I have to say that since I''ve found PS, my standards have "relaxed" somewhat on the clarity issue, but I think I''m more picky about cut. I used to think that I''d never go lower in clarity than a VS stone, but now I would go with an SI stone (and might be sporting one before long...). I didn''t used to think about cut very much. I was one of those people who thought that cut was more about symetry, and didn''t think about proportions. Now I''d gladly comprimise on carat weight and clarity to have a better cut stone. Besides, now I know from reading the posts on PS that a diamond with lesser carat weight can sometimes look bigger if it''s cut well, as opposed to a stone that''s higher in weight, but with a too deep cut. And that small inclusions aren''t necessarily as obvious in an ideal cut stone as they might be in a poorly cut stone.
My feelings on color haven''t really changed all that much. While I can see the difference between the higher and lower colored stones, the lower color doesn''t always come across to me as "yellow" or "dingy" like it does to others. Most of the time, stones in the I-J-K range look really lovely and warm to my eyes. As a matter of fact, while I''ve seen some very beautiful F-G-H colored stones (I''ve never seen anything higher than an F in person) I have also seen a few in that color range that appeared to me as "too white" and sort of glassy looking. To me, they almost looked llike CZs. As a matter if fact, I met this woman once who had a huge diamond that must have been around 3+ carats. She claimed that it was a colorless, flawless diamond. To me it just looked llike one of those big old fake CZ rings they sell on Home Shopping or something. I know it must have been a real diamond, because she was the wife of an emminent surgeon, and I highly doubt she was wearing a fakey CZ at the country club...lol. To me, the only positive attribute was it''s enormity. Otherwise, it looked kind of gray and dead to me. MY diamond on the other hand, was sparkling and shooting flashes of color all over the place...and it was only a J color < 1.0 carat!
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