with LOTS of love to give. Poor kitties!! But they are always purring. DH and I enjoy our kitty love after the kids are in bed. One warm kitty for each of our laps while we watch some TV.

We had some problems with Max going outside his litter box for a while but we kept a very close eye on him while he was in the house and confined him to the garage while we are away and he seems to be doing better now. (litter box and food is in garage with pet door to the house/ both kitties have caught on how it works) His stool has firmed up too so I think that has helped a lot. The bad news is that Max caught Monet''s respiratory infection. She seems to be getting better with the sneezing and coughing but both kitties have gotten what looks like pinkeye. We took them to the vet this morning and he prescribed some ointment. I know the shelter told me that both cats had been given flea treatment but both kitties had ear mites today so he also prescribed some Revolution that should clear up the mites and protect against further flea infestation and hookworms. I''m waiting to catch Max doing his business again as the vet wants to do another fecal check. He gave me a special container to put the um--specimen in. Sounds like oodles of fun!! I''ll try to get another picture up here shortly.
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