
Are you supposed to like your job or is normal to feel meh about it?

however, money is not high on the list of motivation for me personally - opportunities to learn is key, and freedom/time to do what I like outside work (I am working part-time and consider myself as semi-retired) are more important than money.

Agree completely. I know I am very fortunate in that I can say that and was able to retire when I did. I found my 30 year career to be very rewarding indeed and when I felt burned out (after trying to wait that out) I knew it was time. And I was lucky my dh supported my decision to retire at my relatively young age. I put a lot of work and energy into my career and getting to where I was so it was a much thought out decision that I did not take lightly. But, we didn't need the money and quality of life is more important than money as long as one can afford to live comfortably. I paid the proverbial dues so to speak. I put in the time and energy and my heart and soul too. I have no regrets. I not only had a very satisfying career I met my DH because of my chosen profession. LOL, shhh don't tell anyone :shhh: :lol:
There's lots to love and hate about my job. I would love to be pretty "meh" about
I think maybe when the bad days outnumber the good, sounds probably like the time to go. If it is headed this way, then I think its better to move preemptively than to wait for the crisis point. So I think the gradient would matter more to me than the current situation.
I love my job but it is demanding, exhausting and difficult at times. However, it can also be profoundly rewarding and, at those moments, it’s all worth it. :)
I am truly blessed. I long ago fell in love with sparkly things, I think I may have been six or seven when I found a rock with tiny quartz crystals in it that sparkled in the sun. I was mesmerized.

When stationed in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, I started buying and selling colored gems as a hobby and fell in love with my American born wife of nearly 50 years. The Marine Corps wanted me to leave her for a year every three or four years, so I started wondering what I could do when I left the Corps at the end of my enlistment.

I realized I was already doing it as a hobby and went to the GIA to get my GG. I went to work in the industry after graduating, and lost my first business in 1986, which was devastating on a personal level. I tried real estate, but quit after a very few years and opened a small office in downtown Boise doing what I really loved, selling jewelry.

I have never looked back. I started working on my first website about three months before commerce became legal on the Internet, and that opened avenues that had never been available to me in Boise. As many of you know, I closed my Internet business and tried to retire at the end of 2021. It did not work. I am now happily employed by a great company staffed with people who share my love of gems and also believe in treating their clients as friends first.

I have given them my commitment to work until I am at least eighty, and am hoping to make it through 85. Then, maybe, I will be able to work only part time and take more naps...
I work in a bakery (again) and it is far from the worst job, most days I rather enjoy it. It’s very busy, on your feet the whole shift and moving at all times, hustle and bustle. Love my co-workers although there is a lot of drama but eh, that’s probably everywhere. The customers are usually nice, not being a real people person, it’s really brought me out of my shell.

The most ironic thing is I can’t eat anything we sell since I eat gluten-free. Probably better off to be honest.
I work in a bakery (again) and it is far from the worst job, most days I rather enjoy it. It’s very busy, on your feet the whole shift and moving at all times, hustle and bustle. Love my co-workers although there is a lot of drama but eh, that’s probably everywhere. The customers are usually nice, not being a real people person, it’s really brought me out of my shell.

The most ironic thing is I can’t eat anything we sell since I eat gluten-free. Probably better off to be honest.

I'm glad you're doing OK!