
arrest made in Jon Benet Ramsey case!!!

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I would love nothing more than to believe he is the one. Heard his brother Nate on the news...he claims this guy is a married family man, three sons. What is he doing in Thailand and what "unrelated" sex crime did he commit to land him in jail? Where is his family? The brother claims that though they lived in Atlanta as did the Ramseys, there was no link between them. How then, all those years ago, did the Ramsey;s give this guy's name to the cops? Brother also claims he does not think Karr ever spent any time in Boulder, let alone lived there, I do not know if this is true or not. There is clearly some link if it is true that the Ramsey's mentioned him. Last, his brother claims he was researching material so he could write a manuscript about crimes against children, including the Polly Klaas case, and that while he never spoke to the Ramsey's, he did internet research and asked a lot of questions, and may have ruffled feathers with his research, Does sound fishy to me, but I am sure we will hear more. I just recall the dna on her underwear, so let's match it to him or exclude him with it. Police thought there had to be someone else involved since there was not any sign of forced entry and the note demanded an amount for the ransom that was an odd number and the exact amount of the father's year end bonus. They even thought the older brother was maybe involved, jealous of all the attention she got etc. Maybe this Karr guy really knew them and had a grudge or something, and went there just to kill her, I do not know. Hopefully this will be resolved finally and someone will pay for killing that beautiful little girl. (PS, the pageant stuff at her age is a bit freaky, and I think, while it showed some weird choices on the part of the mom and dad, it does not mean they did not care about her as some of media speculated. It is creepy to see a little girl looking ike that, and it is not something I would do to a child, even though as an adult I was in a couple of pageants. I really wanted to believe the parents could not have done this, so maybe they finally will get to the truth...)
I hope that this turns out to be the person and the parents can be cleared. Too bad that Patsy Ramsey did not live to see her name cleared if that does happen. She died in June of Cancer and is now buried right next to her daughter.
Date: 8/16/2006 11:31:16 PM
Author: asscherisme
I hope that this turns out to be the person and the parents can be cleared. Too bad that Patsy Ramsey did not live to see her name cleared if that does happen. She died in June of Cancer and is now buried right next to her daughter.
On TV tonight they said that Patsy was told about this guy and knew that he would be apprehended soon. They still have unidentified male DNA in frozen storage and hopefully it will match this creep. So she did know about it before she died.
That''s the part that is heartbreaking, that she did not live to see this day. But it is good to know she knew about the suspect before she died. I agree that I don''t like kids in pageants at all, but I really believed this couple adored their little girl and I would argue with family or friends who cast suspicion on the parents.

You know, if this guy did do it, I feel sorry for his family, too. Evil deeds are often kept a secret for a long time...just think of that guy who was the serial killer and a scout leader, church leader, etc. His poor wife didn''t know! I can''t think of his name at the moment.
Even though I know the police made errors, if they catch him it will be great. I watched a show last night about a 20 year old Atlanta college girl who disappeared from a softball field where she was working and was never seen again. This was in 1995. The police intially botched it, thought she was a runaway and did not actively pursue things. Then there was a call from the kidnapper/killer, and that started the ball rolling. They linked some evidence to a guy who was married, had kids, and apparently had a violent criminal past. He has raped and tried to kill a 14 year old girl a few years earlier, and only his wife at the time arriving home saved her. Once the cops pieced it all together they were sure he was the killer, and think he killed others. They pursued it for years and finally charged him. He was convicted, too...claiming his innocence all the way. He did finally admit to it a few years later. My point is that even though the more time that passes after the commission of a crime the harder it is to solve it, there have been dedicated investigators who really are focused on justice for the victim and the families, and wants to see the perpetrator punished, even if years pass. I hope her mom is up there and knows that the case is close to being solved. I wonder what the cops said to her before she died?
Hmmmmm... I hope he is the guy... but hmmmm.... I don;t know...

Let say this is the scenerio.

Pshyco man gets cuaght doing something bad in Bangkok... Psyhco man does not want to be in Bangkok where the prisons are really prisons. Physco man decides he is going to say that he killed JB and then he knows he will be extradited back to US. .....


I hope it was him.. but I think it is Fishy...
CNN headline (it''s streaming in now, a co-worker spontaneously says the same, from having heard on the radio) the guy confessed.
Besides confessing, he apparently knows things only the killer could know.
Yep, too many coincidences to be coincidences. He was communicating with that professor at the University in CO for months and he was apparently the one who alerted the police that the guy knew too much. And the Ramsey''s knew who he was apparently. Plus the prior child pornography charges. Another very sick individual. But it is SO good for him to be caught so he can''t do it again!
Well I never thought the parents did it, and I was saddened to see the way the media hounded them. It''s always very simple to me. The DNA didn''t come from the family, therefore none of the Ramsey''s had anything to do with it. PERIOD. I think a lot of the time, the prosecuters/police etc., can get very caught up in their personal beliefs and then forget to focus on any other possibilities. And I can only imagine the careers that were riding on this case, so it''s only too easy for me to imagine how the people got caught up in it.

I don''t know if this guy did it or not, but I was shocked to hear of an arrest. I was positive that this one would stay unsolved. Although it always creeped me out to think about some guy sitting in a room somewhere, knowing what really happened in that house that night and enjoying the media coverage. I guess we''ll see what comes out of this.
Date: 8/17/2006 9:47:03 AM
Author: allycat0303
Well I never thought the parents did it, and I was saddened to see the way the media hounded them. It''s always very simple to me. The DNA didn''t come from the family, therefore none of the Ramsey''s had anything to do with it. PERIOD. I think a lot of the time, the prosecuters/police etc., can get very caught up in their personal beliefs and then forget to focus on any other possibilities. And I can only imagine the careers that were riding on this case, so it''s only too easy for me to imagine how the people got caught up in it.

I don''t know if this guy did it or not, but I was shocked to hear of an arrest. I was positive that this one would stay unsolved. Although it always creeped me out to think about some guy sitting in a room somewhere, knowing what really happened in that house that night and enjoying the media coverage. I guess we''ll see what comes out of this.
I agree totally. And I don''t think it would be a far stretch to say this whole ordeal may have helped put Patsy in her grave. I simply cannot phathom the feelings a mother would have to not only lose a child, but have a good part of the world thinking you''re the one who killed her.
Date: 8/17/2006 7:51:22 AM
Author: MINE!!
Hmmmmm... I hope he is the guy... but hmmmm.... I don;t know...

Let say this is the scenerio.

Pshyco man gets cuaght doing something bad in Bangkok... Psyhco man does not want to be in Bangkok where the prisons are really prisons. Physco man decides he is going to say that he killed JB and then he knows he will be extradited back to US. .....


I hope it was him.. but I think it is Fishy...
I was thinking the exact same thing. Also, how is rushed to say that the death was an accident (and not pre-meditated).

I''ll let this one play out.
I feel so terrible for her family. People completely villianized them. I also agree that this may have helped put her mother in her grave. When fighting cancer you need all of the energy and support that you can get.
Jon Benet''s murder was big news in the UK at the time too and it is good to know they might have finally caught the person responsible for the death of this little girl. Hopefully now her family will find a little peace after all this time.
I am hoping it is the guy too. I felt very badly for their family. I also rememeber their son Burke was a suspect for a while as well. Surely all of this put Patsy in an early grave. I looked at that CNN clip, that guy is soooo creepy. The DNA will tell, guess we''ll have to wait and see.
Date: 8/17/2006 10:39:34 AM
Author: fire&ice

Date: 8/17/2006 7:51:22 AM
Author: MINE!!
Hmmmmm... I hope he is the guy... but hmmmm.... I don;t know...

Let say this is the scenerio.

Pshyco man gets cuaght doing something bad in Bangkok... Psyhco man does not want to be in Bangkok where the prisons are really prisons. Physco man decides he is going to say that he killed JB and then he knows he will be extradited back to US. .....


I hope it was him.. but I think it is Fishy...
I was thinking the exact same thing. Also, how is rushed to say that the death was an accident (and not pre-meditated).

I''ll let this one play out.
We do have to let it play out, of course, but that was not the scenario. The Boulder DA and police were investigating him and THEY had him arrested. It was not that he was arrested and he made up the claim out of the blue and it was a surprise to them.
I heard on last night''s news that they had been tracking what this guy said and did on the internet and that''s what led to his arrest.
last nite on the news they had mark klaas, polly klaas''s father...and he said something about how he doesn''t blame the police for having him as a lead suspect back when his daughter went missing and was later found dead...that many times when something like this happens, the parents ARE the ones who are behind it...apparently more times than not that is the case. pretty sad.

that little girl was just so creepy...all those photos they show of her, she''s a beautiful little doll but her eyes never looked like a child''s, they never looked innocent. i think those photos of their child made it easy for people to believe (along with the whole botched investigation) that the parents had to be behind it. the whole thing is just so sad.
Yikes. I just read a bunch of news articles on this & that guy has worked with kids FOR YEARS... as an elementary school sub teacher & a (gasp) nanny type caretaker - giving baths & such (as described on HIS RESUME).

And he has three young boys of his own. Heartbreaking.
deco he actually was a teacher in sonoma...a town that is over near napa here in california...for a few years (i think 2000-2002?), before somehow allegations of child pornography surfaced and he was let go. they said that on the news last nite. the people who lived in the neighborhood with him were totally freaked out, esp since a bunch of the kids in the neighborhood played with his boys all the time etc. you just don''t know!
This guy is apparently a lifelong sex offender and was in Bangkok on some kind of sex tour. So he certainly fits the profile.

It's not at all unusual to get confessions to highly publicized crimes from random nut cases, but from what I'm hearing, he apparently "knows too much" for this to be the case. And, given the whole sad and sordid history, I would think the police would not announce an arrest unless they were reasonably sure they had the right guy--not just because they got a confession out of the blue.
Charges were made of sexual misconduct in Thailand on an American with the exact same name. At least, that is what the news reported yesterday. Things that DO make you go hummm.

Wife has his alibi. He didn''t live in Boulder, nor do they have him in Boulder. The guy is guilty of something - just not sure of this. He''s in hot water in Thailand & NOW decides to cop to this 10 years later?

I do hope it is him. But, this one doesn''t add up. Though, the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. This will be an interesting one.
Date: 8/17/2006 12:47:36 PM
Author: fire&ice

Wife has his alibi. He didn''t live in Boulder, nor do they have him in Boulder. The guy is guilty of something - just not sure of this. He''s in hot water in Thailand & NOW decides to cop to this 10 years later?
This apparently didn''t happen overnight. He had been in contact with a guy in Colorado who produced a couple of documentaries on the case. During a lot of back and forth discussion, he revealed a lot of details that were not public knownledge. The filmaker called in the police, who monitored the dialogue for a while and finally made the decision to get him based on what he was saying about the case.
Well ... if the "mystrey" DNA matches, they''ll have a solid case. (It was male DNA, not matching anyone in the family, from her underwear & under her fingernails)

Things I read in the articles:

* the suspect had been obsessed with the case & corresponding with a documentary director/college prof. who''d made a film about the case ... the filmmaker thought he knew too much (non public info) & went to the cops, who encouraged him to keep emailing back & forth

* the suspect''s family thought he was "writing a book on sex offenders" & the Jonbenet case & the Polly Klass cases in particular

* the suspect claims to have written a letter of confession to Patsy Ramsey before she died.

* the suspect''s ex-wife swears he was in Alabama with her at the time of the crime

MAN - I hope we do find out what happened here! If only so that poor family can finally be cleared. They have enough to deal with (loss of a child, widowed, motherless).
Am I not remembering correctly - I didn''t think they found conclusive evidence of sexual abuse? Or did they?

I understand that this was an on going ivestigation. But, as public as this case was, I think it''s easier to get information about details of a crime than one believes - especially with all the media attention. Besides - WHY NOW?

And, I think police make arrests TOO quickly on high profile cases. This one will be interesting.

Also, where did he get all the money to travel on a not consistent teacher''s salary? And why the weird 118,000 amount? This arrest leads to more questions than answers.
F&I last nite they reported that they had male DNA from under her fingernails and in her underwear...and it has never matched a if it matches him, it's a solid case. The investigators also said they never felt they had anything SOLID enough to prosecute...but maybe now they will.

They said that they have been investigating this guy for a few months now in particular for the Ramsey case, I would imagine trying to ensure they have enough evidence to arrest him so it sticks, so it doesn't seem like it's very sudden...maybe to us as media watchers.

Who knows, I'm a little suspicious too....but the DNA will tell I guess.
Does anyone know how long it takes to compare the suspects DNA with the unmatched DNA?? A week, or does it take longer??
This is such a high profile case, I just can''t imagine them taking a chance and arresting the wrong person. The police have already been accused of mishandling the case 10 years ago and making a false arrest would be the ultimate egg on their faces so to speak. I think they are pretty confident they got it right. The guy is creepy and we just don''t no all the info,time and DNA will tell and I really hope he is the one. The pain and heartache the family has already been though is enough for a lifetime.
Once you have the samples, it's something that can be done in a few hours, if necessary. They ID'd Saddam the same way within a day after he got caught.

ETA: The thing is, though, if they do the test and announce the results in the press now, that's tantamount to convicting him before they've even started. You got to wonder if they really want to do that, since it will be months (probably next year) before the case comes to trial.
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