
Anyone watch Laguna Beach???

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which episode was hart on??
He had to transfer schools?!?!
Wow, that's too bad. Like I said, he was pretty mellow compared to most of those kids from that show. That's too bad.

For Laguna Beach watchers, this is a pic from If you saw the show last night, you'll get the pic. I have no idea why I find this so funny but I do.

Morticia-That pic is great!! LMAO!!!

I remember Hart! The tennis guy. Yeah I think his dad was more into it then he was.
I can see why the kids on the show get teased. Do they not hear what they say?

"If you aren''t invited to my party, you are a loser"
"If you are ugly, you are not invited to my party"
"Everyone wants to be me"

Blue-I agree about the parents being able to afford it. What do they do for a living to have $500,000 Sweet 16 parties. This week I thought they weren''t going to be able to have it cuz the mom had to rush down there with the cash!
I love Super Sweet 16, but sometimes I forget that these are REAL kids who go to REAL high schools.

You have to wonder though: why would you sign up for something like that/say those types of things to MTV? Have they not watched the past 12 years of the Real World & seen how they edit things to make them seem as bad as possible? With reality t.v. being as popular as it is, you would think people have learned by now. It only seems to be getting worse though.

Kaleigh: That''s too bad about Hart. People can be really cruel to eachother sometimes.
My daughter knows him more from Nantucket than she does from here. It was his dad that signed him up, and talked Hart into it. His dad works for MTV in some capacity. He is loving his new school.
That is too bad about Hart. I remember I thought he seemed a bit upset about the whole ordeal on the "reunion" segment; I thought it looked like he didn''t want to be there. Makes a lot more sense... Actually, after seeing him and Ava on the reunion show, I liked them a lot more. They seemed more down-to-earth and likeable.

Personally, I think the really "What were they thinking" question goes for the parents who allowed their under-18 children to go on these shows. They should know better.

Actually, I should know better than to watch this stuff, but I never learn.

Most obnoxious Sweet Sixteeners IMO: Natalie (Season 1), Sophie (Season 2), and Jazmin (Season 2).
Date: 9/28/2005 3:13:32 PM
Author: abradabra
That is too bad about Hart. I remember I thought he seemed a bit upset about the whole ordeal on the ''reunion'' segment; I thought it looked like he didn''t want to be there. Makes a lot more sense... Actually, after seeing him and Ava on the reunion show, I liked them a lot more. They seemed more down-to-earth and likeable.

Personally, I think the really ''What were they thinking'' question goes for the parents who allowed their under-18 children to go on these shows. They should know better.

Actually, I should know better than to watch this stuff, but I never learn.

Most obnoxious Sweet Sixteeners IMO: Natalie (Season 1), Sophie (Season 2), and Jazmin (Season 2).
I couldn''t rememeber who they were so I had to go back and do some research! (Can you tell I''m bored at work??)

YES! So mean about her friends back home!

Sophie-She was horrible to her poor mother!!

I''ve never seen this one!!!

All great picks! They were all over the top bad!
Date: 9/28/2005 2:16:57 PM
Author: kaleigh
A kid in our area was on sweet 16, his name is Hart. The show ruined his life as everyone thinks he is such a jerk for doing the show. He did look like an ass on the show. I feel bad for him.
That''s too bad...hopefully if he really is a nice guy thatll show through to new people. But that is sad that it caused so many problems for him...I think i remember him, he went to go look at dancers with his dad at some AC club, or something like that, and his party was at his tennis club, wasn''t it? because they had people playing tennis. Some of the kids are ridiculous, but it sounds like he had one of those parents that had to compete to spend the most on their child.
Didn''t Hart and his father go to "pick out" strippers for his party? That was kind of weird.....

Angel- you must tape all episodes of Sweet 16- just to catch the one of the last girl in your collage. I was nauseous afterwards. ugh.
Dammit, why don''t I have Tivo!!!??

I''m sure they will replay it Lilyinct. My friend told me she was horrible. I can''t believe I missed it!
What was I doing that was SO much more important than Super Sweet 16?!! I must rearrange my priorities!!


That was so hilarious--I love the pics you found!!!! (By the way, I miss your old avatar. I know the Cubbies don''t deserve, but it always made me smile!)

Jazmin was hugely obnoxious. In the beginning she sounded like she might have some perspective (recently adopted, grew up poor--you''d hope she''d be less materialistic and more considerate of those less fortunate), but no such luck. However, I imagine she suffered a similar fate to Hart because one of her guests was being interviewed by MTV at the end of the episode and said something to the effect of, "No one is going to talk to her come Monday."

I felt a bit bad for her though, because it seemed like the girls she spent the whole episode trying to impress by being mean were just goading her into it. Given how high school seems to work, every would ignore Jazmin and not the girls who were egging her on...
Date: 9/28/2005 4:17:03 PM
Author: abradabra

That was so hilarious--I love the pics you found!!!! (By the way, I miss your old avatar. I know the Cubbies don''t deserve, but it always made me smile!)

Jazmin was hugely obnoxious. In the beginning she sounded like she might have some perspective (recently adopted, grew up poor--you''d hope she''d be less materialistic and more considerate of those less fortunate), but no such luck. However, I imagine she suffered a similar fate to Hart because one of her guests was being interviewed by MTV at the end of the episode and said something to the effect of, ''No one is going to talk to her come Monday.''

I felt a bit bad for her though, because it seemed like the girls she spent the whole episode trying to impress by being mean were just goading her into it. Given how high school seems to work, every would ignore Jazmin and not the girls who were egging her on...
Ohh I''m sorry I took the Cubbies away! I wanted a change and once again they let me down this year but hey, there''s always next year!
You are right though, they are good for a smile!

I can''t wait to see her episode. I''m going to be crazy now keeping an eye out for it!
HA! All you Sweet 16 closet fans come out!!!

I don't feel badly for any kid on that show. What 16 year old does what their parents say? If you don't want to be on tv or have a party, say so. And don't act like a dumb ass and then expect people to NOT tease you.

I just loved the Sophie episode. What a horror.

And I just couldn't resist checking out the Laguna Beach Q&A. WHen asked what celeb he'd most want to make out with....Jason's answer was JENNA JAMASON. OK. That pretty much says it all. I'm SO "over" him LOLOLOL
LOL Here you go, MMM!!! LOL

ETA - Oh. Someone beat me to it!!!

~~Sophie was really mean to her mother... and she still got a hot car (Audi A4 I think)!!! Angel7, that last pic is of the girl Jazmin . She failed her driving test, and still got a car!! And she was really mean to her "friend" Brittany. As for Laguna... I think Stephen is ok, but why is it that whenever he gets feelings for Kristin and she turns him down, he goes running back to LC and pretends that he really likes her
?? It just annoys me a little because I think LC is the sweetest person on the show, and she ends up being his last resort... What does everyone think about the "fight" in Cabo between Alex M. and Jessica (over sexy Jason)?
That whole fight was ridicoulous! Why are they even friends. Jessica was going out with Jason, then Alex goes out with him then Jessica makes out with him and gets a hickey!! YUCK!!

It''s so high school but I love it!
~~I just went to and they have this pic of Jason before he hit puberty...OMG, he looks kind of nerdy!! No wonder why he''s such a player now, he''s making up for lost time. Anyway, he''s still sexy!!!!

~P.S. For anyone who wants a good laugh, I highly advise that you check out It''s hilarious!!
LOL! this one??

wait - no THIS one is even better!! look at Stephen!!!!!! LOL!

Those pics are great!!
~~JCrow, you got it!! Jason doesn''t look the same at all!! They look like two completely different people!! That site is soooooo funny!!
~~OMG!! I just realized that LO is the last person (in that pic of LC, Stephen, and LO) from a while back. She looks completely different too!! Those pics are tooo funny!!!
i know! it took me a second too!
that pic of Jason is REALLY funny. He does nothing for me though! Maybe b/c he looks exactly like my lil bro''s best friend. That and the fact that he comes off like he has the brains of a dog, and he''s gross.............
Date: 9/28/2005 2:16:57 PM
Author: kaleigh
A kid in our area was on sweet 16, his name is Hart. The show ruined his life as everyone thinks he is such a jerk for doing the show. He did look like an ass on the show. I feel bad for him.

I saw that one! All the kids on the show end up looking bad. I actually thought that his dad looked really, really bad. I watch Laguna Beach **bowing head in shame** it is so ridculous I love it. I always thought it was slightly scripted and maybe certain situations were "suggested" b/c it is so perfect and reads like a series not a reality show. Jessica needs to get over her ex. Remember when Jason wouldn''t even drive her to dinner! WTF! I would be pissed if my bf made me drive seperately.
~~Tacori, about Jess and Jason driving separately... I would have been upset too!! The whole point of going out to dinner with someone is to spend time with them!!
Date: 9/29/2005 4:40:46 PM
Author: bling*diva*
~~Tacori, about Jess and Jason driving separately... I would have been upset too!! The whole point of going out to dinner with someone is to spend time with them!!

i know- how weird was that?!!
Date: 9/29/2005 4:51:18 PM
Author: jcrow
Date: 9/29/2005 4:40:46 PM

Author: bling*diva*

~~Tacori, about Jess and Jason driving separately... I would have been upset too!! The whole point of going out to dinner with someone is to spend time with them!!

i know- how weird was that?!!
It was like he didn''t want to be seen with her and he wanted a quick getaway. I think she is pretty but has a very slow self image. Kristen seems to be the "star" but I don''t think she is that great. Taylor is much prettier and sweeter but Talon just doesn''t care about that now does he. It is strange that she never got jealous that he was chasing both of them at the same time. Steven is equally pathetic. Maybe no girls in SF want to date a "reality star". I saw on the previews that he is going to ask LC out (after Kristen rejected him yet again). They all need to move on. IMHO.
Jason is a jerk. (A cute jerk but still...) He KNEW that driving in separate cars would piss off Jessica and that's why he did it. I think that guy's motives are as clear as day.

I mean, look what he did to Alex M on the basketball court recently. She wanted a few minutes to talk to him and he was a total loser about too. He knew what he was doing then.

He likes to do things like that to girls just to be an ass.
~~Morticia, I totally agree with what you said about Jason. The only reason why he does things like that to Alex M. and Jess is because he knows he can get away with it
~~Tacori, I think Jess is pretty too, and I think that if she had higher self esteem, then she could get just as many (if not more) guys than Kristin. And about the whole Stephen LC thing... he only wants her because Kristin doesn''t want him. If Kristin would have wanted to be his girlfriend, he wouldn''t care about LC... but I do think that if he and LC get together, it would probably last!!
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