
Attacked by neighbor''s rottweiler...

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Mandarine, I am so sorry your arm is infected. I will be praying for you and hoping the antibiotics work quickly. I really hope you don''t have to be hospitalized. The other thing I was thinking that the visits with your neighbors should stop. There is nothing you can say to them right now. HUGS!!!!
You go Mandarine! You are doing all the right things now. You are definitely speeding the process to rid the neighborhood of this terror dog by co ntacting animal control and calling the HOA.

I am terribly sorry about the infection. That is just terrible. I am sure those antibiotics will kick in and kill that bad stuff.

Just keep on keeping on. You are really a great person I can tell from the way you are handling this tough situation.
Date: 1/10/2007 2:12:45 PM
Author: Mandarine
I wish I could stay away from the dog...but I have to walk in front of their house everyday...the dog is still jumping on the windows barking. I always check the window before I leave my house just to make sure it''s safe out there...Something will be done because I shouldn''t have to live like this.

The neighbor (girl''s boyfriend, the one that pulled the dog from me) said that they keep playing everything in their heads and kept wishing they had done something earlier on to prevent this. He said they didn''t because they didn''t think the dog was capable of this.
I have to say. I wasn''t asking the questions to blame you. I was trying to glean more information. Dogs attack for various reasons. The dog has been going after you at a safe distance. You, unknowingly, have built up tension. He saw you & this was his chance to really get you. On the innocent, he could feel like he is protecting house and owner. Unfortunately, the owners let this behaviour continue. Either way, it should not have happened. And, maybe these "owners" are that clueless - but I can''t help but think they had an inkling that this *could* happen. Different breeds/dogs attack differently. Some disarm. Some search and hurt. The back and forth motion of the bite is not a good sign for the temperment of the dog. Also, dogs know the difference between play prey & attacking. He didn''t stop on his own accord.

Dogs behind glass (with enabling them to lunge at the persons on the street) is as bad as dogs tied up continueously on a leash with little movement (the motion of walking a pet is different). At the very least, this should have been a warning sign. Doesn''t sound like they have any control of the dog. Or know dog - especially this breed.

I don''t mean to scare you - but - given the opportunity - the dog has a high likelyhood of coming after *you* again. In the meantime, these owners need to immediately STOP the dog from lunging at the window.

As an aside from this particular issue, there is a big difference between a dog barking at people as protection. A dog, in protection mode might lunge once but usually backs up to see the situation and barks in a stance. A dog with aggressive tendencies will continue to lunge in attack mode. This is not a protection dog. This behaviour, in any dog -big, small - medium needs to be addressed & stopped.

Again, what are the laws in your state? Ours are pretty clear & are dealt with swiftly. Some states/counties are more lax. Did they need a license? If the attack was as vicious as described, here, they would take the dog.

As far as recouping any money from them, you can''t squeeze blood from a turnip. I don''t know if this is the case here but - Many homeowner policies less and except certain breeds - this is not a condemnation of the breed - just a fact - Rotties are amoung the list for certain insurers. Of late, some insurers are refusing to insure the homeowner - PERIOD. Others require rider policies. This has been a problem in the US. It seems to be getting worse. It''s almost a macho thing - get a "bad *ss" dog and don''t make him be a wussy. It breaks my heart b/c many of these "dangerous" breeds can be sweethearts with the right handler. We have quite a few Rotties in my Therapy Dog program.

Given just what I know from here, I would either rehome the dog immediately or ask for it to be put down. Especially given the amount of damage inflicted & the dog did not stop "attacking" on it''s own. Many dogs will bite. Most will not keep inflicting wounds on it''s own w/ little provacation except in it''s own "mind".

I''m a big fan of Cesaer Milan. But, I don''t subscribe to his cure all of "vicious" dogs. His strength is in speaking and defining things in doggie terms. They are not people. They are dogs.

Some grivous acts can be prevented with intervention. Once set in motion, tough to stop - as with this dog.

I hope they can get your infection under control QUICKLY. I do think it is a good idea to see a plastic surgeon sooner rather than later.
Hi Mandarine... First, I''m so sorry. Second to add to what LS said... Please consult and attorney. A good attorney will be able to advise you on how to proceed with this in all aspects. Hiring a lawyer is not a commitment to sue, and it doesn''t make a bad person. Lawyers are advisors and can help you avoid litigation, and needless headaches. But getting a good lawyer now, you are being proactive... instead of reactive in case something (in addition to the dog bitting you and the infection) goes wrong. Also as he is a large breed, he may not have originally even been covered by the insurance as some insurance companies won''t insure certain breeds... so this might be out of pocket for them, and medical bills especially the type you are decsribing can be VERY high. Also if your insurance company gets involved (or their insurance) .... they will have an attorney looking out for their interests. You really need someone who is firmly on YOUR side, not anyone elses. Please honey, talk to lawyer.
I feel like all I say is thanks...but really: THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to answer all of the posts but it's just not possible because I'm typing very slow...

I got a lawyer...I just had it after talking to her today. Today I saw the neighbor an her attitude...and I knew I had to be more agressive. That was the last time I talk to her about this lawyer advised me to stop these discussions with the neighbors.

The lawyer is a great one and good friend of I feel at ease and better.

The neighbor said to me today that they will pay for my bills but not to worry because they're moving within the next 6 months!. I told her this was unnaceptable to keep him there until they move....she said I didn't need to worry because he would be muzzled when outside. I said that wasn't enough because even with a muzzle he can really hurt someone!. She said he wouln't, that what happened was that I spooked him, but he's not vicious!!!!!!!!!...hello??
. Then she said that she was sure animal control wasn't going to put the dog down because once they see him they will realize this was just an accident and he is sweet and well behaved. Don't get me wrong...I'm sure he is sweet, but he DID attack me. The attack was just as I described it here...and that was a vicious attack. She told me she told her son & GF not to worry because she was sure they wouldn't put the dog down.

Now, I'm still on the edge with the whole putting down the dog, but I think it is the right thing to do...not just for me but for everyone else that will ever cross his path. I in't do anything to provoke this...Maybe he didn't like my shirt or my head band??
...but now the neighbor is acting like this was somehow my fault....and that just upsets me. Goes to show you how some people take advantage of someone that is acting as kind as I can given the situation.

So...I'm done with them. I woul feel different if they were showing any signs of responsibility. Sure, they're acting "sorry"...but this is not a small scratch or an act that can just be overseen and forgotten. I do forgive them (an the dog), but for my safety and the safety of others I have to act...since they won't.

I told my lawyer I just want my medical bills covered, including future bills and medicine costs. I also want to be compensated for the sick days I'm taking...since my employer would pay back any unused sick time to me if I left the company. And I want that and any other violent dog not living next to me. The other neighbor (the one that said my dog bit her son...which again is NOT true) has a pit bull mix....who growled at me and my mom today.

Thank you again!!...thank you specially for all the legal advice!!!!...I can be too light hearted, but I do listen to advice so thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



ETA: the d's in my keyboard are acting up, so I apologize for any d's missing in my posts!!!
There is a saying I heard a long time ago, once a dog tastes blood, well you can fill in the blank. This dog was vicious and WILL attack again. He has to be put down, plain and simple. My best friend''s brother was attacked by a neighbor''s dog when he was little. He was bitten in the face very badly. Took a lot of plastic surgery to make him look half way normal. The dog was put down immediately. I always felt badly for him as this injury hurt him not only physically but spiritually as well. His self esteem really suffered.
I didn''t share this with you in the beginning, because I wanted to see how you were doing. But now you know this story hits close to home for me as well. I really hope all goes well for you, you are handling everything in such a strong manner. Hang in there!!!!
I haven''t read through all the pages of this thread, but I did get the gist of what happened to you, and I just want to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and hopefully a quick and satisifying resolution to this entire situation. The whole scenario is really unfortunate, and I just hate to hear about something like this... being an avid animal lover too as I know that you and many others on this forum are. For your (and others'') safety, I hope that this dog will be put to rest. I''m glad that you consulted a lawyer, and I know that many others have provided you lots of support and good advice here, so I don''t have anything more to say, but to send you many hugs and a full recovery.
This dog''s owners are in denial. And I don''t mean Egypt.

Glad you have legal representation. Hopefully you can prevent someone else from suffering the same fate as you.
Date: 1/9/2007 11:48:25 PM
Author: Mara
for me personally i am not saying any breed of dog is ''bad''. but facts are facts regarding animal instinct. someone said that certain breeds who ''get a bad rap'' have the instinct to attack prey OR other animals. obviously when they attack a human or child...they think that IS their prey. they are not distinguishing human from prey. a dog''s BASIC instinct is REALLY strong. portia is super well trained but if she is ever off-leash and sees a squirrel or a cat or something darting in front of us, she would chase it. regardless of where she is or if i was calling her. if she is on a leash, she jerks and tries to run, even dragging me behind her. all she sees is the instinct for her to trap and corner (thankfully it''s only corner) small prey which was bred into her for hundreds (thousands?) of years. modern ''pet'' training can never overcome that which is inside the animal in my opinion.

diamondseeker, i''m happy that your darling dog displays only wonderful qualities...that is awesome. but would you really feel confident leaving a breed like that alone with a small baby? in a rocker? or if the small child runs across the room?

i totally don''t agree with people who say that it''s all the owners...yes i do believe that 90% of a dog''s behavior or personality or whatever comes from living with and being trained by their owner but i have seen instances where the basic instincts these dogs were bred with that is in their nature comes out when people least expect it.

it doesn''t mean that a breed is bad or should not be out there or whatever, i don''t agree with that. but people who do get those types of ''breed'' dogs that are on the ''potentially dangerous'' list should be at least aware of what they are getting and be confident they can make that type of breed the most responsible parent out there. so many people just don''t do that. and of course many people think their dog could NEVER do anything like that. i''m sure the dog''s owners who attacked diane whipple thought the dog would NEVER do that. same with this dog who attacked mandarine.

dogs are animals, flat out. they do not think like humans and they can be trained to an element but i try to never forget that as much as i adore my white rat, she''s still a DOG. an animal. different than us. not human.
Sorry for the delay in replying! No, I said we take no chances with our dogs. They stay in a fenced yard at all times when they are outside and we put them in another room if someone comes over. I never allow my dogs around other children.

Heck, I had a POODLE that bit a neighbor one time. So I am very careful about keeping dogs away from people they do not know. You can never predict what the person might do to trigger the dog to do something bad as well.
oh mandarine...these people sound seriously deluded. i hope you can make some traction with getting the dog out of there next door, no way should you have to live with that dog there. and no one should expect you to. good luck with everything and definitely keep on having a level head...i hope you feel better and better every day, keep resting!!! and try not to let this all upset you too much, of course it''s horrible but you have to mentally take care of yourself as well.
I am glad your neighbor was a twit because you getting angry is what you needed to feel, and it will make this issue get resolved. I am of course sorry it had to happen in the first place. I still don''t understand why if the association says no large dogs why they are there.....
OMG I just saw your post about the infection. I hope it is better now, I am so sorry.
I''m so glad you got some good legal advice. I''d make sure that dog no longer lives next door asap! Take care!
Date: 1/10/2007 4:02:01 PM
Author: Mandarine

Date: 1/10/2007 3:31:58 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 1/10/2007 12:29:11 PM
Author: fire&ice
On another note, a distant relative''s toddler was attacked (face) by a small cook-a-poo. The dog inflicted 100,000 dollars worth of plastic surgery. The dog was not put down. The owner''s insurance did not pay a dime. Not sure why - perhaps because the nature of the injury was ''*just*'' plastic surgery to the face.
yeah - I wouldn''t be housing a dog that hurt people.... oh hell no.... not when there are so many sweet gentle dogs out there that need homes. And while a small dog might not be able to kill a grown man - they''re still dangerous as well.

the OP called her dog a brat - I''d suggest that she go through training with her dog as well....not because of any reason other than why not? it can''t hurt, it can only help.

A brat in the sense that he''s stubborn...not agressive!...sure he barks, I don''t know a min. schnauzer that doesn''t...but the most he would do would be to jump at someone...which usually is to get attention, not to''s more like ''hellooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! pet me!!!!!! pet me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''. Still, he''s always on a leash and only plays with children with supervision...

I am considering going to more classes with him anyway, just to have him listen to my commands more and know how to walk correctly on a leash (he usually walks behind me!!!...unlike any other dog that is usually dying to go in the front!)

Anyway, just wanted to clarify!

I just called animal control...they had NOT received the case from the police!!!!! can you believe that????

Anyway...she took all the info, but said she din''t know when they will come...that she hoped it was soon and the dog WILL be quaratined immediately after they come....thank GOD.

Next up, I''m calling the HOA. Yesterday I just didn''t have the head to deal with all this....

oh good I was hoping you weren''t irritated by my comment - it wasn''t meant as a slam or anything at all - just it never hurts to do it and it might be a good move re your neighbors - yanno, proactivewhen the rumor mill is going.... I dunno... it was just an idea LOL

I can''t believe they didn''t get the info!! They''re taking posession of the dog?
omg this is really bothering me - it is bringing back so much - the way the neghbors change their tune the whole bit, its just amazing to me..... I wish you luck! The process took over 2 years so don''t expect it to be over soon if they fight it all.... I''m soooo sorry....
Mandarine - I am so sorry about all this. There is nothing I can add, but I just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and if you need a giggle - ENGAGEMENT CHICKEN!!!
Fire&ice and Cehrabehra, I didn''t take your comments in a bad way at all! I''m thankfull for all your avdvice an caring thoughts. I think it''s valid to ask more about how the attack happen and also to suggest more classes for my little guy!

Lorolei, you made me laugh!! hehe thanks!!!

My arm is very swollen...last night I took my sweater off an nearly fainted (along with my mom) when we saw it because it got much worse.

My elbow is super swollen...looks like an orange!! an I''m my arms are usually so small so it''s shocking.

It''s 6:50...we are heaing to the ER as soon as my mom comes back from walking my dog...

I hope they on''t have to check me in to the hospital, but yesterday the doctor said they might have to depending on how it looks today.

I did sleep well and thanks to the pain medicine I''m not in huge pain....I''m still in good spirits an trying to enjoy spending time with my mom before she goes back to our country...she makes me laugh and cooks great! just wanted to share that so you all know it''s not like I''m bed being miserable

I''ll come back with an update hopefully today!!!


Oh dear me!!!!

Mandarine...I love your positive attitude...what a trouper you are!!

I'm SO GLAD your mom is with you, and that you're heading for the ER ASAP

I suspect...actually hope....they will admit you. Above all else you've got to get that infection under control.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

xxo widget
I was not going to post but when I read the most recent posts I had to respond. The question should be can the neighbors be rehabilitated? Here is a situation where they did not train their dog, could not control their dog, witnessed their dog attack someone (viciously I might add) and they think that''s okay? And it''s completely inconsiderate that they are walking this dog in front of your house every day! They don''t seem the realize the seriousness of the situation. Normally I would love to give the dog the benefit of the doubt, but the combination of this dog with these owners is toxic and almost guarrantees there will be a future "incident" with this dog.

Although they think their dog is sweet as can be, it won''t be on your shoulders. The law enforcement will do tempermance tests and let''s just say I don''t think this dog will pass with flying colors.
I''m with Widget. I think you need to get this infection stopped. Also, if you go into the hospital and these neighbors have to pay your bills, maybe they will see it was much more serious than they want to think it is. At the least you will have a medical record for documentation for your attorney.

I wish people weren''t so stupid, but they often are. This is one brand of stupid I have zero tolerance for.

I hope you are feeling better very, very soon!
Date: 1/11/2007 8:20:20 AM
Author: lumpkin

I wish people weren''t so stupid, but they often are. This is one brand of stupid I have zero tolerance for.
OK, THIS made me laugh, so true.

Mandarine, I hope they take good care of you and get you on the mend.
I''m back!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

The people at the ER already know me by name! haha...

Anyway the infection IS getting better!!!!!!
The redness went down and apparently that''s what is important!!!. It''s still very swollen, but the reason why it went to my elbow was because it was wrapped around the wound and they had apparently warpped too tight!.

It''s still infected, but looking better so that''s great news!
. They suggested to keep it raised when i''m laying down, to un-wrap it when I''m home and leave it clean (not even neosporin as they had originally suggested).

They will keep the stitches longer since it''s not healing as expected due to the infection.

They extended the number of days for the antibiotics, gave me something to help me sleep and asked me to come back for another wound check in 2 days.

I''m so relieved and so happy!!!
. I seriously freaked out last night when I saw the swelling!!!!

Thank you all!!!!!!!. My mom leaves tomorrow but my dear BF comes down to take care of me and spoil me

I think it''s all uphill from now, one step at a time. I feel at ease having a lawyer now and my BF will call animal control today to see if he can pressure them to come sooner to quarantine the dog.


Big hugs,

Oh good - I was keeping an eye out for you!!! Look after yourself and REST!!!!
Yay! Sounds like everything is going in the right direction! {{hugs}}
Mandarine, you are so strong and kind!!! I can't believe how well you are handling everything, with such grace and light-heartedness! I was in such a glum mood for weeks when I went to the ER twice and stayed overnight at a hospital, even my sweet fiance couldn't cheer me up. You are really an amazing individual, and I wish you a speedy recovery (so sorry to hear about the infection... ouches!), and hope that the agencies get these crazy neighbors and their dog straightened out as soon as humanly possible!
Date: 1/11/2007 6:54:17 AM
Author: Mandarine
Fire&ice and Cehrabehra, I didn't take your comments in a bad way at all! I'm thankfull for all your avdvice an caring thoughts. I think it's valid to ask more about how the attack happen and also to suggest more classes for my little guy!

Lorolei, you made me laugh!! hehe thanks!!!

My arm is very swollen...last night I took my sweater off an nearly fainted (along with my mom) when we saw it because it got much worse.

My elbow is super swollen...looks like an orange!! an I'm my arms are usually so small so it's shocking.

It's 6:50...we are heaing to the ER as soon as my mom comes back from walking my dog...

I hope they on't have to check me in to the hospital, but yesterday the doctor said they might have to depending on how it looks today.

I did sleep well and thanks to the pain medicine I'm not in huge pain....I'm still in good spirits an trying to enjoy spending time with my mom before she goes back to our country...she makes me laugh and cooks great! just wanted to share that so you all know it's not like I'm bed being miserable

I'll come back with an update hopefully today!!!


you'll have the best model dog on the block - let the neighbors wag their tongues ;) hahaha

btw - you ARE taking pictures of EVERYTHING I hope? I didn't get pics of my son before we took him to the ER and I've no idea why but I did get them as soon as we got home and every day for several days after and periodically for a couple months - I also kept the wounds covered in neosporin and bandaids and he never ever got scabs on his wounds, they healed so well - and after they had basically healed I rubbed each spot for 5 minutes 2x a day with E oil to break down the collagen.... I'd read a study once where there wasn't a significant difference in the type of lubricant you used - like vit E or scar creams or even lotion - the difference was in RUBBING it for long periods to break down the scar tissue and prevent it from forming.... he doesn't have a lump under his skin any more but the surface silvery scars are still there. Document EVERYTHING! Write every conversation no matter how trivial - in detail. Take pictures of everything that happens to your arm. Take pictures of the neighborhood, where you were, where the dog was etc. Write down all of your past interactions with the dog....
hang in there mandarine, you really do have the best outlook...!!! hope the infection keeps getting !!
We have been taking pictures...the first day at the hospital my little sister took one with her cell phone....she''s so strong! I would have fainted!!!!!!

We took better pictures when we got home with her digital camera...even used a penny next to the wounds to get a size reference...hehe, such CSI investigators we are!

We took another picture last night of both elbows to show the diffrence...we''ll take some more later today.

Great idea on writing anything down...I will start writting today while my memory is still fresh! Thanks for the great advice!!!!!!!!

Thank you all!

I''m trying to keep positive and think everything happens for a reason.

Not that I "deserved" this in any way, but maybe God had this happenned to me to stop this dog from attacking someone else. I feel I was very lucky and although the wounds are severe, they will heal, I still have all my limbs, my face wasn''t even touched and I''m sitting here typing!

What doesn''t kill you makes you stronger!.

Thank you all

Keep in mind that the visual wounds are not the only damage inflicted by a dog bite. The motion of the bite will make your skin and bones VERY bruised. Add that to your list of injuries. I''ve never seen a dog bite that didn''t include this injury. Did they X ray you? I have seen bites with bone injuries from the impact of the teeth.

I''m really glad that the infection is clearing up.
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