
Anyone feel that earthquake?

Glad none of you were hurt.

Damn! I hate those things!!!
I'll never get used to them.

At least with hurricanes, tornados, etc. you get warned and have some time to prepare.

I agree, I've lived in a flood zone for most of my life and we usually expect it and can prepare. We are NOT comfortable with these unexpected quakes!
I did!

I felt last Wednesday’s 7.1 earthquake in Taiwan, that is… and quite a few of the aftershocks. It was the most intense earthquake I’ve ever felt, even though I’ve lived in California for over 50 years, two of them mere yards from the Hayward fault.

I was in Taipei during Wednesday’s earthquake. Although the earthquake was felt strongly throughout Taipei, there was little damage in the city. Most of the damage occurred some 75 miles from Taipei.
Here in NYC and Monmouth County NJ we felt an earthquake (albeit mild).

I missed it as I was on my treadmill listening to music. But it’s not my first earthquake and won’t be the last.

Anyone else?

As you know, my beautiful daughter is in NY at the moment on a school trip from the UK. She was in a dance workshop at the time & they thought it was their tap dancing causing the floor to vibrate :lol-2: The students all quite liked getting the emergency warning buzzing their phones though. Nothing ever happens in the sleepy part of England they are all from!
We live in Jersey and we didn't feel it, but my cat went BANANAS right before it hit. My son called us {he works from home} and asked if we knew why their dog went really crazy. II forgot about aftershocks and when they hit Butchie went right down to the cellar
We are in North West NJ
I was on the playground at school and definitely felt it.
We lived in SoCal for 10 years, not my first earthquake, but I think it was the biggest
My 1 year old dog was home in the crate at the time, she seemed okay when I got home, but really freaked at the 3.8 aftershock. Now whenever we let her out, it's a fight to get her back I'm the house. We think she associates the shaking with the house
For now we are using a thundershirt and a calming collar. I hope that collar starts to work for her
Lots of aftershocks but I only felt one
I live in Mercer County and boy did I hear and feel the initial tremor and two aftershocks that day. Initially I heard rumbling and then began to feel it. I thought it was a dump truck driving down my street. Then, my whole house rode a large wave. It was scary as heck. I also felt the 11:50 AM aftershock and the 5:59 PM aftershock. Both of those were rumbling and shaking.