
Are you still in love???


Oct 24, 2012
We always read threads on people going through the search for the stone or the attaining the perfect setting. However we don’t see many update threads. So I am curious how people who have had their ring/stone for at least a year are feeling. If you feel comfortable can we get some updates, thoughts, lessons learned and a recent pic? After all, this is a SMTB thread.

I’ll start. I have had my VC setting for a year. I do still really love it. However I will admit that I do miss seeing the round outline of my stone. Before I got this setting I was worried that I would miss it. And I do. I would consider getting a solitaire setting that I would switch the stone into if I miss the solitaire look too much. I also have discovered that I really do want a step cut. I may get one or maybe even get rid of this stone altogether and start over. No immediate plans to make any changes. I will live with it for as long as I can and see what happens. And surprisingly I wear it with my VCA perlee band the most now.
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Yes, still love looking at my amazing rings. I do wear different rings depending on how I am feeling but I haven’t had dss or wanted a different diamond after I acquired my current rings.
Having said that..... I have had my eye on the vca threads and have thought about getting a set ( necklace, ring and bracelet in the mop alhambra:shock:)
I have been dropping hints though to dh!
I am also hoping to snag some lightbox lab stones to make a cheap pair of studs too....
But no ring changes!
I still love my AVR, even with its SI2 inclusion. I won't lie, I still have my eye on an AVC upgrade, maybe with a split shank setting. But that is way down the road.

I still want an xs Cartier Trinity or a Love band in rose gold. And diamond huggies. And maybe a step cut colored stone. Damn, I have a list...
I found my diamond before PS and part of how I found this forum was this nagging feeling that I didn't buy the best stone I could have bought. But in a really weird way I've grown quite enamored with my stone and it's perks. So over my one year or having the stone I guess I could say, loved my stone, bought the stone then disliked my stone, and come full circle (what a ride in a year!).

The setting was definitely something I lurked PS to find and I still love it! I've almost had it a year and although I love it, there's some regret. I never thought I'd think about an upgrade, so I picked my forever setting and spent up. But now I'm realizing that I am probably destined for another diamond. It's only been a year, but I'm kind of disappointed that this beautiful ring I've made will be essentially useless. I don't know when I'll get the chance to do this, hopefully it'll be much later down the line. So I guess I'll just enjoy my time with it and try not to linger in the eventual demise of something I find so, sentimental.:lol-2:
I’ve only had Bella for a couple of weeks, and yes, I don’t think I’ll ever not getting a thrill when I open the box in the morning.
I have had my pear cut for a million years, and I do still love it. It has had 3 settings & this last one, which is about 5 years old & set very high to accommodate my original, chunkier eternity ring setting, feels, well, high?! As I then went on to have my eternity ring reset due to bending & weakness issues into a much lower, flush channel setting, I feel sometimes that my pear just sticks up for no reason :lol-2: So, when funds permit I would like it lowering. As I often wear my eternity on my RH due to finger swelling in extremes of temps (I must be getting old!) it feels like it just sticks up without justification (it's 8mm high). When I wear my eternity stacked in front of my pear, I feel it justifies the height a bit more & looks less weird.

However, as much as I love it & still enjoy looking at it, I dream of a classic Tiffany 1.5ct round. I also love emerald cuts, but would need AT LEAST 2.5 carats to look sizeable on my long fingers, and I don't think husband will ever push to that when he's all about the retirement fund!!
I've had mine nearly 2.5 years, still love it. I had a nightmare last night that I went swimming and the sapphire and some diamonds fell out in the pool. I have dreams about stones falling out (especially while swimming) quite regularly. :eek-2:
I’ve only been married for a short time; it will be 2 years, this Nov.
I have to say that PS does make “Envy” the top of the 7 deadly!! There are SO MANY beautiful, ENORMOUS diamonds on this fora.
PS has taught me so much, but some of the important points I’ve walked away with, pertaining to MY rings are:
1. We got the best bang for our buck. I have yet to find a diamond of the same quality, size, cut, color & clarity at or around the price he paid.
2. The diamond is better quality than we anticipated, even with the SI clarity grade.
3. The size of the stone is considered “above average” in most parts of the world...especially, mine.
4. The setting fits my taste & my personality, perfectly. As much as I admire so many others’ rings, looking at my own makes my heart skip a beat. It just “fits” me.
5. As much as I have always desired a larger diamond (2+ct), the above points make me appreciate what I have, and I could never part with my diamond due to sentimental reasons. Every time I look at my hand, I am taken back to the place where my DH proposed, and that moment ties with the births of both of my children, and my wedding day as the single most amazing day of my life. I can’t imagine replacing that.
6. When I get an itch for “more”, I look forward to the project I hope to set into motion, next year: Vintage Asscher Anniversary Band. I know that soon, I will be adding more bling to my already breathtaking (to me) set. ;)2

DH & I just celebrated 5 years, as a couple, yesterday. I’m still in love, and my rings are a representation of the love we share (and how lucky I am to have a hubby who appreciates me by showering me & engulfing me with diamonds). :mrgreen2:
Yes and I think I always will even tho I also always think about and plan for a bigger stone.. it’s not in our financial plan right now as we have other things to do first.
I do still think I would have the same setting with a larger stone as I keep coming back to it as my favourite because it gives me a squared-cushiony look with a round OEC patterning and it seems I really really love that.
I’ve only been married for a short time; it will be 2 years, this Nov.
I have to say that PS does make “Envy” the top of the 7 deadly!! There are SO MANY beautiful, ENORMOUS diamonds on this fora.
PS has taught me so much, but some of the important points I’ve walked away with, pertaining to MY rings are:
1. We got the best bang for our buck. I have yet to find a diamond of the same quality, size, cut, color & clarity at or around the price he paid.
2. The diamond is better quality than we anticipated, even with the SI clarity grade.
3. The size of the stone is considered “above average” in most parts of the world...especially, mine.
4. The setting fits my taste & my personality, perfectly. As much as I admire so many others’ rings, looking at my own makes my heart skip a beat. It just “fits” me.
5. As much as I have always desired a larger diamond (2+ct), the above points make me appreciate what I have, and I could never part with my diamond due to sentimental reasons. Every time I look at my hand, I am taken back to the place where my DH proposed, and that moment ties with the births of both of my children, and my wedding day as the single most amazing day of my life. I can’t imagine replacing that.
6. When I get an itch for “more”, I look forward to the project I hope to set into motion, next year: Vintage Asscher Anniversary Band. I know that soon, I will be adding more bling to my already breathtaking (to me) set. ;)2

DH & I just celebrated 5 years, as a couple, yesterday. I’m still in love, and my rings are a representation of the love we share (and how lucky I am to have a hubby who appreciates me by showering me & engulfing me with diamonds). :mrgreen2:

Correction: “endulging”...not “engulfing”! :lol-2:
That’s a very thought provoking question for me.

Am I still in love?

I thought Lucy was the end-all-be-all for me. Until I met Eleanor. She was definitely it! Right? I mean what more could a girl want? Except an oval... oh and a rosie. Maybe a step-cut. Let’s not forget a daisy/cluster. Ahhhhh!

While I still am in love with Lucy and with Eleanor, I still long for the hunt. It isn’t about having more and more for me. But I love the “art” of vintage cuts and pieces and so I still feel the desire to continue scouting out old treasures and possibly even create more as well.
I’ve reset my diamond two times since upgrading my diamond thirteen years ago. When I upgraded I did some research but nothing about cut..I was all about clarity and color but this was thirteen years ago..I saw the diamond and fell in love. Considering I knew nothing about cut my stone is very close to perfect but not perfect according to Pricescope standards..even though AGS graded it as ideal. This is before I think AGS tightened their grading. Anyway...I LOVE my stone..stare at it ALL the time and still love it. It sparkles like crazy and makes me happy. I finally got the setting this year that I’ve always wanted since I was married at twenty-one so I will never upgrade. I WILL get more diamonds but just not a new engagement ring. My husband and I have been married longer than the age of some of you on Pricescope! :lol:
My oval, yes...totally in love. Hands down, she always takes my breath away.

My OEC, not quite as much, but I’m certainly not unhappy. Like you, the things that concerned me originally are the things that still bug me a bit. I wish I’d either elongated the shape of the halo (which I was told wasn’t possible) or softened the corners of the octagon and while I love the gallery, I wish the ring sat a bit lower on my finger. None of the things bother me enough that I’ll do anything about it though. I certainly wouldn’t go custom again, as it’s hard to truly envision the finished product on your hand and is very stressful (to me).
I've only had my reset since January, and I still absolutely love love LOVE it. It makes my heart flutter every time I put it on. I used to change my engagement ring around and wear a RHR or eternity band instead some days, but my e-ring and wedding band are the only rings that I wear on my left hand now. I don't have the slightest inclination to get any stackers to wear either, I am so fond of just the two rings alone. It was a 3 stone reset into a 5 stone, so I love that it has kind of grown and evolved for the better, like the life that DH an I have together. *cue soppy music*
I found my EC over 10 years ago with the help from PS as a lurker.

I had the stone in its original setting that I did not particularly like for 10 years, until a mis-guided belief/mis-conception was clarified by information on PS.

During these 10 years, I searched for suitable designs with the intention to re-set in the future, and finally took the plunge in 2015 to have it re-set.

It is now in its forever home, and I love the ring to this day.

The stone itself has significant sentimental value, and I have no intention to part with it, ever. It is my one and only diamond-only ring and I love to wear it as a RHR as much as I can.

DK :))
I still love my 5-stone, though it hasn’t stopped me from getting other styles of diamonds! As I’m no longer married I wear it on my middle finger most of the time. Not sure if I’ll want a new ring if I get remarried or if I’ll just start wearing my diamond rings on my ring finger.
I still love my 2.3 ct AVR and have had it for 5 years, but I do wish I could decide on a forever setting. I just won't do multiple resets, so I have to settle on just one! I have no desire to go larger since it is very large where I live already. I just collect more diamonds!

I really love my antique asscher and the beautiful setting made by Caysie (CVB). Although I could have set that stone in a halo, which would have been beautiful, I still love the antique Tiffany design we based it on. It's more wearable for me that way, so I have no thoughts of ever resetting it.

There are other diamonds I'd love to have, like a 3+ ct EC and a rose cut, but honestly, I don't wear what I have now much other than the AVR, which I wear 95% of the time. So I am trying to resist buying more diamonds and focus on VCA or a few particular gemstones, instead.
I've had my semi-bezel solitaire for 4.5 years now and still love it. From time to time, I see a gorgeous new setting on PS and want to reset but that desire goes away in couple of weeks. What I haven't been able to shake is the want of a large step cut. I thought it might go away eventually but it's still there so I may "need" to get another ring without giving up my MRB.

Still in love with DH, who I married in 1997 with matching 7mm wide 14kt WG bands -- no ER, didn't even like diamonds back then.

Always been a Colored Gemstone lover and still in love with most of my CS rings (yay!).

Right now I wear a 1.0ctw 7-stone carre-cut band I bought from Israel Rose last December, and so far I still love it ... but otherwise I've sold or returned every single diamond/diamond ring! They all were beautiful, but so far I haven't found the diamond/look I want on my finger forever.
Yes, I love my rings! The stones, the craftsmanship of the settings, the sparkle!!!

*that's not to say I don't dream about selling them and buying a WF ACA three stone butterflies ring with a 2 ct center and .40 carat sidestones. :whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:
Good topic. I got my diamond 5 years ago, and it is in its 5th setting since I got it. I fall in love with it every time I reset it. I am fond of my diamond and like its facet pattern, but at the time we bought it, I wanted an OEC and my husband wanted a MRB. It was a 10 year upgrade. We found this early Brilliant, which was a compromise, and I do quite like its facet pattern more than that on super ideal MRB (I like the flower in the middle), but I still fantasize quite regularly about trading it in for an OEC.
I have only had my Anjolie setting for a little while but I absolutely love it. I think the Rose Cut diamond is the "one" for me as far as stones go. I absolutely adore it. I frequently look at it and it makes my heart happy. This new setting by CvB is everything I wanted in a setting and is original and suits my style. I have not doubted my choice or even thought about a future reset. I do coddle this ring more than previous settings because I just don't want anything to happen to it. Lol. So my answer is... Yes, I am still very much in love! 20180827_152813.jpg
Good topic. I got my diamond 5 years ago, and it is in its 5th setting since I got it. I fall in love with it every time I reset it. I am fond of my diamond and like its facet pattern, but at the time we bought it, I wanted an OEC and my husband wanted a MRB. It was a 10 year upgrade. We found this early Brilliant, which was a compromise, and I do quite like its facet pattern more than that on super ideal MRB (I like the flower in the middle), but I still fantasize quite regularly about trading it in for an OEC.

You could easily have a little pavilion cutting to give you more of an OEC look and keep the stone you have! Very cost effective, too!
I’ve reset my diamond two times since upgrading my diamond thirteen years ago. When I upgraded I did some research but nothing about cut..I was all about clarity and color but this was thirteen years ago..I saw the diamond and fell in love. Considering I knew nothing about cut my stone is very close to perfect but not perfect according to Pricescope standards..even though AGS graded it as ideal. This is before I think AGS tightened their grading. Anyway...I LOVE my stone..stare at it ALL the time and still love it. It sparkles like crazy and makes me happy. I finally got the setting this year that I’ve always wanted since I was married at twenty-one so I will never upgrade. I WILL get more diamonds but just not a new engagement ring. My husband and I have been married longer than the age of some of you on Pricescope! :lol:

Just wanted to say, same here! Married at 21 and have grown kids the age of many of the ladies here!

I think you did very well to choose a well cut diamond back when most of us were still clueless about diamonds. 12 years ago is when I began looking for a new diamond for an anniversary, and I was lucky to find PS! Of course, it has cost us a LOT of money, too!
We always read threads on people going through the search for the stone or the attaining the perfect setting. However we don’t see many update threads. So I am curious how people who have had their ring/stone for at least a year are feeling. If you feel comfortable can we get some updates, thoughts, lessons learned and a recent pic? After all, this is a SMTB thread.

I’ll start. I have had my VC setting for a year. I do still really love it. However I will admit that I do miss seeing the round outline of my stone. Before I got this setting I was worried that I would miss it. And I do. I would consider getting a solitaire setting that I would switch the stone into if I miss the solitaire look too much. I also have discovered that I really do want a step cut. I may get one or maybe even get rid of this stone altogether and start over. No immediate plans to make any changes. I will live with it for as long as I can and see what happens. And surprisingly I wear it with my VCA perlee band the most now.

I just wanted to comment on something you said, too. The problem with choosing any setting is that there are other great settings and it is hard to be 100% satisfied with one permanently. I LOVED your setting when you got it, but I am now hearing you say you miss the solitaire. I have mine in a plain solitaire and I think it's just not special enough for the stone! Octagonal bezel, tiny halo, three stone, many antique designs.....exactly why my stone isn't reset!!! (I am trying to make myself do it this year, though!!!)

I do adore step cuts. Mine kind of fell into my lap, but I am certain I'd be looking for one now if I didn't have this one. But I couldn't give up having a round stone, because that is what I have always had and I know I'd miss it.
Love this thread! It's been... a little over two years now, and yes, I'm still head over heels for my ring (my husband is ok too, I guess ;)2). I am, however, having obsessive thoughts about upgrading my mama's ring. I'd really love a boost to cut and clarity for her.

I would also never say no to MORE rings! :pray:
My oval, yes...totally in love. Hands down, she always takes my breath away.

My OEC, not quite as much, but I’m certainly not unhappy. Like you, the things that concerned me originally are the things that still bug me a bit. I wish I’d either elongated the shape of the halo (which I was told wasn’t possible) or softened the corners of the octagon and while I love the gallery, I wish the ring sat a bit lower on my finger. None of the things bother me enough that I’ll do anything about it though. I certainly wouldn’t go custom again, as it’s hard to truly envision the finished product on your hand and is very stressful (to me).

Hi Yennyfire, I haven’t yet mastered the art of searching through PS postings. So I can’t find your post on your beautiful oval. Did you ever do a “story behind the stone” post? Eg what you were looking for in a loose stone and where you found it... please post a link if you have one. Thanks and sorry to threadjack.
Hi Yennyfire, I haven’t yet mastered the art of searching through PS postings. So I can’t find your post on your beautiful oval. Did you ever do a “story behind the stone” post? Eg what you were looking for in a loose stone and where you found it... please post a link if you have one. Thanks and sorry to threadjack.
I was wondering myself and so I looked and found it!

(Photos start on page 5)

That is my dream oval! Love the halo with it. Just perfection, @yennyfire!
I’m still in love with my diamond. I can’t ever see myself going bigger or changing for a higher color. It would be cost prohibitive to go up to an H and I already love the Clarity. As is, I am sometimes embarrassed by the size of my diamond. I sometimes turn it around. But I still love it of course.
I’m heading out tonight for a get together with my co-workers who have never seen my ring. I don’t wear it at work bc I’m a nurse. So I’m trying to decide if I should wear it or wear one of my other rings.
I’ll probBly wear it though.