
Are we losing John Pollard?

A bit of history.
John the music teacher was searching on PS for a diamond for an engagement ring approaching 20 years ago. I got a phone call out of the blue from Don Quixote introducing himself and fast tracking his education.
He arranged with 3 different vendors to have two of the candidate diamonds to one of the vendors where he went and chose one. He never said which of the 3 super duper ideal cut diamonds won or which vendor won the business. A gentleman.
Shortly after that he became the consumer education and training rep for WhiteFlash (not sure the exact title).
Several years later John was offered a sales and training role for a Belguim based boutique cutting business as the US sales rep. John travelled the nation training retailers and supporting Wink as the online agent.
Happy to accept corrections to my memory etc.
But along the way John has taught sales people in premium international brands, lectured in overseas companies and knows more people than you can poke a stick at in a republican conference (every other gathering has fewer people in close proximity).

I'm honored to say, while still maintaining John's integrity of his choice and decision of that very early encounter roughly 2 decades ago that I was the one who served him that fine day many years ago and we've been great friends ever since. Really awesome to see you take to our trade and to see your exploits in our industry flourish my friend.

All the best,
Just noticed this incredible news, people tend to congratulate personal achievements (as rightfully throughout this thread)..., I believe IGI is who should be congratulated for such a bold move because they just put themselves at the forefront of diamond education, and this comes with a great responsibilities.

as for John Pollard's capabilities..., we all are well aware of... and I am not surprised at all!

Looking forward to seeing this new development unfold...

I just added this comment on the JCK announcement by Rob Bates.

Congratulations on this exciting new step in your career!
I am very happy for John as it is a wonderful opportunity for him. It is a perfect next step for him and he will be able to continue education about diamonds to the world.

I am equally pleased to let everyone know that John will continue his involvement with the PS community. John will be an ongoing educational advisor to PriceScope and to continue hosting our "In The Loupe" webinars.

I have known quiet a few former PS consumers who were able to turn their theoretic based education earned on PS into a professional career but for reasons personal to them chose to commercialize and disappear from this platform...

And I know quite a few that chose to stick around and continue to contribute.

Andrey..., I wouldn't imagine differently in this case.
... Watch out, GIA!
Is anyone else hearing the ’Moving on Up’ song from The Jefferson’s? Congratulation!!!
A bit of history.
John the music teacher was searching on PS for a diamond for an engagement ring approaching 20 years ago. I got a phone call out of the blue from Don Quixote introducing himself and fast tracking his education.
He arranged with 3 different vendors to have two of the candidate diamonds to one of the vendors where he went and chose one. He never said which of the 3 super duper ideal cut diamonds won or which vendor won the business. A gentleman.
Shortly after that he became the consumer education and training rep for WhiteFlash (not sure the exact title).
Several years later John was offered a sales and training role for a Belguim based boutique cutting business as the US sales rep. John travelled the nation training retailers and supporting Wink as the online agent.
Happy to accept corrections to my memory etc.
But along the way John has taught sales people in premium international brands, lectured in overseas companies and knows more people than you can poke a stick at in a republican conference (every other gathering has fewer people in close proximity).

That last line gave me a chuckle - but you’re an Aussie, so maybe Republicans are the anti monarchy crowd in this?
That last line gave me a chuckle - but you’re an Aussie, so maybe Republicans are the anti monarchy crowd in this?

Hahaha. Actually your are right and wrong as the conservative government is in favor of changing to a republic. Our ex.Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was the leader of the Republican failed movement. And a Rhodes scholar as in Cecil who founded De Beers and whose foundation sponsored the Oxford education of many world leaders. But we must not divert that as it's a hangout discussion.

But the liberal side are the anti monarchy anti colonists etc.

If you guys had not chucked the Brits out John P would have been knighted by now.
They couldn't have chosen a better person for that position! Congrats to IGI for getting an excellent person for the job! Congrats to John, too!!!
Hahaha. Actually your are right and wrong as the conservative government is in favor of changing to a republic. Our ex.Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was the leader of the Republican failed movement. And a Rhodes scholar as in Cecil who founded De Beers and whose foundation sponsored the Oxford education of many world leaders. But we must not divert that as it's a hangout discussion.

But the liberal side are the anti monarchy anti colonists etc.

If you guys had not chucked the Brits out John P would have been knighted by now.

But John is a MBE steady! Member of the Best Educators!
Congratulations John, and I'm glad to see we're not really losing you.
More fame :-)
More fame :)

First come responsibility, then fame! We both are very well aware getting rooted establishments (such as IGI as only 1 example) to move away from old habits takes time and lots of education..., John is just starting his uphill journey..., I wish him all the luck in this new chapter. And will be very interesting to follow.
Good Luck and congratulations John! I first met the original founder of IGI at a trade show in NY. It was a staff of two at the booth and they were brand new. I think it was 1981. Time flies for sure.
Wow really fantastic news!!! Huge congrats!!!
Congratulations John! Glad to hear you'll still be around here as well.