
ASETs and fancy cuts

Bryan, you would need to pay me a lot of money or inflict pain to make me drink fosters, or any other mass market beer, including corona.

Stan, a group gathering happens in the open bar on the way back into the Madalay Bay gambling area every evening after the JCK vegas show finishes. anywhere from 5 to 15 people and we then often go off strip to a family restaurant - Japanese, Argentinian or whatever. There is a strong cohort with 80% being trade posters here and Diamond cut is THE main topic.

David, there is relevance in discussing other grading methodolgies. The idea Stan proposed for example that there be subcategories like crushed ice (or small VF's stones) or step cuts etc for example. And what stones are made of - e.g. FCD's or maybe one day someone will invent the best cut for low clarity diamonds (I have such a project in mind, anyone want to fund it?)
Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
David, there is relevance in discussing other grading methodolgies. The idea Stan proposed for example that there be subcategories like crushed ice (or small VF's stones) or step cuts etc for example. And what stones are made of - e.g. FCD's or maybe one day someone will invent the best cut for low clarity diamonds (I have such a project in mind, anyone want to fund it?)

We're in total agreement.
I believe the industry can and will do better to create cut grading systems. This is one of the most greound breaking discussions on PS for quite a while, I think.
In terms of the best cut to hide imperfections, I see cutters do an amazing job of properly orienting imperfections, and of course, many get it wrong. That's more of a case by case basis, no?
Still if you can invent a better way, I'm in.
I'll kick in enough for a case of TsingTao.

Besides the grading issue- really it's own topic, I am still interested in the initial discussion regarding ASET interpretation as well.

The ASET I posted- is it at all usable?
I'm not asking for an assessment of the diamond- rather quality of photo.
The new device makes it 100% easier to take an ASET photo- such as the one I posted.

I tried to take a picture of a kind of extreme marquise for demonstration- but it would not sit in the tray.
Don't even ask about how many hands you need to take this photo
Rockdiamond|1408580006|3736512 said:
Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
David, there is relevance in discussing other grading methodolgies. The idea Stan proposed for example that there be subcategories like crushed ice (or small VF's stones) or step cuts etc for example. And what stones are made of - e.g. FCD's or maybe one day someone will invent the best cut for low clarity diamonds (I have such a project in mind, anyone want to fund it?)

We're in total agreement.
I believe the industry can and will do better to create cut grading systems. This is one of the most greound breaking discussions on PS for quite a while, I think.
In terms of the best cut to hide imperfections, I see cutters do an amazing job of properly orienting imperfections, and of course, many get it wrong. That's more of a case by case basis, no?
Still if you can invent a better way, I'm in.
I'll kick in enough for a case of TsingTao.

Besides the grading issue- really it's own topic, I am still interested in the initial discussion regarding ASET interpretation as well.

The ASET I posted- is it at all usable?
I'm not asking for an assessment of the diamond- rather quality of photo.
The new device makes it 100% easier to take an ASET photo- such as the one I posted.

I tried to take a picture of a kind of extreme marquise for demonstration- but it would not sit in the tray.
Don't even ask about how many hands you need to take this photo

David we will always need 3D files as well for a full discussion, but to improve photo's balance the tweezers on the ideal-light with the stone face up if it will not sit in the holes.
You can blue tac the scope to the lens freeing up one hand. its near the bottom - blu tac has a different name there I think - its like putty or plasticine and sticks posters on walls etc.

And for that long marquise - hold it from the points so th tweezers dont block light to the pavilion.
Also the scope is not centred over the stone.
I'll see about having Stan run an OGI tomorrow
It's a good stone for a bow tie example.

You're correct that the diamond was not center in the scope.
I think that particular diamond is not possible to photograph on the light- I tried using tweezers as you mentioned but the aset scope won't sit flat on the light with the tweezers there- that stone is a bee-ach to get a photo aset of.

How about this shot?
Rockdiamond|1408585684|3736561 said:
I'll see about having Stan run an OGI tomorrow
It's a good stone for a bow tie example.

You're correct that the diamond was not center in the scope.
I think that particular diamond is not possible to photograph on the light- I tried using tweezers as you mentioned but the aset scope won't sit flat on the light with the tweezers there- that stone is a bee-ach to get a photo aset of.

How about this shot?

slight criticism only - the right side edge is out of focus - so it may not be dead straight on.

In DiBox we sit the stone on its table face down with a large soup bowl as the reflector. And on the link I sent you you can also copy that setup - but you need a flip out camera screen so you can see what is going on.
PS with very large stones the size of ASET hand held means the angular relationships are compromised.
Garry H (Cut Nut)|1408587849|3736594 said:
In DiBox we sit the stone on its table face down with a large soup bowl as the reflector.
Seniors moment?
We do not use face down in DiBox