
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

Missy, just looked quickly and found this

Seems like a reliable site and might have some other good info for you.

Doing a little more reading - seems unusual to have low ferritin with normal iron levels - might be best to ask the doctor about this at your next appointment.

Thanks Junie! As soon as I get home I will explore further but read your link and it also seems that if one has nodules and/or autoimmune thyroid issues one has to be careful with Iodine Supplementation. OMG darned if I do and darned if I don't.

I appreciate you taking the time and finding me the link. I am making a list of questions for my endocrinologist and I guess I will see if he can offer any insight. The ferritin issue has been ongoing and my dermatologist has no advice but to take a multivitamin. And he isn't sure how to get my ferritin levels up. But I read with hair loss you want the ferritin to be around 80. Mine is 20.
Thank you mary poppins! I appreciate the link. I am doing OK. My left eyebrow skin and hair is worse but just taking it one day at a time as there is not much else I can do at this point. Not everything has a fix and I am accepting that. I am on a new thyroid med and seeing my endocrinologist next week. I still have not received the blood test results from my visit 10 days ago so I am waiting for those results. I appreciate you taking the time to share the info and check in with me.

How are you doing?

Stable since last summer. Dry eyes remain the bane of my existence but for the past year since getting four punctal plugs they're have been the best they've been since diagnosis a few years ago, so that's good. Thanks for asking!

I hope your doctor figures things out for you soon and you get some improvement.
Stable since last summer. Dry eyes remain the bane of my existence but for the past year since getting four punctal plugs they're have been the best they've been since diagnosis a few years ago, so that's good. Thanks for asking!

I hope your doctor figures things out for you soon and you get some improvement.

Hi mary poppins. Thank you and glad you’re doing well overall.

Re your eyes. Have you tried restasis eye drops? They’re prescription and they help chronic inflammation that causes dry eyes. It might be worth exploring if you have not already tried these drops. And for rewetting drops throughout the day I prefer preservative free drops such as Refresh Plus or Tears Naturale. The drops in the single dose dispensers. Those are the only drops that are truly preservative free. And the reason I recommend those are because preservatives can exacerbate dry eyes and also clause allergic reactions. Preservative free is the way to go imo. Even if you think it’s ok now over time allergies can occur.

Hope you find ocular relief very soon!!! And don’t hesitate asking me anything if I can be of help.
@missy doing some thread surfing...are you till on the lookout for a good acupuncturist? I have one that is really supposed to be topnotch. Recommended by two women that grew up with eastern medicine. In Chinatown. Let me know if you want the info. It's on my desk at work.
@missy doing some thread surfing...are you till on the lookout for a good acupuncturist? I have one that is really supposed to be topnotch. Recommended by two women that grew up with eastern medicine. In Chinatown. Let me know if you want the info. It's on my desk at work.

Hi Maggie! Yes please and thank you! I had another recommendation from a stranger in my neighborhood for a great acupuncturist in Chinatown and now I cannot find that info. She is also a doctor (from China) and I am disappointed I lost that info though it may turn up. I am blaming my thyroid brain as I have been just so forgetful lately. I appreciate the info and appreciate you thinking of me.

If you want to just message it to me here is my Loupe Troop info.
I’m in a quandary. I saw the endocrinologist this morning and he wants to double my thyroid med from 60 of Armour to 60 twice a day.

I have only been on this Armour med for 11 days. Isn’t that extreme? And I really don’t have any symptoms other than tired and eyebrow hair loss. I pushed back and he said I have to give up control. What? Arghh. We should be partners in this and I shouldn’t be giving up control. What the heck. . I cannot blindly trust anybody not even a physician. I’ve been burned before.

I hope this doesn’t mean I have to start searching for another endocrinologist because it was hard finding this physician who practices functional medicine and is an endocrinologist. I’m hoping it’s not a matter of black and white that he’s wrong to double my dose after only 11 days and rather that it’s open to interpretation so he’s not blatantly out of line by doubling my dose so fast.

I don’t think I’m going to double it but as my DH recommends I should let him know and not just spring it on him at my next appointment in 3 weeks.

If anyone is reading who has any advice re this I’d appreciate if you could share it with mefor another 3 weeks and then decide if I need to increase the dose.

He’s in an awful hurry imo. And I don’t want to do any harm and doubling it so fast seems extreme to me.

Hi mary poppins. Thank you and glad you’re doing well overall.

Re your eyes. Have you tried restasis eye drops? They’re prescription and they help chronic inflammation that causes dry eyes. It might be worth exploring if you have not already tried these drops. And for rewetting drops throughout the day I prefer preservative free drops such as Refresh Plus or Tears Naturale. The drops in the single dose dispensers. Those are the only drops that are truly preservative free. And the reason I recommend those are because preservatives can exacerbate dry eyes and also clause allergic reactions. Preservative free is the way to go imo. Even if you think it’s ok now over time allergies can occur.

Hope you find ocular relief very soon!!! And don’t hesitate asking me anything if I can be of help.

Thanks for the suggestions, missy. I have been using the Refresh vials for a few years now. Love the 100 packs for less than $20 at Costco! At my worst, I was going through a pack a month plus other kinds of OTC and prescription drops. Restasis helped a bit, but even three times a day (with doctor approval to increase from two times) was not sufficient. I was having to get emergency appointments with the ophthalmologist every couple of months for a tiny container of Lotemax that I used judiciously. Considered Xildra which tastes awful. Switched doctors who suggested I try punctal plugs before considering serum drops (totally needle-phobic so eeek!) or long term Lotemax with monitoring eye pressure. Two plugs made things worse but four lead to some improvement and drops stay in my eyes longer. Also take fish oil, apply heat pack followed by lid wipes, sometimes use a steamer, gel drops at night and Lotemax once in a while. Ointment only if extremely necessary because it's icky. All of this is tolerable and make me functional for now, though I can't read as much as I would like to. If it becomes insufficient, I'll probably try Xildra again since the plugs prevent me from tasting it now.

Regarding your doctor telling you to give up control, yeah not liking that at all. I prefer to ask questions and devise a mutually agreeable course of treatment with my doctors. I definitely understand that doctors are definitely usually more knowledgeable about the subject, but you shouldn't do something you're not comfortable with or won't be helpful. My rheumatologist wanted me to start new treatment but after research and getting second opinion I declined. Rheumatologist wasn't too thrilled, but I said I would come in more often for monitoring and reconsider if it looked like my health was deteriorating or interfering with quality of life. When my GP asked about my treatment after that, he agreed with me and said not to let rheumy push me into something I didn't want.

What benefit or result does the doctor hope to achieve by doubling your dose at this point? How about continuing the course for xx amount of time and returning for monitoring? Would compromising at alternating days of single dose and double dose be mutually agreeable? The trial and error nature of treatment for these things is frustrating and requires patience, but in the meantime . . . grrr. Try not to stress though. Usually makes things worse. Breathe!
Ultimately, though, if you don't like the doctor you should find a new one who has time and listens to you. Not easy these days with demands in the medical field which you are probably familiar with, but many are still out there.
@mary poppins thank you. Yes that comment that I should give up control threw me.

I like him because he is an endocrinologist who practices functional medicine and goes by more than the numbers. However I’m so torn right now. I do not want to start over. I’ve been to 3 endocrinologists and he’s by far the best in terms of treating the whole person.

I’ve been reading Isabella Wentz who is a well known pharmacologist and she says go slow and low with thyroid meds. So as to avoid shocking the system. It does not make sense to me to just done the dose when I have not been taking the original dose long enough.

So happy you have found the right combo for your eyes. It’s definitely trial and error as with all meds. Continued healing depict being sent your way. And thanks so much for your input.
Missy, I found this in several places on the internet, including the armour thryroid website - the dosage itself does not seem excessive, but according to these guidelines your doctor does seem to be upping the dose a bit quickly but that doesn't necessarily mean he is incorrect. Idk, maybe doctors develop their own guidelines over time?

"Hypothyroidism: initially 30mg daily (long-standing myxedema: initially 15mg daily); increase by 15mg every 2–3 weeks; usual maintenance: 60–120mg daily. Myxedema coma: see literature."
If you click on the link at the bottom, these guidelines are found on page 7 of the pdf.

I would like to think this doctor would not recommend something that would harm you and this is his area of expertise, but otoh I understand that doctors are not infallible. Idk, maybe try the increased dose and see how you feel?

Just my thoughts, I know I haven't been much help! hopefully someone who takes this med will chime in soon. In the meantime, try not to stress over it, you don't have to take the increased dose. You don't even have to go back if you don't think you and he are a good fit. But it sounds like there are pluses to this doctor that you didn't find in others, so maybe it makes sense to hang in there a little longer. I think Greg is right though, it's probably a good idea to let the doctor know if you decide not to increase the dose.
@missy I emailed you through LT yesterday afternoon. It's not as Maggiemeans... so look for another email name that is my real name..
Hope it can help.
Missy, I found this in several places on the internet, including the armour thryroid website - the dosage itself does not seem excessive, but according to these guidelines your doctor does seem to be upping the dose a bit quickly but that doesn't necessarily mean he is incorrect. Idk, maybe doctors develop their own guidelines over time?

"Hypothyroidism: initially 30mg daily (long-standing myxedema: initially 15mg daily); increase by 15mg every 2–3 weeks; usual maintenance: 60–120mg daily. Myxedema coma: see literature."
If you click on the link at the bottom, these guidelines are found on page 7 of the pdf.

I would like to think this doctor would not recommend something that would harm you and this is his area of expertise, but otoh I understand that doctors are not infallible. Idk, maybe try the increased dose and see how you feel?

Just my thoughts, I know I haven't been much help! hopefully someone who takes this med will chime in soon. In the meantime, try not to stress over it, you don't have to take the increased dose. You don't even have to go back if you don't think you and he are a good fit. But it sounds like there are pluses to this doctor that you didn't find in others, so maybe it makes sense to hang in there a little longer. I think Greg is right though, it's probably a good idea to let the doctor know if you decide not to increase the dose.

Thank you Junie. Saw David yesterday and turns out an extra 60 mg isn't that much. But I have bigger problems now as you already know. Thanks so much for all your support and help. (((HUGS))).
@missy I emailed you through LT yesterday afternoon. It's not as Maggiemeans... so look for another email name that is my real name..
Hope it can help.

Thanks so much Maggie. It went to spam but found it and replied. Really appreciate your help. Thank you.
Just a quick post to say I most likely have another AI condition called scarring alopecia or LPP. Just trying to keep my head above water and maintain a positive attitude because the alternative isn't palatable. So one day at a time and grateful for all the good in my life. Thanks to everyone who has reached out here or IRL.
Thank you Junie. Saw David yesterday and turns out an extra 60 mg isn't that much. But I have bigger problems now as you already know. Thanks so much for all your support and help. (((HUGS))).

I know Missy, and I'm sorry for all you're going through right now. Sending hugs and love.
Updating-I tested positive for mercury toxicity. My internist wants me to do a 24 hour urine test within the next week and stop eating certain types of fish. He said Salmon is OK. And depending on that result repeat the blood in a month and eat no fish for 3 days before that.

I have lots of reading to do once again because this is all a new world to me. And the only reason I asked him to do this test was because of the homozygous MTHFR mutation and what I read about some people have trouble detoxing heavy metals with this mutation.

Main concerns are of course long term what does this mean and what if I cannot get it down by eliminating certain fish? Also I have a mouth full of mercury and the thought of removing and replacing (probably with crowns as my mercury fillings are almost all of the tooth) is very unpleasant. My internist said lets wait and see what happens when I cut back on fish.

Does anyone have any experience with heavy metal toxicity? I realize I probably should start a new thread but prefer not to if I don't have to as I am clogging PS up enough with health issues. If anyone has any info to share I would be grateful thanks.
@missy the new composite materials are very strong and hardwearing, I have a molar that’s almost all filling, so crowns don’t have to be the only solution, if the situation arises.
Does anyone have any experience with heavy metal toxicity? I realize I probably should start a new thread but prefer not to if I don't have to as I am clogging PS up enough with health issues. If anyone has any info to share I would be grateful thanks.

Hi Missy, I'm really sorry to hear all the issues you're having. :/

I had sworn off ever posting here again, but every blue moon I stop by to see what's up. Something told me to come look in here and I saw your thread. Since I inherently want to help people, and you have asked advice on things I have specific experience and (some) knowledge about, I am breaking my own ban.

This may take a bit of time. I am a slow typer and I have a mountain of info to go through and decide what to include and what can wait, plus life. But I definitively have info to help your Thyroid and your metal toxicity. Will try to work fast to get this back to you. :wavey:
Does anyone have any experience with heavy metal toxicity? I realize I probably should start a new thread but prefer not to if I don't have to as I am clogging PS up enough with health issues. If anyone has any info to share I would be grateful thanks.

Hi Missy, I'm really sorry to hear all the issues you're having. :/

I had sworn off ever posting here again, but every blue moon I stop by to see what's up. Something told me to come look in here and I saw your thread. Since I inherently want to help people, and you have asked advice on things I have specific experience and (some) knowledge about, I am breaking my own ban.

This may take a bit of time. I am a slow typer and I have a mountain of info to go through and decide what to include and what can wait, plus life. But I definitively have info to help your Thyroid and your metal toxicity. Will try to work fast to get this back to you. :wavey:

Ellen thank you so much. I am immensely grateful you are willing to come back to PS just to help me. I cannot express enough how much I truly appreciate this. I'm overwhelmed as there is so much confusing info and I don't know which way to go. I am lost. Thank you so much for this. (((Hugs))).
My email is on my loupe troop listing if you prefer to email me. Whichever is most comfortable for you is perfect for me.

This is not my usual email but if you email me here I will email you back my everyday email.
Just didn't want to put my regular email on loupe troop for everyone to see.
It is indeed confusing territory. I'm still wading through it, but I've definitely learned some things along the way, and I really hope they prove useful to you Missy. I am absolutely happy to share. We should all be looking out for each other. ;)

I am going to post the info here. I know there are others reading, and what I'm going to post should be read by all really. There's not a person who couldn't benefit from most, if not all of what I will offer.

Like I said, there's so much info, though a lot is in a book I will recommend. So just trying to sift back through a bunch of bookmarks and such. I'm also helping someone pack up and move this week, so that's why I warned it may take just a bit. But I will try to get it done soon, as I know you want some help!

Will email you shortly. :)
I would really love to hear new info, also a sufferer of Hashimoto's.
bqueen, I'm sorry to hear you are suffering also. I hope you will find what I post useful.
And congrats on your first post! :)) :appl:
It is indeed confusing territory. I'm still wading through it, but I've definitely learned some things along the way, and I really hope they prove useful to you Missy. I am absolutely happy to share. We should all be looking out for each other. ;-)

I am going to post the info here. I know there are others reading, and what I'm going to post should be read by all really. There's not a person who couldn't benefit from most, if not all of what I will offer.

Like I said, there's so much info, though a lot is in a book I will recommend. So just trying to sift back through a bunch of bookmarks and such. I'm also helping someone pack up and move this week, so that's why I warned it may take just a bit. But I will try to get it done soon, as I know you want some help!

Will email you shortly. :)

Thank you Ellen. I love that we are all looking out for each other and I completely agree. One of the reasons I love PS. We are here for each other for the blingy and also the challenging. You are a sweetheart thank you and please do not rush or feel stressed. Take your time and post when it is convenient for you. Thank you!

I would really love to hear new info, also a sufferer of Hashimoto's.

Welcome to PS bqueen. I am sorry you are dealing with health issues and I hope you find some useful info here.:wavey:
Thank you Ellen. I love that we are all looking out for each other and I completely agree. One of the reasons I love PS. We are here for each other for the blingy and also the challenging. You are a sweetheart thank you and please do not rush or feel stressed. Take your time and post when it is convenient for you. Thank you!

Welcome to PS bqueen. I am sorry you are dealing with health issues and I hope you find some useful info here.:wavey:
Thank you for the warm welcome:P2
Update second mercury blood test:
Unfortunately my blood test from the endocrinologist last Monday (a week after my internist annual physical) came back yesterday and my blood mercury doubled. The endocrinologist wrote on the email "I don't know how to treat this". LOLOL. I know it's not funny but it made me laugh. He also wrote thyroid is good on the dosage of thyroid meds I am currently taking. I mean it just struck me as funny. Here I have mercury poisoning and he writes he has no idea how to treat that but thryoid is good. It just made me laugh.

So I messaged my internist who called me back and told him the latest results and he told me to keep doing what I am doing and we will see what happens.

My internist also told me he once again researched options and spoke to colleagues but they were not able to help as nobody he could find is well versed in this area. He is hoping that my levels will go down just from not eating the bigger fish. And the urine test will provide more info as to where the mercury is coming from.

IDK I seriously have no specialist to turn to and I am grateful my internist hasn't deserted me (yet) but he did say twice during the convo yesterday that he doesn't know how to treat if we cannot get it down with changing diet.

When it leaves your blood mercury goes into the brain tissue and other fatty tissue and it stays for many many decades. This is not an easy heavy metal to get rid of once it is in your body. Hoping it stops going up and that I can get this under control.
{{{{Hugs}}}}}} to you @missy!
I'm hoping you can get this resolved.
Apologies for the length, but there's no short way to cover this. And let me say this upfront. You (the collective you, not just Missy) will almost never find an M.D. who is knowledgeable about the various things contained in this post, and especially one who is comfortable recommending them. They are not really trained about such things. Therefore, they don't know much if anything about them, therefore they will not recommend them and will most likely highly discourage them. (though some ARE starting to wake up from what they've been taught) When it comes to natural supplements/alternative meds, you are basically on your own within the medical profession. You have to be comfortable being your own doctor/researcher/advocate so to speak. That's really sad (tragic and criminal really), but it's the truth. And I have heard many doctors attest to the fact that they get no real nutritional education in medical school (I've actually heard 8 hours (out of 8-12 years!!)). Those who have, have had to get it on their own. We are all pretty much on our own...So, if you are a person who only believes what your doctor tells you, and only does/takes what your doctor tells you to, this post is not really for you. If you are someone who has been brought up to rely on their physician to fix them, and yet they aren't really doing that, and you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you are willing to look outside of the "medical box", this post IS for you.

Let me say this. I do not endorse every single doctor or protocol. You need to judge for yourself. But please, use common sense. It really can be a lot easier to decide on some things instead of getting caught up in a bunch of minutia.
Lastly, if you can come to understand that food IS medicine, you will be way ahead of the game in helping yourself get better/heal. Our bodies were made to run on food and all the ingredients in them. Not on meds. That does not mean there is no place at all for meds, that's NOT what I'm saying. But for day to day healthy living, you need healthy foods. And the more of those you eat (plus some supplements), and the less junk food you eat, the less meds you will need, and the healthier you will be. Almost all, if not all diseases, are from a nutritional imbalance, in many peoples opinions. These include MD's, not just holistic doctors. And from all I've read, seen, and experienced, I wholeheartedly agree. It makes sense. Again, use your common sense. Which isn't so common as Gary Halloway loves to say, and it's true.
However, getting a hold of healthy food isn't as easy as it used to be. It's covered in pesticides/fertilizers/fungicides, and the soil is really depleted of nutrients. If the soil is depleted, the plant can't draw what it needs from the soil, so the food is lacking.
Here's a quote from, What Doctors Fail To Tell You About Iodine & Your Thyroid by Dr. Robert Thompson.
"Here are two of the most important conclusions of Senate Document 264 of the 74th Congress, 2nd Session, 1936:
1."... 99 percent of the American people are deficient in...minerals, and...a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease."
2. "Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs, and even the milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health..."
Now just think about this for a moment: Remember that the "today" mentioned by the Senate committee was 78 years ago. Our government and the medical profession knew about this problem nearly 80 years ago, but has done nothing to rectify the problem, so the problem has gotten worse!"
That's why we need supplements also. It's just not in the food.

Ok, enough of that. On to theThyroid and its issues.I too have some (though not as many now) low thyroid symptoms (lost eyebrows, weight gain/can't lose/dry eyes/memory problems/dry skin/puffy eyes/have lost my sense of self, have no initiative), but, my "numbers" are all in range, so I don't qualify for any real treatment by a medical doctor, because it's all about the numbers and not the patient, as you and others are learning. I've yet to find that rare MD who actually cares and wants to heal my body (ok, there IS one I found, but she wants 2500.00 just for the initial consultation....right). I have a few MD horror stories about trying to get help but I don't feel like reliving them, and they aren't beneficial anyway.

I have been working with a functional doc (Chiropractor with nutritional schooling) for the last couple years, and while he is extremely kind and seems fairly knowledgeable, he hasn't been able to help me personally as much as I/we would wish. What real help I have gotten, I have figured out on my own. And that is from two of the supplements Missy has mentioned, Iodine and Selenium.

About 15 or so years ago, I started having low Thyroid symptoms. Ended up having a Thyroid test done which determined I had a nodule. Saw an Endocrinologist who did a needle biopsy on me and it was inconclusive. They were thinking of doing another but I said no. They then moved away and that was that. Because I had symptoms but good numbers, no treatment. Shortly after that I met a gal who told me about natural Progesterone cream. She said it might help. I read up on it and yes it sounded good. So I tried it and it was a miracle worker. Got rid of SO many symptoms. And I stayed that way for a couple years. But then it seemed to be giving me the very symptoms it had removed, so I had to quit. (my functional guy explained why that happened but I can't remember the reason, it made sense though)

So from then to now I have just slowly, progressively, gotten worse (ESPECIALLY my memory). But I have gotten a good bit better since starting the Iodine and Selenium. Definitely not as much as I'd like, but I will take it, for now.

Without a doubt you need to read this book on Iodine. (no one should try any iodine supplementation without at least reading this book. the more research the better armed and more comfortable you will be with it) It is written by an M.D. He became a medical doctor and slowly began to be troubled, because he realized all he did was give prescriptions to his patients. He wasn't healing them, just giving them drugs that masked/controlled the symptoms. So he has gone in a much more natural/holistic direction, but still uses his medical expertise as needed. The best of both worlds, and what every doctor should be imo. He wrote it with another doctor, Guy Abraham, who passed away not too long ago. This man (Abraham) spent like the last 25 years of his life studying Iodine. I don't know of another doctor who has studied, and is more familiar with it than him. The book touches on MANY things, including autoimmune thyroid illnesses and the iodine/Selenium connection. There's so much in the book and on this topic, there's just no way to type it all. Please get the book and research on line. You will see Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Abraham quoted in many articles on line.

Here is a short history he wrote on it. Amazingly, not all that long ago iodine was used by the medical profession all the time, and was even known as the "universal medicine". Briefly, every one of our cells have a receptor for iodine, we NEED it. And some organs in particular need more. i.e. thyroid, breasts, ovaries, thymus, stomach lining to name a few) We "should" get enough in our foods, but our foods are lacking, because the soil they grow in is lacking. Plus there are some toxins we ingest on a daily basis that fight for (and usually win) those receptors.
The History of Iodine in Medicine Part I: From Discovery to Essentiality, Guy E. Abraham, M.D.

And here is a page full of findings/studies/info written by Dr. Abraham and others. A treasure trove of info!
Iodine Research: Optimox

More iodine facts/quotes.

There is a definite cancer connection to iodine deficiency This is the Dr./author of the book I linked earlier. 2 1/2 minute video.

So, how did the iodine help me? At the point right before I started taking it, I literally thought I was going to have to be put away. My memory was not just bad, it was frightening. I was writing on post it notes all the time to remind me of things, and it seriously got to the point where I almost wanted to write a post it note to remind me to read the other post it notes. It was insane. One of the worst days was when I was working at a facility where I had to go through two sets of automatic doors. The first set just had a sensor to open, but I had to press a code to open the second. I not only forgot what the code was, I forgot I had to TYPE IN the code. And not only that, I did it TWICE in the same day. :/ That was the worst by far. I knew I had to do something, but I really never considered going to a dr. because of all my negative experiences with them. I have no faith....And I am SO glad I didn't, because I inadvertently proved to myself that all I needed was some iodine. Well, at least mostly needed. The jury is still out, deliberating.

I had done research on low thyroid and had come across iodine info before, but had not considered it. Now I was. I talked to my functional guy about it and he agreed it was worth a try. So he put me on a brand he uses, Standard Process. They have been around since the early part of the 1900's I believe. It's called Prolamine Iodine (actually Iodine and Iodide, which is the necessary combo), and it comes in 3 mg tablets. I started out taking one a day. (since I react easily to some things I always start slow) Did that for a few days and upped it to 2. That's when I knew I was on to something. My body started to "buzz" for lack of a better word. It was like when I started taking the natural progesterone cream. My body just felt like I had been plugged in and I was alive! It is such a good feeling, like all your wires are connecting again. That day I was up at 9 PM making a new salad dressing recipe. Unheard of. Before that, I would have been in bed by 7 or 7:30, asleep. I was tired, I had no energy. I was weak. If I bent down to get something out of a lower cabinet, I would use the counter to help pull myself up because my leg muscles were so weak. I also suffered from constipation (sorry!). My numbers were all within normal, except my TSH, which was literally on the low border line, finally falling out of range another 10 points before I started the iodine. ALL those problems are gone now, simply because of the Iodine (and Selenium).

I went all the way up to 21 mg's of Iodine a day for several months, and then did an Iodine loading test to see if my body was saturated. (at 100% saturation, you just pee the excess out) So I sent off for a test and did it and was at full saturation. (You just collect your pee for 24-48 hours, depending on if you fill the first container up before you are done and send it in. They give you everything you need) So I backed off to 9 mg's a day, and seemed to be doing ok. But my mind is slipping again slightly, so overall I think I need a bigger maintenance dose but am still in the experimentation stage as to what that is. It could also be that I am drinking coffee again. When I quit for 5 months and then started drinking random cups, I definitely noticed it affects my memory. :/ But I can tell you this. I will NEVER stop taking Iodine. It has proven itself invaluable to my body, and I know my body needs it. So we are friends for life. Thankfully, it's not that expensive. And there are other brands as well, which you will find in researching and books. Dr. Brownstein recommends Lugol's I believe. (named after the French doctor. who discovered that potassium iodide added to water increased the solubility of iodide) Seaweed is not really advised as much now for an iodine source since Fukushima.

In searching on line, you will read commentaries saying iodine is poison, don't take it, or you don't need much, it's in salt and that's enough (table salt IS poison btw, read up! eat sea salt, with all the minerals we need that get stripped from table salt, plus it's bleached) etc., etc. This is from people who are motivated to say such things for a variety of reasons. In the end, use your head (that common sense thing again). It's in food, though not like it used to be, so it's not poison. Per Dr. Brownstein, "Iodine is an essential ingredient in all of the Thyroid hormones. Without sufficient (I would assume each person varies in "sufficiency') iodine supply, the Thyroid gland is unable to make Thyroid hormones in adequate amounts." We need it, there is no question.

After being on the Iodine for a while, I knew I had a lot of energy, and I could stay up longer at night. However, when I laid down at night in my bed to watch some TV, within 15-30 minutes I would be asleep. It wasn't normal, didn't matter what time it was. So I literally couldn't lay down until I was fine with going to sleep. I had been eating a few Brazil nuts every day which contain Selenium (which is definitely needed to support the Thyroid), but knowing how depleted our soils are, I researched and found a study indicating there was a very wide variance in how much Selenium a nut contains. So I spoke with my guy and he suggested taking NOW brand Selenium, 200 mcg, 2 a day. So I did and the difference was amazing. No more falling asleep the minute I laid down. I can stay up as late or as little as I want now. That's the only real difference I literally notice, though I'm sure there may be things going on inside. But this one thing was a game changer! However, one word of caution. At 2 pills a day, my cholesterol and triglyceride levels all went up (and good cholesterol went down), not so good. So I backed down to 1 a day and the numbers, while not going back to exactly where they were, are within acceptable levels. Just goes to show how powerful natural ingredients can be!

A couple historical facts. Iodine used to be added to bread dough and flour as a leavening agent. Someone decided to change that up and switch it out for bromide (toxin). Our water system used to have iodine added to purify it. Then someone decided to switch it out for chlorine and fluoride (toxins). Chloride and bromide and fluoride are all halogens as is iodine. They fight for the iodine receptors and if in great enough quantity, take over, because they "seem" like iodine so the iodine receptor accepts it. Which then puts you and me at an iodine deficiency. Dr Brownstein regularly tests people now as new patients and it is a staggering amount that come back with low to no level in some cases. Over 90%.

This is just one of many articles that explains a bit about how iodine works to detox. It quotes Dr. Brownstein talking about iodine detoxing mercury among other metals.

3 Ways Iodine Can Help You Detox

Something to think about. Unless you live in a community that does not fluoridate the water, you not only drink the fluoride, you bathe in it. The skin is the largest organ you have. And it absorbs whatever is put on it. So they make shower filters. As far as filters go, I have read conflicting reports on which is best. Reverse osmosis is mentioned a lot. But some don't like that idea because it removes all the minerals, which we need. But, you can add sea salt to your water and replenish the minerals. Some say certain types of charcoal filters are best. I have not decided what to get yet, and am buying filtered water from the store.

Here is another lengthy article on Iodine I found helpful.

Here is an article from a very informative website called Stop The Thyroid Madness. This site has TONS of info, and the article I linked is on how to find doctors near you who are open to things other than the "norm". Like Iodine/natural ingredients, non invasive techniques. etc. I highly encourage you to research it at great length.

Here's one of many articles to be found on detoxing symptoms.

A really interesting time line on Thyroid history of the Fluoride/Iodine Antagonism.

Also, another interesting little factoid on fluoride. Think about this.
Fluoride Was Once Prescribed as an Anti-Thyroid Drug

When people think of fluoride being prescribed for medicinal purposes, they generally think of fluoride supplementation to reduce tooth decay. Fluoride, however, has also been prescribed as a drug to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. Up through the 1950s, doctors in Europe and South America prescribed fluoride to reduce thyroid function in patients with over-active thyroids (hyperthyroidism). (Merck Index 1968). Doctors selected fluoride as a thyroid suppressant based on findings linking fluoride to goitre, and, as predicted, fluoride therapy did reduce thyroid activity in the treated patients. (McClaren 1969; Galletti 1958; May 1937). Moreover, according to clinical research, the fluoride dose capable of reducing thyroid function was notably low — just 2 to 5 mg per day over several months. (Galletti & Joyet 1958). This dose is well within the range (1.6 to 6.6 mg/day) of what individuals living in fluoridated communities are now estimated to receive on a regular basis. (DHHS 1991).

Fluoride Action Network | Thyroid
(this is just one of many articles that state this)

Cookware is something else to look at. No one should cook with Aluminum, ever. We end up eating that. :/ I quit using Aluminum ware and have cut my levels in half, still need to figure out where the rest is coming from..... Non stick is not healthy either. Stainless steel, enamel, cast iron, soap stone are better options.

Something else I just learned last week is that weight training can affect (in a good way) our hormones, which in turn is always good for your Thyroid among other things.. I was doing research on WT as my boys have been telling me for 2 years that that's what I needed to do to finally beat these 20 lbs. I've been fighting for 8 years. So I am hiring a trainer. But in do research on line, I came across this article on how hormones are affected by WT. So psyched, praying it helps. It helped the Chiropractor gal in the interview.

One more thing that helps not only detoxing heavy metals, but provides a myriad of benefits is MSM (organic sulfur). I am taking this and it definitely helps my achy back in the morning. Within minutes it's pain free. I have an arthritic finger that used to "lock up" a lot, doesn't do that anymore. Also helps my complexion a lot, and my nails grow way faster.. These are what I can see, but I'm sure it's doing other good things as well. I take this brand.

A community site for people to help each other.

There is so much more I could post, but I have given a good bit to get anyone who wishes, to get started.No one supplement is the answer to all our problems. We are being bombarded by toxins all day long, it's an uphill battle. But I do believe iodine is a KEY player in getting your health back

In closing, I can't stress enough how individual we all are. What will work for one, may not for another. Or not the same amount as someone else, or with the same combo of things.I have seen this over and over again, not only in researching, but with myself. So never write anything off because it may not have helped the majority. You simply can't go by that. Each of us is unique, and so will our health journey be!

I pray this helps you Missy, and others have come to this thread for help.
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@Ellen you are such a dear for compiling all this! Thank you! I am sorry I have been so delinquent in responding to you and I apologize. Not an excuse but crazy busy these past 2 weeks but want you to know 1. I so appreciate this and 2. Will be replying as soon as I can to all the correspondence. Oh and I got that book delivered finally lol. It took over a week to be delivered I think but I have lost all track of time lately. So a BIG thank you. (((Hugs))).
You're most welcome Missy. ;)