
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?

Niece tested positive. My parents have been watching her after school so they’re likely to be infected too. They’re all self quarantining. My family will most likely be ok because we haven’t had in-person contact with them for weeks.

Oh no! I hope her symptoms are mild and she fully recovers quickly and your parents stay healthy.
Niece tested positive. My parents have been watching her after school so they’re likely to be infected too. They’re all self quarantining. My family will most likely be ok because we haven’t had in-person contact with them for weeks.

I’m really sorry to hear about your niece. Keep us posted about your parents.
DH is still at 7 hours per day at work. Not able to do the full 8 yet. Dr has referred him to cardiologist and pulmonologist just to get checked to be sure there isn't damage that needs addressed. I am trying to get his cardiologist appointment changed to virtual. They have recent BP readings and EKG so this is just an office visit to talk and have tests ordered. Why go into a hospital with so many new cases in the area just to talk!?!? The scheduling person said not to worry if DH coughs while waiting for his appointment because it is a hospital and lots of people are walking around coughing there :eek-2:. I just spoke with the front desk person in the office (phone call) and she was coughing badly as we were on the phone. Not going to be happy if they insist on an in person right now!
Niece tested positive. My parents have been watching her after school so they’re likely to be infected too. They’re all self quarantining. My family will most likely be ok because we haven’t had in-person contact with them for weeks.

Oh wow thats awful :cry2: Lots of healing dust! Hoping that they didn't get it and if they did that it will be uneventful.

@TooPatient exasperating I'm sure. In this country "its just a little cold" used to be the norm until covid and people would just go about their day. I'm sure thats still the case though I was reading on my local neighborhood board someone got put out of a store for coughing too much.....
I have been exposed to the virus, my mom's boyfriend is currently in the hospital fighting for his life, my mom miraculously does not have it she got a rapid test done, I was tested last Thursday today is day 13 from exposure I have no symptoms, I went to my mom's new place 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I wore a mask the entire time and never touched either of them but I am being very caution and got tested...
I have been exposed to the virus, my mom's boyfriend is currently in the hospital fighting for his life, my mom miraculously does not have it she got a rapid test done, I was tested last Thursday today is day 13 from exposure I have no symptoms, I went to my mom's new place 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I wore a mask the entire time and never touched either of them but I am being very caution and got tested...

Oh my @diamondringlover I am so sorry :(
I am sending you and your mom's boyfriend many well wishes and bucketloads of healing dust for him. May your mom and you remain well and may her bf fully recover. (((Hugs)))
I have been exposed to the virus, my mom's boyfriend is currently in the hospital fighting for his life, my mom miraculously does not have it she got a rapid test done, I was tested last Thursday today is day 13 from exposure I have no symptoms, I went to my mom's new place 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I wore a mask the entire time and never touched either of them but I am being very caution and got tested...

@diamondringlover fingers crossed for you, may it result in a negative

may your mother remain healthy. and may her boyfriend recover speedily, without residual lasting effects
I have been exposed to the virus, my mom's boyfriend is currently in the hospital fighting for his life, my mom miraculously does not have it she got a rapid test done, I was tested last Thursday today is day 13 from exposure I have no symptoms, I went to my mom's new place 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I wore a mask the entire time and never touched either of them but I am being very caution and got tested...

I’m so sorry about your mom’s boyfriend @diamondringlover TG you wore a mask when you went to visit them. I hope he comes through okay..
DH is still at 7 hours per day at work. Not able to do the full 8 yet. Dr has referred him to cardiologist and pulmonologist just to get checked to be sure there isn't damage that needs addressed. I am trying to get his cardiologist appointment changed to virtual. They have recent BP readings and EKG so this is just an office visit to talk and have tests ordered. Why go into a hospital with so many new cases in the area just to talk!?!? The scheduling person said not to worry if DH coughs while waiting for his appointment because it is a hospital and lots of people are walking around coughing there :eek-2:. I just spoke with the front desk person in the office (phone call) and she was coughing badly as we were on the phone. Not going to be happy if they insist on an in person right now!

@TooPatient I agree with you. I would try to get him into a smaller..non hospital setting to see a cardiologist. He should probably have a echocardiogram to check his heart for damage. My cardiologist does it in his office. You could also take him to a pulmonologist too.
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Niece tested positive. My parents have been watching her after school so they’re likely to be infected too. They’re all self quarantining. My family will most likely be ok because we haven’t had in-person contact with them for weeks.

Oh no @chrono I hope your parents and niece will be okay..
Niece tested positive. My parents have been watching her after school so they’re likely to be infected too. They’re all self quarantining. My family will most likely be ok because we haven’t had in-person contact with them for weeks.

That's so upsetting. I hope your parents are okay and will not catch it. Hope your niece and her family do well too.
@TooPatient I agree with you. I would try to get him into a smaller..non hospital setting to see a cardiologist. He should probably have a echocardiogram to check his heart for damage. My cardiologist does it in his office. You could also take him to a pulmonologist too.

He is waiting for pulmonologist to schedule, but that is another huge hospital with lots of cases. In office echocardiogram is cool! I will have to make some calls. The way this place does it is you have a visit with the cardiologist (him behind a desk, never even a BP check) then sent for testing. Scheduling calls for each. Each test is a different department on a different day. It is crazy!
He is waiting for pulmonologist to schedule, but that is another huge hospital with lots of cases. In office echocardiogram is cool! I will have to make some calls. The way this place does it is you have a visit with the cardiologist (him behind a desk, never even a BP check) then sent for testing. Scheduling calls for each. Each test is a different department on a different day. It is crazy!

My cardiologist’s office does my ekg first for an annual visit......He will then come in the room and chat with me while we sit on regular chairs..My doctor is highly regarded because he very good but down to earth...When I need to get an echocardiogram every few’s done as a scheduled visit...I would go back two weeks later for a result. This February I will go for the echo in the office but do a telemedicine visit after that to minimize the risk. You can definitely find a great cardiologist where it’s one stop shopping. You don’t need to go to a hospital to get these tests done.
I have been exposed to the virus, my mom's boyfriend is currently in the hospital fighting for his life,

Best wishes for your mom’s boyfriend and all those attending him. I hope he beats the covid!
Niece is doing really well. Just sore throat and no other symptoms. She went to the MD thinking it was allergies and doctor said let's test since you are here and viola, test was positive. They would not have known or tested otherwise. Her father has since tested positive. So far nothing worse than cold symptoms.

I hope the rest here will fare equally well.
Niece is doing really well. Just sore throat and no other symptoms. She went to the MD thinking it was allergies and doctor said let's test since you are here and viola, test was positive. They would not have known or tested otherwise. Her father has since tested positive. So far nothing worse than cold symptoms.

I hope the rest here will fare equally well.

I’m so happy she and her dad are doing well...

glad and relieved the tests came back negative. may you and your family remain healthy safe and strong

glad and relieved the tests came back negative. may you and your family remain healthy safe and strong

Still waiting on the COVID test to come back for daughter and her s/o. Flu tests negative.
Thank you so much! Let's hope we all stay safe, not much longer to go till vaccine.
Still waiting on the COVID test to come back for daughter and her s/o. Flu tests negative.
Thank you so much! Let's hope we all stay safe, not much longer to go till vaccine.

fingers FIRMLY crossed for your daughter and her significant other that the covid tests result in a negative. yes, yes, from your your mouth to "you know who's ears" ... to not only stay safe, but to grow strong and thrive ...
My late father’s caretaker’s roommate was hospitalized yesterday with covid and pneumonia. My friend is distraught because she’s an essential worker, and she’s convinced she brought the covid into the household. They live in a rural area that had a very low positive rate until just a few weeks ago.
Mum is very sick and we suspect COVID-19 from my niece. Rushed to Urgent Care tonight for testing.

@VRBeauty I understand the guilt factor but in this case, it’s out of our control or not done so intentionally. An example is my family situation. I would hate for my niece to beat herself over passing it unknowingly to my mother.
Mum is very sick and we suspect COVID-19 from my niece. Rushed to Urgent Care tonight for testing.

@VRBeauty I understand the guilt factor but in this case, it’s out of our control or not done so intentionally. An example is my family situation. I would hate for my niece to beat herself over passing it unknowingly to my mother.

I hope everything turns out well for your mom!
My late father’s caretaker’s roommate was hospitalized yesterday with covid and pneumonia. My friend is distraught because she’s an essential worker, and she’s convinced she brought the covid into the household. They live in a rural area that had a very low positive rate until just a few weeks ago.

I'm so sorry to hear it. That must be one of the hardest things in this pandemic.

Mum is very sick and we suspect COVID-19 from my niece. Rushed to Urgent Care tonight for testing.

@VRBeauty I understand the guilt factor but in this case, it’s out of our control or not done so intentionally. An example is my family situation. I would hate for my niece to beat herself over passing it unknowingly to my mother.

Chrono, so sorry to hear your Mum is sick. Hope she recovers quickly. These times are so tough.
fingers FIRMLY crossed for your daughter and her significant other that the covid tests result in a negative. yes, yes, from your your mouth to "you know who's ears" ... to not only stay safe, but to grow strong and thrive ...

No word yet. Their fevers have seemed to be gone and they are feeling better. If they have COVID, they have a light case. They are staying quarantined.
No word yet. Their fevers have seemed to be gone and they are feeling better. If they have COVID, they have a light case. They are staying quarantined.

at the very least, discomfort and symptoms have subsided, that is good and probably most important of all ... staying quarantined until the results indicate a *negative* (sigh)
i do hope and pray your mother makes a speedy recovery with minimal residual affects

im hoping your friend, the essential worker, will not be too rough on herself. she's done and will continue to do so much good in putting herself at risk just by going into work. this pandemic is rough on everyone especially the frontline workers, essential workers and first responders
Sending healing dust to your mom @chrono I hope she recovers quickly.
@chrono , I’m sorry. Sending get well dust to your mum and hope she is feeling better soon.

@MMtwo , So happy to hear your daughter and her SO are feeling better. Hopefully the test will come back negative.
@chrono I’m sorry about your mom. I hope she starts feeling better soon.