
Anyone else who can't tolerate hot weather?


Dec 4, 2007
Anyone else who can't tolerate hot weather?

How I despise, despise, despise summer. I get SAD (for me - summer depression and fall/winter happiness) and it makes me physically crash. You can't do anything because it's so darn oppressive out there. Today is not too hot but really humid and it's giving me a headache and making me feel short of breath a bit. (Just fyi, I deal with fibromyalgia. I'm an average/good weight for my height. I live in NY now, despite my screen name, used to live in Ca.) Air conditioning is not my thing either. For some reason it makes me feel a bit claustrophobic (and I'm not). It cools things, yes, but it's just not comfortable. I'm counting the weeks until the fall.

Ideas on coping with this?

Thanks all.


May 23, 2012
I'm so sorry to hear this!

I love the heat so I'm really the last person that should offer advice. But because of that love I have been known to overdue it and be out in the sun way too long. In those cases, I find a cold wash cloth on my neck is very helpful. And I love electric fans. Staying hydrated is very important to my own ability to feel good in the hot weather.

It sounds like you have a greater need than just tips to stay cool. Have you ever tried biofeedback? I have not but it seems like something that you might find useful.


Apr 26, 2007
I didn't know you were in NY! I am excited about the possibility of meeting you at a GTG one of these days, then. :naughty:

And, alas, I am in the exact same boat as you - the weather we've been having literally makes me sick. Remember last Sunday, when it went over 100? Yeah, I thought I was going to pass out. I tend to cope with it by either staying in the air conditioned spaces, going into the park under the trees where it's at least a little cooler, and drinking a lot more water than usual ... but I still feel like I'm just marking time until fall. Bah! It's worse than usual this year, too. Usually it doesn't get this dire until August.

At least yesterday was nice-ish?


Apr 28, 2008
Yes, we're kindred spirits. I hate summer heat (and also all the bugs!), and look forward to fall/winter. Summer is just not my fave.


Feb 5, 2004
I am with you. We had a 4 day heat wave (temps over 90) last week and will be having another 5 day heat wave starting Monday with feel like temps in the 100s.

To cope, I slow down during the worst part of the day and stay in AC as much as possible, leaving errands for early in the morning and evenings. I dress in lightweight, loose clothing and drink plenty of water. I carry a mist bottle of water for a little relief. And I too cannot wait until Autumn.


Oct 11, 2011
lol no. I love the heat. I am a Texan girl through and through in that respect. Summer means even inside it is 80 degrees, and several times a month you go to baseball games where you soak through all your clothes with sweat, then afterwards you jump in the pool. The whole reason for suit jackets in the summer is to cover up that you sweated through your shirt on your drive to a meeting. My favorite part of flying home from anywhere is that the airport has this covered escalator and when you get in it you are nearly bowled over by heat - so refreshing after the cold-coldness of airplanes and the airport!

The only annoying parts are that if I want to lay outside I can't wear my jewelry because the sunscreen mucks it up, and that the apple products get really mad about the heat and shut themselves off, so I have to read paper books if I'm outside. But I love to lay outside and bask in the sun like a cat, except with way more sunscreen because I am very fair and have a family history of skin cancer. But I love the feeling of the sun hitting my skin and warming it.

I hate the cold. Snow is unnatural, and should die in a fire. All of winter should die in a fire, actually. Yuck. Winter is the death of all hope and life, and nothing is good again until spring.


May 23, 2012
distracts said:
lol no. I love the heat. I am a Texan girl through and through in that respect. Summer means even inside it is 80 degrees, and several times a month you go to baseball games where you soak through all your clothes with sweat, then afterwards you jump in the pool. The whole reason for suit jackets in the summer is to cover up that you sweated through your shirt on your drive to a meeting. My favorite part of flying home from anywhere is that the airport has this covered escalator and when you get in it you are nearly bowled over by heat - so refreshing after the cold-coldness of airplanes and the airport!

The only annoying parts are that if I want to lay outside I can't wear my jewelry because the sunscreen mucks it up, and that the apple products get really mad about the heat and shut themselves off, so I have to read paper books if I'm outside. But I love to lay outside and bask in the sun like a cat, except with way more sunscreen because I am very fair and have a family history of skin cancer. But I love the feeling of the sun hitting my skin and warming it.

I hate the cold. Snow is unnatural, and should die in a fire. All of winter should die in a fire, actually. Yuck. Winter is the death of all hope and life, and nothing is good again until spring.

Distracts - I grew up in the city where you currently live and I totally understand this post!!! I even have the exact same response to the covered escalator at the airport. :)


Dec 25, 2012
I have no good advice (because "move somewhere cold!" is not at all helpful is it!) but I sympathize. The first day of September or October that I first feel that Autumn chill in the air makes me so happy. Of course come February I am back to grumbling about the snow and ice.


Jun 8, 2008
I totally empathize with those who cannot stand the stifling heat and humidity. I feel ill on the hottest/most humid days. BUT I also do poorly in cold extremes unfortunately. :((

I am best when it is a moderate temperature (60's-80 Farenheit) with lower humidity. Not a NYC type of weather pattern these days lol. I really enjoy the long days/light of summer though so the summer does have its advantages for me but I have a medical condition and any temp extreme causes me to flare and be in considerable discomfort and sometimes lots of pain. I really love spring and fall but it just seems we do not really get much of either here these days.

ETA: And while I like rain sometimes for a change (love the pitter patter of rain and the refreshing way the air smells after a rainstorm and there is just something romantic about a summer rain if you kwim) doesn't it seem like it's raining all the time in NY lately? What's with that? I do not love the rain days on end. It's literally raining almost every day for the last month. Ugh. :(sad


Apr 30, 2005
One idea ... use AC but set the thermostat higher.
Then when you go in and out you won't be moving between such a great difference from hot to cold.
It will just be less humid in your home or car.

I think this idea does not occur to many people.


Jul 23, 2012
our AC broke last week. Im doing ok with it, but the rest of my family is not. My SO is always a little bit more cranky, and so is my LO, so its more of an annoyance to me than the heat. I live near the east side of lake michigan. It regulates the temperatures somewhat compared to chicago or detroit, but the reason it helps regulate the temperature more is because of the humidity in the air, among other things... so in the winter instead of being 6 like detroit, we get down to 20 or so, instead of being 95, its usually 85 at the top, though of course we will go higher a few times a year. Its the humidity I hate, everything is sticky, and with my air broke you cant get away from it! I keep sticking every possible food item in the fridge to keep it from molding! :roll:

I was pretty mad when our air first broke because i like my house at a steady 74 in the summer, 71 in the winter, but im actually ok with it now, my problem is everyone else :lol:

fall is my absolute favorite. Which is one MAJOR reason my wedding is in November. Everything feels more cozy, less... i dont know, vulgar i guess


Feb 2, 2011
I hear ya. Never been able to tolerate the heat - take after Mom's people.

Now joy of joys, summer triggers my hot flashes and I have those all summer. WTF?

Right through the night too. I'm awakened 3-5 times per night. They settle down in time for fall, and then I can catch up on my sleep through the winter. I was gonna start a thread about them as I can't take hormones (not suggested with family history), and I am quite frankly, about to lose my crackers from sleep deprivation.

It's messin' with my Zen thing.

Come crash on my couch and I'll brew us up some iced tea.


Sep 3, 2009
I'm with you, Niel. Fall is my favorite time, when the air cools, you smell the leaves, twilight seems to last longer, and being inside finally feels cozy.

Summer & its humidity just kills me! I thought it was awful in the Northeast, but living now in the South, I realize I didn't have the least idea. I don't like a/c either -- hate having the house all shut up -- but it's the only way to survive down here. For every reason except the climate, I'd love to move to South Carolina; sad to say, out of the question.

And it makes my hair frizzy as cotton candy, aaaack! :errrr:

--- Laurie

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
100* ain't nothing. We hit 106-109* for 5 days in a row.


Jul 13, 2012
I have a tough time with the humid heat too! I think I did better when my children were school age because we would plan a two week summer vacation in the mountains, or somewhere that was a bit cooler. Now, we do not need to work around a school schedule, so we tough out the humid summers. It was better when we had a trip to look forward to since it broke up the humid summer blahs.


Oct 4, 2011
I LOVE the heat!! 8-) :appl: 8-)

I ADORED being in Vegas - it can get as hot as it likes and I'm as happy as can be. I can feel the warmth right into my bones and am happy to just sit in the sun smiling away, soaking it up - man, I love the heat!! BUT... just skip the humidity, thank you very much, because that totally and completely zaps my strength. Its like pulling the plug on all my energy and I am almost immobilized. I'm useless in the humidity -- and don't even get me going on my HAIR --- oy VEY - frizzy all the time anyway, but throw in 80+% humidity and I look like Einstein on a bad day!! :shock:

I'm with you, distracts:
"I hate the cold. Snow is unnatural, and should die in a fire. All of winter should die in a fire, actually. Yuck. Winter is the death of all hope and life, and nothing is good again until spring."
Unfortunately, I live where winter begins in November and slowly saunters out of town mid April. :nono: Environmental hell is what I call winter!


Apr 2, 2006
One cool down, coming right up:

We just went through this summer's first heat wave - highs somewhere between 110 and 115. Pretty brutal, but once that first one is out of the way I'm fine - anything below 95 is "cool" - :lol: . But we're blessed with relatively dry heat. I die in high heat with humidity!

Enerchi - what on earth are you doing living up there, girl???


Oct 4, 2011
VRBeauty|1373769617|3482638 said:
One cool down, coming right up:

We just went through this summer's first heat wave - highs somewhere between 110 and 115. Pretty brutal, but once that first one is out of the way I'm fine - anything below 95 is "cool" - :lol: . But we're blessed with relatively dry heat. I die in high heat with humidity!

Enerchi - what on earth are you doing living up there, girl???

Oh I hear ya, VR!!! I have no idea... I'm blaming it on my ancestors... why did they pick Ontario Canada??? why not Arizona or New Mexico or Nevada??? Geesh.... :roll: Once my lottery comes in, you can bet your sweet bippy, I'm OUTTA HERE!!!

mrs jam

Jun 24, 2004
I absolutely dread summer! Moving from Portland to Houston was very traumatic for me, even though I grew up in areas all along the Gulf Coast. It doesn't help at all that I refuse to wear shorts, due to a sad case of chicken-legs. I live basically as a vampire during the summer. I'm a reading specialist, so like teachers, I have most of the summer off from work. This allows me to plan my outings around the heat rather than my work schedule. I'm a lazybones in the morning and am not usually out of my pj's before high noon, so I wait until the late afternoon to run my errands.

A little trick that helps make me feel like I'm keeping my insides cool is popping a plastic bottle of sparkling water in the freezer for about half an hour before I leave the house. I love a frosty bottle of San Pelligrino with little chunks of ice floating around inside it! Drinking this helps me keep my cool while the sun is glaring in through my windshield.

The only redeeming aspect of summer (besides having over two months off from work) is the snow cone stand down the street from our house. And mango and fig season.


Nov 1, 2009
I like warmer weather in the 80's as long as there is no humidity. The humidity kills me and I swell up just sitting outside.


Jan 30, 2008
I don't have much to offer in coping strategies, but I feel your pain on the fibro issue - I know firsthand how it makes everything much worse.

For heat - and I live in Oklahoma, where triple digit summer days are mostly unremarkable, and we often scoff at anything under 100 as being "hot" - I just try avoiding it as much as possible. I'm a redhead after all. I dash from one air conditioned box to the next. That and I keep a prepared pitcher of strawberry daquiris in the freezer at all times. ;)) Frozen stuff melting from the inside is about the best way I've found to keep cool. It's the only time of year when I drink alcohol on a semi-regular basis.

While I don't like the heat, for me it is not a trigger. In fact, when the summer heat fills in after the spring, it comes with a pressure dome. So,I actually feel tons better, because for me, the real killer is pressure changes. So where do I live? Smack dab in the middle of the Great Plains, where rolling pressure gradients as steep as mountains are the norm. And there is absolutely NO escaping those. Unlike the heat, which can be kept somewhat at bay with AC and cold drinks, pressure shifts permeate everywhere. In fact, in what has got to be one of the weirdest weather patterns I've seen in the last 20 years of so, we are not going to get over 90 for the bulk of this week, and are getting a bunch (or a bunch for here) of rain. Typically, the last week in July, and the first week in August, are our hottest, driest weeks in Oklahoma. However, the rain and cooler temps has come with a huge pressure shift and it's seriously kicking my tushie.

I'm sorry I don't have much to offer. I've come to the unpalatable yet inevitable conclusion, that with fibro, you just have to endure more than you would otherwise.

I hope you get some relief soon!


Dec 4, 2007
Thank you all, dear wonderful people ! Great ideas.

I loved the stream video! That was such a fun thing to post. Sorry to hear some of you might deal with fibro, also. It's a "b" and basically controls my life. I dream of living in Ontario, actually. (I Adore all things Canadian. We used to take trips up there years ago.) I'm going to make a misting bottle for sure. Ken, great idea on setting the a.c. not too cold. Last night I had it on 70 - which took the humid out but didn't start to give the chills. Yes, Circe, formerly Calif., but now Long Island. L.I. has a great fall & winter but these summers are gruesome. Oh, and I'm truly envious of you all who can handle the heat.

Thanks again, so very much.


Jun 6, 2010
Laila619|1373745361|3482496 said:
Yes, we're kindred spirits. I hate summer heat (and also all the bugs!), and look forward to fall/winter. Summer is just not my fave.

Me too, me too! :wavey: :(sad It is so hot & humid here in Georgia in the summer, you simply can't breathe! I look forward to Fall weather, though here that means late October/early November before the temps cool down below 80.


Feb 3, 2008
I am with you, Sonoma! I am not a fan of the heat! When it gets really hot here, I stay inside. Sometimes, I like to sit with my feet in the pool reading a book, but yesterday the pool felt like a bathtub. One day this week it was hot and humid but overcast. I like that a little better if the humidity is not too high. Otherwise, when it is over 100* when you walk outside to even do any shopping it feels like you skin is going to crisp up right on you.

My strategy is to turn up the air and try on fall clothes! We try to spend a couple weeks in Pismo where it is pretty cool in the summer. I bring my uggs. Heaven! I haven't spent to much time anywhere with a lot of humidity, but a few years ago I went to Missouri with a few girlfriends in the summer and I thought I was going to die. Humidity is killer, not to mention what it does to your hair! :errrr: I feel your pain. Cooler is coming!


Feb 18, 2010



Jun 18, 2010
We are on track to set a record for the most days over 100. I hate it. I also hate that it doesn't cool down at night. Our forecast for the next several days- 103, 104, 101, 101. We plan on moving to another state in the next few years and I can't wait to leave the desert.


Jul 13, 2012

Oh my goodness! This is the cutest picture ever!


Sep 1, 2009
sonomacounty|1373809062|3482760 said:
Thank you all, dear wonderful people ! Great ideas.

I loved the stream video! That was such a fun thing to post. Sorry to hear some of you might deal with fibro, also. It's a "b" and basically controls my life. I dream of living in Ontario, actually. (I Adore all things Canadian. We used to take trips up there years ago.) I'm going to make a misting bottle for sure. Ken, great idea on setting the a.c. not too cold. Last night I had it on 70 - which took the humid out but didn't start to give the chills. Yes, Circe, formerly Calif., but now Long Island. L.I. has a great fall & winter but these summers are gruesome. Oh, and I'm truly envious of you all who can handle the heat.

Thanks again, so very much.

We usually have the air conditioner set to about 73 and use it along with a separate dehumidifier. (dehumidifier cost about $100 or so at Sears 6-7 years ago)
Leaving the doors open to as many rooms as you can and setting the house fan to "on" rather than auto helps too.
This is what we do and the air circulating helps keep things feeling a bit less closed up. The combination of dehumidifier and air conditioner lets us control the humidity and keep the house to a comfortable temperature.

I'm from western Washington. Born here and lived here my whole life.
After almost a week at 80+, I'm pretty much ready to die of the heat outside :nono: It was fun for the first couple of days but now I'm just sticking to the air-conditioned house and car.


Feb 5, 2004
Today it was 96 with feel like temps at 100. Tomorrow it could actually be 100. With extremely high humidity. This has been going on all week, getting worse each day. Heat advisories and poor air quality.
The East Coast is sweltering. Supposed to break on Sunday.


Apr 30, 2005
We don't have AC.
I've discovered a wonderful weapon against heat, home made lemonade.
It's super-cheap and easy to whip up a glass when there's simple syrup in the fridge, since it dissolves faster than sugar.

Simple syrup is just sugar and water.
Bring a cup of sugar and a cup of water to a boil.
Stir till the sugar is dissolved.
Let cool.
Refrigerate in covered jar.

I use bottled Reallemon lemon juice from Costco.
Sure, fresh-squeezed would be even better but since I'm lazy that's not happening. :lickout:

Put a few tablespoons of SS and LJ in a glass.
Add water till the glass is almost filled.
Add ice cubes and stir.

Yum-O-Rama! :mrgreen:

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