
Argh help please - some workout advice?

It affects my confidence too. I was obese in my late teens / early 20's, then lost 8 stone over 2.5 years by sheer bloody mindedness, willpower & hard work. I reached my goal weight & size 12 when I was 24 (I'm quite tall & broad, so this is the ideal size for me otherwise I get too bony) & was lucky to have continued to work super hard & stayed trim & fit. I only gained 25lbs & 23lbs with my pregnancies & was one of those annoying people who were back in their jeans after 3 weeks.

So at this stage now, I am realising how much our hormones play in the shape of our bodies as women age. This isn't a normal thing for me - I'm a size 14 now & feel chubby, even though I don't really look that way to other people. I don't like it.

I love gardening & I love my garden, but since the winter hit & I cleared away the last of the fallen leaves, there's nothing to do out there. And man alive, it's been cold! I also walk a lot. We live really rural & I drag the kids & Mr T out most days for fresh air. When I look at what I do on paper, i'd expect to see a six pack :lol:

I have always said that I wanted to be in the shape of my life when I hit 50, just because, and now I'm realising why us ladies get a bit bigger at that age instead. I hugely admire Davina McCall & how she looks. Her face is a little drawn, but I think she's amazing & to think she only started to get fit at my age inspires me.

I'm feeling focused & if nothing else, I just want to still be fit & strong. Having said that, I've been on PS since earlier, sat here in my runners, so I really need to get outside & into those fields before the kids start asking what's for lunch!

Did you manage your run Alex?

I totally get you, 14 isn’t big and nobody else is thinking it but it isn’t your happy weight. I am a size 12 at the moment. For a good 10 years before having children I was a 10 though and that’s where I would like to get back to.

I think davina looks amazing, that furore over her dress the other day was hilarious :lol-2:. I did a thread a while back when I was trying to get a string of turquoise beads to recreate her necklace look so I even aspire to her jewellery!
Have you tried any of her workouts? I know someone recommended them earlier in the thread, think they might be my next port of call.
It's rubbish, isn't it?! I'm also finding that even though I recover from my runs relatively quickly, I stay red faced, hot cheeked & flushed for about 30 minutes. I've not started with the dreaded sweats or anything yet, but this flushing for so long after running started around August, the same time everything else was turning to shit & I ended up at the GP's for all the blood work.

But we will keep chipping away. Going for a long walk with the girls after lunch whilst they're not tied to their desks & then will find 15 mins later on to lift some weights.

Keep us posted on how you get on. It'll be good to have someone my age with a similar battle to keep motivated.

Re the flush red thing that has always been me after any form of high intensity exercise all my life!
I’m a similar age to you and @Alex T and am also struggling with under arms and stomach flab as I age. All these lockdowns certainly haven’t helped but I think the underlying issue is definitely ageing. So I’m joining you all in upping the exercise and (trying to) eat better. It’s hard work!

I feel a real temptation to hold my bingo wing with my other hand as I wave. I would look seriously weird but at least it wouldn’t flap :oops:
My mum and I try Joe Wickes every now and then, we both choose which YouTube video to watch, press start at the same time, while doing a WhatsApp video call, so we can see/hear each other. But then I end up shouting "me and mum are doing Joe Wickes in the kitchen" which doesn't sound quite right:oops:

It does sound like you are having far more excitement than the rest of the country though :lol:
Did you manage your run Alex?

I totally get you, 14 isn’t big and nobody else is thinking it but it isn’t your happy weight. I am a size 12 at the moment. For a good 10 years before having children I was a 10 though and that’s where I would like to get back to.

I think davina looks amazing, that furore over her dress the other day was hilarious :lol-2:. I did a thread a while back when I was trying to get a string of turquoise beads to recreate her necklace look so I even aspire to her jewellery!
Have you tried any of her workouts? I know someone recommended them earlier in the thread, think they might be my next port of call.

The Davina recommendation was probably me - I’ve got years worth of her dvds from since I had kids, as they were cheaper and easier than getting to the gym. I prefer the more recent ones - body buff and toned in 10 - as you can cut sections together yourself to make a tailored workout that fits into whatever time you’ve got available. The toned in 10 is quite similar to Callanetics (blast from the past & the early 90s) or barre, so you might not enjoy that based on what you said earlier.

(and I’m giggling at your holding your bingo wings while you wave comment - if you can work out a surreptitious way to do it, please share!)
Did you manage your run Alex?

I totally get you, 14 isn’t big and nobody else is thinking it but it isn’t your happy weight. I am a size 12 at the moment. For a good 10 years before having children I was a 10 though and that’s where I would like to get back to.

I think davina looks amazing, that furore over her dress the other day was hilarious :lol-2:. I did a thread a while back when I was trying to get a string of turquoise beads to recreate her necklace look so I even aspire to her jewellery!
Have you tried any of her workouts? I know someone recommended them earlier in the thread, think they might be my next port of call.

I did manage a quick 7k run & for a change it was really warm at 10c. I ended up taking my jacket off & tying around my waist! And to think that when I ran last Friday it was -6c & blowing an icy hooley is unreal :-o

And this afternoon the girls & I walked down the bridle tracks for 30 minutes, then turned around & headed home. I don't wear a FitBit, but my youngest clocked up 6.5k steps on our walk, so I've done well today & been carb free, except for the few wedges i had with dinner. Hopefully if i can keep going this week with activity & no carbs, i might feel a bit less bloated by wkend.

Thanks for the Davina workout recommendations & I'll definitely check them out. I crush her jewellery too! You know what i'm like with bracelets - i LOVE the heavy yellow good ones she wears. I loved her wedding set (even zoomed in to examine on several occasions & I'm pretty sure they were Cartier) & the eternity she wore on her RH. I just crush her completely.
I did manage a quick 7k run & for a change it was really warm at 10c. I ended up taking my jacket off & tying around my waist! And to think that when I ran last Friday it was -6c & blowing an icy hooley is unreal :-o

And this afternoon the girls & I walked down the bridle tracks for 30 minutes, then turned around & headed home. I don't wear a FitBit, but my youngest clocked up 6.5k steps on our walk, so I've done well today & been carb free, except for the few wedges i had with dinner. Hopefully if i can keep going this week with activity & no carbs, i might feel a bit less bloated by wkend.

Thanks for the Davina workout recommendations & I'll definitely check them out. I crush her jewellery too! You know what i'm like with bracelets - i LOVE the heavy yellow good ones she wears. I loved her wedding set (even zoomed in to examine on several occasions & I'm pretty sure they were Cartier) & the eternity she wore on her RH. I just crush her completely.

Oh wow check you out. I’ve done an hours walk, 10 mins on the bike and planning a joe wicks beginners hiit (I tend to do them late otherwise I get disturbed) but I’m also about to eat a slice of chocolate fridge cake which has been winking at me seductively from the fridge all day. That’s it then for the rest of the month promise.
Re davina only had eyes for her turquoise necklace will now try and find her wedding set and heavy yellow gold bracelets!
The Davina recommendation was probably me - I’ve got years worth of her dvds from since I had kids, as they were cheaper and easier than getting to the gym. I prefer the more recent ones - body buff and toned in 10 - as you can cut sections together yourself to make a tailored workout that fits into whatever time you’ve got available. The toned in 10 is quite similar to Callanetics (blast from the past & the early 90s) or barre, so you might not enjoy that based on what you said earlier.

(and I’m giggling at your holding your bingo wings while you wave comment - if you can work out a surreptitious way to do it, please share!)

Right I am going to look properly at Davina, especially as we me and @Alex T seem to be starting a fan club.

Dunno about the bingo wings. Some sort of Clips and string contraption :lol-2:
How are you doing, ladies? I'm doing ok. The weekend before last I wore a pair of my now too tight jeans for pottering around in, and they were SO tight around my bloated abdomen that I got into my pj's at 3pm as I felt awful & they were actually hurting. Had a naughty weekend & some Prosecco, but was then good again during last week. I did pull my back "doing Joe" :lol: last Tues so had to walk lots instead of running or HIIT workouts, but managed a few miles each morning during those hours & felt ok. Back was agony & I couldn't sleep the first night I pulled it, which is the same pull I've done in the past & just muscular.

This weekend gone I wore the same tight jeans to tidy out in the garden & whilst they were still tight & I had to cover my muffin top, there was definite improvement in their comfort & I wore them all day, bending, weeding, chopping, brushing etc. Even managed a 5 mile walk in them with the family on Sunday. Maybe carbs make me swell these days??

Yesterday I was good again & once the kids were online, I went out walking for an hour. This morning I'm going to attempt to do a 20 minute Joe as my back is feeling more settled, but might have to take twisting movements easy.

What's going down in your hood?
I’m 4 weeks into a 6 week exercise blitz to get me back into my old (pre-Covid lockdowns) habits, but have only managed a 1 pound weight loss, which is more than a little annoying. I do feel better for it so I’m hoping the looking better part will follow soon :lol:
I’m 4 weeks into a 6 week exercise blitz to get me back into my old (pre-Covid lockdowns) habits, but have only managed a 1 pound weight loss, which is more than a little annoying. I do feel better for it so I’m hoping the looking better part will follow soon :lol:

It's all about the feeling good to me. The looking good definitely follows, so well done you!

I gave up on the scales for the most part many years ago. I get a bit obsessed with everything (i no longer wear a fit bit as I got hung up on the heart rate (is it too fast, shouldn't it have slowed down by now, am I dying??) sort of thing) and a similar thing happened with my weight once I had reached target all those years ago. It's just not good for my personal mental health, so I have stuck quite strictly to how my clothes feel & look. The last time I was weighed was a year ago, just to see what exactly had stubbornly creeped on.

I try to focus each day lately on moving as much as I can, even if it's marching on the spot for half an hour watching the news etc. I have definitely done many more steps these last 2 weeks & I'm feeling quite focused on facing everyone i know come June 21st looking as healthy & glowing as I can.
I used to focus on clothes tightness, but realised quite late in the day that a year spent in elasticated waist yoga pants (courtesy of Covid) was giving me an overly flattering impression of my waist measurement! I need to put jeans on once a week...
I used to focus on clothes tightness, but realised quite late in the day that a year spent in elasticated waist yoga pants (courtesy of Covid) was giving me an overly flattering impression of my waist measurement! I need to put jeans on once a week...

I wear jeans almost every day of the week, so it's always been a good barometer for me.

I've finished Joe & I'm all ready to head off to school. Just doing some marching on the spot whilst browsing here & drinking a lovely coffee.
How are you doing, ladies? I'm doing ok. The weekend before last I wore a pair of my now too tight jeans for pottering around in, and they were SO tight around my bloated abdomen that I got into my pj's at 3pm as I felt awful & they were actually hurting. Had a naughty weekend & some Prosecco, but was then good again during last week. I did pull my back "doing Joe" :lol: last Tues so had to walk lots instead of running or HIIT workouts, but managed a few miles each morning during those hours & felt ok. Back was agony & I couldn't sleep the first night I pulled it, which is the same pull I've done in the past & just muscular.

This weekend gone I wore the same tight jeans to tidy out in the garden & whilst they were still tight & I had to cover my muffin top, there was definite improvement in their comfort & I wore them all day, bending, weeding, chopping, brushing etc. Even managed a 5 mile walk in them with the family on Sunday. Maybe carbs make me swell these days??

Yesterday I was good again & once the kids were online, I went out walking for an hour. This morning I'm going to attempt to do a 20 minute Joe as my back is feeling more settled, but might have to take twisting movements easy.

What's going down in your hood?

Jeans? What are they? Have you not heard of leggings? My favourite outfit is leggings and a big floating blouse. Fat lady chic I call it. Cull the jeans. (But well done on the fact they fit better this week).
I am massively avoiding carbs weighed myself yesterday I have lost 12 pounds since the beginning of January. 15 pounds was my goal hopefully by my birthday in just over a week. I don’t think I will make that but that’s ok. I feel I have done well. Quite a few takeouts but massively reduced alcohol and with that choc as they go hand in hand for me. I am giving myself 4 drink nights a month and really enjoying myself when I do.
Like you I have massively increased my steps, still doing Joe :lol: but his exertions did my leg and back in the other day so I’ve decided to cut back on our meet ups and do some recumbent biking instead which aside from making me sweat like a b****h doesnt leave me hobbling around.
I’m 4 weeks into a 6 week exercise blitz to get me back into my old (pre-Covid lockdowns) habits, but have only managed a 1 pound weight loss, which is more than a little annoying. I do feel better for it so I’m hoping the looking better part will follow soon :lol:

That’s a pita but it took me a few weeks to start loosing anything so you are not alone. It will come.
I wear jeans almost every day of the week, so it's always been a good barometer for me.

I've finished Joe & I'm all ready to head off to school. Just doing some marching on the spot whilst browsing here & drinking a lovely coffee.

I’ve got a mental image of you marching! School though, I did a double take but presume you teach or work there? We are all counting down the days in this house!
Jeans? What are they? Have you not heard of leggings? My favourite outfit is leggings and a big floating blouse. Fat lady chic I call it. Cull the jeans. (But well done on the fact they fit better this week).
I am massively avoiding carbs weighed myself yesterday I have lost 12 pounds since the beginning of January. 15 pounds was my goal hopefully by my birthday in just over a week. I don’t think I will make that but that’s ok. I feel I have done well. Quite a few takeouts but massively reduced alcohol and with that choc as they go hand in hand for me. I am giving myself 4 drink nights a month and really enjoying myself when I do.
Like you I have massively increased my steps, still doing Joe :lol: but his exertions did my leg and back in the other day so I’ve decided to cut back on our meet ups and do some recumbent biking instead which aside from making me sweat like a b****h doesnt leave me hobbling around.

That's an AMAZING amount of weight to have lost since January! I am in complete awe! You must be really cutting back & working hard - any tips?!! Pretty please?!! I just feel everything is so slow, no matter what I seem to do.

Yes, I work at a Primary School & have been in right through with Key Worker chlldren. I work for 2 hours, before, during & after lunch break, to take charge of first aid, safeguarding, the lunch staff, Midday Assistants & general bossing around. It gives all teaching staff a break whilst I'm in, and right now they need all the breaks they can get, bless their exhausted little cottons. I left my role in Engineering & IT Management when I had my eldest, going back to doing this new role when my youngest stared school, after 7 years at home. It was a whole new challenge for me & a lot of training, from the first aid to the safeguarding to counselling etc, but it is hands down the most rewarding job I have ever had & I love it. Plus it leaves me free to get my own children to & from school, exercise, clean, shop & just keep the house going whilst Mr T is busy.
That's an AMAZING amount of weight to have lost since January! I am in complete awe! You must be really cutting back & working hard - any tips?!! Pretty please?!! I just feel everything is so slow, no matter what I seem to do.

Yes, I work at a Primary School & have been in right through with Key Worker chlldren. I work for 2 hours, before, during & after lunch break, to take charge of first aid, safeguarding, the lunch staff, Midday Assistants & general bossing around. It gives all teaching staff a break whilst I'm in, and right now they need all the breaks they can get, bless their exhausted little cottons. I left my role in Engineering & IT Management when I had my eldest, going back to doing this new role when my youngest stared school, after 7 years at home. It was a whole new challenge for me & a lot of training, from the first aid to the safeguarding to counselling etc, but it is hands down the most rewarding job I have ever had & I love it. Plus it leaves me free to get my own children to & from school, exercise, clean, shop & just keep the house going whilst Mr T is busy.

That sounds like a great job Alex and definitely needed at the moment!
I don’t know that I have any tips but this is what I am doing.
I am exercising plenty - a walk everyday (varies between 1/2hr to 1hr though I’ve done two last few days). I am doing joe wicks/exercise bike 4-6 times a week for about 20 mins a time.
I try and restrict my eating to 8/9 hour window. I don’t do breakfast because it doesn’t fit in my window, I am a night owl. If I am really hungry I will have fruit or a no added sugar yogurt. I don’t want to deprive myself. Lunch is salad with chicken or prawns/egg/soup/fish fingers and veg. I need to get a bit more imaginative :???:
Generally I have tried to cut back on my carb, fat and sugar intake. When we all eat together (3/4 days a week, homecooked) I have a smaller portion than I used to, have brown rice instead of white, try and make sure half my plate has green veg. When we eat separately I generally have fish/chicken/pasta. I got pasta tonight and I will have wholegrain recommended portion with a little bit of sauce and parmesan and an entire packet of broccoli on the side! With the fish or chicken I will have a load of green veg or roasted courgette/pepper.
I suspect I am a little low on carbs and high on fat. I will try and adjust this at some point.
Everyday I always have a tin of pears or peaches and a no added sugar yogurt, I love the light & free ones. I love sweet treats.
I reckon we have a takeout about every 10 days during the last couple of months and we also celebrated Valentine’s Day and my husbands birthday.
That sounds like a great job Alex and definitely needed at the moment!
I don’t know that I have any tips but this is what I am doing.
I am exercising plenty - a walk everyday (varies between 1/2hr to 1hr though I’ve done two last few days). I am doing joe wicks/exercise bike 4-6 times a week for about 20 mins a time.
I try and restrict my eating to 8/9 hour window. I don’t do breakfast because it doesn’t fit in my window, I am a night owl. If I am really hungry I will have fruit or a no added sugar yogurt. I don’t want to deprive myself. Lunch is salad with chicken or prawns/egg/soup/fish fingers and veg. I need to get a bit more imaginative :???:
Generally I have tried to cut back on my carb, fat and sugar intake. When we all eat together (3/4 days a week, homecooked) I have a smaller portion than I used to, have brown rice instead of white, try and make sure half my plate has green veg. When we eat separately I generally have fish/chicken/pasta. I got pasta tonight and I will have wholegrain recommended portion with a little bit of sauce and parmesan and an entire packet of broccoli on the side! With the fish or chicken I will have a load of green veg or roasted courgette/pepper.
I suspect I am a little low on carbs and high on fat. I will try and adjust this at some point.
Everyday I always have a tin of pears or peaches and a no added sugar yogurt, I love the light & free ones. I love sweet treats.
I reckon we have a takeout about every 10 days during the last couple of months and we also celebrated Valentine’s Day and my husbands birthday.

Wow, thanks so much for writing all of that info for me! Do you mind reminding me how old you are? I will be 47 in June & I just feel my age & hormones are stacked against me. I eat so healthy, all home cooked low carb, only ever brown pasta or rice & never on consecutive evenings etc. And I exercise 5 days a week, plus walking regularly in the fields here, at least every other day but often daily. Urgh! It's hard!
Wow, thanks so much for writing all of that info for me! Do you mind reminding me how old you are? I will be 47 in June & I just feel my age & hormones are stacked against me. I eat so healthy, all home cooked low carb, only ever brown pasta or rice & never on consecutive evenings etc. And I exercise 5 days a week, plus walking regularly in the fields here, at least every other day but often daily. Urgh! It's hard!

No worries. 36 next week and yes I agree I am that bit younger and it makes it easier, though I wouldn’t say it’s easy at any age to loose weight If you are not overweight in the first place. I did have about 3 weeks to begin with where I barely lost anything. I read recently that you have to reduce calorie intake as you get older to avoid weight gain. I think regardless of whether I was watching what I ate I would have lost anyway (albeit more slowly) just from cutting out chocolate and wine and also from starting to exercise a bit more again.
No worries. 36 next week and yes I agree I am that bit younger and it makes it easier, though I wouldn’t say it’s easy at any age to loose weight If you are not overweight in the first place. I did have about 3 weeks to begin with where I barely lost anything. I read recently that you have to reduce calorie intake as you get older to avoid weight gain. I think regardless of whether I was watching what I ate I would have lost anyway (albeit more slowly) just from cutting out chocolate and wine and also from starting to exercise a bit more again.

Age is definitely a factor. Up until I turned about 42, if i needed to shed a few pounds I could do it in a couple of weeks & it would stay off. Getting older is great in many ways, but crap in others :lol:
I gained about 25lb last year from not exercising (gym closed which was a big part of my regular routine) minimal to no outdoor activity, overeating and snacking.
I got a treadmill in Dec, I made a commitment to powerwalk everyday at least 3 miles. I have exceeded that most days. I walk 2.5miles before work on an incline to make it harder. I walk another 2 miles in the evening, I increased my step goal to 15,000 step a day. I added intermittent fasting 5 days a week ( for me it's easier when I am working than weekend when I am at home
I have lost about 15lbs.
I gained about 25lb last year from not exercising (gym closed which was a big part of my regular routine) minimal to no outdoor activity, overeating and snacking.
I got a treadmill in Dec, I made a commitment to powerwalk everyday at least 3 miles. I have exceeded that most days. I walk 2.5miles before work on an incline to make it harder. I walk another 2 miles in the evening, I increased my step goal to 15,000 step a day. I added intermittent fasting 5 days a week ( for me it's easier when I am working than weekend when I am at home
I have lost about 15lbs.

Oooh Well done, looks like you have lost a lot more than that as well!
I gained about 25lb last year from not exercising (gym closed which was a big part of my regular routine) minimal to no outdoor activity, overeating and snacking.
I got a treadmill in Dec, I made a commitment to powerwalk everyday at least 3 miles. I have exceeded that most days. I walk 2.5miles before work on an incline to make it harder. I walk another 2 miles in the evening, I increased my step goal to 15,000 step a day. I added intermittent fasting 5 days a week ( for me it's easier when I am working than weekend when I am at home
I have lost about 15lbs.

Go girl! You look fabulous & it definitely looks like you've lost more weight than that- you've definitely toned up & look amazing!
Go girl! You look fabulous & it definitely looks like you've lost more weight than that- you've definitely toned up & look amazing!

Thanks. I will take another pic in the same outfit. It's not as drastic as the second picture. I am doing strength classes a few times a week on the peloton app to tone
Oooh Well done, looks like you have lost a lot more than that as well!
I’m down about five lbs since the beginning of January- not dramatic, but slow and steady. I have been eating healthier with way less alcohol and dessert, and sticking with running or power walking at least 5 days a week with some strength training. Nothing dramatic, but I am not good with very restrictive diets or intermittent fasting- I end up feeling really sick and get migraines and then can’t exercise and overeat on carbs and junk! So this is better for me in the long run :) I’m hoping to be down another 10 by July which is totally do-able and will be my goal pre-pandemic weight.

Thanks. I will take another pic in the same outfit. It's not as drastic as the second picture. I am doing strength classes a few times a week on the peloton app to tone

Great work! You're looking good and I bet feeling fantastic as well. I always tell myself that no matter how I get the miles in- running or walking- it's doing my body good!
Great work! You're looking good and I bet feeling fantastic as well. I always tell myself that no matter how I get the miles in- running or walking- it's doing my body good!

You are right, my 44 yr old knees feel like they are 60, so I can't run to save my life. I still find ways to work up a sweat.
You are right, my 44 yr old knees feel like they are 60, so I can't run to save my life. I still find ways to work up a sweat.

totally! I transitioned to doing mostly run/walk intervals and my knees are thanking me.