
Anyone else who can't tolerate hot weather?

I LOVE MURRY!!!!! (How far does he spit the seeds?)

--- Laurie
I live in one of the best climates in the US and I still want to complain about the heat! I'm in San Diego county, five miles from the ocean but don't have air conditioning. The minute my inside thermometer rises above 77 degrees, I feel like someone is torturing me. I love fall weather, is it here yet? :devil:
Cant stand it. I'm fighting a nasty cold now too because of it. I stay inside except for when I am leaving work, coming home, and letting my bulldog out to go bathroom. My bully doesnt tolerate the heat either. I'm even more sensitive to the heat because of the health condition I have. It DOES feel claustrophobic. YUCK!
It's 9pm here...and 85 outside. Sign me up on the "can't wait for fall" list.
I can't stand the heat & sun. As I get older, the more I hate the warm weather. Anything under 70 degrees is fine with me.

I will say that born & raised in No. Ca. and now having moved to Indy, if I ever get to move back to California I will never complain it being 'hot'. The heat/humidity out here is horrible. You're in a nice cool place & then you go outside...glasses fog up. :ugeek:
I don't like heat and am not a big fan of summer though it is nice to wear shorts and sandals. I do like watermelon and dogs who eat watermelon. I even years ago made up a name for all dogs who love melon - I call them "Melon Boys."
I feel for you guys who aren't used to heat and dealing with it. We got all the cool weather this summer. In a strange twist of weather weirdness, we had a week of rain and that rolled across the state from east to west (!!!) and cool 80s temps. Even now, it is only in the low 90s, which for us is nothing. It is only supposed to get 'hot' by Tuesday, when it is supposed to reach 97, again, hardly worth mentioning.

I will say though, a few years ago, I visited family in Kentucky, and it was in the low 90s, which generally doesn't faze me. But I thought I was going to die. So humid! But the real kicker was the lack of wind! Being from Oklahoma, it is only remarkable when there is NO wind. Wind is a constant. We only comment that it MIGHT be getting a bit breezy, when the prevailing wind goes over about 18mph. Anything under that is not even noticed. Believe me, we noticed. Without our wind, the humidity just HUNG there, making you sweat to death. Kentucky was gorgeous, but I got claustrophobic (aiii! The TREES!) and missed my big sky and my wind!
Is it hot when its 100 degrees fahrenheit where you guys live? I just checked 100 degrees fahrenheit = 37.78 degrees celsius.

Where I live we have around 3 months of the year that is 36 degrees celsius up 38 average temp. When it gets really hot here end of January and most of February it is 40 degrees celsius up to 42 and 43 on a really bad day. 40 degrees our temp is like 104 degrees fahrenheit your temp and 42 is 107.6 fahrenheit your temp and 43 is 110 fahrenheit your temp. And a lot of parts of Australia get a whole lot hotter than that. Where I live is also tropical and quite humid in the summer. We got hit by a cyclone back in January. We had knee deep water through our property, fish washed into our front yard, (like the hurricanes that blow in off the coast of the US sometimes) no power, no aircon, no cool fridge, no lights, no washing machine, no hot water, or anything that required power, for 5 days because the water took out the power supply and it took them that long to fix it. We live in a big major city and had to buy a small generator this year because after a few days like that I was ready to smack someone.....

We cool down buy swimming, taking lots of cold showers or baths and drinking lots of cool drinks with ice in them.
I hate hot weather! The heat index (temperature + humidity) is supposed to hit 110 today - I live in the DC area. I'm miserable - I've had a 'heat' headache all week! Two years ago I moved from the SoCal area - I was three blocks from the beach and did not have heat OR A/C. Oh, how I miss SoCal. Take me away Calgon.........

Edit - heat that is.....
I live in Minnesota and dislike being hot very much, the 90 degree temps this week have been yucky, esp. with high humidity. About the only thing I like about the heat is being in my parents' pool, or on/in a lake. I am quite fair, as well, and can burn easily. I'm also not a huge fan of over-air conditioned spaces. My office will be freezing while the sun beats down outside which seems ridiculous. We have a dehumidifier for our apartment and it's the best! Keeps the air very dry so we don't have to run the air conditioner as much, and can keep it at a more comfortable temp. I love when the weather shifts to fall and I can open the windows again. We keep our windows cracked even in the winter! I love the shift in weather to rain, and then to snow and cold weather. I like to say that you can always put on another layer of clothing, but there's only so much you can take off and still be decent!
I don't mind the heat, but hate the humidity. The feeling of not being able to breathe, and the days (like today) when there is not a bit of breeze, it's stifling. I took a little grocery bag of garbage outside 10 ft to the garbage can and was sweating by the time I got back in. We keep it at 78 in the house during the summer. We had a weird spring tho-winter lasted into May, it was clear to the end of June before we turned the air on b/c it was so cool outside-and then we woke up to 90's+. We got a lot of rain all at once, so everything was lovely and green, now we haven't had a drop in a month. Everyone was growly about the cool/wet Spring and we were excited b/c it's good for our plants--and it didn't last long b/c the temps changed overnight-hot/humid/windy dried everything out immediately and now we're parched.

We try to walk over to my gramma's and go swimming a lot when it's hot out--but it's right out in the sun so we wait until evening so the sun is down far enough. (sucks tho b/c this year it was so dang cold the pool is only just NOW getting warm enough to swim) We eat a lot of ice cream, get the kids popsicles etc, and we hang out a lot in the house when it's bad outside.

I like fall/winter, but...when it gets nice outside and we start taking our daily tours to check out the yard and my hostas start coming up--I seriously jump up and down and clap my hands like a little kid. Nothing makes me happier then seeing our yard all lush and beautiful, it's so soothing. And in the winter it gets cold enough that it takes your breath away and freezes your nostrils shut so you have to cup your hand over your mouth/nose to breathe. I hate that. At least this time of year I have my yard and gramma's pool.
We get the hot with the humid here in Florida. For some reason this year has been really hard on me. I have no energy. I feel like I'm suffocating anytime I'm outside. I can't wait for fall. I told my grandmother, it's like a catch 22. In winter, we b*tch and moan about how cold it is, but we can't even get halfway through summer without being miserable. I want fall all year round please.
I'm with you, OP. I can't stand the summer. I also used to have reverse SAD and found summers very depressing, but that has worn off quite a bit since I've got older. But I am very heat-intolerant and I remember having problems with it since childhood. My niece is the same and when she was a toddler, sometimes she had seizures when she became too hot. If I am in extreme heat for more than about 15 minutes, I get an upset stomach. I had to go visiting in San Antonio late last July and everyone went to the Alamo, but I was running to the bathroom all the time so I had to miss it. Yesterday I walked from the station to the flat, about 15 mins, in intense heat and I had to dash to the bathroom when I got in - sorry for TMI, but I'm trying to say that the heat has an effect on me that is physical, it's not just me thinking that it's uncomfortable. It actually makes me properly ill.

To me, anything above about 72 is too hot, although the physical illness doesn't kick in till the high eighties.

I, too, long for the autumn.
I hate the heat and humidity here! Thanks to Kenny, we use solar blankets on the back of our house (great idea!), which really does give us a few degrees of relief and helps with keeping the a/c in. I use a fan by the bed at night to cope. Next house, we're putting in a pool for sure. I'd be in that everyday, several times a day. My hair would turn green probably, but I don't care. It's almost a necessity where we live in Canada. 8-)
We're really lucky because we have central air in our condo, so unless I'm out and about, I don't notice the heat. We're moving in a few weeks though, and we won't have central air our new place. I don't think it will bother me (I'm okay with fans), but my husband won't like it. I do notice that I get dehydrated and feel sick if I'm in the heat for a long time, so I try to carry a water bottle with me wherever I go.

My parents' house is really old and it's so suffocating in the summer. Whenever I walk upstairs to my old room, I can feel the heat hit like a wall at the bottom of the stairs and it's awful. My parents have put a/c units in a few rooms, so that helps.

Packrat, I remember pictures of your yard, and it's beautiful. I don't like bitter cold either. Who does though, really? My neck and back tense up and it's so painful. I hate that chilled to the bone feeling.
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