
Anyone ever owned a rabbit?

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Date: 2/2/2009 1:50:20 PM
Author: coatimundi

Date: 2/2/2009 1:41:57 PM
Author: Lorelei

This bunny is exactly the same as mine, even to the colour! And I am glad I was able to help, we really love our little chap! And like I say, the only time I ever catch a little whiff is if he wees. Yes he is litter trained and extremely clean, he has paper in one section of his quarters which he uses to pee and poo on, easy as a wink to change it!

Date: 2/2/2009 4:14:48 PM
Author: elrohwen
I''ve been reading up on breeds and if I get a bunny (big if) I think I would get a Holland Lop because they''re generally described as super affectionate and social. Here''s a picture I found online for your bunny viewing pleasure. I
this bunny!
Hehehe!!! ROFL at '' supermanning'' hahaha!!!!

That is a very sweet nunny pic you posted elr!!
hahah, my dirty mind thought of "the rabbit"....hahaha
Date: 2/2/2009 4:21:34 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
hahah, my dirty mind thought of ''the rabbit''....hahaha
LOL You''ll have to start another thread for that kind of rabbit ...
Date: 2/2/2009 4:27:30 PM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 2/2/2009 4:21:34 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
hahah, my dirty mind thought of ''the rabbit''....hahaha
LOL You''ll have to start another thread for that kind of rabbit ...
LOL! Ha!

Well if that were the case, then I guess I''ll have to change my answer to the original question.
Elrohwen-I have had three rabbits over the years, and df and I are planning on adopting a bonded pair within a month or two. I highly recommend that you look into and study well from the website and book "The House Rabbit Society" Overall, they are not the right pet for small children who tend to be more "grabby". It scares the rabbit, and their only defense is to bite or run. Otherwise they are highly social creatures, very intelligent with the right mental stimulation and attention. Mine have always loved to cuddle on their own terms. Basically, we let them run around for a couple of hours a day, they love jumping on our feet and "forcing" us to pet endlessly. Imogen, my last bunny, who now lives with my parents, will leap and dance and spend time shredding a cardboard that they put out for her. We spend long hours away from home, which is why we plan on adopting two at once, so that they can keep each other company. While it is true that some may not get along well with others, they are like most animals that are smart enough to react...they get along well with some, and not others. They DO have huge personalities. Mine have all been litter trained, which makes keeping the smell down much easier. Just dump the tray once a day. Yes, the apartment will smell like hay. All should be nuetered or spayed, it will extend their lives (females tend to be very prone to uterine cancer) prevent unwanted multiple bunnies, and keep the males from chewing and spraying out of ownership. And yes, the bigger bunnies tend to be smarter, similar to the way larger dogs are.
Date: 2/2/2009 4:41:32 PM
Author: mayachel
Elrohwen-I have had three rabbits over the years, and df and I are planning on adopting a bonded pair within a month or two. I highly recommend that you look into and study well from the website and book 'The House Rabbit Society' Overall, they are not the right pet for small children who tend to be more 'grabby'. It scares the rabbit, and their only defense is to bite or run. Otherwise they are highly social creatures, very intelligent with the right mental stimulation and attention. Mine have always loved to cuddle on their own terms. Basically, we let them run around for a couple of hours a day, they love jumping on our feet and 'forcing' us to pet endlessly. Imogen, my last bunny, who now lives with my parents, will leap and dance and spend time shredding a cardboard that they put out for her. We spend long hours away from home, which is why we plan on adopting two at once, so that they can keep each other company. While it is true that some may not get along well with others, they are like most animals that are smart enough to react...they get along well with some, and not others. They DO have huge personalities. Mine have all been litter trained, which makes keeping the smell down much easier. Just dump the tray once a day. Yes, the apartment will smell like hay. All should be nuetered or spayed, it will extend their lives (females tend to be very prone to uterine cancer) prevent unwanted multiple bunnies, and keep the males from chewing and spraying out of ownership. And yes, the bigger bunnies tend to be smarter, similar to the way larger dogs are.
Ditto this!!!!
Bigger bunnies tend to be less afraid of the human hand.
tlh - I wish we had fixed our bunny when he was little... We waited too late, and then couldn't find a vet in our area that would even consider doing it! Good bunny vets are hard to find here. Oh well, at least I can spoil him by giving him lots of treats!

And I hear you about the bigger they are the less afraid they are... I have definitely been bit trying to give him food!
Still, I love him!
Hi Elrohwen! Just a reminder to definitely check out your local humane society rather than a pet store - I know people normally think of rescue pets as being cats and dogs only, but both shelters where I''ve volunteered have been completely overrun with rabbits, too. Plus, you can get an idea of their personalities because the staff/volunteers will know, whereas a pet store probably doesn''t do the same kind of socialization with their pets.
My friend recently got a mini Lop and it is supercute! She says to get them young when they can still be trained and socialized, and her boy definitely needed to be fixed as he became quite interested in her leg, the couch leg, her boyfriend''s leg, etc. Much calmer personality after as well.

He has a cage and then is let out regularly to hop around. He likes to be held and petted as well. They do have to keep him out of the bedrooms because of some deviousness, but thus far it is a good pet.
Many, many years ago we had a pet rabbit (and a cockatiel at the same time). Get a cat?? We had satanic bunny.
She didn''t like to sit still ever. She was litter trained mostly (they can be much messier with it than cats). She didn''t like being petted at all. She chewed every electric cord she could get at, and would also pull pieces out of the carpet. Then she took to running at us and grunting like she wanted to hurt us. She was not a nice bunny at all, and she got lots of toys and floor time and we didn''t leave her alone in a cage all day, we let her have an empty bedroom. Maybe that was a mistake? We were young and foolish. We ended up giving her away to a great home and they loved her, but did keep her in a cage. Maybe we were the exception.

My kids had gerbils. One went cannibal on the other though. It was so totally awful. They had lived together peacefully for a few years and then that. Two traumatized kids!

It''s good you''re not getting a dog as they really need a lot of companionship. That''s why I suggested a cat, they can be more independent.
Mayachel, I had no idea that bigger bunnies were smarter. How big would you consider on the bigger end of the spectrum? Obviously there are huge bunnies over 10lbs, but out of the more medium sized ones what size would you recommend?

Elmorton, I would definitely get a bunny from either the shelter or a breeder, but not a pet shop. I''ve bought gerbils from breeders over the years and they have been far healthier and friendlier than any from the pet shop. Pet shop animals are just not well socialized at all and tend to be less healthy.

Cara, glad to hear your friend is having such a good time with her new rabbit!

Lyra, that''s too bad you have a crazy bunny! There seems to be a divide between people with satanic bunnies and super nice ones. And, unfortunately, getting a cat is completely out. Despite my terrible allergies, FI and I just aren''t cat people and I don''t think we ever will be. Some days I wish we had one just so I had something furry to play with, but I know we just need to wait for a dog. Some day I won''t travel and then we''ll get a puppy! If the two of us came home at night we could easily take care of a dog, but with only FI home on a regular basis it would never work. I''ll just have to keep dog sitting for friends until I can get one full time.
Now, I''m sure this was larger than you imagined...and really I''m just posting this pic because if I had a farm, and not a city home I would love to have a "Flemish Giant" bunny. Pro''lly this bun is about 20 or 30lbs? hehehe

Though in response to what you were actually asking, I think the 5lb-8lb range make great companions, on the "lower end of large". The mini rabbits that have been bread for smallness, around 2lb-3lbs tend to be more skittish in my experience.

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