
Anyone had their wisdom teeth out (especially at a *later* age?)

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I''m another with just 3, and they were impacted. I had them removed when I was 19 and the worst part of the whole thing was the anesthesia. It made me nauseous for a couple of days. The pain wasn''t very bad and I think I just took tylenol because the pain meds would have made me more nauseous. It did hurt, but it wasn''t unbearable, just kind of nagging. I had a bad nurse though... my mom. She hadn''t read the instructions on the "no straws" thing so I had to remind her and take care of myself of that, and she fed me sugar-free jello for a few days. I was getting pretty weak after day 2! Finally my sister-in-law brought over some pudding with actual calories!
I had this chat with my dentist. I only have two & both are impacted. He said if they don't bother me they don't bother him. The trend isn't to take them out at a late age anymore unless a problem arises. Mine didn't even appear until late 20's. I quess I was late for wisdom.

My point - don't automatically assume they must come out. It's not major surgery - but not minor either.
Date: 9/8/2006 9:43:44 AM
Author: sumbride
I''m another with just 3, and they were impacted. I had them removed when I was 19 and the worst part of the whole thing was the anesthesia. It made me nauseous for a couple of days. The pain wasn''t very bad and I think I just took tylenol because the pain meds would have made me more nauseous. It did hurt, but it wasn''t unbearable, just kind of nagging. I had a bad nurse though... my mom. She hadn''t read the instructions on the ''no straws'' thing so I had to remind her and take care of myself of that, and she fed me sugar-free jello for a few days. I was getting pretty weak after day 2! Finally my sister-in-law brought over some pudding with actual calories!
Haha... I have a great mental image of your mom standing all confused over your bedside, Sum, a straw in one hand and sugar-free jello in the other.

I had only 3 too, all impacted. Actually, when they gave me my teeth afterwards, there were chunks of bone stuck to them.... ewwwww.
I stayed around the house for a day or so, and it hurt, but nothing unbearable.

Now getting my tonsils out at the age of 23... THAT was a different story!!! My doctor told me I would need to take 3 weeks off work, minimum, and I scoffed at the idea. He also said it was the most painful surgery an adult can undergo and I laughed at that too. Um, a month later and still in bed... wasn''t really laughing any more.
Sum - I had sloppy joes last night (after the pudding and the wine, LOL) and by that time I was STARVING. I can''t imagine living on sugar free jello--but I''m sure she meant well...

Eph - Pices of bone???!!! OMG. I didn''t look at my tooth (although I suppose he would have given it to me if I asked--it IS mine, right?) but that would have freaked me out to the point that I might never have gone to a dentist again. EVER.
Date: 9/7/2006 11:19:01 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Tacori (or anyone) - Did you have any sort of packing over the area to keep things from getting in there? The doctor called what he put in my mouth ''bubble gum packing'' (maybe because it''s pink--I guarantee you it''s not from any good bubblegum taste, LOL!). If you did, did it come off on it''s own? And if you had stitches did they take them out or were they the dissovable kind?
I don''t remember if I had packing, but I had regular stitches that needed to be removed. I was really scared about getting them out since I''d never had stitches before, but it was nothing. It just felt like taking an earring out or something, but it lasts longer if that makes sense. Definitely didn''t hurt at all.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed in my early 20s. Two were impacted and they just took the others out as well.

My oral surgeon did a really good job - I hardly had any swelling at all.

And to his credit, the wonderful man prescribed a valium for me to take before the procedure...So really, I was quite okay with the whole thing. :)

I was also knocked out for the removal...

all and all, it was not a bad experience at all...
One of my colleagues was just talking to me and asked how long I thought it would take for the buise to go away. Bruise--what bruise? So I looked in the mirror and I seem to be developing a bruise in a lovely shade of blue/purple. Good thing those are nice colors on me.
Hope this doesn't last too long though.

A few people have also mentioned that I'm talking a little funny today. Must be all the goofy packing material that they put on there to protect the stitches. I can feel it a little with my tongue when I try to pronounce some words. Go in for dental surgery--come out with a lisp!

And no valium for me Little, but I do have some Darvacet that I could reach for if the need should arise.
(But honestly I don't have anthing more than just the absolute slightest discomfort right now. So far this has been less miserable than the root canal I had a few weeks ago that started all this.)
Date: 9/8/2006 10:02:39 AM
Author: ephemery1

Now getting my tonsils out at the age of 23... THAT was a different story!!! My doctor told me I would need to take 3 weeks off work, minimum, and I scoffed at the idea. He also said it was the most painful surgery an adult can undergo and I laughed at that too. Um, a month later and still in bed... wasn''t really laughing any more.
I had my tonsils removed at 16, luckily. My brother had his done at 22 and was miserable but had good results so once he was recovered, mom suggested I do the same before it was "too late". It was very painful and I spent a week in bad, and another week feeling pretty bad, but I''m glad I had it done before I hit that magic "adult" age where it becomes really dangerous.

My mom was a bad nurse for that too... she gave me a bell, but then shut the door to my room and went to the other side of the long rambling ranch house. She couldn''t hear the bell for anything! I finally got smart about it though... we had two phone lines, so I would dial her from the kids line and ring the bell into the phone! She means well, just really shouldn''t ever try to be a nurse!
Sum - that''s too funny about the bell! A few months ago when my husband had surgery I gave him a bell to ring if he needed anything, but I was on the 1st floor of our townhouse and he was on the third floor, so he just ended up calling me on our phone interncom anyway!
My son had his out at age 13 a year ago. All four were impacted. After a couple of days, the swelling still hadn''t gone down and one of his cheeks felt very hard to me. So, I hauled him into the oral surgeon for a follow up. Turns out he had a hematoma. Yikes! They put him on strong antibiotics immediately. Apparently, those can be nasty. If they become infected, the infection can spread easily to your heart (from that area in your mouth). He started feeling better almost immediately and the swelling went down rapidly from that point.

So, take your full course of antibiotics and if the swelliing isn''t going down, get back in to see the doctor pronto!!
I had mine out a few years ago and apparently thought it was really fun. Of course I was under the influence of laughing gas and whatever they inject in you to knock you out. One second I was giggling wildly and attempting to count backwards from ten. Then I shut my eyes, and the next second I was awake with a mouth full of gauze. My sister and I went at the same time to do it, and apparently we both asked if we could have another turn because we loved it, but then again, we loved everyone and everything for several hours afterwards while we were still sufficiently loopy. We got a real big kick out of attempting to drink water. Yikes! (lukcily we had plenty of family members willing to drive us home and deal with our antics for a while)
Of course, I didn''t think it was quite as funny when my cheeks suddenly had massive bruises all over nor when the pain medicine wore off, but other than that, it wasn''t bad for me.
I had mine out at 18 (I think), and it wasn't bad at all. I actually had mine done by a plastic surgeon and only had a day or two of recovery time. Very little pain, though I was on vicodin, I believe. Oh, and no bruising.
I only had three grow in. The top right never came. The doctor wanted to pull the lower right and I was like "why"? She said, "so they would match". Heck, sounds like picking side stones. Anyway, I was 19 at the time and just said forget it and left it all alone. I live just fine with 3 wisdom teeth, all these years later.
Well, I''ve had an interesting day of trying my best to be "normal" despite it all. The worst was going to Marche (this really good French restaurant) with one of my clients for dinner tonight and having the SOUP as an ENTREE. But whatever. And of course they wanted to go next door to the little chocolate company for dessert. Ever try to eat GIANT double dipped chocolate milk balls when you can''t even open your mouth HALF way? Ug.

Plus the bruise on my cheek has become rather pronounced. I just hope people don''t think I finally drove my happy hubby over the edge and he smacked me. I don''t own any type of foundation or other coverage makeup, but first thing tomorrow I''m off to the drug store to get some... Yikes!!!
I''m 35 and still have all my teeth . . . but only because I''ve been putting off having the bottom ones out for years. They came in at a funny angle so there are these great little nooks and crannies that food can get stuck in (gross, I know) and cause problems. Amazingly they haven''t caused any major problems yet and every dentist who''s looked at them has said that as long as I can keep them clean and they don''t cause trouble there''s no hurry. We haven''t had dental insurance for a long time, so mainly for financial reasons it just hasn''t been a priority. I''ll probably wish I''d made it a priority when I''m having them out at 50.
Hi Dee, it sounds very painful! I hope you feel better soon! Maybe you could blame your bruise on your devil dog?
Well I''m certainly going to live, but it is kind of a pain (literally!). As for The Demon... hmmm... hadn''t thought of that! I''ll have to work up some sort of great story (something that sounds better than "my husband smacked me" which is what I''ve been telling people to this point -- JUST KIDDING!!!).
Sorry to hear about the bruise, hopefully it will go away soon. I don''t remember if I bruised when I got mine out.
Oh, Dee, I''m so sorry. I hope that you get better soon!
Fortunately the buise is on it''s way out (I can tell by the way it faded from that lovely blue/purple to that charming green/yellow tone.) If this is what happend with only one being removed, and on the top no less, imagine what a mess I''d be if they decide at some point to take the other three out!
Dee*Jay, my partner got her''s out. She seems to be dealing with it well. She is in mild pain and can only eat liquids. She didn''t have really any swelling (I saw her the next day). I think it is worth just getting them out so you don''t have to later. I know the later you wait the more complicated it can be.
I had my four impacted wisdom teeth taken out when I was 20 - to top it off there were two molars taken out at the same time. There was just no room for these molars to grow out so they started pushing my other teeth together as they tried to grow out. My dentist gave me the opportunity to have 2 wisdoms and 1 molar taken out at one time and do the rest later. I opted to have them all taken out at once - why to through the procedure twice? I was put under general anaesthetic and I''m one of the lucky ones that don''t have an aversion to a general. Mind you I did look like I had a golf ball shoved inside each cheek - there was no pain associated with it because of the amount of anaesthetic they injected into my gums. And I had never eaten so much congee (chinese porridge) in my life!!

I''ve also had two eye teeth removed in my early teens - I had a tooth growing in front of each eye tooth. I was very lucky because when they took out the eye teeth the ones in front moved into their proper places without the need for braces.
I had all four out, because even though years earlier, in order to get braces, I had 6 teeth pulled, my mouth area is small and there was simply no room. Two of my baby teeth had never come out. They took those from the lower jaw right and left, and pulled the adult teeth out of the jaw, then took the two adult teeth from the same spot above. Then they pushed all my teeth back to cover the space. Thought I might have room for wisdom teeth, but they all came in and in my 20's I noticed my very straight teeth on the bottom center starting to overlap. Had the wisdom teeth out, all four were impacted. All I remember is vicodin and tylenol with codeine not helping, and being told not to use a straw because the pressure can suck the clots out. (gross). then I got dry sockets, which is awful, and can lead to root canal but did not thankfully. This is something that can happen and the nerve is exposed, so air hitting it is excruciating. I never used straws so I cannot imagine what caused them, but I had to go back to the oral surgeon a couple times. Eventually the jaw bone fuses and gets ridgelike. I had no choice and did them all at once, too chicken to have to go back again. I then went to an orthodontist and had my bottom teeth fixed with a removeable device that was amazing, I wore it for three months, could take it out when I wanted to, and my teeth look great again...
I had all four removed as well when I was 25 years old because they were severely impacted. I had waited and put the surgery off for a long time because I was afraid of the surgery and I didn''t have insurance. I couldn''t wait much longer because I started noticing that my teeth were starting to shift and crowd.
The surgery itself wasn''t terrible. It was probably 90 mins. The recovery wasn''t great. I had a hard time eating for a good couple of weeks. I don''t mean to get too graphic here, but chewing just started the bleeding all over again and food would get stuck in what felt like holes in my gums. I was prescribed Vicodin, but I never felt pain that was bad enough to warrant me taking any narcotic painkillers. Advil worked just fine for me and I didn''t need that too often.
Hope you have a speed recovery! Eat lots of soft foods for a while.
Tacori, I was wondering about your partner. Glad it went so well for her!

Sparkster, my eye teeth were taken about when I was about 12 or 13. The ones in front moved back a lot but not in perfect alignment. No braces though, so you can't see them out of line from the front but I can feel with my tongue that they're more forward than my other teeth.

Diamondfan, so you had TEN teeth removed total? Good lord... And absolutely no straws for me, but this whole dry socket thing is scaring me a bit. How would I recognize if I had it?
I do have a little bit of a sore throat--is that a concern?

Iceprincess, the chewing was a little uncomfortable the day of the surgery and the day after, but I think I'm OK now. I'm obviously chewing on the other side of my mouth and am swishing Listerine around pretty frequently. I took one Darvacet the night of the surgery and honestly I couldn't tell if it did anything or not. I tried one more on Saturday morning because the packing had come off around the stitches and I was a little sore, but the pill made me a bit queazy, so no more narcotics for me!

The stitches are so weird though--to have these little string things inside your mouth!?! I had the weirdest dream last night where I had this giant HAIR growing out of the end of my tongue and I was trying to pull it out with tweezers but it hurt too much so I went into the bathroom to just trim it with scissors and when I stuck my tongue out and looked in the mirror I actually had a LOT of hairs all arond it, this just happened to be the longest one.
DeeJay, I''ve been following your thread, I worked for two oral surgeons for a bit.

As to your question about recognizing dry socket? trust me, if you had it, there would be no question, you would be in excruciating pain. Sounds like you''re doing just fine.

The only thing I would add is this, if you don''t have them removed when young, and they remain impacted, the roots to the bottom ones can end up growing and wrapping around the main nerve that runs around your mandible (lower jaw). If you then have surgery, there is a possibilty of damaging that nerve, and causing permanent numbness.

I don''t mean to be Miss Gloom and Doom, just a heads up, have someone competant and qualified to do the surgery.
Date: 9/11/2006 10:06:12 AM
Author: Ellen
DeeJay, I''ve been following your thread, I worked for two oral surgeons for a bit.

As to your question about recognizing dry socket? trust me, if you had it, there would be no question, you would be in excruciating pain. Sounds like you''re doing just fine.

The only thing I would add is this, if you don''t have them removed when young, and they remain impacted, the roots to the bottom ones can end up growing and wrapping around the main nerve that runs around your mandible (lower jaw). If you then have surgery, there is a possibilty of damaging that nerve, and causing permanent numbness.

I don''t mean to be Miss Gloom and Doom, just a heads up, have someone competant and qualified to do the surgery.

Ellen, THANK YOU for the reassurance about the dry socket thing. Since I didn''t have anything else to worry about that this point I decided to worry about *that* LOL!

Fortunately I''m not impacted so if I had to have the others out I hope it would go as smoothly as this one did. Not that it was a walk in the park, but compared to all the nightmares I could have created for myself about the procedure it was not bad.
lol You''re welcome!
Date: 9/11/2006 9:36:21 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
Tacori, I was wondering about your partner. Glad it went so well for her!

Sparkster, my eye teeth were taken about when I was about 12 or 13. The ones in front moved back a lot but not in perfect alignment. No braces though, so you can''t see them out of line from the front but I can feel with my tongue that they''re more forward than my other teeth.

Diamondfan, so you had TEN teeth removed total? Good lord... And absolutely no straws for me, but this whole dry socket thing is scaring me a bit. How would I recognize if I had it?
I do have a little bit of a sore throat--is that a concern?

Iceprincess, the chewing was a little uncomfortable the day of the surgery and the day after, but I think I''m OK now. I''m obviously chewing on the other side of my mouth and am swishing Listerine around pretty frequently. I took one Darvacet the night of the surgery and honestly I couldn''t tell if it did anything or not. I tried one more on Saturday morning because the packing had come off around the stitches and I was a little sore, but the pill made me a bit queazy, so no more narcotics for me!

The stitches are so weird though--to have these little string things inside your mouth!?! I had the weirdest dream last night where I had this giant HAIR growing out of the end of my tongue and I was trying to pull it out with tweezers but it hurt too much so I went into the bathroom to just trim it with scissors and when I stuck my tongue out and looked in the mirror I actually had a LOT of hairs all arond it, this just happened to be the longest one.
That''s sooooo funny. I''m just glad that you didn''t try to wax it in your dreams!!

I''m assuming you have disolvable stitches? The worst bit is when they start disolving and you get loose bits in your mouth. Yuck.
Oh no Sparkster, I DO have dissolvable stitches!

Great, another thing to up the grossness factor... (And of course he didn't tell me about this little tidbit of joy to look forward too. Thank god I have you all to fill me in.)

I go back for a follow up on Thursday--do you think he could just remove them instead of letting them dissolve?

When I was about 13 my mother had a hysterectomy (sp?) and got dissolvable stitches. (Keep in mind we talking 20+ years ago.) For YEARS afterwards little bits of stitches would make their way out in odd places. The insides of her elbows, the back of her neck, can't remember where else. How totally totally *YUCK* is THAT?!?
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