Date: 5/3/2006 9:20:42 PM
Author: ladykemma
wouldn''t it be something if it were him? can someone find the thread? going off to look..Date: 5/3/2006 7:15:04 PM
Author: Rhapsody
A fews months ago a guy posted here saying he wanted to spend 2k or less which amounted to one months salary and insisted his girl never wore jewelry and wouldn''t care what ring he picked... sounds awfully familiar. A bunch of girls tried to convince him that just because a girl doesn''t wear much jewelry it doesn''t mean she doesn''t care about an engagement ring, quite the opposite since it might be the only nice piece of jewelery they ever wear. Any one else remember that thread?
Maybe you could talk to him and say you appreciate the ring he picked but would prefer something different, and let him know that this is actually important to you. He doesn''t have to understand it (my BF certainly doesn''t) but hopefully he''ll respect that it''s something you care about and will want to do what makes you happy.
here it is!
You guys are great with the advice. I''m planning on talking to him about it over the weekend without doing any evil tricks. It would make for a great story, but I''m too nice and really wouldn''t want to hurt my honey''s feelings.
I looked at the post from the other guy, and that''s not him, since my bf proposed in December. It''s good to see there are other men out there just like mine, and I am glad I''m not the only one in this (eerily similar) situation. Maybe his gf will be on PS to talk about her ring in a few weeks.