
Are Cushion Cut Diamonds Used As Stud Earrings?

ChunkyCushionLover said:
My guide which Charmypoo linked to contains tons of videos which will be most helpful in educating your eyes. Following that you need to get out there and hold up some cushions up to your ears see which ones suit you best.

Garry H's simplified advice was good, for earrings in any outline shape you want a diamond that gathers the most light from high angles (ASET red) with respect to the table. Your ears, head, and hair may block the lower angle side lighting(ASET green) from making your diamond look as bright.


Your guide is amazing and was a great help to me. It is a wonderful resource for any Pricescoper who has an interest in cushion cuts. Thank you for making that available to us. Thank you, also, for taking the time to write to me personally as you did above. It was very kind of you. I need all the help and guidance I can get!

Again: the guide you put together is comprehensive and truly chock full of information.

Best regards,
AGBF said:
Cehrabehra said:
Thanks Deb :) I hated to write that, it sounds discouraging. One of the things I love about cushions is how they are the origin and frontier of diamonds simultaneously. Quite interesting - if you ever loved diamond cut, this is definitely one to take interest in. Just be careful, there are cow pies *everywhere* lol

If small cushions can look like round brilliants and one has to go bigger to get a good cushion...approaching 1 carat (and the bigger the better)...what do you think about earrings made with AVC cushions that are .90 to 1.00 carat?

I dunno deb, I'm just not sure the nuances would be apparent. Some stones are more square like the hearts & arrows square stones. I think I would probably go with those, but I'm not sure. I think the AVC will have enough light return to be a good choice but I'm not sure on the ear how big it would need to be to not look round. Cushions kinda vary too in shape even if they are 1:1.
The prongs and setting could make more difference than the diamond Deb
Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
The prongs and setting could make more difference than the diamond Deb
I think I know what you mean, but could you explain this anyway Garry?
Hmm... that didn't clarify things for me - but maybe he means, or at least what I initially thought he meant, is that if you choose a setting with heavy corners it will help emphasize the squareness... I'm doing that when I reset my cushion. I love the elongation of it but it can easily look like an oval.
Cehrabehra said:
Hmm... that didn't clarify things for me - but maybe he means, or at least what I initially thought he meant, is that if you choose a setting with heavy corners it will help emphasize the squareness... .
correct :appl:
Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
Regarding your post here:

If you loved us tech heads more than diamonds, we would paly with you more :lol:

I agree - stay away from crushed ice, go wih the vintage styles, or a pair of shallow 8 mains type and go for a larger spread because they are more likely to draw light from dead ahead rather than get that dark look on the top or the bottom from drawing light in the green ASET zones.

i.e. as much blue and red in the ASET or lots of dark in an ideal-scope.
Hope that helps my Darling!

give me my 100 dollars, Australian please since Mr helicopter Ben is pushing the pedal to the metal in US dollar printing.

Here is your quote Garry to my claim:

Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
$100 for the first person to find a post or comment that I ever made that an even and overall crushed ice look in a diamond cut is bad. Or any example of me ever telling anyone who likes the look not to buy one.

Another one:

Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
Again, no one has claimed the $100 - please try.
As much as it would amuse me to see you nail Garry on that one, I don't thinks qualifies... suggesting that something is inappropriate isn't the same as saying it is unequivocally bad.

Crushed ice has a subtle effect best viewed at close range. I believe Garry would even suggest someone nearsighted would prefer it over someone farsighted. On the ears almost all viewing is at greater than 5 feet and there are other cuts that would be better options. Having cushion earrings aren't *bad* but there are, in my opinion, better choices.
Cehrabehra said:
As much as it would amuse me to see you nail Garry on that one, I don't thinks qualifies... suggesting that something is inappropriate isn't the same as saying it is unequivocally bad.

Crushed ice has a subtle effect best viewed at close range. I believe Garry would even suggest someone nearsighted would prefer it over someone farsighted. On the ears almost all viewing is at greater than 5 feet and there are other cuts that would be better options. Having cushion earrings aren't *bad* but there are, in my opinion, better choices.
As far as the claim i believe it stands,
Now i moved the post to the other cushion thread and i asked the mods to delete this one to take the discussion there.
until they do so your opinion of better choice than not *bad* cushions for an earring matters to your preferences and taste, no one is saying otherwise, to each his/her own.
The issue is when the crushed ice looking is put down directly or indirectly, in a general broad term without talking about a specific diamond in question, that where i think it is unfair, any way he put i challenge and i met it i still think it stands since it was not about a specific stone, just saying STAY AWAY FROM CRUSHED ICE forms an opinion to the readers that may go beyond earrings and that what made me claim his challenge.
Doc_1 said:
Cehrabehra said:
As much as it would amuse me to see you nail Garry on that one, I don't thinks qualifies... suggesting that something is inappropriate isn't the same as saying it is unequivocally bad.

Crushed ice has a subtle effect best viewed at close range. I believe Garry would even suggest someone nearsighted would prefer it over someone farsighted. On the ears almost all viewing is at greater than 5 feet and there are other cuts that would be better options. Having cushion earrings aren't *bad* but there are, in my opinion, better choices.
As far as the claim i believe it stands,
Now i moved the post to the other cushion thread and i asked the mods to delete this one to take the discussion there.
until they do so your opinion of better choice than not *bad* cushions for an earring matters to your preferences and taste, no one is saying otherwise, to each his/her own.
The issue is when the crushed ice looking is put down directly or indirectly, in a general broad term without talking about a specific diamond in question, that where i think it is unfair, any way he put i challenge and i met it i still think it stands since it was not about a specific stone, just saying STAY AWAY FROM CRUSHED ICE forms an opinion to the readers that may go beyond earrings and that what made me claim his challenge.
and a reach and stretch... come on girls, you don't get buns of steel sitting at the computer all day!
Doc_1 said:

Now i moved the post to the other cushion thread and i asked the mods to delete this one to take the discussion there.

...and it didn't occur to you that you should win the prize for being the most presumptuous, narcissistic newcomer ever to join Pricescope? This is not your thread!

(Or when you said, "this one" did you just mean delete your posting, not the thread? If so, I apologize!!!)

AGBF said:
Doc_1 said:

Now i moved the post to the other cushion thread and i asked the mods to delete this one to take the discussion there.

...and it didn't occur to you that you should win the prize for being the most presumptuous, narcissistic newcomer ever to join Pricescope? This is not your thread!

(Or when you said, "this one" did you just mean delete your posting, not the thread? If so, I apologize!!!)


I asked the mods to delete my post.
quoting Garry was on a different thread. I have been to other forums (car forums) where you can have multiple quotes then when posting it will converge all of them.
however here i had to open different windows to copy a quote from each and then by mistake i posted here instead of the cushion thread.
Hence i asked the mods to delete my post and not your can check with them they still have my request.
And by the way after realizing that i was on your thread i requested the transfer out of respect to you since no room on your thread for something related to the cushion crushed ice debate this is what i said there:

Doc_1 said:
We can keep the discussion here, i thought i posted my claim on this thread and it turned out to be posted on her thread, the mods will fix the problem.
I just out of respect to the OP on the other thread asked them to transfer the post here, so our discussion can continue here.
Deb, this is a no-brainer as far as I am personally concerned. If one wants to hunt for a needle in a haystack..or in this case a matching pair of needles, then more power to him or her. But the GOG August Vintage rounds and cushions are the most gorgeous stones I have ever seen (in pictures, not in real life YET) and are cut to have superior light performance! So you have excellent symmetry and cut and also light performance in a gorgeous, gorgeous design! I might choose the AV rounds for earrings since they may do better on the ear. But, I think the AV cushions (squarish) close to a carat would certainly be beautiful and would appear to be about the size of .75 ct. rounds if that is the size you are aiming for.