
arrest made in Jon Benet Ramsey case!!!

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he is a creepy unstable pedophile. he was obsessed with Polly Klaas and JonBenet Ramsey. He is clearly up to no good and should never be allowed around kids ever again. Even if this is all about attention and noteriety and getting out of Thailand's great jails, he should never be allowed to be near kids again, PERIOD. I agree he had the creepiest looking eyes and expression. I read somewhere he wanted to become a male to female transsexual. He has major issues and needs to be off the streets. Any DNA news yet?
No match in DNA...I had a feeling this guy was a serious mental case...

And flew this freak home BUSINESS class.
and, per CNN...

"Boulder, Colorado, D.A. drops charges against John Mark Karr in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case, according to Karr''s attorney."
Well this doesn''t surprise me. The more he opened his mouth the more doubt I had.

Wanting people to think he did it is almost as disturbing as actually doing it...
There are rumors that was wanted on charges in Thailand and this was his way out, because jail in the US is a much more pleasant experience. That is less likely than the reports that he was to start teaching in an all girls school in Thailand on the day he was arrested and they wanted to prevent any other children from being hurt. Amazing that they arrested and extradited him without even completing a DNA test.
I saw a special on either Court TV or MSNBC made a few years ago that the evidence shows the real killer is dead, and it is related to an unsolved rape case of a girl that went to the same dance studio as Jon Benet.

Maybe now they will focus on the real killer or killers again...

All we can say for sure is Jon Mark Karr (sp?) is a total nut job!
I was watching Larry King Live, he had Bill Maher on. Bill said John Mark Karr is the Paris Hilton of Pedophiles, he is famous for nothing.

I hope they do find the real killer. And I would guess John Mark karr will have to go to CA to face the child pornography charges that were filed against him before he fled the US. He is a sicko and hopefully will be locked up. And I pray he is never allowed near children again.
Date: 8/17/2006 4:33:04 PM
Author: CaptAubrey
If this does turn out to be a false confession (been doing some more reading on it), every journalist and cop involved in this case should resign and spend the rest of their lives working for the poor.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
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