
Are extra long fingernails attractive?

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Apr 30, 2005
How can she type?
How can she work?
How can she drive?

How long would you grow yours if you could?

I think this is how they grow naturally.
That first woman must have had hers shaped somehow.

Date: 9/19/2009 1:19:59 AM
How can she type?

How can she work?

How can she drive?
oh gosh, that''s a bit much, but she does have some nice bling
Eek. Mine can''t go beyond a couple mm of white otherwise taking out my contact lenses at night becomes rather uncomfortable. They''re in need of a trim right now, actually, because it''s starting to hurt a bit when I pop the contacts out. I also keep my nails short because it''s annoying to hear them clicking against piano keys or digging into my palms when I am using drumsticks or mallets.
I wonder how long it took her to get those rings on...
ugh... I am a nail tech and this gives me the shivers.
It''s rather ugly.. strikes the "Annoying" button like a looooooooooooong facial hair coming off a mole.

That is just nasty.... Imagine the bacteria under these nails?
I always thought that people who grew their nails that long were very odd.

Lately, I''m keeping mine shorter than I ever have before. Any longer than 3 or 4 mm and they get in the way of typing and doing normal household chores. Short, filed, nice pale semi-opaque polish, neat. Done.
I''m not a fan of long nails at all...obviously most long nails I see are shorter than hers, though!
Ugh! Not at all attractive to me, actually something I''d call disgusting.

I don''t even like fake long nails. I saw a woman on the subway picking her child''s nose with one yesterday...
I am completely creeped out by super long nails. I always wonder how they function in day to day life. It''s got to almost be a self imposed handicap.

The woman in the first picture is the one that lost hers in a car accident. She hadn''t cut them since 1979!!!
I think nails as long as those pictured are disgusting

I don''t really even like the fakies that so many women get. I think they look bad, especially when they''re squared at the ends. Nobody''s nails look like that!

I''m blessed with nails that will grow grow grow and that are strong but I cut them pretty short. I type a lot at work and have a 14 month old so I don''t want to scratch him. No polish for me since I type so much it just comes right off
I have to say that I don''t even like those regular fake nails that so many women get. I see so many cashiers with those nail tips and I think, you make $8 an hour and spend $30 a week on your nails? What a ridiculous waste of money. It also annoys me when it takes them FOREVER to dig pennies out of the drawer with those silly nails.

A couple of times in my life I had nail tips put on for special occasions, and I hated them. I had trouble putting my contacts in, skin cream was constantly getting stuck under there, my nails clicked when I played the piano, and it made cooking and getting dressed difficult.

I guess I just see hands as functional - it always annoys me when I see women having difficulty performing basic tasks because the have one inch of fingernail protruding past their fingertips.

I think that nails look most beautiful when they are groomed and worn to the fingertip, or just slightly past.
I think nails to that legnth are disgusting. I grow my own nails nicely. When my nails are short I think it takes away from the overall look of my hands. I have a weird "thing" about my hands. I can''t stand having a cut, broken nail, chipped polish, any kind of imperfection on my hands. I like the squared shape though. Even real I like them squared. When I was a teenager I got the fake ones alot. Now I only get the fake ones if I am having a hard time keeping my own for whatever reason. I will get fake ones for a month or two to get over whatever is making me fret and then get back to my regular self.

I let them get pretty long. I draw the line when I have problems buttoning my own shirts.
I had the fake nail tips for about 7 years when I was younger, and was never hindered by them. I could do anything and everything I wanted to do, so the women that act like they are going to break a nail by washing dishes or picking up change are stupid

I keep mine fairly short nowadays though. They have always been thin - even before I had the fakies - and they are very soft, so I only let them grow out a couple mm. Only long enough so that when I scratch my husbands back he makes happy noises lol. And my kitties like chin scratches better with slightly longer nails, hah!
didn''t this woman get into a car accident and have most of her nails broken off?

When I first started reading your post I was thinking of just those like 1 inch numbers and thinking oh god no - lol but those crazy things? Hey if it earns you $$ to have them I guess someone else can type for you lol
hahaha - I shoulda read ahead... I bet she was crushed. Um... pun not intended
Are you f-ing kidding me?!?! EEEEK!!!
How does she wipe herself?
bahahahaha omg - I never thought of that... I thought of writing (she did it well actually) and cooking and doing hair and getting dressed but never thought of *that... eeeeeek!!!
I do not like long fingernails and I do not like fake fingernails. I think they are both very tacky.

Even longish fingernails are not even in style anymore.

Most actresses, models, women in tv news, etc. keep their nails very short with a tiny bit of white showing.

That is also the way I keep my fingernails.
I''m totally grossed out by those first two nails.

I once went to try rings on in a store and the woman had LONG NAILS... like, INCHES, not MM. She would hook her icky nail on the ring and hand it to me that way... ohhhh it was gross. I left asap.
Date: 9/19/2009 2:27:35 PM
Author: swedish bean
I''m totally grossed out by those first two nails.

I once went to try rings on in a store and the woman had LONG NAILS... like, INCHES, not MM. She would hook her icky nail on the ring and hand it to me that way... ohhhh it was gross. I left asap.
Same here...

I don''t like long nails in general...I like squarish short nails, clean/professional. As soon as my nails start clicking on the keyboard, I trim''s actually time to do that now!

Nobody brought this up, but...same with the toes. I cut my nails so short it''s hard to file them - but long toenails are even MORE gross.

kenny - you didn''t give YOUR opinion - aside from what she can/cannot you like the way they look...just curious.
my mom was a hairstylist and had long nails... she was a wigmaker and worked for opera/tv/movies and used them like tools. now I don''t know that they were ever more than about 3/4" past the tip of her finger, but that''s still pretty damn long! It''s funny because my dad is a total hippie... I''m somewhere in between with birkenstocks and no make up but red toes and diamonds lol
Date: 9/19/2009 3:51:52 PM
Author: CJ2008

kenny - you didn't give YOUR opinion - aside from what she can/cannot you like the way they look...just curious.

Oh, I think the dirty curling ones are gross but the woman with the nice curved ones, after I got over the immediate shock, was actually kind of fascinating.
I felt less grossed out after watching her video.
She seems so passionate about them, like they are an important symbol of accomplishment to her.
I do like to respect diversity, even when it is VERY different from what I'm used to.
She's not hurting anyone and is just different.
She seems like a very nice person and it was amazing to watch her write.

Is it my imagination or does she have unusually muscular fingers?
It must be from lifting the weight of those long nails for 30 years.
Her fingers frankly look like a certain part of a man's anatomy.
Sorry, but it is just what it reminded me of.

If she was thrown through her windshield in a car accident she must not have been able to fasten her seat belt.
That's not too smart.
I meant to add this when I posted before, but forgot. My mom went to cosmotology school and she said that there was a woman that grew really long nails and they gew in big round O''s kind of like the 2nd pic. She said that this lady wrapped hers in snake skin. uuuukkkk. My mom said that she did this to protect them because they were brittle.
How do they wipe?? Seriously, you know that woman pees, and you see how long her nails are. Does she have a hired wiper??

So gross.
Those fingers do not look the way fingers usually look.
They look muscular and bulked up.

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