
Are you depressed?


Jun 8, 2008
If so you will want to treat your depression as best as possible
Not surprisingly if one has depression one is at risk for other health issues
Being clinically depressed leaves one vulnerable to developing other illnesses

"Major depressive disorder has significant potential morbidity and mortality, contributing to suicide, incidence and adverse outcomes of medical illness, disruption in interpersonal relationships, substance abuse, and lost work time. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2021, an estimated 21.0 million adults (8.3%) in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. Adult females had a higher prevalence of depressive episodes than adult males (10.3% vs 6.2%). Individuals aged 18–25 had the highest prevalence of major depressive episodes at 18.6%. Among adolescents in the United States, an estimated 5.0 million (20.1%) aged 12–17 had at least one major depressive episode in 2021. The prevalence of major depressive episode was higher among adolescent females (29.2%) compared to adolescent males (11.5%). [<a>1</a>] With appropriate treatment, 70%–80% of individuals with major depressive disorder can achieve a significant reduction in symptoms."


Depression May Speed Up Physical Health Decline​

Edited by Anushree Chaphalkar
March 06, 2025


Depression was associated with having more physical health conditions at baseline, as well as faster development of additional conditions, in a new study.


  • Researchers analyzed data for more than 172,500 participants (age at baseline, 40-71 years) from the UK Biobank cohort study.
  • Overall, 69 long-term physical health conditions were ascertained through self-reporting, primary care, hospital admission, cancer registry, and death records at baseline (2006-2010) and during a mean follow-up period of 6.9 years.
  • Participants with a history of depression (17.8%) were identified through primary care diagnoses (90.7%), hospital diagnoses (4.2%), or self-reported diagnoses (31.5%).


  • Participants with a history of depression had more physical health conditions at baseline than those without depression (mean, 2.9 vs 2.1), and accrued additional physical health conditions at a faster rate (mean, 0.20 vs 0.16 conditions/year).
  • After adjusting for age and sex, the rate ratio (RR) was 1.32 (95% CI, 1.31-1.34) for accrual of physical morbidities in participants with a history of depression compared to those without.
  • The association remained significant after adjusting for all sociodemographic characteristics (RR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.28-1.32) and further adjusting for baseline condition count and social/lifestyle factors (RR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.09-1.12).


“Existing healthcare systems are largely designed to treat individual conditions, instead of individual people with multiple conditions,” the investigators wrote. “We need healthcare services to take an integrated approach to caring for people who have both depression (or other mental health conditions) and long-term physical health conditions.”


The study was led by Kelly J. Fleetwood, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, the United Kingdom. It was published online on February 13 in PLOS Medicine.


The main study limitation was a healthy volunteer selection bias as only 5.5% of invited individuals participated in the UK Biobank baseline assessments. Participants were less likely to live in deprived areas and tended to have better health than the general population, which may have limited the generalizability of the findings. Some covariates may have overlapped with depression, possibly underestimating its impact. Missing data, mainly on the cholesterol, ie high-density lipoprotein ratio and A1c levels, were imputed. Additionally, this study did not assess specific physical conditions and depression severity, remission, and relapse.


The study was funded by the Medical Research Council/National Institute for Health and Care Research. The investigators reported no relevant conflicts of interest.


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Personally I have never been clinically depressed but when I am sad the following activities help

1. Exercise
2. Music
3. Being outdoors
4. Cycling
5. Hiking
6. Talking about it with my trusted loved ones

Anyway just a PSA because it seems a lot of people are not doing well mentally these days
Allow yourself to feel the way you are feeling but after you have allowed yourself to feel how you are feeling remember also to
Be resilient and be strong and try scheduling some fun into each day
And stop subjecting yourself to the news (at least for a short break) if you feel it is affecting you profoundly