
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?

I don't want to be a downer but from what I am reading and understanding Covid 19 is here to stay through most of (all?) of next year. So I am unsure as to what the vaccine has to offer if not to eradicate it sooner? Perhaps the hope that an effective vaccine will be available soon is overly optimistic and reinforced by politicians who have something to gain by exaggerating the truth? IDK. But all reports indicate this pandemic won't be over soon. Again I do not want to be negative but just want to be realistic and not overly hopeful just to have our dreams dashed. Anyway hoping for the best (always) that an effective vaccine will be available and widely given soon but realistically expecting it might be another year at least til we are pandemic free. :/

I fully expect C19 is here to stay with us for a long time.

However, I am hoping an effective vaccine can give us back some form of normality.

For example, I could foresee having the vaccine is a prerequisite for international travel. For me, that means being able to visit my mum and brother in Canada, which I can't do currently. :(2

DK :))
@kipari that's my sentiments too, to all those who oppose the restrictions about social distancing, the need to wear masks, and going on about stripping their liberties that they fought so hard in WWII etc. etc...

Risks your own lives by all means, however, please don't bring the rest of us down with you!!!

DK :roll2:
Gatherings to be limited to 30 persons this weekend. I was waiting for this and personally think it's not enough, given 15797 new cases in France yesterday in spite of masks in public and pretty good compliance everywhere I go.

But my outlaws (both mid 70ies, fil diabetic on top ) are currently going on and on in the family chat group about how the government is suppressing us and there will be public uproar . :wall: :wall: :wall: I'm not even saying anything anymore.
If they want to empirically prove their chances of surviving Covid then so be it. Just stop dragging innocent people into this!

I have basically given up in terms of getting upset and frustrated about what others are doing. It seems here no one is practicing common sense. There are large gatherings and parties etc happening all over and nobody is social distancing or wearing masks. It is incredible. Truly incredible. So all we can do is protect ourselves and take precautions necessary to remain well. That is all we can do. We cannot control others. But oh I wish we could. Like I wrote many times already I (and all of us here probably) see what is coming and yet we are powerless to stop it. SMH. :(

I am very sorry about your outlaws (lol that term makes me smile and I feel you) and I hope they don't bring others down with them.

Risks your own lives by all means, however, please don't bring the rest of us down with you!!!


I fully expect C19 is here to stay with us for a long time.

However, I am hoping an effective vaccine can give us back some form of normality.

For example, I could foresee having the vaccine is a prerequisite for international travel. For me, that means being able to visit my mum and brother in Canada, which I can't do currently. :(2

DK :))

I hope you get to visit your family very soon @dk168 I know how hard it must be not being able to see your mother and brother. :(
Just to add one thing that we have experienced. We have to use public restrooms multiple times a day when we are cycling. The past 2 days I have had to say to two different women two different times to please put your mask on before going into the restroom. I remained calm and asked nicely without judgment in my tone. I loathe being a "net nanny" so to speak. I loathe asking people to do the right thing. However since it is for my safety I asked. And both women politely did so and one even said oops yes I almost forgot. So no bad behavior when I asked politely. But yes people are getting more lax around here. They think it cannot happen to them.
30 per household is a very generous limit! We have less than five cases a day, most days and we only get to have 20 people over. Not that I want more but you get the idea. They have told us they will fine everyone at the gathering if it exceeds 20.

Victoria's outbreak was a result of several households congregating at large family gatherings. Yes the virus escaped hotel quarantine due to a security bungle but it went wild because of family gatherings.

One thing that I have learnt from Covid is how receptive Aussies are at being told what to do. Sure we have our rebellious nutbags (Covid is not real but 5G causes Covid so must bring down the towers) but on the whole we are champs at accepting whatever restrictions/lockdowns are placed on us. It sort of makes sense though. Easygoing Aussies are also easygoing about being locked up!
We’re all negative. I’m so relieved. This has been a stressful week.

There is information about the potential vaccine candidates if you scroll down the page. The current storage requirements and the use of multi-dose vials that expire after 6 hours of being opened are going to make this vaccine complicated to administer.
30 per household is a very generous limit! We have less than five cases a day, most days and we only get to have 20 people over. Not that I want more but you get the idea. They have told us they will fine everyone at the gathering if it exceeds 20.

Victoria's outbreak was a result of several households congregating at large family gatherings. Yes the virus escaped hotel quarantine due to a security bungle but it went wild because of family gatherings.

One thing that I have learnt from Covid is how receptive Aussies are at being told what to do. Sure we have our rebellious nutbags (Covid is not real but 5G causes Covid so must bring down the towers) but on the whole we are champs at accepting whatever restrictions/lockdowns are placed on us. It sort of makes sense though. Easygoing Aussies are also easygoing about being locked up!

Yes, it's been large gatherings, clubbing and partying that's been linked to mass outbreaks, so I have been wondering why it hasn't been banned much *much* earlier this time around.

The good thing here is that once it is actually officially prohibited, people comply as well. Also there will be 135€ fines/person. People don't use their common sense, they apparently need to be told exactly what to do.
The French aren't easygoing, but they'll grumble and complain but stay locked up and masked.
I'm really happy for you Aussies that you seem to continue dodging that bullet mostly. Being an island is a great advantage, but not many have been able to use it. Your government and people have done great!
Gatherings to be limited to 30 persons this weekend. I was waiting for this and personally think it's not enough, given 15797 new cases in France yesterday in spite of masks in public and pretty good compliance everywhere I go.

But my outlaws (both mid 70ies, fil diabetic on top ) are currently going on and on in the family chat group about how the government is suppressing us and there will be public uproar . :wall: :wall: :wall: I'm not even saying anything anymore.
If they want to empirically prove their chances of surviving Covid then so be it. Just stop dragging innocent people into this!

Social gatherings were limited to 6 maximum in the UK this week, including children (of any age, I think). Lots of grumbling here about how a family with 3 children therefore couldn’t have one set of grandparents to visit without breaching the rule of 6. I feel for those families, but would much rather put up with a higher standard of restriction and get through this winter more smoothly and without another full lockdown. It seems my view is in the minority from the way people are behaving though...
@kipari I live on an island, however, our government would not close the border during the initial stages of the pandemic for whatever reason(s), hence we are where we are in this mess, hey ho!

Could the border be closed? Don't see why not. If it could not be closed, then at least impose stricter quarantine requirements upon entry at the onset of the pandemic. By the time restrictions were imposed, it was too late.

All IMHO, of course.

It is what it is, I just have to get on with life and live with the new normal without being bitter or losing my sanity the best way I can.

DK :roll2:
Social gatherings were limited to 6 maximum in the UK this week, including children (of any age, I think). Lots of grumbling here about how a family with 3 children therefore couldn’t have one set of grandparents to visit without breaching the rule of 6. I feel for those families, but would much rather put up with a higher standard of restriction and get through this winter more smoothly and without another full lockdown. It seems my view is in the minority from the way people are behaving though...

You are not alone.

I have to put up with my drinking pals about the restrictions about not mixing and no mingling when out in pubs, and the requirement to wear masks etc...

And how our government is being incompetent in handling the pandemic on a regular basis.

I shall ignore the negativity as much as I could, otherwise I would go mental in no time! :roll2:

DK :))
I'm really happy for you Aussies that you seem to continue dodging that bullet mostly. Being an island is a great advantage, but not many have been able to use it. Your government and people have done great!

Oh how I wish everyone saw it that way! I'm in regional Victoria (not Melbourne, thankfully!), and the constant criticism our government and premier cop on a daily basis really saddens me. I know people and livelihoods have been deeply affected by the lockdowns, but people here are calling our leaders dictators, and likening them to people like Hitler and Stalin. It's disgraceful. They're not out to make friends, they're trying to save lives, for goodness sake. And when we look at our daily figures compared to many other countries (average of 14 new cases per day in this state alone), it should be plain as day why they give these directives. But a disturbing number of people still think it's just another flu, it's not even that deadly, given our relatively low mortality numbers...which is obviously thanks to the restrictions. And so around and around it goes :doh:As a health care worker, it's sometimes really infuriating.
Welp...and so it begins again. We have two positive in my district and a neighboring HS had to close for deep cleaning because of positive/s.
Surprising that FL relaxed all restrictions @Arcadian ! Stay well!
Stay healthy and buckle up all!!!

I have been checking this site often in NY. Very useful.

Social gatherings were limited to 6 maximum in the UK this week, including children (of any age, I think). Lots of grumbling here about how a family with 3 children therefore couldn’t have one set of grandparents to visit without breaching the rule of 6. I feel for those families, but would much rather put up with a higher standard of restriction and get through this winter more smoothly and without another full lockdown. It seems my view is in the minority from the way people are behaving though...

Yeah, I know we're a family 8, 9 in one household. We're illegal as is ! :lol:

In Germany the rule is two households, which makes sense, but Germany has a registration system where one can actually easily proof who is living where, so cheating is impossible.

Joking aside, I'd like to tell those people they shouldn't be seeing their grandparents anyways.. :doh:
We’re all negative. I’m so relieved. This has been a stressful week.

yaaayyy house cat!! rejoicing for you!!! that is really great news!!! and may you and your family remain safe healthy and strong!!
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gatherings allowing a limit of 30 people??!! wow, your (local) government is so generous. not that i would partake or participate but that's very permissive

when we had our recent labor day weekend holiday, santa monica california residents weren't allowed to have gatherings, at all, with non-household individuals. and it was enforced by way, of the water company turning off water to any offending residence. yet, we are still ranked the worst in infections.

we have very very politically passionate friends in their 70's and 80's grumbling left right and center about our federal and local government forcing masks on everyone. and that covid isn't all that serious....YET, they have not stepped into a grocery store, once, since lock down. because of their advanced age they go to doctors appointments for blood work, cardiovascular tests. etc... (they really are lovely lovely people, though)
Our district middle school has gone to two week quarantine/full remote starting Monday due to two pos. cases in the building following the closure of the next district over. I expect the high school to follow as they share buses with the middle. Sports are/will be cancelled shortly. The schools have been very quick in their reactions and that's comforting. The three most populated counties are now in the yellow.
It's still the aftermath of the wedding upstate and who knows how widespread it'll go- but it isn't looking good. It continues to ripple through the counties.
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Welp...and so it begins again. We have two positive in my district and a neighboring HS had to close for deep cleaning because of positive/s.
Surprising that FL relaxed all restrictions @Arcadian ! Stay well!
Stay healthy and buckle up all!!!

I have been checking this site often in NY. Very useful.

Yeah Its really rather disgusting that they've decided to move all of FL into phase 3. There's plenty that will continue to wear masks, I'm one of them. Does mean I will rely more heavily on delivery because of this.
Today was Shot #2. I was only there for couple of hours this time.

I was temp checked, BP checked, then filled out a few b its of paperwork. Then I got seen by a PA, who OKed me to get the labs. Labs were the nasal swab and blood draw. this time, they took what looked like 6 vials, could have been more. Being I do not like this part of the labs, I tried not to look directly at them.

Back to the room, then 2 more people came in for the shot. They had me identify myself, then I got the shot. A wait 30 minutes, temp checked, then sent home.

Spot is not sore, at the moment, no headache. I have to now enter infomation into my e-diary for the next 7 days.
@jaaron I wanted to let you know I did ask about people who do get covid in between shots. Basically they will keep those people as long as they can make their visits.

Also I asked if we would be asked to expose ourselves. The answer was no, they do not want us to knowingly expose ourselves to covid because 1. double blind study no one knows who got what at the research center. and 2. being novel, there's no cure and while we could get treated if sick, there would be the only thing they could do. basically they don't want people dying and sacrificing themselves for science. However if we do get sick it would be paid for, this is up including hospitalization. In some studies they do want you to expose yourself (wow that didn't sound

During my last discussion with them prior to this visit they let me know that I didn't have covid, and they would tell us that much (well I also asked will we be told if we have antibodies. I got a weird non answer on that. one RA said it would depend on your other tests (whatever that means!!). Is that a clue of who got what? maybe. In general a study partner in these types of black box studies has no clue who gets what. In general I should know something before my next visit October 21. Will update what type of answer I get.

What they will be looking for is a particularly strong Antibody response with higher than typical Tcell counts.

Last night, I had one issue that I was concerned, I woke up from deep sleep, I felt absolutely awful (hot, itchy, achy, then freezing cold sweats with da-poops!!!) then after about 1-2 hours all of it was gone. Could have been something I ate for dinner that didn't agree(he ate the same thing, no illness for him)could have been pretty high immune response? Not sure. But no headache this time, no hives at all and barely any soreness at the injection site. so, might not even be related.

I recall only once that I had a similar response to the flu vaccine. It happened only one time and my goodness it was a rough few hours!! After that I've never had such a reaction again, even though I've gotten the shot year after year.

This is a pretty cool vaccine tracker as to who is doing what in what phase.
Here is something to lighten the mood! Wacky Covid rules in Australia.

Whilst our government has handled Covid very well, there have been some very humourous rules which have been developed along the way as we adapt to our "Covid Normal".

I wasn't for the first several months, but am now. Before we got engaged, my now husband had it. It was bad, he ended up in ICU, and still has some fairly serious effects from it. In a conversation with his doctor in August, his doc told him that they can't say how much immunity he has, or how long he'll keep it. Plus, his overall immune system is now compromised. The doctor also told him that is he gets is again it'll almost certainly kill him. So yeah, I'm worried.
I wasn't for the first several months, but am now. Before we got engaged, my now husband had it. It was bad, he ended up in ICU, and still has some fairly serious effects from it. In a conversation with his doctor in August, his doc told him that they can't say how much immunity he has, or how long he'll keep it. Plus, his overall immune system is now compromised. The doctor also told him that is he gets is again it'll almost certainly kill him. So yeah, I'm worried.

I’m so sorry @Rons Wolfe That‘s horrifying...I can see why you’re worried. I hope he stays well..My son had it..He still gets winded if he does a lot of walking. He ran marathons before Covid . Every time I read that people say it’s not that bad or a hoax I want to scream. You never know if the symptoms will be mild or devastating. I hope we find a vaccine. I’m worried too.
DH was sick over the weekend and got tested on Monday, he tested positive this morning. Thankfully seems to have been a mild infection, rather amazing too considering he is considered high risk.
DH was sick over the weekend and got tested on Monday, he tested positive this morning. Thankfully seems to have been a mild infection, rather amazing too considering he is considered high risk.

I can’t like this @YadaYadaYada I‘m relieved to hear he is having mild symptoms...Is he isolating from you and your children?
DH was sick over the weekend and got tested on Monday, he tested positive this morning. Thankfully seems to have been a mild infection, rather amazing too considering he is considered high risk.

I can’t like this @YadaYadaYada I‘m relieved to hear he is having mild symptoms...Is he isolating from you and your children?

ugh. So sorry to hear your DH has Covid but relieved it’s a “mild” case and hope he recovers soon and fully. May you and your children stay well @YadaYadaYada
@MamaBee, he isn’t isolated because our house is so small, no basement. He is wearing a mask in the house though. The kids have been distance learning so at least we don’t have to worry about kids/teachers at school being exposed.

@missy and @Gussie thanks for the well wishes:wavey:
@MamaBee, he isn’t isolated because our house is so small, no basement. He is wearing a mask in the house though. The kids have been distance learning so at least we don’t have to worry about kids/teachers at school being exposed.

@missy and @Gussie thanks for the well wishes:wavey:

I hope everyone stays well @YadaYadaYada..