
Are you a picker, a collector, something else?

Interesting thread! I’d say I’m a hobbyist more than anything else. Jewelry for me is a hobby and a form of artistic expression. That being said, I also love classic pieces because of their wearability, so I want to collect my classics as well as more eclectic pieces. I do however wear everything I buy. I don’t see the point in acquiring pieces I won’t wear!
@AllAboardTheBlingTrain, I call the pieces of jewelry that don't get worn but sit in the jewelry box jewelry box ornaments! I think it's great that you wear all of your jewelry!
@AllAboardTheBlingTrain, I call the pieces of jewelry that don't get worn but sit in the jewelry box jewelry box ornaments! I think it's great that you wear all of your jewelry!

I like the idea, even your box deserves to feel ornamented! I should clarify that I don’t wear them everyday since I am a big fan of earrings and I don’t have enough ears to wear them :D but I do like to wear my pieces a few times a year at the very least.
I am like @All aboard the bling train . Jewelry finding/buying is a hobby . I am always looking for something special & unique but I love classic pieces too . I wear what I buy , change my jewelry every few weeks . sometimes after a while , I fall out of love then sell an item .
@jeweln, it's a fun hobby right? We could be doing a lot worse things. My husband collects toys and I tell him, at least I could bring my jewelry somewhere and get cash that day (only if we were penniless) but you can't do the same with plastic toys.

So it's a hobby, an investment and there's so much out there so we never have to worry about running out of possible things to collect ;)
Yes , too much fun ! Too many things to explore & find . Just need a money tree (or an antique ring with a Genie ! )
I tell people that collecting jewelry is so great because it doesn't take up a lot of room :lol:. I love the research of pieces as much as the pieces themselves. You never know that sometimes you will end up with a designer piece or a piece with history. It happens.
I consider myself a collector. I love the hunt and the thrill of waiting for the arriving. I also love the pieces, but mostly find myself wearing the same jewellery every day. A lot just sits in the box and I love trying it on, looking at it but then put it back. DH tells me to go ahead and wear it, maybe I should. I also find myself to be very attached to most of the pieces for various reasons, so hardly ever selling a thing. So the collection grows with no return on investment ;-). But my tastes do change and I now start to sell some things that don’t really “touch” me anymore.
@LorettaB, oh good point about not taking up a lot of space. It is always fun to get a piece and find a maker's mark like an extra bonus!

@Roselina you should pull those pieces out, wear them while you watch tv and then put them back. Call them treasures for television ;)