
Are these pearls worth re-stringing ?


Mar 7, 2021
I have no knowledge of pearls but find them absolutely beautiful. So I’m turning to the experts to help me determine what f these pearls are worth me paying for having them made into custom jewelry. Background: I purchased them in indonesia from someone who came up to our boat. I asked him to give me enough to make a necklace and a bracelet and he put them on a makeshift bracelet and necklace. He claimed they were not cultured.
With that said - are these decent enough for me to spend $ to have made into something? Not sure if they have been dyed or if natural etc. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you A0D0C7F6-D08A-4AB8-8612-EA4912298BFE.jpeg


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IMHO, they are real pearls and are dyed cultured freshwater pearls, not particularly valuable.

Hope this helps.

DK :))
There’s loads of online tutorials showing how to restring. If you love them and they make you happy, you can make them wearable yourself for a very minimal cost!
purchased them in indonesia from someone who came up to our boat. I asked him to give me enough to make a necklace and a bracelet and he put them on a makeshift bracelet and necklace. He claimed they were not cultured.
Ditto @dk168. Unfortunately I think you were lied to - they’re almost certainly cultured FW pearls that have been dyed. But if you like them there’s no reason to not string them and enjoy them!! If you’re in the US stringing should run you around 30-50 depending on where you go, or as @lissyflo says there are tons of tutorials online if you want to take a stab at doing it yourself ::)
Doing it yourself is easier than I would’ve ever expected. If you’ve ever done knitting I think you could handle it.
Love them as a very special souvenir, and add to the unique experience by learning how to knot them. It's straightforward and a great skill to learn - the basics are simple and then, as with any craft, once you can do it, you learn how to really do it!
These are dyed baroque cultured freshwater pearls. Not worth a lot if you wanted to buy them, but priceless for the memory.
I still have my first strand of pearls - dyed blacks also, by coincidence.(and yes, they too have a story)
Yes, absolutly
if you love them and will wear them
Then yes, get them done
not everything needs to be worth a zillion dollars to be loved and worn

For me its not do much the value of the pearls, but rather if you will then wear them
Its not going to break the bank to get it done

costs about $35 here for a reputable person from the internet, not via the jewlers

i have a $30 dyed blue (very fake but fun looking) fresh water necklace i loved to death, ive saved all the pearls after it broke one xmas day and
im getting it restrung because i know ill get another $30's worth out of it
Actually im using it as my test case to try out this particular 'restringer' before i get mum's pearls restrung (of course the pandemic but a delay in this but I'll get it done shortly)

Have you thought about knotting them yourself ? - good practice for future purchases

When i say my dyed blue freshwater necklace was $30 (NZD) that included a braclete i never wore and earrings- but i just loved that necklace - i think it was my 'in' into the world of pearls so ii firmly beleave its earned it's re-knotting even if its basically just a fun piece with no value
I have no knowledge of pearls but find them absolutely beautiful. So I’m turning to the experts to help me determine what f these pearls are worth me paying for having them made into custom jewelry. Background: I purchased them in indonesia from someone who came up to our boat. I asked him to give me enough to make a necklace and a bracelet and he put them on a makeshift bracelet and necklace. He claimed they were not cultured.
With that said - are these decent enough for me to spend $ to have made into something? Not sure if they have been dyed or if natural etc. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you A0D0C7F6-D08A-4AB8-8612-EA4912298BFE.jpeg
Me again :lol-2:
Dyed or not
they look pretty =)2

Do you think you will wear them ?

Remember pearls- especially coloured ones can be worn casually
I think if i looked in my wardrobe (where nothing fits :lol-2: ) they would be fairly versatile for both casual or more dressy and defiantly for work

So i say (again) yes!
Go for it ! =)2

I must add im a sentimental fool
i took in all the less valuable stuff from my mother's jewel box my sister rejected (because it has no monetary value) so ive been experimenting with tiger's eye ;)2
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When i say my dyed blue freshwater necklace was $30 (NZD) that included a braclete i never wore and earrings- but i just loved that necklace - i think it was my 'in' into the world of pearls so ii firmly beleave its earned it's re-knotting even if its basically just a fun piece with no value
Suggestion: Get the bracelet and even the earrings added to the necklace for a longer rope?
Suggestion: Get the bracelet and even the earrings added to the necklace for a longer rope?

Thank you =)2
Year that's what i hoped
it was from an outlet shop down at an outlit mall -( the only place that had a music shop anywhere near me - im a dinosaur and still but cds)

It was a long rope but it had shells and silver beads too- if i take them out and add in the other bits i still get 18-20 inches knotted im hoping

the blue might be fake by a couple of shades but its still pretty to me

They were sold to me as dyed freshies and they pass the tooth test and with my loupe i can see into the drill hole and they look real but even if they were actual fake fake i love them enough to still wear them
I had wanted to try knotting them myself but i dont have the dexterity anymore
too many years working outside in the winter not wearing gloves

I certainty love them enough to one day give them a thread, but not right under Yssies Mikimotos :lol-2: :boohoo:
^^^^This is exactly how I feel. ^^^^ :D

My hands and my brain hurt just thinking about it :lol-2:
I know my dyed pearls are the perfect candidate to practice on but i worry ill never get them neat enough so ill never wear them again or worse and more likely they will become a UFO (unfinished object)

i remember the 2inch square of knitting i did back in primmer 2 (dont ask me why we knitting at school -when i obviously should have been working on spelling - maybe clubs??? )
But its so long ago no one even remembers the primmers (but it was the year after what they now call new entrant )
In, over, through ? Out ??

But @dhimer dont you dear let my lack of enthusiasm or aptitude for knitting put you off
I agree with the previous posters who have encouraged you to wear what you love. Monetary value should not dictate what we love & wear. I have a ring from a dollar store that I love and it is literally the most frequently complimented accessory I own. (Which is probably not great!) ;) I'm actually going to replicate it with real gemstones but I just haven't found the right stones yet. :D
I agree with the previous posters who have encouraged you to wear what you love. Monetary value should not dictate what we love & wear. I have a ring from a dollar store that I love and it is literally the most frequently complimented accessory I own. (Which is probably not great!) ;-) I'm actually going to replicate it with real gemstones but I just haven't found the right stones yet. :D

I look forward very much to that thread :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Off topic so my apologies to dhimer for going off on a tangent
But @Cinders you should post that ring over in the fashion jewlery forum =)2
Idk @Daisys and Diamonds --- I tried to learn to knit during lockdown but it was way beyond my abilities. I liked the technique, once I could do it at all but I couldn't get the yarn to then form anything other than an asymmetrical, weirdly shaped hunk of strings. It's something I do wish I could do well. Unfortunately, I seriously lack the needed motor skills.

Edited to add: I'm sorry for the thread hijack! I do still think you should restring the pearls & wear them as much as you'd like.
Idk @Daisys and Diamonds --- I tried to learn to knit during lockdown but it was way beyond my abilities. I liked the technique, once I could do it at all but I couldn't get the yarn to then form anything other than an asymmetrical, weirdly shaped hunk of strings. It's something I do wish I could do well. Unfortunately, I seriously lack the needed motor skills.

Edited to add: I'm sorry for the thread hijack! I do still think you should restring the pearls & wear them as much as you'd like.

I have a very vivid recollection of my little 'square' (more aptly described as a chunk) looking exactly how you describe
I did used to be able to crochet quite well -(also learnt at school) crochet in wool is very forgiving - but it hurts too much now and i cant see any more :boohoo:
I really think as fun as it must be to be @MakingTheGrade $35 or whatever is pretty good value to give new life to a saggy or broken necklace
I agree with the rest-- they are dyed cultured freshwater pearls from China, and not valuable-- but so what, if you like them? They're solid nacre (no bead inside to make them round) and durable.
This is the perfect opportunity to learn to knot them yourself, if you are so inclined.

"Cultured" means farmed. Freshwater pearls are the most common kind of farmed pearl.
They are a tangible reminder of a wonderful memory. Every time you look at them, you have the chance to remember how you made someone happy. Even if you never wear them, keep them! They give you a story to tell!
Haha ok @Daisys and Diamonds and @Cinders , I take it back! I am actually bad and inexperienced at knitting, so I think a more apt comparison would be: If you can tie a knot, you can restring pearls. Now whether you can get them tight enough to make you happy is another thing, but it would be cheap to try! And there is a tool you can use to help, I forget what it’s called.
Haha ok @Daisys and Diamonds and @Cinders , I take it back! I am actually bad and inexperienced at knitting, so I think a more apt comparison would be: If you can tie a knot, you can restring pearls. Now whether you can get them tight enough to make you happy is another thing, but it would be cheap to try! And there is a tool you can use to help, I forget what it’s called.

trying knots good :lol:

getting them updone again pretty hopeless !! :lol-2:
To cut apart a knotted necklace cuticle scissors or embroidery scissors have tiny blades. There's nothing secret or magical.
Likewise about knotting. Nothing secret about knotting. Find a good youtube video - a decent long one which takes you through every step and follow it. You can stop the video and start it again, you can undo and redo the necklace as much as you want. It's your head not your hands stopping you. Really
One of my videos is of the knotter at one of the biggest pearl companies in Hong Kong achieving a total bird's nest of a knot. And how she got herself out of it. But it was the biggest tangle I have ever seen. (including some of my own)
Thank you all for the feedback. I had them restrung due to the memories attached to them. Been wearing them around the house today and it’s making me think I need to invest in better quality pearls (they seem to be addictive like that and ps does not help - especially @yssie amazing pearls ) 8B6CBEA4-53DA-40E0-81EF-FF9500AD4714.jpeg
They look great!! That’s a good colour and size for you - makes a statement without being overwhelming :love:

Pearls do pull you in, don’t they? The more you have the more you want, to admire and explore… And I love that they’re so personal. Someone from across the room will appreciate your diamonds but your pearls will stay mysterious ::)
Thank you all for the feedback. I had them restrung due to the memories attached to them. Been wearing them around the house today and it’s making me think I need to invest in better quality pearls (they seem to be addictive like that and ps does not help - especially @yssie amazing pearls ) 8B6CBEA4-53DA-40E0-81EF-FF9500AD4714.jpeg

They look great
they really suite you
im so glad you got them strung so they can be worn and enjoyed

Pearls do seem to like to have friends a great first strand and also a useful one that is certainly pretty enough to be worn out and about for years to come especially with its back story

The strand i consider my starter strand is a $30 dyed bright blue freshwater, shell and silver necklace, brackete and earings
You have started in a better place than me but i still love my el-chepo strand enough to get it restrung (once i find where i have squireled away all the bits after it broke)
Thank you all for the feedback. I had them restrung due to the memories attached to them. Been wearing them around the house today and it’s making me think I need to invest in better quality pearls (they seem to be addictive like that and ps does not help - especially @yssie amazing pearls ) 8B6CBEA4-53DA-40E0-81EF-FF9500AD4714.jpeg

They look fabulous on you! Glad that you restring them at the end.
Imagine you tied 90% of the strand with perfect knots and messed up with a few at the end but unable to updone.....It would drive me nuts.. Hahahaha. I don't think I can string pearls even I consider I am a crafty person.

That would be me :lol-2: